
The Meme Train

Little thing I decide to write for the fun memes, don't take this way too seriously, if you wanna vote, vote then. Just don't act like an ass. Also the book isn't for anyone of a prudish nature, so yeah, if you are then this ain't your cup of tea, hell it's not even tea, it's a full cup of espresso. Oh yeah, the R-18 tag is there for gore, I don't know know how to write good smut, and I don't plan to write smut in this book any given time. ____________________________________________ Take a look at me for example: I died, that was painful. I got chosen to be entertainment for some dude that I never got to even meet. I cheesed the "golden finger" I got and made an entire world go straight to fuck all. Now I'm just casually being the madman that everyone says I am. Oh, and fuck cultivators. I don't like their kind around here. What do you get? Some random kid being a fucking lunatic that's what! Take a read if you want! You'll definitely regret it! (Disclaimer, I own nothing aside from my MC and any OCs I may cook up, the cover was from google, I just searched Thomas the Thermonuclear Bomb and I found Thomas the Thermonuclear Apocalypse, I came looking for copper and I found gold. Also this is a work of fiction, any names that are placed in here are yadda yadda yadda you know the drill, anything in here is coincidental.)

AntiLoliLewding · Anime & Comics
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325 Chs

And Face Life's Final Test

/Frank POV/



Alright, I'll say this first, I didn't really see this going anywhere great. I'm just a guy that came here to offer some friendship, well not exactly friendship since it's more along the lines of having them live on a world that's completely theirs. Yeah I can definitely see the issues that come out from them. But otherwise, I was still there in the compound, drinking a root beer as the Kriegers were still standing around with itchy trigger fingers.

That's not exactly the best thing you wanna see from guys like these. They're not the type to be standing without any protection around. But I reassured them, that if there was anything that seemed relatively dangerous, they have my complete permission to go and kill themselves for my sake. Yeah, I had to allow them to commit big die, that's what they always do. {Great, boredom, a saddened friend, and now even more waiting, and all I was technically here for was the prisoner.} I thought to myself as I groaned and walked out of the compound for a split second before a bolt of magic was literally put about a couple centimeters off of my face. I pulled out my Bolter and shot in the general direction where the bolt came from, and I heard a scream from one of the rounds or maybe all of them hitting home.

(SON OF A- STRAP UO EVERYONE, WE GOT COMPANY!) I shouted at the people in the compound as I was actually confused. How much security did Yasaka keep in this place? And why the fuck, you know what? Less thinking, more Ork. I pulled out the MC world that was chock-full of fucking Orks and had them take the orders to get out there and kill everybody that wasn't our people. Simply said, the Orks actually did well with the sheer numbers that there were. The enemies were ranging in the hundreds? Well guess what bitches, I got more than millions of these guys.

So I made more holes to let them all out as the gave off a large large WAAGH and charged at the enemies. Some of the Orks got blown the hell up, but the others were already at the lines as they chopped and shot down anything that was trying to kill them. I went into the battle myself and steered the massive tide into anything that looked remotely like an enemy, and when the dust and fire all settled down, there were three that I personally dragged back, all of them female Youkai. Why were they like this? You think I know? (Yasaka! You got some people to talk to.) I said as my armor was still covered in the blood of all of the people whose lives were cut short, mainly due to their own volition of attacking us.

(So, they finally decided that they had enough of me?) she asked herself as she looked at the bunch of kitsune that were on the ground kneeling and gritting their teeth. (I half expected them to be sending out fucking units that can fly you know? Is she still asleep?) I asked her as she loosened her tails and showed her daughter that was still sound asleep. (That's pretty useful.) I said as she snorted softly at my words as she looked at the other kits with a cold expression. (Hey, I did offer that thing you know? I suppose once the dust settles, I'll get an answer right?) when I finished asking, the kits all looked at me with anger in their eyes as I punched one of them right in the face.

(Don't do that, these hands are rated E for Everyone babygirl. And they're more of a fuck you up type than a fuck you type.) I said as I acted like my knuckles were hurt by rubbing them. Yasaka put her right hand on my shoulder and nodded to me. I kept my Bolter and pulled out my Glock instead as one of the kits were laughing. (Something funny there KitKat? You got a little joke out of seeing your friends gored up and cooked?) I asked her as I squatted down to her, eye to eye so that she'd give me an answer.

Instead, she looked at me and spat blood spit in my face. I blinked a couple times and decided to pull a fucking weird one on them. I wiped the spit off with my pointer finger, and shoved it into her mouth. (Keep that shit in your mouth you fucking bitch.) I said as I got up and stood behind all of them while Yasaka was trying to get the correct info out of them. I didn't pistol whip them in the back of their head, that might give them brain damage, no no no. I kicked their backs straight to the ground while the Orks jeered in the background from the amazing "stew" that they were having.

What can I say? They love themselves some fucking meat, and Kitsune meat probably tastes like a whole new dish to them when mixed with 3199 meat. I walked away from Yasaka interrogating the tied up Kitsune as I had nine Orks all aim their guns at them. I know I know, that's too fucking little, but then again, it's not like they're gonna survive that. {So how's the stew boys? Good? How was the world and your little experience with it?) I asked them as one of the Orks came up and said (It wuz foine bozz, I'z haz ta zayz, Daz wuz the funniezt time of our loivez, that's how much wez enjoyed ourselvez.) as they all agreed while they ate even more meat.

Well if they're happy, then that's good. Morale is hard to break within an Ork, and the infighting keeps them all really really strong. And I'm pretty sure that there was a lot of fucking wars in the MC world to the point of where they were pretty much working in fucking bedrock. That's what I'm thinking.

(Good good good. Now, you boys are gonna have to behave really quickly since we'll be sending over some of your "friends". You guys already know that there's too much shiny shit in our ships, and that they're too brittle to handle a good scrap eh?) I asked them all as they nodded while I continued. (So, take the time to chill in this world, fight anyone that's trying to fight you, and when the Space Hulks come in, go and hop on for some fun and laughs, and remember to play nice when you all reach da BIGGEST SHIP, alrighty?) I asked them as I looked over to Yasaka giving the Orks the go sign to kill them as I rushed the hell back over and whispered in her ear.

(Hey, I need these ones. Don't overthink it, but they're useful alright?) I told the woman as she took her time to think of what reason would I possibly have to want to capture a bunch of Kitsune as I rolled my eyes and explained my breeding program that I wanted to bring. Now all I need are either Tengu or the other forms of creatures that can be real.

{Good good good, now then, I got some other stuff after this, I'll just pay her in diamonds, that should suffice after all.} I thought as I pulled out a stack of diamonds and placed them all in her hands as she was having issues with keeping them within her grasp. (That's the payment for the prisoners that I bothered you to keep, now is it possible for me to buy these ones off your hands?) I asked again as I saw that the Kitsune were all green with disgust at me as they were probably thinking that I was gonna keep them for fucktoys. Well, they're not gonna be mine, that's the job of the breeding program after all.

Yasaka looked at me for a moment before she sighed and pulled out a pouch from her tails as she placed as many of the diamonds there as she could. (Don't let me see them ever again, or else you won't be able to have a "program" anymore, understood?) she threatened me as I raised my hands as said (Chill mamasita, don't you worry about it. I'm a man with a plan after all, I got a good little procedure for these girls. Hell, that one guy will be more than enough to get as many children as possible.) I gave a good answer as I looked at the Orks and knocked on my head to signal them to knock the Youkai out, and they sure as fucking hell did.

I had the Kriegers strap them all up and package them one last time before I smiled and nodded at the things that were happening. Yasaka'd bottom line was dropping even further, I was more than comfy enough when I got these dumb shits, and now, I can finally do other shit. Things are looking up, and I'm pretty sure they're about to nosedive sooner or later.



/3rd POV/



The current appearance of the strange from orbit were a very very shocking and suspenseful sight. The various governments around the world were giving off different forms of answers to whatever the hell they were up against. Some suspected aliens, other suspected that it was nothing more than hidden tech from other countries, but when they hovered above Japan and shot strange things down, they mobilized under the guise of "support" to get answers of their own, but when they were at the site, the only thing that was there were capsules that seemed to have been blown off from the inside. And there were strange symbols that were present, that is, until the symbols changed into English letters.

There was a strange message that was put there, and when the entire thing was finally decoded to them, the confusion only began even further.


- locate Omega

- assist Omega

- escort Omega back to recon fleet

Those three lines made everyone more confused about what was going on. Who was the Omega? Why were they on Earth, and what exactly was the technology that the "fleet" had when it was capable of making itself known to them? It was in English of all languages, and they were still getting more questions than answers.

So the groups of countries stayed nearby, trying to assess the situation, when all of a sudden, the ships above shot down another capsule to a completely different spot from where they were at. The various troops sent by their respective countries were all scrambling to get to the area that was the, but when they got there, they saw a strange sight. Green humanoid figures speaking in a tongue they've never heard. Masked men that had bayonet rifles and looked like they were about to fight in a trench war. And the final thing that made them all confused was the sight of a very very human figure walking up to the capsule, removing their gloves only for their hand to turn into claws, and inserting them in indents that allowed the capsule to be open.

(Oh my, visitors?) the figure asked as the multiple troops all pointed their weapons at the figure as they all stood there, still, and waiting for more instructions from there respective handlers. (And here me I thought I would have been alone for quite the while. Ah, where are my manners? Forgive me, it's been quite the while since I've met with normal people. My name's Omega, and I am the man that is currently about to go home.) he said as the mask on his face looked weird. Golden, but weird.

(Now then, I will assume that most of you can understand what I'm saying, since it sounds like I am speaking with your own language, but that is more than farther from the truth. I'm speaking my own language, and you-) he said as he pointed at everyone (-are understanding it in your own as well. It's such a useful little ability that makes me chuckle from the memories of how many times I've had to fight with people due to language barriers.) he said again as he opened the capsule as the door flew right off as cold liquid poured out of it.

(Well, I suppose that all the things that I should want to say are done, so please enjoy this little gift of mine, after all, what sort of a guest am I to not give away a fine gift to you all?) he spoke as a figure stumbled out as it stood higher than all of them. (Better start running.) he said as a smaller ship came off from the fleet above while the man walked away. The soldiers that were wearing gasmasks also started to open fire and kill as many of the units as they could.

The troops were all terrified but stuck to their training, but when the strange creature started to cough something up, they knew for a fact that there was little to no chance of them surviving this ordeal. They prayed for themselves and their own countries, as they were all slowly but surely removed from their life subscriptions.

2237 words. Mhm, violence against countries again. A shame that it wouldn't be lasting for too long. After this, perhaps a bit of cleanup, and then another fight, and then, another world. Anyways and as always, I'll see you guys, on the dank side of the moon! Peace out everybody! Goodbye~

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