
The Meme Train

Little thing I decide to write for the fun memes, don't take this way too seriously, if you wanna vote, vote then. Just don't act like an ass. Also the book isn't for anyone of a prudish nature, so yeah, if you are then this ain't your cup of tea, hell it's not even tea, it's a full cup of espresso. Oh yeah, the R-18 tag is there for gore, I don't know know how to write good smut, and I don't plan to write smut in this book any given time. ____________________________________________ Take a look at me for example: I died, that was painful. I got chosen to be entertainment for some dude that I never got to even meet. I cheesed the "golden finger" I got and made an entire world go straight to fuck all. Now I'm just casually being the madman that everyone says I am. Oh, and fuck cultivators. I don't like their kind around here. What do you get? Some random kid being a fucking lunatic that's what! Take a read if you want! You'll definitely regret it! (Disclaimer, I own nothing aside from my MC and any OCs I may cook up, the cover was from google, I just searched Thomas the Thermonuclear Bomb and I found Thomas the Thermonuclear Apocalypse, I came looking for copper and I found gold. Also this is a work of fiction, any names that are placed in here are yadda yadda yadda you know the drill, anything in here is coincidental.)

AntiLoliLewding · Anime & Comics
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325 Chs

To Find Promise Of Peace

/Frank POV/



(Hey hey hey there boys, let's not get too testy over the things that are about to happen eh?) I said as the little beastie that I sent out to try and get rid of most of them worked out pretty damn well. I was in the little dropship that they sent down, while I used what was the closest parallel to a comms system. (Now if you all can't tell, you're pretty screwed if you try to hunt my ass down, that much is very very obvious. But I'm a very lenient man alright? Please walk away, and then you'll get to live. You can tell the truth to your superiors, that's fine with me. Just don't try to come after me, or my little society that I built up, understood?) I gave the remainder of the foreign forces that little choice and guess what? They were smart enough to actually take it!

It's good that they all have the basic amount of common sense to them. I should know, there are many things that can go wrong when you choose the choice of righteousness, we all know what happens to people that try to be heroes whenever they're just background characters. Hell, I might be the background character of someone else, and you might have all been reading up to this point only to realize that you're about to see me die against some shitty edgelord cultivator who tries to mimic Fang Yuan or whatever the fuck was that guy's name.

I don't remember them, I don't care about them, if they wanna kill me, why aren't they here yet? Because I might or might not be exploiting the fact that they're too busy with other shit to fuck around like I can. Or other stuff. And so, I looked at the little ants running away in fear as the Krieger steered the ship back to the recon fleet. Now as much as they're the recon fleet, they don't come into a star system empty-handed, no no. Guns are always something that can be useful. Not to mention, there can always be scarier places than just Worm. In the grand scheme of things, Worm can look like a fucking daycare.

The ship soon docked back into one of the carrier vessels as I was greeted with the weird and terrifying sight of Orks saluting me. Oh no, are these the Storm Boyz?

(Welcum bak tue da fleet bozz. Wez bin keyping it in tiptop shayp, wez haz.) one of them said as they were genuinely wearing our fucking uniform. (Storm Boyz?) I asked the closest Citadel soldier as they nodded to me. (Affirmative Omega, these ones are really smart when it comes to the more technical things. They're also well kept in the place, and there's not all that much that you need to do to get them in line. Plus their strategies are good and all that.) they said to me as I didn't know whether to not be scared or laugh like a madman. Orks that can actually strategize and exploit their gestalt with the power of their Weird Boyz? Oh yeah, you can see what makes these guys terrifying.

Sadly they prefer to be shock troopers. (Alright then gentlemen. We have a mission to perform, and with all use respect< I'll be needing to consult with some of your "Weird Boyz". They might be able to do something for me when we attack.) I then showed the Ork in front of me a chip that contains all the necessary files that were needed for them to really hammer in the severity of the situation.

(Make sure you and every single one of your boys understand every minute detail in this chip, if not, you guys might be in for some tough times.) I said as the Ork gave a brutal smile as they said (Das wut wez alwayz lukin fer bozz. Tuff toimez makez tuff Orkz, and tuff Orkz hit harder.) as I shook my head in light exasperation at their analogy. That was probably some of the most Orky quotes I could've ever goddamn heard of.

And so I then patted the Ork on the shoulder as I went to the captain of the ship as I greeted them. (I suppose you can connect me to the commander of the ship, correct?) I asked the captain as they bowed lightly to me when speaking (Of course Omega. They're currently looking for comms with you right now.) as they motioned to one of the crew in the bridge for a connection to the commander of the fleet.

It took a fat minute until we finally got something to work with. (Hello commander! Damn good to see my pickup here for me. I got some good good information for whatever would happen.) I said to them as they commander nodded to me. (Lord Omega, there's a strange signal coming from down below, and it's getting stronger.) one of the crew said as I was confused until I looked down at what they were talking about. The fucking countries were shooting missiles at us. (Can the shields handle basic missiles?) I asked them as they nodded as I spoke (Just give a tad bit more energy to the shields in the meantime, the souls of the cultivators are more than enough to handle the brunt of most of it. If it means that they're attacking each other because of me, then that's fine with me. As long as they don't harm anyone that I need down there, they get to still be a functioning reality. If not, well . . . . .) I trailed my words off as the crew members got the message as they increased the power output to the shields slightly.

I smiled as I turned back to the commander while I spoke again. (So tell me, what's been happening after all this little time that I've been away? How long has it been already? A couple months?) I asked as the commander nodded to me as I understood.

(Well that's all nice and dandy. However I have a very curious amount of information about this little world commander, and I would actually say that the X5 fleet might be under some stress. You might want to call another three fleets to get shotgun diplomacy to truly work around here.) I said as they offered some issues that were currently happening. For starters, the comms to the Citadel itself were pretty down right fucking now.

As in we can't actually call them up right now. Yeah, that's stupid sounding, but unfortunately, that's what's supposedly happening. I'm starting to wonder whether or not Anti is being a friend here, you know? This shit's be wild as fuck, I'll say that much. (I'm going to be absolutely real with you chief, this shit on the ground is quite the doozie. Not cultivators, thankfully enough, but still, very very much a big fucky wucky. Violence is going to be a good friend here for most of you if you wanna stay here. And if you want to return to the Daedalus well, I won't blame you. There's too much politics even within their supernatural world, and that's actually surprising considering the fact that most of the time they're just butting heads. They don't seem to want a full scale drama and war, and I've made some good use with how they all think, but I'm more than sure that they're going to want to have a reason to not get killed by us.) I spoke as I looked at all of the crew members on the ship right now.

(We won't have all that much going for us, and I'm actually genuinely scared about how well can our shields handle against their level of fantasy, it's not a good number to try and fuck with. I'm more than capable of doing the things necessary, but then again, I'm more worried about all of you that are here. If you all die because of my stupid decisions, then it's on me. I respect all of your opinions enough for me to listen to your choice. We get more experimental weapons to deploy onto the battlefield, and risk some casualties that matter. Or we could go home, and take the few prisoners that nobody will ever miss.) I asked again as the bridge all stayed silent as the commander of the fleet spoke up.

(With all die respect Omega, we're not pussies.) the commander said as I looked at all of the members on board. (We can handle a few wound licks here and there. And you said that we'll get more things to throw at cultivators, correct? Well, once we do the best that we can do in the situation, I suppose we'll go home then.) they said as I turned around at all of them as they looked at me with fervor in their eyes. (And here I thought I was supposed to be the voice of madness on this here fleet. Fuck it, let's plot a course of corruption and mayhem kiddos!) I said as they all cheered for me. I don't know whether or not I should be happy about that, or if I should be sad that they're this bored enough to try and do something stupid like this.

But hey, I guess this isn't on my skin anymore huh? Welp, I guess we're gonna be going on a hunt for Sacred Gears. Preferably, hunting down devils for them. I'll probably hv them grab a couple of the unstable strays that are pretty much littered all around the damned country. And once the entirety of the hunt is over, I'll give my option of leaving to Yasaka again, and maybe, just maybe, I'll try to steal Gasper from Rias and turn him into a perfect copy of DIO.

Yeah, that seems like a very very good little plan for the day, I'm pretty happy with how this might all turn out. Alright, let's get to work. First off, back to the Orks. I was walking my ass down there and when I saw their barracks, well the smell was something left to be desired, and the sights were a clusterfuck. As expected of Orks. And seeing as I had so many of them, I could just have them live in another MC world, but then that means that I might actually have to begin deleting these worlds to not have an overload of Orky gestalt pouring right through me. There aren't any other reasons as to why I'm going to do this, it's just that the numbers get so big.

Don't worry, they'll recover those numbers all to quickly. (Damn fine day today isn't it boys? Have you all brushed up on the info?) I asked them all as they immediately fell in line and saluted me.

They all gave me the basics as I went over and saw their group's Weird Boy. When they saw me, they also saluted me and went (Ey bozz. Wuz youz need?) as the other Orks looked at the Weird Boy like they wanted to tear him apart piece by piece. (Well we got a fancy schmancy little thing about to happen here. There's powers on this world tht normally can't be harvested, but considering the skills that you Weird Boyz have, well, I think you can connect the dots. If they're shouting out something like "Balance Breaker" or something like "Juggernaut" then do your damnedest to cook something up to be able to steal whatever the hell it is that they have. And make sure that you share the power to the others. They're a set of little treasures that can be very very advantageous when used at the right time, in the right place.) I said as the Ork then nodded as I smiled.

(Good lad, now then, strap up everyone, we got some pillaging to do.) I said as I changed my face to be something a bit more effective for what's about to happen. I changed my face to one of the few people that I thought could actually need some therapy to chill the hell down. I made my face like Mineta's. Oh boy, I'm going to make the world associate their destroyer with the poor boy's little face. Oh if any of the people in the world of MHA get the actual power to go against reality and get shot out into this world, they're going to be in for a rude rude shock.

2100 words. Mhm, yep, terrorism with the face of a pervert, now that's some good fucking shit right there. Anyways and as always, I'll see you guys, on the dank side of the moon! Peace out everybody! Goodbye~

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