
The Meme Train

Little thing I decide to write for the fun memes, don't take this way too seriously, if you wanna vote, vote then. Just don't act like an ass. Also the book isn't for anyone of a prudish nature, so yeah, if you are then this ain't your cup of tea, hell it's not even tea, it's a full cup of espresso. Oh yeah, the R-18 tag is there for gore, I don't know know how to write good smut, and I don't plan to write smut in this book any given time. ____________________________________________ Take a look at me for example: I died, that was painful. I got chosen to be entertainment for some dude that I never got to even meet. I cheesed the "golden finger" I got and made an entire world go straight to fuck all. Now I'm just casually being the madman that everyone says I am. Oh, and fuck cultivators. I don't like their kind around here. What do you get? Some random kid being a fucking lunatic that's what! Take a read if you want! You'll definitely regret it! (Disclaimer, I own nothing aside from my MC and any OCs I may cook up, the cover was from google, I just searched Thomas the Thermonuclear Bomb and I found Thomas the Thermonuclear Apocalypse, I came looking for copper and I found gold. Also this is a work of fiction, any names that are placed in here are yadda yadda yadda you know the drill, anything in here is coincidental.)

AntiLoliLewding · Anime & Comics
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325 Chs


/Frank POV/



Well then, Gong still seems a little shocked by my little declaration of war against all cultivators. (Gong, are you still here? I might as well say this, I need you to get the Sacred Ground sect masters to come and meet us all for a treaty. The best way to ensure and enforce this would most likely be a show of force that makes sure that they don't try anything funny.) I said to her as she then took a few steps back at my words. I sighed and said (What? Are you getting scare of me st this moment when I've been acting like this for a really long time already?) I said as she then shook her head.

(It isn't like that, I had no idea that you truly hated cultivators so much to attempt to enforce them to rules.) she said as I just shrugged. (Don't really need an explanation to that since you already got that from me earlier. So, are you willing to do this favor for me?) I said as I then raised my hand for a handshake. She then looked at with with worry evident in her eyes, most likely due to her thinking about what wouldn't happen if we all failed. (Like I said before Gong, I consider you a friend, and I don't plan to hurt any of your disciples, just consider this me owing you one.) I said as I then internally started to think of the consequences of this action that I'm doing.

If I owed her, this isn't gonna be a happy ending for any of us. Or is it? I mean, she's not that bad of a deal maker, plus she doesn't look like the type to try and risk things, but she still trusts me for the wrong reasons so there's that. You know what? Might as well just do it. After all, I still need to try and get into contact with the Blue Wind Empire and set up some trade deals for profits.

She then grabbed my hand and smiled with some amount of confidence in me. (Thank you for trusting me, and now I'm going to go and get some people strengthened up.) I said as I then got up and walked out of the room. (Also Council, I'm going to be bringing in fresh units for us to make full use of. They're loyal to the point of willingly making themselves into martyrs for the sake of protecting me.) I said as I then walked out and then decided to just make use of the hole that was in the wall instead. They then saw me turn back around extremely quickly and jump out of the same hole.

I then contacted the Domain and then teleported straight back into the dungeon. Now the things that have occurred in this place aren't all the interesting. All there is to this place is that I may have seen some things that aren't meant to be seen. Anyways, I then went around and saw that everyone seemed to be slightly older than before. The gods were still the same ,but everyone who was still mortal was now slightly older. It was, well, odd to see them like this. I then skipped everyone over and then reminded myself that I needed to give a certain little child a suit of nanobots. Her metal must be in pain right now, albeit it may be anomalous metal it's still metal that could corrode and any of the other shit.

I then went to Eresh and greeted her with a smooch and she then proceeded to ask me about the cold smell that was on me. (Cold smell? Wait, she gives off a cold smell?) I said as Eresh then smiled a little and asked (Ara? And who's this so called her?) she asked as I gave a confidently honest answer (She was this girl that fell in love with me that I turned down a couple minutes ago.) I said as she then squinted at me, she then sighed and pt my head before giving me a peck on my forehead. (You shouldn't be so blunt with women Franku-chan, that's not how a gentleman acts.) she said to me as I then laughed a little and hugged her.

(There's no real need for decorum when it comes to these cultivators.) I said as I then got up and went to the bathroom. Eresh wanted to follow me in until I told her that I was just going to take a bath. Now, what method should I use as a show of force? Hmm, oh yeah! That'll always work! Hehehehehe.



/Three Weeks/



Well, three weeks later and here I am doing some more stuff. I just gave the little monkey that is the little girl with the metal an entire rework to her body. Provided it hurt a little but I made sure to give her some painkillers that weren't all too strong. The suit is fucking amazing. That shit is like a mix between Generator Rex and Senator Armstrong. Like, it takes up physical trauma and resends tht bitch back faster than ever. I don't wanna try and see just how far can I take this due to the fact that I don't want to fuck anything up for her.

It can become stronger, it can make her weapons from fucking biomass, it's amazing, she wants to ride a pony since she doesn't give a shit about what I gave her, it's fine, I do this for her sake. Well, I also may have created a new army making use of the Project: Incubus prototypes and had a bunch of fighting plans, war strategies implanted into them. I also made sure that they could use a little, and I truly mean a little Profound Energy.

Now the reason as to why I didn't just leave them as voids as well is that I want to give them a little chance. It's boring if I don't. Well, they're just a front for what my real army consists of. Spoiler alert, remember the Orks? Well, I shoved a single spore into a Minecraft world and let them proliferate for multiple fucking eons. Suffice to say that they're still running great and they're even stronger then ever due to them having to fight against so fucking many dangerous things that live there.

My fucking god, it's beautiful. So I have one world full of creatures that could wipe out a world alone, and now I have an equally large world that gives me an army that could kill an entire universe. Oh boy, the Big Man shouldn't have given me this much power. It was only a matter of time til I became this good at killing people by insane means.

{Well then, the meeting is about to happen and I don't think that they want to try and bring in their worst weapons. Well, I could also make use of the TEBD for the sake of more deterrence, but nonetheless, it's still a pretty decent setup. Now then, time for the main course.} I thought as I then teleported me and all my units to the city and waited for all the other members to come over and understand just what I want them to see.



/At the meeting/



Gong Yuxian was sitting in her seat waiting for the other Sacred Ground members to come and talk with Frank, albeit it's already been a few minutes since the start of the meeting and they haven't showed up yet. She was slightly scared about what Frank would do to them once he learned that they weren't there.

That is, until she felt a pat on her shoulder. She spun around and then saw that Frank was right behind her with strange people wearing odd masks. (They haven't come yet haven't they?) he said to her as she then noticed that he wasn't wearing his mask yet. (No, they haven't. They have no sense of shame when it comes to treating the mort-) she tried to speak until Frank shushed her. (If they don't come in the next twenty minutes, I am going to glass all of their lands and impale all of their people on spikes.) he said as he then took his seat and waited with his hand folded and his back hunched over.

Gong had never seen Frank act so cold and cruel, but she has seen other cultivators do such things as well. She cleared her throat to try and speak until she then noticed that there was someone with an angry expression on their face. (Sword Region?) Frank asked as Gong was shocked to see that he was casually speaking to the leader of one of the greatest sects that protect the continent.

The leader then harrumphed and tried to speak only to notice the gaze of the man right in front of him. (Sword Region is spared. You are currently the first of the major sects to not try and royally piss me off, good job. You might want to work on your walking speed though, I like to be concise and on time, life's a lot better when people aren't trying to kill each other for stupid reasons.) Frank said as the sect master was confused that a mortal man had such mettle to try and speak to him that way.

(Is that is young one? Then maybe if you kowtow to me I'll think ab-) right as he was speaking the man then snapped his fingers and he was soon restrained. (And now I think I want to dissect you and experiment with you for insulting me. Do you want to know what happens when you remove a human's eyeballs and replace them with the eyes of a lemur?) the man spoke as he then stood up and walked towards the leader of the Sword Region.

(If there's one thing that I care more than my pride, it's transparency. So let me do you all a bit favor and bring you all up to speed with what I plan to do with your sect if you try and pull shit again. I am going to kill all of your cultivators, experiment with some of them as well. Hell, I might even go so far as to glass your entire land after stripping it of every single resource that it has. Give me one reason, and I mean a proper reason, as to why I shouldn't kill you and all the other Major Sect leaders?) Frank said as Gong was sitting in her chair with fear as she had never seen this side of Frank before.

The sect leader didn't know what to say, the people holding onto him were all at least Earth Profound, and yet they haven't even made use of the energy within their veins. He then tried to see how much was the cultivation of the man in front of him but he was soon shocked to see that he didn't even have a single mote of energy within him. And yet he can't help but shiver at the threats. He then opened his mouth to speak out the words (Forgive me, I was unable to see Mt. T-) and as he was about to finish the words, the man in front of him grabbed his neck and lifted him up to the air.

And when he spoke, everyone in the city heard him. (STOP TALKING ABOUT A MOUNTAIN THAT DOESN'T EVEN FUCKING EXIST IN THIS WORLD. YOU HAVEN'T EVEN NAMED ONE WITH THAT NAME. YOU DON'T SEE IT BECAUSE IT DOESN'T EXIST, YOU SIMPLY BLIND YOURSELF.) he shouted straight into his ear as he then tore off the limb of the sect leader. A bottle with a red liquid then appeared within the man's hand, as he then grabbed the sect leader's removed limb and told the leader to hold it back in place as he then smashed the potion and it's glass shards back into the raw meat.

The sect leader winced from the pain that was having his arm placed back. (Are you okay now? Have you gotten that worthless show of "face" out of your system? Because I'm pretty goddamn tired of hearing you all talk. Plus, we have a treaty to sign right?) Frank said as he then dusted the man and placed him into the chair and waited for the other sect leaders to come.

2093 words. Man, I was feeling pretty bummed out from writing this. Anyways and as always, I'll see you guys, on the dark side of the moon! Peace out everybody! Goodbye~

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