
The Midnight Prince

After fierce battle battle with a magical girl also known as Ozwiz, Haise gave up his ring to his sister and die somewhere in a peaceful place to where the waves of the ocean swayed the rock. As one of the chosen who received the light of knowledge, known as nilucis, Haise woke-up in a place that could be described as ruined. Red sky and devastated civilization that could only be seen. Only a giant glowing white tree from afar and a red gate, near at him, remain stood. Therein, he met a ghastly woman that claim to be a fragment of his nilucis. What will happen to Haise now? And what kind of fate and difficulties he has to face?

Guenhartz · Fantasy
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5 Chs

Chapter 4: Meal

'Where are we going?'

Haise walking along side with the glamorous woman he just saved from the grasp of lycans.

The woman was indeed a beauty, she has a long blonde hair that reaches her waist, wears a gothic red dress with black frills that covers her voluptuous body, and she gave vibes of a noble woman that Haise felt from her.



Haise didn't care about that. 'I want to eat.' He really was starving and felt weak.

The woman giggled when she heard Haise's stomach growling.

"We're almos— Ugh!" The woman was about to say something, suddenly, she felt dizzy and a surge of pain wrapping around her body.

"A-are you okay?!" Haise asked worriedly as he catches her when she's about to collapse.

"Y-yeah— Ugh!" The woman felt the pain again, she felt like she was being suffocated and crushed.

Haise activate his special vision and saw the strange glow wrapping her like a snake. 'It's really cursed spell?' He already noticed it, but chose to ignore with a thought it's just a minor curse spell... But he wrong.

"Ugh!!" The woman was sweating in pain and felt like she was being choke.

Haise looked around and lifted the woman like a princess. He leaped and dashed and find for a place where he could treat her. There, on the rooftop of a certain building he put the woman down gently.

'What should I do?' He really didn't know what to do for he was unfamiliar with the curse.


'Oh yeah.'

Haise activated new unique skills after his illumination with Vamirha.

"Forgive me for this, milady. Guess I have no choice." With just that, Haise close his eyes and his fangs grow sharp. He lift the woman gently and bit the her neck. He really seems to know what his doing.

Haise began to concentrate carefully and sucked the whatever curse was cast on the woman.

With Vamhira's traits, Haise was able to suck the curse, he could also suck her mana if he wanted to.

The woman widened her eyes as she felt Haise's fangs pierced into her neck. Slowly, she began to felt well and soon...

"Ugh..." Pleasure... Pleasure! She felt it. The pleasure she didn't felt before... Soon her eyes glow red.


She sniff Haise's scent and for some reason, she was aroused.

As Haise was sucking the curse and tasted the taste of the woman's blood and mana, he felt a little uncomfortable to the woman's behavior. He decided to just ignored it and concentrate on sucking the curse.


When he was done and about to stand, the woman, who was blushing crazy, pushed Haise down on the ground and smothered him.

"Ouch!" Haise really felt his back crashed on the floor. He looked at the woman that seems— no, rather, that appears to be aroused.

'What's with this woman.' He wondered. He also noticed the woman's unshakable strength.

Haise still felt weak. Actually, he was still weak and didn't fully grasp if how his new magical powers works yet.

The woman sniffed him as if she was familiarizing his scent.

"Hey! Let...go of me!" Haise was really struggling on pushing her away. The woman was just too strong for him.

The woman licked Haise's neck.

"He—hey! What's wrong with you?!" Haise really didn't like the woman's behavior.


The woman finally bit the Haise's neck, and the moment she tasted Haise's blood...

'Delicious!' A heavenly taste she never tasted before entered in her mouth and pleasure spread throughout her body like she was being electrified.

"Hey! Let. Go.Of. Me!" Haise keep pushing the woman away, but the woman just keep tighten her embrace.

"I said let — go - of me!" With all his might and with the help of his adrenaline (maybe), Haise kicked and managed to sent her at least four meters away from him.

"Damn you... That's hurts, you know!" Haise stood up, holding his bleeding neck. Soon, the blood and the wounds from the fangs of the woman healed as if the time was rewind. Then, he's good as new.

"Huh?" Haise patted his neck in curiosity as he noticed and witness if how he wounds heals. Not even a single drop of his blood could be found in his clothes. '... Interesting.' This was really the first time he experienced it, but what he really wondered above that: 'Does this have at least... a limit?'

"!" Seeing how Haise's wounds heals in a few seconds only and how odd it is, the woman widened her red glowing eyes in disbelief and astonishment. "Hey, what are you?" The woman asked in her serious tone.

"How rude of you. I was supposed to ask." Haise spoke in his annoyed tone.

The woman snapped a little in realization. "Oh! Apologize, where are my manners. Ahem." She acted like a noble and stood firmly.

Haise just glared at her. He was really annoyed. "Just forget it."

"How do you feel?"

The woman seems confused. 'Why did he care? I just did something frustrated him.' She wondered.

"I'm fine now."

"That's good. Now where's my meal?" Haise asked in his neutral tone.

The woman gave a perplex look. 'What's wrong with his head? He seems weird.'


Lanterns hang in the line and lit up the entire ramen cart. Haise was eating therein and seems to be enjoying his meal.

"Haaaaa... Finally, my stomach is full for the first time." [Haise]

"Hehehe." Watching Haise eating and his reaction made the woman giggled.

"By the way, are you really a vampire?" The woman has been itching to asked this since a while ago, and now she really couldn't help it.

"What do you mean by that?" Haise asked.

"When I tasted your blood, it doesn't taste like one of ours."

"Is that so?" Haise was confused and gave the woman a perplex look.

"You're also a very unique individual. And your power... your magical powers..."

Haise looked at the woman, but he was serious as something like she was about to hit the bullseye.

"Are you perhaps the one who defeated the lic—"

Before the woman could ever finished her sentence, Haise vanished and appeared at her back with a bari knife in his hand threatening to slit her neck.

"Who are you?" Haise asked, for he doesn't really know the woman. He was also confused.


The woman was stunned and startled, she didn't even have a chance to peek a glimpse of Haise's motion and suddenly he was already behind her before she even knew it.

"Relax, I don't plan to report you to her majesty."

The woman pushed Haise's bari knife with her index finger.

Haise calmed himself down and let a deep sigh then went back to his seat.

"How do you know about that?" Haise asked as he drank the tea.

"Six months ago, there's a boy named Haise Kazumiya who went missing after he fight an ozwiz."

Ozwiz is a magical girl.



Hearing what the woman just said, Haise spit his tea and coughed.

"Six months?!" He asked in disbelief.

"Yes Six— wait are you perhaps— no, it doesn't— huh?" The woman was unable to finish a sentence, and seems she was really confused.

'Wait, did I just dug my own grave?' Haise wondered. Well, he just give a clue to the woman about his identity.

'...This is indeed a problem. I don't wanna deal with that bastard king and that stupid prince.' Haise seems to be stress just by thinking about it.

"Please, don't worry. Like I said I won't report you to her majesty." The woman said in her worried tone.

'What's up with her tone?' Haise wondered. She was also touching his forearm with such concern.

"Yeah yeah, I believe you." Haise moved his hand away from the woman's hands as he felt uncomfortable to the woman's behavior towards him.

The woman felt sad to how Haise treated her.

By the way, the ramen chef here is a boyish woman. She wears a black ramen chef in Japanese style that covers her slender body, has short spiky white hair, a honey; cool undertone skin and bright green eye on the left and bright blue eye on right.

She just keep watching his two costumer and was already aware the existence of the woman. However, she found Haise to be extremely mysterious.

Seeing the woman's sad look, Haise couldn't help, but sigh. "If who I am to you, I'll leave that to your imagination."

The woman snapped and looked at Haise in a little delight in her... heart? Why?

Well, Haise didn't stress his brain on that matter anymore. He just think, it was probably because of his blood to why this woman suddenly became attached to him.

"... Please spare me." Haise lift his hands up.

The woman giggled seductively and gave a lovely gaze to Haise.

The ramen woman just keep her eyes on them.

"By the way, what's your plan now?" The woman asked.

Haise looked at her and said: "Why should I tell you?"

"Common, maybe I can be a help." [The woman]

"Is that so." [Haise]

A moment of silence fell on them and soon... Haise sighed and said: "...Polarnia."

The ramen woman and the woman he save snapped.


This time it's the ramen woman spoke.

Haise looked at the ramen woman. He was already aware of the woman's true existence the moment looked at her with his special vision.

The woman he save also looked at her in annoyance. It was an expression of WHY ARE YOU LISTENING TO US? Well, she couldn't help it, you know?

"Wait, do you know about that place?" Haise asked curiously.

"I originally came there." The ramen woman answered.


Haise and the woman beside him snapped.

"Wait, before that. How did you know about that place?" The ramen woman asked curiously.

"He isn't that place..." The woman interrupted.

"Yes a place where souls are trapped because of certain monster. It was also the reason why I leave there."

The ramen woman had a sad looked on her face as she seems to remembered something...not good.

Haise noticed this and let a deep sigh. How many times did he sigh? He didn't even bother to wondered.

"How can I go there." Haise asked.

"Are you serious? That place is not a place where you could find peace." [The ramen woman]

"I know. But my decision won't change. I want to go there." [Haise]

Haise seems to be determined. As quiet as the woman beside him, the ramen woman looked at Haise.

'What's wrong with this kid?' She wondered.

"H-hey, are really sure?" The woman, save by Haise, asked worriedly.

"Yeah, I have no reason to stay here, anyways." Haise said, nonchalantly.

The ramen woman let a deep sigh and said: "If you really want to go there, I can help you?"


Haise stood up as he slammed both of his hands on the table of the ramen cart.

The two woman were startled.

"Oh...sorry about that." Haise chuckled awkwardly as he sat down.

"If you really to go there, I have one condition."

Haise and the woman he saved looked at the ramen woman.

"Condition?" [Haise]

"That's right." [The ramen woman]

"What is it then?" [Haise]

"Take me with you." [The ramen woman]


Haise was confused to the ramen woman's words.

The woman beside him seems didn't like what she just heard from the ramen woman.

"Hey, this boy is not yours to begin with, so don't glared at like that, vampire woman."

The ramen woman noticed the woman's sharp glared. She knew that this woman is quite attached to this boy. She was also aware of possessive and obsessive the vampires are. "...Vampires."

The woman glared at the ramen woman.

Haise felt a heavy pressure from both of them. 'What the fuck is going on?'

The ramen woman let a deep sigh. She knew something bad would happen if she provoke this vampire woman in front of her. Given the fact that this vampire woman is extremely strong.

"Here's another meal for you."

"What's this for?"

"No worries, it's on the house."

"Well thank you, then."