
The Meme Train

Little thing I decide to write for the fun memes, don't take this way too seriously, if you wanna vote, vote then. Just don't act like an ass. Also the book isn't for anyone of a prudish nature, so yeah, if you are then this ain't your cup of tea, hell it's not even tea, it's a full cup of espresso. Oh yeah, the R-18 tag is there for gore, I don't know know how to write good smut, and I don't plan to write smut in this book any given time. ____________________________________________ Take a look at me for example: I died, that was painful. I got chosen to be entertainment for some dude that I never got to even meet. I cheesed the "golden finger" I got and made an entire world go straight to fuck all. Now I'm just casually being the madman that everyone says I am. Oh, and fuck cultivators. I don't like their kind around here. What do you get? Some random kid being a fucking lunatic that's what! Take a read if you want! You'll definitely regret it! (Disclaimer, I own nothing aside from my MC and any OCs I may cook up, the cover was from google, I just searched Thomas the Thermonuclear Bomb and I found Thomas the Thermonuclear Apocalypse, I came looking for copper and I found gold. Also this is a work of fiction, any names that are placed in here are yadda yadda yadda you know the drill, anything in here is coincidental.)

AntiLoliLewding · Anime & Comics
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325 Chs

And The Solace of Rest

/3rd POV/



(Ah, finally, I think this little spot here should be more than enough to really tell the world what I am, and what I'm about to do with it.) Frank said as he pointed over to the tech Boyz that he brought over. (Hack it all Boyz, we have a lot of things to announce to them today, and I'm so feeling like I wanna make it hurt hard.) he spoke as the Orks got to mashing buttons that didn't even make any sense, and yet the effect was slowly working.

For some bullshit reason, the Orkish gestalt was actually functioning as a booster for hacking. Stunning, absolutely stunning. Frank looked at the front of the dropship thst he too again after he told the commander that he'll be using it for quite the while. The commander simply sighed and acquiesced the vessel to the dangerous leader of their society, as they hoped that Frank wouldn't make that much damage to it this time around.

(Are we in yet?) Frank asked as he polished his mask while whistling a funny little tune. (Gib uz a minet bozz. Wez gotz to makez sure dat no humies get to breaking the wallz ya know?) the Ork said as Frank noticed that they were just drawing with a pencil and a piece of paper and taped in over the screen of the device. {. . . . . if it works, don't question it.} Frank thought as he then got the go signal for the next tittle speech that he wanted to do. (Showtime!) he said as the world was now looking at a screen filled with a simple symbol and an even more simpler voice.

(Good day or good eve to any of you people watching. Now you may be wondering, is this a form of terrorism from another country? The answer to that, is not one easily done. My name is Omega, but I suppose you may all call me Frank. Because I chose that name a long long time ago and even now I still use it, that, and it's a very good description of how I speak to stupid people sometimes. Now here's the thing, I am what you call an extraterrestrial creature. But there's more than just that-) Frank spoke as the screen slowly changed little by little with glitches as a face was soon shown.

The face of a very very short creature. (-You see, I am human, albeit, slightly different due to some genetics and all that, but I am predominantly still a member of the homo sapiens. But I have the ability to so many good and bad things, with the bad eclipsing the goods. There's no real way of saying this lightly, I am here to declare war on all of you. I am I here to remove the stain of your failures and all the other things about your world that isn't good.) he said as the mask was put back onto the face of the man slowly but surely.

(I am here, to kill a lot of you.) he said with a terrifyingly kind smile as the world stood in silence. (Now I will be the first to say this, that this may be hypocritical of me to call your society a stain, since my own has slavery. But that's because we changed our status quo, we were slaves once, and never again. We bled under their feet, and we made absolutely sure that they'll never be able to recover from the trauma psychologically. Yes, and I intend to shellshock you to high heaven with enough heavy ordinance to make Jupiter go boom.) he said again as he then sneezed a little.

(Hooh, forgive me, I suppose someone may be calling me a fool, well, if that's a possibility, then I must repay it in kind.) the masked monster said as Frank twirled himself over to the comms that connected with the commander. (Sir? Any orders?) he asked as Frank said (Give them a little love tap will you commander? They need to see just what our basics can do to them, and aim for the big mass of land on the left. You see that? You remember the map I gave you right? Those ones have a lot of armaments.) as the commander took a few moments to look over the files and see what mass of land was to be targeted.

(Understood sir. Which one will we use sir?) the commander asked as Frank hummed softly and thought which of the giant rounds to blast down. (Ah, give them a nice little gravity weapon. It'll rock their crust, I'll say that much.) the madman said as he laughed when the commander issued one of the giant superheavy rods to be shot down from low orbit. (Sir with all due respect, why the superheavy in low orbit? I mean, as much as it weighs, we just used those for blowing up the smaller planets, this one'll do little to nothing to the core of the planet, at best it might slowly sink into the core.) the commander said as Frank chuckled a little as he looked at the camera view that was attached to the rod.

(It's just a love tap commander, we can't be that forceful, that would most likely end up as a sexual assault charge!) he said as he burst out laughing from the encroaching insanity within as he watched the rod make contact and rock most of the world with ripples of pure kinetic energy. The ground zero area was essentially ruptured beyond what anyone would have guessed, and it dug deep into the very crust of the earth.

(Thank you commander. That was quite the good example of what we can shoot.) Frank said as the commander nodded to him as the man cut the console and ended it. (Well folks, you see what I just did with the help of my men and women on these vessels. And let me remind you, these, these are just the ships of a scouting fleet. That's all they are, and I assure you, we have even bigger toys to bring around for all of you. Your ships won't do anything, your guns won't do anything, and I assure with the knowledge of the supernatural aspects of your world, your gods will try to protect their domains, but they're not going to care about any of you.) he said as he then stretched his arms out for the flair and spoke his mind.

(If you want this to end, aim a blade at my throat at any point, and I will stop and leave. Truly, put a knife to my throat and I'll apologize and maybe, just maybe, bring back those that have fallen. Let's play this game of cat and mouse. Me, the mouse with a thousand strong brethren, and you, the mangy rotting and yet still alive cat. Better try to make me run, little kitties.) he said as he then ended it and sighed.

(Well that went rather decently, don't you all think?) Frank said as he then took off the mask as soon as the screen stopped recording. (I would've said the same thing milord, except you may have overdone it by destroying one of their nations.) the pilot of the dropship said as Frank then rubbed his chin. (I can see whare you're at, but don't worry, that's just the test. If they respond with more violence and actually try to take up my challenge, well, they're gonna get themselves an actual prize. If they're gonna play the "diplomacy" game, then chances are I'll have to let the people get virus bombed. Who knows?) Frank said as he looked at the damage that was within the center of the landmass.

(Did you know that all this land was just taken from people of their own species? We're similar to them in so many ways, and yet why did we get to this point? How did we ever get to the level of being a higher tiered civilization? Are we truly the warmongers at this stage? I'm fine with the last, but I just wish that they'd be somewhat collective with their responses. Peace is what we suffered and bled for, and they spit in the concept of it for the sake of saying "We are superior". And by whatever entities decided to leave us alone, they're also the same as us in that end.)

Frank had an existential crisis, which he then promptly forgot when he noticed that there was a signal coming from one of the drop pods back in Japan. (Could you have the ships go and see what's that soldier?) he asked the pilot as they swiftly flew and hovered high above to see what was going on in the area near the drop pod. And when he saw the people that were near it, he cursed and opened the door to the ship. (I'll be back soon.) he spoke to the pilot as he walked out of it and fell straight down and landed gracefully on one knee straight into the ground.



/Frank POV/



Ow. Oh god, Deadpool was right, superhero landings are extremely impractical. (Okay, nice to see that you all came out huh?) I asked them as the devils that were looking at the craft saw me and were obviously cautious with the dude that fell out of the sky. (Who are you?!) one of them said as I tried to tell which one of the houses they came from. (So which ones are you, the Old faction or the New one?) I asked them as I pulled out my Bolter and saw that one of them opened up a portal and decided to pull out a fucking mecha out of it.

They did some of that Saban shit before I shot the thing right times as it blew up almost way too quickly. The other devils were trying to attack me as well when I pulled out the Crucible, as they immediately knew that they were fucked beyond anything possible.

(Hmm, yeah, that's the more appropriate reaction to the guy that can shoot down one of your constructs.) I said as I pointed the blade at one of them as I grabbed the other who was on the ground by the throat as I threatened them both. (Now you may be wondering, what made me think you were devils? You guys literally had your fucking wings and energy seeping out like cum from a horse's cock sleeve. Shit, you guys can't do anything right can you, aside from spreading your fucking legs and going off having sex with anything that remotely looked hot to you, fucking weirdos.) I insulted them as I pushed the Crucible closer to one of them that had a shroud as I burnt it.

And when I saw who it was, I was actually fucking shocked again. (What? Asia? I thought you were in the church?) I asked as I opened the shroud of the other devil that was in my hands. And I just realized what their arm had on it. A red gauntlet that had green gems. (. . . . . . what the fuck Anti?) I asked as I then put the two down as I walked over to the other devil that was dragging themselves out of the fucking mecha.

(Alright, something fucked up royally here. Oh, it might be that.) I thought as Issei fucking Hyoudou went all armored up as the devil that dragged themselves out of the mecha turned out to be his childhood friend whose name I actually fucking forgot.

(What was your name again? Fucking something that's sounding tomboyish?) I asked as she then pulled out a Holy Sword as she was very cautious about who I was, and how I knew them. (Who are you?! And what's your connection to this weird metal thing?) Issei shouted at me as I raised my hands and put the Bolter and Crucible away. (Alright, I'll apologize for attempting to kill you three, but it was mainly due to the fact that most of the time devils always try to kill me first anyways. My name is Frank, and I think you're in the wrong reality brother.) I answered truthfully as Issei froze up before he got ready to right again.

(. . . what the fuck did the other reality me do to you?) I asked him as he held the holy sword in his gauntlet covered hands and growled at me. (You are not a dog, stop trying to growl. Okay, if it's something about other me killing a bunch of people and getting away with it, then congratulations and sad to say for you, because this is the first reality I've personally visited over this short little existence I've had so far.) I lied through the skin of my teeth as Issei looked at me with actually questioning eyes, holy shit he's not horny boy in the other reality after getting scarred so badly.

(Now then, let's reintroduce ourselves. I am Frank. I assume that something bad happened because of me, and that most of the people you loved have now died.) I said as Issei was still cautious until Asia put her hand on his forearm. (. . . . My name is Issei Hyoudou, and I'm here to look for the Shadow Man, Franku.) he said as I was confused. (I'm sorry Shadow what?) I asked as I didn't know why the fuck other me decided on that name, until Issei started to talk again.

(You made everyone I ever cared about kill themselves by ripping each other's throats out, while you sat on a throne and made their loved ones, and even me watch as it happened. Rias-buchou, Serafall-sama, and even Gasper as well! He was innocent!!) he shouted at me as I looked at him as I almost felt an iota of pity for the boy.

The keyword in that sentence is almost.

(Huh, sadistic tendencies, I suffer from them as well, but I'm no puppeteer I'll say that much. I don't think that often, and I assure you, if I wanted to kill a motherfucker, I would actually make it hurt. I'm a physical man with an equally physical plan.) I joked a little as he then turned off the armor on his Boosted Gear as he got slightly closer. (If it's any consolation, that version may or may not die quickly from any other Great Reds that could exist. It's just the way that things go in reality.) I said to him as I gave my hand out for a handshake.

2248 words. Oh yeah, now that's what I call an annoying ploy twist. I needed another homie for Frank to get to join, and the thought of two harem protagonists banding together is just flavorful. Anyways and as always, I'll see you guys, on the dank side of the moon! Peace out everybody! Goodbye~

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