
The Master of Evil Paths - Reborn

The story revolves around Wei Wuxian, a former hero who falls from grace due to his controversial practices of cultivating demonic arts. After being betrayed and killed by those he once trusted, he unexpectedly reawakens years later in a younger form, possessing only fragments of his past memories. Wei Wuxian embarks on a journey to unravel the mysteries surrounding his past and the events that led to his downfall. Along the way, he reunites with his old friend Lan Wangji, a dignified and unwavering disciple of the Cloud Recesses sect. Together, they delve into a complex web of intrigue and deception, piecing together clues and revelations that gradually reveal the truth behind Wei Wuxian's fate. The narrative alternates between Wei Wuxian's present-day adventures and flashbacks to his past life, providing insights into his character development and the relationships he forged with various characters. The story is filled with emotional highs and lows, ranging from intense battles and suspenseful mysteries to tender moments of camaraderie and romance. The novel's writing style is engaging and humorous, making it a captivating read. The intricate plot, rich characters, and emotional depth of the story contribute to its popularity and enduring appeal. The worldbuilding is also impressive, creating a vivid and immersive fantasy setting that readers can easily envision. In addition to the original novel, "The Master of Evil Paths - Reborn" has also been adapted into an animated series and a live-action drama series titled "The Untamed" (Chenqing Ling), both of which have garnered immense popularity among viewers. These adaptations further expand the story's reach and allow more people to experience the magic and wonder of "The Master of Evil Paths - Reborn."

Levi37 · Fantasy
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119 Chs


Before entering the gate of Lotus Pier, Wei Wuxian took a deep breath to calm his mind. But after entering the door, he was not as excited as he imagined.

Maybe it's because too many places have been renovated. The school grounds have tripled in size, and new buildings with high and low eaves are now more imposing and glorious than before. However, compared with the appearance of Lotus Pier in his memory, it was almost unrecognizable.

Wei Wuxian felt as if he was lost. Those old houses in the past were blocked by these gorgeous new buildings or have been demolished.

After all, they are really too old.

The disciples from various schools on the campus began to form a square formation again, sit cross-legged and meditate, continue to cultivate and restore their spiritual power. After working hard for almost a day and a night, these people were extremely exhausted and needed to take a breather. Jiang Cheng led all the family heads and dignitaries into the hall to test the sword hall and discuss today's matters. Wei Wuxian and Lan Wangji came in soon after. Some people felt something was wrong, but they couldn't say anything.

As soon as he entered the inner hall and before he could sit down, a man who looked like a guest came up to him and said, "Sect Master."

He leaned close to Jiang Cheng's ear and whispered a few words. Jiang Cheng frowned and said, "No. I'll talk about it later. Didn't you see what the situation is now?"

The guest said: "I have said it before, but those two women said... they came here just for today's events."

Jiang Cheng asked, "Who is this person from? Which female cultivator is she from?"

The guest said: "They are not from any family, nor are they female cultivators. I can be sure that they are all ordinary women without spiritual power. They all arrived today, and they also brought a batch of precious medicinal materials, but He didn't say which family leader sent it, but said that he had something important to tell the sect leader. His subordinates heard what they said was very important, so they were afraid of being neglected. Now they have been placed in a guest house, and the medicinal materials have not yet been put into the warehouse. After checking, there is nothing. Inappropriate spell."

It was not the family head of the Yunmeng Jiang family who saw them, and they refused to tell them their origins. Moreover, they were two ordinary women with no spiritual power and no family background. However, after bringing a batch of precious medicinal materials, the guest in charge of the reception would not dare to neglect it. Even if he did not value the courtesy, he could not ignore the strangeness of Shan Chong. Jiang Cheng said: "Everyone, please sit down wherever you like. I'll allow Jiang to be with you for a moment, and I'll come back as soon as I can."

Everyone said one after another: "Sect Master Jiang, you are so polite."

However, Jiang Cheng did not go back immediately, but did not return for a long time. It is rude to ignore someone in the house, not to mention that it is still an extraordinary situation and everyone is waiting to discuss important matters. After half an hour, Jiang Cheng still hadn't appeared, and many people began to feel uneasy or dissatisfied. At this moment, Jiang Cheng finally came back. When he left, his expression was normal, but when he returned, he looked cold and solemn, walked swiftly, and brought two people with him, two women, who should be the two people who came to visit. Everyone originally thought that even if they were two ordinary women, it would be extraordinary to visit them with heavy gifts. However, they did not know that these two women were already very old. Every detail in the corners of their eyes and mouth looked old, and one of them had a low eyebrow. He was very frightened, not to mention that he was covered in dust, and his face had been slashed five or six times. The knife marks were old and terrifying. It was really off-putting and disappointing, and he began to mutter in his heart, why did Jiang Cheng put this person so badly? In this way, the two women were brought to the sword trial hall, and they were also pointed to the center of the hall.

Jiang Cheng's face was gloomy and he said to the two women who sat down timidly, "You guys talk here."

Sect Master Yao said: "Sect Master Jiang, what are you doing?"

Jiang Cheng said: "This matter is too shocking. Jiang did not dare to rashly interrogate him in detail, so he delayed some time. Everyone, please be quiet and listen to what these two have to say." He turned around and said, "Which of you will go first? explain?"

The two women looked at each other in confusion. The woman with a dusty air was bolder and stood up and said, "I'll do it first!"

She bowed casually and said, "What I want to talk about is an old thing that happened about eleven years ago."

Listening to Jiang Cheng's tone, everyone knew that what this woman was going to say was definitely not an insignificant matter, and they all secretly thought about what happened eleven years ago. The woman said: "My name is Sisi. I was originally in the flesh business. I have been popular for a while. More than ten years ago, I found a rich businessman and wanted to marry him. Who would have expected that the rich businessman's wife was a powerful man, so she found a group of big men. He slashed my face with a knife, and that's what I became."

This woman was neither shy nor oblique when she spoke. Some female cultivators raised their sleeves to cover their mouths and some male cultivators frowned. Sisi said: "When my face becomes like this, life is different from before. No one wants to take a look at it, let alone do my business. The original restaurant kicked me out. I don't know how to do it." But since I can't get any work anywhere, I work with those elderly sisters. Their customers are not very demanding. If you have any work, I can do it, and I can make do with covering my face."

Speaking of this, some people couldn't bear it anymore, and the disdain in their eyes was nakedly revealed. Some people didn't understand why Jiang Cheng wanted everyone to listen to this woman saying such scandalous things in public. The heads of the family remained calm and waited for her to continue. Sure enough, she got to the point. Sisi said: "One day, our sisters in the same alley suddenly received a business. They ordered more than 20 of us and took us to a place in a carriage. My old sisters agreed on the payment, and we were in the car. Everyone is so happy. But I feel something is wrong. To put it bluntly, everyone is either old and sallow, or they are like me. To pay so much money, you should pay it in advance. Is there such a cheap thing in the world? Moreover, the people who came to see us were also mysterious and sneaky. When they came, they just took the car with them and didn't let anyone else know. No matter how you look at it, it doesn't look like An An has good intentions!"

Others thought the same thing, and their original disdain had been replaced by curiosity. They thought: "When the carriage arrived, it took us directly into a yard and got off. None of us had ever seen something so tall or so big. , such a splendid house, all were blinded by the shock, and they didn't dare to vent their anger. A young man was leaning against the door, playing with a dagger. When he saw us, he asked us to come in. He closed the door and entered the house. It was so big. There were only two people in the room, and there was a man lying on a big bed under a brocade quilt. He looked to be in his thirties or forties, as if he was half-dead from illness. When someone came in, he could only move his eyes."


In the sword test hall, someone suddenly screamed in realization: "Eleven years ago?! This is... this is...!!!"

Sisi said: "Someone told us what to do beforehand. We just used our housekeeping skills to serve the people lying on the bed inside one by one. We couldn't stop for a moment. I thought he was such a powerful man, but I didn't expect him to be. Sick and consumptive ghost. How can this person stand up to being served? I'm afraid he will die within two seconds of being served. How can there be such an impatient ghost? And they are so rich, they must not be able to afford young and beautiful people, why do they have to Do you want to invite an old and ugly guy like us? I climbed on top of him and was still thinking about this. Suddenly a young man seemed to laugh. I was startled, and then I discovered that there was a curtain beside the bed. Behind the curtain There's still someone sitting there!"

Everyone's hearts were tightly held, and Sisi continued: "I just realized that this man had been sitting behind the curtain. When he smiled, the man on the bed suddenly struggled, lifted me off, and rolled out of the bed. The man laughed even harder and spoke while laughing. He said, Father, I found you your favorite woman, there are many of them, are you happy?"

Although this sentence came out of Sisi's mouth, everyone's hearts stood on end, and a smiling face appeared.

Jin Guangyao!

And the half-dead man on the bed must be Jin Guangshan!

Jin Guangshan's death has always been an open secret among many families. Jin Guangshan's life was so romantic that it was almost obscene. He was merciful and reserved. The cause of his death was also related to this. The dignified head of the Jin family in Lanling insisted on having fun with women even when his body was weak. He finally died of a stroke. This is really not very decent to say. After Mrs. Jin lost her only son and daughter-in-law, she had been depressed for several years. She thought her husband was still fooling around before his death, and she eventually lost her life. She was so angry that she fell ill, and passed away soon after. The Lanling Jin family tried to cover up the rumors, but everyone in the family had already tacitly understood it. On the surface, he looked sad, but in reality, he felt that he deserved to die like this. Unexpectedly, today, they heard an even more unpleasant and extremely ugly truth. The sound of gasps echoed one after another in the sword testing hall.

Sisi said: "The middle-aged man screamed and struggled, but he had no strength. The young man who led us in just now opened the door again and came in. He was giggling, dragging him onto the bed, taking a rope, and stepping on him His head was tied up, and he told us to continue, even if he died, don't stop. Who among us has seen such a battle? We were scared to death, but we didn't dare to disobey, so we had to continue. Even on the twelfth one, we were still When I was eleven, the sister suddenly screamed, saying that he was really dead. I went up to take a look, and sure enough I was out of breath. But, the person behind the curtain said, didn't you hear? Don't stop even if you're dead!"

Sect Leader Ouyang couldn't help but said: "No matter what you say, Jin Guangshan is still his biological father. If this matter is true... this is too... too..."

Sisi said: "As soon as I saw that this man was dead, I knew it was over, and we definitely couldn't escape. Sure enough, after it was over, all my more than 20 old sisters were killed, not a single one was left alive... "

Wei Wuxian said, "Then why did you alone stay?"

Sisi said: "I don't know! I begged hard at that time, saying that I didn't want the money, and I would never tell anyone. Who knew they really didn't kill me, but took me to a residence and locked me up. That's eleven years. I was rescued by chance recently and escaped."

Wei Wuxian said, "Who saved you?"

Sisi said: "I don't know. I have never met the person who saved me directly. But after hearing what happened to me, the benefactor decided not to let this sanctimonious villain continue to deceive everyone, even if he is now Covering the sky with one hand, I must reveal everything he has done, seek justice for those who were harmed by him, and let my more than 20 poor sisters rest in peace."