
The Midnight Prince

After fierce battle battle with a magical girl also known as Ozwiz, Haise gave up his ring to his sister and die somewhere in a peaceful place to where the waves of the ocean swayed the rock. As one of the chosen who received the light of knowledge, known as nilucis, Haise woke-up in a place that could be described as ruined. Red sky and devastated civilization that could only be seen. Only a giant glowing white tree from afar and a red gate, near at him, remain stood. Therein, he met a ghastly woman that claim to be a fragment of his nilucis. What will happen to Haise now? And what kind of fate and difficulties he has to face?

Guenhartz · Fantasy
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5 Chs

Chapter 1: After

Decisions could be harmful sometimes in the end. The choice that must to be chosen for a the better outcome, must illuminate to be noticeable.


A fierce battle had finally ended after the huge explosion of such... illusion.

Raindrops began to fall from the sky. Lightning splashed followed by thunderclap.

A decisive ending had been finally been fulfilled.

Therein, a black haired teenage boy, wearing a black hoodie coat, watching his sister lying on the ground.

This teenage boy here, is Haise Kazumiya, the one who made that decision and also the one who killed the deceiver hanging around his sister, Minami.

"It's finally end."

Haise looked up and let the raindrops washed his face along with his tears. Soon, he kneeled and removed the ring on his middle finger of his right hand. He took Minami's right hand ringed it on her middle finger. "It's all on you...now, sis (cough blood!) ...Take care on the long road." He coughed blood then... wearily, left his sister alone lying on the ground.

Somewhere on the cliff near at the ocean, the wounded and weary Haise arrived and crashed there. The wing, that looks made of glass and resembling an angelic wing, on the right side of his back faded and shattered like a glass. Yes he only had one wing on his back.

Haise lie down and solemnly watch the sky. The place was indeed in peace, and the waves of the ocean became... harmonious and relaxing to his ears. Haise just felt it that way, and soon... His consciousness slowly faded.


A moment of silence...

Haise woke-up in a place that could be described as ruined. Everything was devastated and only a red gate near at him and the white glowing tree from afar remained stood. The sky was also red as blood.

'Where am i?' Haise inwardly asked.

"You're finally awake."

Haise hear a deep yet harmonious voice of a woman.

Soon, a glamorous tall woman arrived and revealed herself from the red gate and fog. She had a tired and crazy look, pair of glowing golden eyes, long glowing crimson hair, and wears a tattered black and crimson gothic dress that covers her voluptuous body. Her skin was also pale.

The woman looked at Haise and soon...

"Haha... haha... hahahahahhahahahahahaha" She began to laughed crazily and unleashed such a wavering pressure. A ghastly laugh to be precise along with such wavering pressure that disturb her surroundings.

Haise was struggling to maintain his posture as he covered her face from the wind and tried to have a peek on the laughing ghastly woman. Soon it ended with a loud laughed that resonated around.

"I see, I see. You have finally arrived."

"I've been waiting for you. Longer you could ever imagine."

Blood tears began to flow down from the woman's face.

Haise was confused and didn't know what to do.

"You must be confused to why you're here." [The woman] "Honestly, I've been itching to summon you here."

"Umh... may I know to why would you like to summon me?" Haise asked politely.

"Polite as always, huh?" The woman chuckled. She approached Haise and caressed his face.

Haise just let her do what she like.

"Your nilucis, bring you here. It must be mean that you have finally passed away." [The lady]

"So I'm finally dead, huh?" Haise asked and thought he really was.

"Not exactly."

Haise was confused.

"Now answer me, jaxmith— no, Haise. What is the meaning of death to you? Why ones must experienced it for such a good rest?" The woman asked and seemingly appeared to be serious yet tired. A depressing tone could be heard in that question too.

"Good rest, huh?" Haise muttered as he remembered all of his hardships and sacrifices.

"You could say that all mortals destained to die. And...is a fact that none of us could not avoid."

"Is that so?" The woman was already aware of this.

"For the good rest... Is the end of a long journey and quest." Haise added.

"What do you mean by that?" The lady was confused.

"There are two kinds of endings in a various forms that could be sad or happy. The sad ending represents all the forms of a negative endings, and the happy ending represents all the positive endings." Haise for some reason, felt like he know this lady and felt comfortable around her as he spoke about this.

Hearing his answer and reasoning, the lady displayed a simple smile and remembered someone.

"Also these two kinds of endings are actually working together." Haise added.

"Oh?" The lady was confused again.

"In the end of human life, there's a different tears with emotions could be formed and experience."

"Just imagine how a dying man was able to save his daughter from danger."

The lady finally get what Haise's meant. "I see."

"By the way, I know it's late, but allow me to introduce myself." The woman suddenly change the topic.

"I am Vamirha, and was once worship as the bloody goddess..."

She did really introduced herself while caressing Haise's face. "I'm also part of your nilucis, Haise."

Haise's eyes widened in disbelief. "Eh?"

Nilucis is a devine system he received when he got hit by a purple meteor-light when all the unfortunate things he perceived and experienced befall onto him. This devine system is the light of knowledge that contains some strange and unfamiliar rune-like characters and countless of crest allowing him to become a jaxmith. It was almost two years ago when he was abandoned by his mother and live like this.

He was also already dying when he fought his sister due to the poison curse he received after he defeated the lich king was planning to bring the apocalypse into this world.

"I know you're confused. You don't wish to remain in this world I annihilated, are you?"

"All you have to do is to accept me, let me serve you as your blood."

"What did you mean by that?" Haise became more confused.

"Hehehe..." Vamirha, the ghastly woman, just giggled at him.

"Once we finally become one, just call my name and I will act at your will."

Haise's brain, really couldn't caught up anymore. He really didn't have any idea of what Vamirha was talking about.

"Worry not, my dear..." Soon, Vamirha's golden eyes glow brighter, and looked straight into Haise's pair of glamorous bluish-white eyes and show her two fangs.

Haise finally get what this ghastly woman meant. To become one, he must become like her and she must become him.

Who would've thought that one of the fragment of his nilucis was actually a vampire. Vampire? At least that's what he thought.

Soon, Haise felt Vamirha's fangs pierced into his neck. He felt like he was being suck and something entering inside of his body. As his consciousness became odd like he was drugged... His body began to emits crimson mana and his canines grew sharper.

Without hesitation, he bit Vamirha's neck and embraced her tightly. Soon, Vamirha's body glow brighter and slowly dissolved into glowing blood and entered Haise's mouth.


Haise, who was acting like drunk, unleashed a terrifying red aura.

His usual bluish-white eyes, slowly, became bright gold and glows crazily.

Soon, a big explosion occurred and a bright crimson light blocked everything.