
The Meme Train

Little thing I decide to write for the fun memes, don't take this way too seriously, if you wanna vote, vote then. Just don't act like an ass. Also the book isn't for anyone of a prudish nature, so yeah, if you are then this ain't your cup of tea, hell it's not even tea, it's a full cup of espresso. Oh yeah, the R-18 tag is there for gore, I don't know know how to write good smut, and I don't plan to write smut in this book any given time. ____________________________________________ Take a look at me for example: I died, that was painful. I got chosen to be entertainment for some dude that I never got to even meet. I cheesed the "golden finger" I got and made an entire world go straight to fuck all. Now I'm just casually being the madman that everyone says I am. Oh, and fuck cultivators. I don't like their kind around here. What do you get? Some random kid being a fucking lunatic that's what! Take a read if you want! You'll definitely regret it! (Disclaimer, I own nothing aside from my MC and any OCs I may cook up, the cover was from google, I just searched Thomas the Thermonuclear Bomb and I found Thomas the Thermonuclear Apocalypse, I came looking for copper and I found gold. Also this is a work of fiction, any names that are placed in here are yadda yadda yadda you know the drill, anything in here is coincidental.)

AntiLoliLewding · Anime & Comics
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325 Chs

So I Swallow My Grief

/3rd POV/



(Well, let's get some rest for the night boys, we got more than enough hours for that, at the very least.) Frank said after he closed the door on the Youkai. He was feeling exhilaration from the lies again, that wasn't all that great. He was a man that loved to fuck around a little but every once in a while the lies are a form of drug that seem to try and make him feel alive again for whatever reason.

Or so you thought. Frank then went to his little sleeping bag right next to the corner as he got in and went to the land of dreams again. And there, he dreamt up until one of the Kriegers went and woke him up. He jolted upwards from the bag and saw that they were still preparing their weapons for the "talk" with Yasaka, and he groaned as he stretched, warmed up, and exercised a little to keep his body awake.

He grabbed a piece of bread and cheese and took bites from both of them as he moved the window a little to see whatever was inside of it.

There were many things that he noticed about the streets, mainly that even at the current time, they were still empty and somehow not in as much of a rush as he'd thought. That, was very suspicious. He chuckled at the shit thought as the memes were still a thing that drove his humor, the more shitty the meme usually was, the better they were, by his standard. And so he suited up and grabbed his implements, as he then had the Kriegers get out of the room as well.

It was time to meet the leader of the Youkais.



/Yasaka POV/



My sweet daughter Kunou, she was the only good thing to have come out of me being with her father. That man, I loved him for as long as the stars were in the skies, and when he died, that broke me. She was still a chil when she lost her father, and I couldn't help but try to blame myself for seeing him on that picture frame. I hated it, these politics, these ass-kissers! They're all so fake! They try to get closer to me just for more power, or for my body.

I've even seen them look at my daughter the same way, but I will never let them touch her. But the day that I met that man? He was a friend in this city of liars, provided he himself was a good liar, but he was a strong one, and my sweet baby took to him like the kit that she was. He was a lumbering and friendly giant to the sorts of things that I witnessed.

As for when he was angry? He had a wrath that truly showed that he was more than capable of killing me and all of the Youkai in this city.

But he never went against me. He treated me nicely, despite him trying to put on a rough exterior. He was an understanding man, and I tried to proposition him. There was a feeling in me that told me that he was more than capable of being a father figure to Kunou, and that he would probably enjoy it as well. But when I offered myself to him, well, he explained. And when I heard that he himself already had a lover, he was more than apologetic about seeing me. No, he apologized that he didn't try to set the boundaries between us. I felt broken, but I would heal again, that much was certain.

We stayed business partners, even when he killed my mistress and her entire family. When I bore witness to what had happened, he was there, without scar or blemish, holding the head of one of the gods themselves. I thought he would've killed me then, but he didn't either, he allowed me to take over the pantheon. I agreed mainly to protect Kunou from what could happen should I have turned down his offer. He was a good man, I hoped, and he nodded when he shook my hand.

Now, I have more than just one target on my back, I had an entire world trying to get to him, make him submit.

For I myself knew that he was only being lenient with me, because I had my daughter, and he favored her like a family member. There was no other way to say it. I had to hide with my daughter from Kyoto, since there seemed to be a larger influx of fallen angels that were surveying the area, and I knew that there must have been some order to try and see as to whether or not we had the connections with him, and if we were weak enough to be sacked by the other factions.

When I heard that he was in town, I could feel the burden on me slip away. I was thankful that he was here. I hated it at this point. The world was against me for giving mercy to the man that saved my daughter! What sort of madness was he doing for them to go for me, I can only imagine. I would assume that he was performing crimes that were very much against what the other factions wanted, and he was off protecting his people, much like me.

I had my servants and guards escort me back to the city. It was time to meet him. I was wearing something much more formal, since he said that he was here to being a deal, and Kunou? My sweet baby was ready with her little bag with her toys to meet the man that played along with her. But in my heart, I hoped that I didn't make the wrong decision.



/3 Hours Later/



/Frank POV/



(Kriegers! REMEMBER, THESE ARE NOT ENEMIES. THEY ARE ALLIES!) I shouted to them as they actually fucking groaned that they couldn't get to kill anyone today, fucking sociopaths. Well, here I am, in the same little building that I was supposed to meet her. I was waiting and pacing around when the door opened after three knocks.

Guess which little kit decided to greet me before her mother. (Franku-san!) a childlike voice said as a blur of yellow dashed over to hug my left leg. I actually smiled at the sight of the sweet little thing missing me. (Hey there kit! How are you? By all that exists, you've gotten bigger!) I lifted the little one up onto my shoulders as she was laughing all the time when she got to feel taller.

(Let's go to your mommy shall we? She's been waiting for me!) I said to her as I made airplane sounds to make her feel like she was gliding across the sky on top of a great beast of flight. And I was surprised that she was enjoying every single bit of it. (Here's to Kunou, she's true blue! Here's to her, yeah I don't remember the lyrics but something something through and through!) I sung playfully as she was giggling all along the way as we matched through the hallways. She was happy, and she was more than satisfied that I was here being a father "figure" for her.

She was adorable. But I knew for a fact that I shouldn't ve putting myself near her all the time since she might think that I'm her father. (Let's go see your mom now, huh?) I asked her as she then nodded and pointed to the place where Yasaka would be at. And when I slowly opened the door, she was there sipping on some tea as usual. (I got a package for one hard-working mother that's very stressed right now, it's name is your daughter.) I said as I held Kunou by the armpits and faced her to her mother as she was giggling all the time.

Yasaka shook her head and smiled as she grabbed her daughter who was still trying to scurry around her mother like a little ferret, despite being a fox. (Come along my dear, it's time for your nap.) she said to her daughter as she sat down and put her daughter to sleep on her tails while humming a lullaby to her. And when she seemed that she was completely under, Yasaka looked up at me with a neutral glare.

(Why are you here?) she asked me as I immediately gave my words about how I still had some prisoners to bring along to the Daedalus. (Listen, I also came here with a deal in mind alright. You're wondering whatever the hell the Daedalus even is, but I'll say this, it's a place that I have, that is home to the many many many people that I try to keep safe. They're happy, and their enemies are in chains and boxes to be brutalized by them.) I begun my explanation as she froze up when I said brutalize.

(Okay hear me out, they have gone through some bad bad things Yasaka. They're not bad people, it's just, the status quo was changed when I arrived. I saw their pain, I hated their enemies for my own person reasons, and I had the resources to perform. This, this is what I fight for, the change. I want to see the bully become the bullied, I wanna see the rapist be raped. I am a sick sick bastard who wants to see sicker people get their dues. That's what I enjoy, but not the most. The most is seeing that the people I willingly give a shit about thrive and live.) I said to her as she looked at me worriedly.

(It's simple, you're a good woman Yasaka and a better mother. I trust you as a good friend, no offense to your feelings, you already know my status. I want you and your people to come along with me. There's no other way to say it. It's a world where people won't discriminate you unless you were an enemy. And if you surrender, we won't try to kill you. Our wrath is a strong weapon, but we don't use it wantonly. We want peace as much as the next person, but when push comes to shove, we won't be shoving, we'll be shooting and burning.) I spoke as she then clenched her fists as she looked at me.

(Was this the only reason that you wanted to speak to me? To bring me and my daughter along to some fantasy world? To try and coax me to becoming some CHEAP THRILL OF CAMARADERIE?) she shouted at me as Kunou was stirring in her sleep when she shouted.

I was worried for the two of them. Yasaka had to be a strong person to have to deal with both political bullshit, and still have the time and heart for her daughter. This was pretty much saying that "Hey, you're a cool cat, wanna come to my place and invalidate all of your efforts over the years?". Yeah, you can see how I fucked the hell up there. (Papa~) Kunou muttered in her sleep as her hands tried to grab out to something. Yasaka looked hurt as I shook my head.

(So what is it Yasaka, I'm not here to spit in your face and call your efforts worthless. Hell, I'm even willing to give you and your people a planet to live on. The Daedalus isn't just a fleet or a war machine. It's a home and a fortress, and I am willing to make this work for your people. You are one of the few people that I can respect for being strong enough to not be a shit parent. I respect that so much, since I adopted my little monkeys. Do you know just how difficult it usually is to get them to listen to me? I do my damnedest with not being authoritarian, and I have done well, but reigning them in has always been the job of the one other girl that suffered.) I told her as her ears perked up and looked at me with confusion.

Not the confusion of "What the fuck is this guy saying?" but the "Am I supposed to take this deal?" confusion.

(You can take your time with this for now. Mull over it, I'll send you the money for the prisoners in a while.) I said to her as I left her pondering about whether or not I was being a good person, or just trying to manipulate her, and for once, I don't think I can tell the difference myself.

2127 words. Alright, that's a wrap for this chap. Did I do well with trying to coney drama? If so, then please leave a review about how I either fucked up, or how I could do better. Anyways and as always, I'll see you guys, on the dank side of the moon! Peace out everybody! Goodbye~

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