
The Midnight Prince

After fierce battle battle with a magical girl also known as Ozwiz, Haise gave up his ring to his sister and die somewhere in a peaceful place to where the waves of the ocean swayed the rock. As one of the chosen who received the light of knowledge, known as nilucis, Haise woke-up in a place that could be described as ruined. Red sky and devastated civilization that could only be seen. Only a giant glowing white tree from afar and a red gate, near at him, remain stood. Therein, he met a ghastly woman that claim to be a fragment of his nilucis. What will happen to Haise now? And what kind of fate and difficulties he has to face?

Guenhartz · Fantasy
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5 Chs

Chapter 2: The beginning

As the waves of the ocean moves and swayed the rocks as it is, Haise slowly opened his eyes and was dazzling by the light of the sun.



Haise sat up and held his head. He felt something wanted to leave in his stomach, causing him to vomit... blood, yes it's really blood! He was sweating cold and felt a little weary.

'I'm...alive?! Is it just a dream? No, probably another illumination?' Haise thought as he remembered his fight with his sister and the curse that was slowly killing him.

Illumination was something occurred to him when the light of knowledge which is the nilucis triggered by his determination. This happened to him before when the vampires, one of the curse mages or noblesse, attempted to kidnaped him, under the ordered of the vampire princess, one of the flowers of Orfeo. Orfeo is an isolated place where vampire resides.

However... this illumination that just occurred to him, is different and felt real. At least that's what he thought.

Haise stood up and walked towards the verge of the cliff. He closed his eyes and feel the grasp of the wind... Then he opened his eyes and leaped.

Haise wanted to test his body and dashed in the air, and in the air a shapeless barrier like a ripple automatically formed and step onto those. This is one the unique ability of Haise's nilucis. With the ability to cast barrier and reshape it to any object he wanted, the nilucis acknowledge this skill. So basically and technically, Haise made this skill. What a genius, right?

Haise continue to travel, and as he does, he noticed his fatigue faded for every twenty seconds.

He leaped and dashed and leaped and dashed again, until he finally arrived to some rural town of the Redsun country. A place where he actually reside and was raised.

People here lives in the modern civilization. Huge posters of some idols could be seen around. Huge facilities and huge memorial statues of some hero or brave stoop solemnly in its respective places. Cars and motorcycle as usual ran and Beeb around.

Haise, who's still wearing his long black hoodie coat, walked around the place and seems didn't know where he should go. Yes, this place is new to him.

"Woah! Who's that?"



Haise was also becoming uncomfortable to the gaze of the people around him. They were gazing at him which made him felt that way.

When he saw his reflection onto the glass wall, he noticed a few changes to his body. His eyes that was usually bluish-white due to his previous evolution cause by his nilucis, are now bright gold and filled with vigor that somehow resembling the cat's irises. His height doesn't really change though and still average, but his nails are now dark red and little sharper than before, but it's not that long. His skin also became cream-tone that blushes a little and no traces of scars from his battles and harsh experience in life or any calluses could be seen. He also had half growth (vampire) fangs that he ignored awhile ago and just noticed now.

Haise decided to cover his eyes with bangs, since his jet-black hair a long enough to do so.

He continue to wandered around, until... he encountered a group of teenage guys from afar. There were cornering two teenage girls and one teenage boy that seems to be friends with the girls. The guys bring them to some seemingly abandoned building. Classic indeed!

Haise decided to follow them and waited patiently.

"No, please don't hurt him!"

A crying pretty teenage girl who have long beautiful hair that reaches her waist begged. Let call her for now, "Girl A."

Haise finally got in the building, with magical ability to cast and reshape he could step onto, he lurks above and saw the boy with the girls was beaten and being tied at pillar, and three teenage guys that appears to be punks.

Haise waited patiently there, until the guy who seems to be their leader began sexually harrass the Girl A.

"No, don't touch her!"

The girl that appears to be pretty too, shouted. She has a slender body and bob haircut. This one, let's call her, "Girl B."

"You, bastards!!"

And the boy who was being tied, let's call him "Beaten Boy."


The guys just laughed at him and seems to be enjoying his pathetic state.

Haise leaped and landed onto the floor that made dust fogs appear.

"Who's that?"

The punk guys heard something noise and and shouted: "Who's that?!"

When they were about to stood up...

"Don't move."

Words from Haise froze them, they felt the fear they didn't felt before.

They saw Haise walked towards them at his relaxing pace, carrying a baseball bat on his left shoulder. And of course, he's left handed!

"Wh-who are you?"

The punk guys' leader stuttered as he stubbornly asked. Let's call this guy here, "punk leader."

Haise ignored him just like wind and approached him. He took the his phone from his pocket and asked: "What's the pincode?"

The punk leader has a bitter look on his face.

"What's the pincode? Tell me." Haise asked again.

"It's 6969." The punk leader spoke in mechanical tone. Soon... "Huh?" He went back to his senses and was confused.

His friends didn't seems to noticed since they were feeling the terrifying pressure from Haise. They couldn't move their body too.

"Here?" Haise went to the gallery and asked for another pincode.

"It's 9696." The punk leader spoke again in his mechanical tone. Soon he went back to his senses and was confused again. 'Who the fuck is this guy?" He inwardly asked.

Haise smile and saw some several nude photos of Girl A. "I see."

"Do you know, blackmailing someone is a crime? Specially for these kind of cases?" Haise unexpectedly digged something interesting. He looked at the Beaten Boy and the two girls. 'Did I just avoided some ntr event here? Well that's good then' He honestly felt glad.

Haise walked at least three meters away from them, and began to took pictures of them. He edited the photo enough two cover the identities of the victims.

Hey, what's the password here?

"slapmebaby, all small letters; no space."

Haise asked again and the punk leader jusk answered like an obedient robot.

'What is he planning to do?'

The punk leader get what Haise's planning. He was even asked by Haise with their name.

"Good. Have a taste of your medicine, mother fuckers."

A gentle smile grew on Haise's face as he looked at the punk guys.

The punk leader looked at Haise with such fear. Not only him, but also his company.

Haise did indeed upload the photos on the social media account of the punk leader itself with a caption: "We are rapist and rape is a crime. I am a perverted leader whom like to sexually harass girls."

"Look. You guys will become famous in no time." Haise chuckled with a gentle smile on his face as he show the phone to them.

The punk guys knew that their paradise would finally fall in no time.

Haise approached the punk guys.


Haise kicked and broke their legs.


He also kick their balls again and again until it could no longer help to spread their seeds.

The punk leader felt his jingle balls got smashed and beyond repair.


Haise kicked it again, not showing any emotions on his face.

If lamps cannot be disciplined by a trained dog, them simply use a trained wolf. That what Haise motto as he promise to himself to no tolerate these kind of acts. Since freedom is his greatest principle, he perceived this as "taken someone's freedom."

The three victims were trembling in fear and was in silence.

Haise looked as at them and said in an apologetic tone: "Oh, I'm sorry about that. I guess you're not use to seeing something like this."

He untied the Beaten Boy and gave the punk leader's phone to the Girl A. "Here, I already deleted all the photos so no need to worry about these guys. Also report them to the guards. These kind of people shouldn't be tolerated." He's indeed brutal.

The three, though traces of fear could still be seen in their eyes, looked to the glamorous teenage boy's back who save them. And a new light spark in their heart.