
The Meme Train

Little thing I decide to write for the fun memes, don't take this way too seriously, if you wanna vote, vote then. Just don't act like an ass. Also the book isn't for anyone of a prudish nature, so yeah, if you are then this ain't your cup of tea, hell it's not even tea, it's a full cup of espresso. Oh yeah, the R-18 tag is there for gore, I don't know know how to write good smut, and I don't plan to write smut in this book any given time. ____________________________________________ Take a look at me for example: I died, that was painful. I got chosen to be entertainment for some dude that I never got to even meet. I cheesed the "golden finger" I got and made an entire world go straight to fuck all. Now I'm just casually being the madman that everyone says I am. Oh, and fuck cultivators. I don't like their kind around here. What do you get? Some random kid being a fucking lunatic that's what! Take a read if you want! You'll definitely regret it! (Disclaimer, I own nothing aside from my MC and any OCs I may cook up, the cover was from google, I just searched Thomas the Thermonuclear Bomb and I found Thomas the Thermonuclear Apocalypse, I came looking for copper and I found gold. Also this is a work of fiction, any names that are placed in here are yadda yadda yadda you know the drill, anything in here is coincidental.)

AntiLoliLewding · Anime & Comics
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325 Chs


/Frank POV/



Well then, things aren't as bad as I honestly thought, the other sect masters came in and they just saw the Sword Region guy meekly sitting on his chair. Now they came in and then they asked Gong the reason as to why they should have come in. And then, she said that I was the one who asked her to do so.

Let me give you all a little summary of what exactly was it that they said to me:

(Hmmph, such preposterousness should be punished immediately!) one of the idiots said as I then sighed stood up, grabbed my Rebellion, and quickly dashed with FTL levels of speed. The very millisecond that they noticed that I was gone, I already cut off all the hair on the guy, leaving little patches here and there since I wanted him to look fugly.

(I would suggest, that all of you should and will calm down first. I would like to discuss something with all of you. As a leader to my own people, I have a proposition for everyone here.) I said to them as they just noticed that the other sect master was already bald as shit. They didn't even see what happened so they had eyes of fear when they looked at me. (I did say to the first guy not to be an asshat about anything.) I said as I then pulled out a bottle of root beer and drank a little bit of it.

The fizz on this bitch is amazing, holy shit. (*clears throat* That's some good root beer, alrighty then, will we still need decorum for this, or do you all want this to degenerate into fisticuffs for no good reason, because I'm standing here willing to do both at this very fucking moment you five.) I said to them as I then removed my mask and showed them an extremely mundane face. The only issue about the face on me is that my face isn't Eastern like theirs, it's a lot more Western looking.

They were shocked to see a face like mine and then they stood up and started calling me a demon or a devil for logical reason. (Hey hey hey, that's a big racist there ain't it? I'm not a demon, hell I literally killed their kind for fucking eons, what are you on about? I'm a human you idiots, I just have some of their powers and weapons.) I said as I then pulled out the Force Edge once again and they started to look at it with greed.

(Let me tell you the story of who owned and crafted his sword. Once upon a time, there was this demon god, and he had a right hand demon as well. He wanted to conquer the mortal realms and made use of a bunch of shit and even a gateway straight from hell.) I said until I was rudely interrupted by Gong. (But Frank, why would the Netherworlds want to try and take over the mortal realms?) she said as I smiled. (Oh you sweet summer children, the netherworlds is a weak little pocket dimension disconnected from the big boys because they can't handle the real demons.) I said to her as she and all the other sect master looked at me in sheer horror.

(Preposterous!) one of the sect masters, who this time was a woman, said as she then looked at me. (Why should we believe anything you say?) she sneered at me as I looked at her like an idiot.c(That's for you to decide dipshit. I'm just telling it's origins, why do you think I need to lie to a bunch of kids who can't help but jerk off to a crumpled piece of paper with unfinished writing about a technique that hasn't even been tested?) I said to them as they were confused about what I was talking about. I then facepalmed and said (Those random techniques you just find nilly willy all over the place. Like fuck, why would you consume decade old pills that could most possibly be expired? And why would you even desecrate an old dude's grave cave? I don't see the fucking point in having your thought process. AND WHAT'S WITH NAMING JUST ABOUT ANYTHING WITH FIVE FUCKING ADJECTIVES?! THAT'S TOO FUCKING MANY‽) I ranted extremely hard at them until I started to shout at them.

I calmed myself down as I took deep breaths only to see them looking like guilty children. (*sighs harder* Look I'm not that mad at you guys, it's just that, all of you cultivators are just, let's be honest here, you're all stupid assholes. I don't want to bring you guys a present known as glassing, and I for sure as hell don't want this world to get destroyed because some stupid little shit thought that a girl looked at him. I want to ensure, that the normal people are MORE educated than any of you idiots.) I said to them as Gong stood up and said (But we are educated!) she said as I shot back at her (Educated in knowing how to enjoy the pain and discomfort of sitting on a cold piece of rock for multiple years at a time. I am very sure that a majority of the cultivators that exist in this world are slightly masochistic, and that's me being generous about it.) I said to them as the women then blushed and the men coughed a little.

(Don't act like you haven't moaned at least once when you broke a bottleneck that hurt. You fucking weirdoes.) I looked at them with judging eyes as they then looked off to the side. (Look, I'm gonna be straight with all of you here. I hate you guys, all of you, aside from Gong, since she consists of the few people in this world that I can tolerate. The rest of you? I cannot give a single, flying, fuck if any of you died. But when the normal people are the ones getting affected, I'm the one who's gonna step in. Look at my city, it's so fucking beautiful and you know who built this place? Normal people, or as all of you call them, the mortals.) I said to them as I sat back down on my chair.

(I want you to sign this treaty, all of you here. You'll enforce the rules of non-engagement to any and all clans and minor sects that are in this continent. I have had enough of the political shi storm that is this continent. I don't want to hear a single word of dissatisfaction from any of them. If they are, I'll take all of their cultivation base and use it as a source of energy it create suicide troopers, which will also consist of the worst cultivators) I said as they were curious about what the meaning of "worst" was supposed to be in this situation.

(Oh, you're wondering what I meant by worst?) I said as they then shook their heads trying to get out of the situation. (Oh don't worry about that little bit. That's just for me to know. But let me give you all a very good clue as to who falls into that line.) I said as I then came near the Sword Region guy's ear and whispered into it who I considered the worst. (And for the punishment, I'm going to fill them up with so many psychoactive drugs and painkillers, expose them to cognitohazards that would break their wills, cryo freeze them for as long as I could, and then strap an explosive to them and let them kill anything I send them to kill.) I said to all of them as they were looking at me with pale faces of horror.

(I learned the hard way that choosing violence is the easiest answer at first, then it gets difficult in the middle, and finally it smooths over at the end.) I said as I then looked at them all with one last warning (Let me give you all this little demonstration of what I will do to all of you cultivators if you so make a peep against the changes that are about to come to this continent.) I said as I then had a couple guys wheel in a tv for them to look at. (Thank you gentlemen, I'll be taking it from here.) I said to the mortal men as they tip their caps at me and left the area. (This is currently a couple hundred kilometers above the target that is shown here.) I said as the five sect masters then came closer as they all saw what I was aiming for.

(The person making this little bombing run is a cultivator that's been threatened with extreme means. And I can assure you all, they're not related to any of your sects. In fact, I plan to make sure that this man dies after he completes the run.) I said to them all as the five sect masters were starting to get a feel for what exactly was it that I would do to them if they disobey me. (I believe you call this land, the Divine Phoenix Empire or something? With a sect that backs said empire? The same sect that I plan to remove entirely eventually.) I spoke to them as they then bore witness nuking their capital city killing just about anyone.

I sighed as I then gave my thoughts on the matter. (It's such a shame that the normal people of the empire decided to stay loyal, I would have loved to teach them other things could exist without the need of cultivators, but they're too far gone.) I said as I shook my head. I let the screen zoom into one of the cultivators running towards his family that was already having their skin melt off from the radiation. (Now that right there, is the power of the most primordial force that this everyone and everything is made up of.) I said as they looked at me with fear in their eyes. (Matter itself, the greatest protector, and the greatest destroyer, how fucking poetic.) I said with a smile on my face.

I could tell that they were scared of me. {This man is smiling so gently while he condemned an entire capital of an empire to death! What's wrong with him?!} I could tell that they were thinking along those lines. (Well, you just watched sour the very land that was supposed to hold the greatest empire on this continent. Don't expect mercy after I'm done with them, I'll kill all of you, if you so much as make me slightly annoyed.) I said as I then turned off the screen and saw the men wheel the screen away from the table.

(Now then, are you going to sign that treaty and be good little cattle? Or do you wanna make a gamble that your strength is good enough to try and struggle against my weapons, because I can say with certainty that me and everyone in this city wants a little bloodshed from you guys.) I said to them as they all looked at the paper in front of them. (I-I believe that I speak for all of us here, that we will be signing this treaty Frank.) Gong said as I smiled at her (Now that's what a good friend would do. Now then, how about the rest of you? Make peace and stop talking all the time about honor, or would you prefer that I desecrate YOUR corpses by sticking them all on pikes after I mutilate your genitalias.) I said to them as they stared at the treaty.

One by one they started to sign it, and I have to say, this is always the fun option to make use of. (Very very good children! You've made the right choice, and now I'll be having you guys come along with your gifts, except for you Gong, you can go and stay in one of the guest rooms. O-4 will bring you there.) I said as O-4 was already behind Gong and told her that where she was going to.

The other sect masters looked at her with surprise before they soon understood that they were "betrayed" by her. (Now then, I'd like to receive all of your gifts now.) I said to them as they were confused.(Did you really think I was going to give you something? I want things from you.) I was extremely straightforward with all of them, and I placed both my hands on the table (So, wadda ya have to offer a normal man like me?) I said as they all looked worried.

2140 words. Wow, well then everyone, I really wanted to just do some stuff. Honestly the only reason why Frank came to this world is because of the issue that's called "cultivators existing", next chapter is a little bit helping Eri with her Quirk. Anyways and as always, I'll see you guys, on the dark side of the moon! Peace out everybody! Goodbye~

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