
The Master of Evil Paths - Reborn

The story revolves around Wei Wuxian, a former hero who falls from grace due to his controversial practices of cultivating demonic arts. After being betrayed and killed by those he once trusted, he unexpectedly reawakens years later in a younger form, possessing only fragments of his past memories. Wei Wuxian embarks on a journey to unravel the mysteries surrounding his past and the events that led to his downfall. Along the way, he reunites with his old friend Lan Wangji, a dignified and unwavering disciple of the Cloud Recesses sect. Together, they delve into a complex web of intrigue and deception, piecing together clues and revelations that gradually reveal the truth behind Wei Wuxian's fate. The narrative alternates between Wei Wuxian's present-day adventures and flashbacks to his past life, providing insights into his character development and the relationships he forged with various characters. The story is filled with emotional highs and lows, ranging from intense battles and suspenseful mysteries to tender moments of camaraderie and romance. The novel's writing style is engaging and humorous, making it a captivating read. The intricate plot, rich characters, and emotional depth of the story contribute to its popularity and enduring appeal. The worldbuilding is also impressive, creating a vivid and immersive fantasy setting that readers can easily envision. In addition to the original novel, "The Master of Evil Paths - Reborn" has also been adapted into an animated series and a live-action drama series titled "The Untamed" (Chenqing Ling), both of which have garnered immense popularity among viewers. These adaptations further expand the story's reach and allow more people to experience the magic and wonder of "The Master of Evil Paths - Reborn."

Levi37 · Fantasy
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119 Chs


Lan Wangji glanced at his waist with his right hand and took Bichen with him. The two of them landed on the fishing boat with their swords. Wei Wuxian swayed at first, but was supported by Lan Wangji. Then he asked again: "Wen What's going on with Ning? Didn't you say you would come and take a look? "

Wen Ning said: "I'm sorry, Master, it's my fault, I couldn't help it..."

Jin Ling turned his sword towards him and roared: "There's no need for you to be pretentious here!"

Wei Wuxian said, "Jin Ling, put your sword down first."

Jin Ling said: "I won't let you go!"

Wei Wuxian wanted to speak again, but unexpectedly, Jin Ling suddenly burst into tears.

This cry made everyone dumbfounded. Wei Wuxian took a step towards him in confusion, and said, "What...what's going on?"

Although Jin Ling cried with tears all over his face, he still choked with sobs and said loudly: "This is my father's sword. I won't let it go!"

What he was holding tightly in his arms was Jin Zixuan's sword, Suihua. This sword was the only thing his parents left him.

At this moment, Jin Ling was sobbing in front of everyone, making him feel like he had seen Jiang Yanli crying loudly when he was extremely sad. Some of the young men as old as Jin Ling are already married, and the older ones even have children. Crying is a shameful thing for them. Crying in public shows how aggrieved you feel.

For a moment, Wei Wuxian was at a loss. He looked at Lan Wangji, as if he wanted to ask for help, but it was even less likely that Lan Wangji would know what to do. At this moment, a voice came from the river: "Aling!"

Five or six large ships surrounded the fishing boat. Each ship was full of monks, and a family leader stood on the bow. Yunmeng Jiang's big boat was on the right side of the small fishing boat, the closest to it. The distance between them was only five feet. The person who made the sound just now was Jiang Cheng who was on the side of the boat. Jin Ling's eyes were filled with tears. When he saw his uncle, he immediately wiped his face randomly, sniffed, looked this way, then that, gritted his teeth and flew over, landing next to Jiang Cheng. Jiang Cheng grabbed him and said, "What's wrong with you? Who bullied you!"

Jin Ling rubbed his eyes fiercely and refused to speak. Jiang Cheng raised his head and cast his cold eyes on the fishing boat. The cold light in his eyes swept across Wen Ning and was about to land on Wei Wuxian. Lan Wangji took a step intentionally or unintentionally, blocking Wei Wuxian's body. shape. A family head warned: "Wei Wuxian, what are you doing on that ship?"

His tone was suspicious, and it was obvious that Wei Wuxian had uneasy intentions, which was extremely uncomfortable to hear. Ouyang Zizhen said: "Master Yao, why do you speak in such a tone? If Senior Wei wants to do anything, I am afraid that everyone will not be able to sit on the boat safely now."

As soon as these words came out, many older monks felt a little embarrassed. While it's true, no one wants to hear it said directly. Lan SiZhui immediately said: "Zizhen is right!" Several teenagers also agreed in unison.

Jiang Cheng tilted his head slightly and said, "Sect Master Ouyang."

Sect Master Ouyang's eyelids were beating fast along with his heart when his name was called, and Jiang Cheng said coldly: "If I remember correctly, the one who spoke is your son. He is really eloquent."

Sect Leader Ouyang said hurriedly: "Zizhen! Come back and come to daddy!"

Ouyang Zi was really puzzled and said: "Dad, didn't you ask me to come on this ship and leave you alone?"

Sect Leader Ouyang wiped his sweat and said, "Okay! Haven't you had enough limelight today? Come here!" His family is stationed in Baling, close to Yunmeng, and is incomparable to the Jiang family's power. He doesn't want to do it because of His son frequently spoke up for Wei Wuxian and was resented by Jiang Cheng. Jiang Cheng glanced at Wei Wuxian and Lan Wangji, then put his arm around Jin Ling's shoulders and returned to the cabin. Sect Master Ouyang breathed a sigh of relief and shouted to his son: "You, you, you! The older you get, the more disobedient you become! You won't be able to get through it! If you don't come over, I'll catch you!"

Ouyang Zizhen said with concern: "Dad, please go in and rest. Your spiritual power has not recovered yet, so you will definitely not be able to come over. Don't wield the sword rashly."

Now most people's spiritual power is still slowly recovering, and they might fall headfirst if they barely manage to wield a sword, so they can only take a boat. Sect Leader Ouyang was extremely tall and burly, so he really couldn't fly over to catch him now, so his son was so angry that he threw his sleeves and entered the cabin. Nie Huaisang laughed out loud on the other boat. The other family heads looked at him and were speechless, but those who needed to leave also dispersed one after another. Seeing this, Wei Wuxian let out a long sigh of relief. After he relaxed, his face was suddenly taken over by a look of extreme fatigue, and he tilted to one side.

It turns out that his shaking just now was not due to the instability of the fishing boat, but because he was really too weak to stand still.

The young men didn't mind that the blood on his body was horrifying, so they wanted to help him with all their hands and feet, just like they helped Lan Sizhui just now. But there was no need for them at all. Lan Wangji bent down slightly, put one hand on his arm, and the other on his knees, and suddenly lifted Wei Wuxian up.

He just held Wei Wuxian in his arms and walked into the cabin. There was no place to lie down in the cabin, only four long wooden benches. Lan Wangji put one arm around Wei Wuxian's waist, letting his head rest on his shoulder, and used the other hand to form the four benches into one. Zhang was wide enough to lie down, and he gently placed Wei Wuxian on top.

Lan SiZhui suddenly discovered that even though Hanguang-Jun was covered in blood, the bandage that Wei Wuxian had torn from his sleeve to cover a small wound on him was still properly knotted and tied to the fingers of his left hand.

Having no time to care about his appearance before, Lan Wangji took out his handkerchief and slowly wiped away the blood clots on Wei Wuxian's face. Not long after, a snow-white handkerchief was dyed black and red. While he wiped Wei Wuxian's face, he hadn't wiped his own yet.

Lan Wangji hurriedly presented his handkerchief with both hands and said, "Hanguang-Jun."

Lan Wangji finally lowered his head, and when he wiped his face with the handkerchief, his face turned completely white, and the young men heaved a sigh of relief. Sure enough, Hanguang-Jun had to look like ice and snow like this to look normal.

Ouyang Zizhen said: "Hanguang-Jun, why did Senior Wei fall?"

Lan Wangji said, "I'm tired."

Lan Jingyi was surprised: "I thought Senior Wei would never get tired!"

The other teenagers were also a little surprised that the legendary Yiling Ancestor would be so tired that he collapsed from dealing with zombies. They all thought that the Yiling Ancestor could just curl his fingers and solve the problem. Lan Wangji shook his head and said only three words: "They are all human beings."

They are all human beings. There is no one who is not tired, and how can he never fall down?

The benches were all pushed together by Lan Wangji, and the boys could only squat in a circle helplessly. If Wei Wuxian was awake, making jokes and teasing each other, the cabin would definitely be very lively at this moment, but now he was lying down, and there was only Hanguang Lord sitting upright next to him. Normally someone would come and chat to liven up the atmosphere, but Lan Wangji didn't speak, and no one else dared to speak. After squatting for a long time, there was still silence in the cabin.

All the young people cursed: "...It's so boring."

They were so bored that they started to communicate with their eyes: "Why doesn't Mr. Hanguang say a word? Why doesn't Senior Wei wake up?"

Ouyang Zizhen put his hands on his chin and quietly pointed at this and that, saying: "Has Hanguang-Jun always been like this without saying a word? How can Senior Wei bear to stay with him all day long..."

Lan SiZhui nodded heavily and confirmed silently: "Hanguang-Jun, it has always been like this!"

Suddenly, Wei Wuxian frowned and tilted his head to the side. Lan Wangji gently straightened his head to avoid twisting his neck. Wei Wuxian murmured, "Lan Zhan."

Everyone thought he was about to wake up and were overjoyed, but who knew that Wei Wuxian's eyes were still closed. Lan Wangji looked as usual and said, "Yes. I'm here."

Wei Wuxian fell silent again, as if he felt at ease and at ease, nuzzled closer to Lan Wangji, and continued to sleep. Several teenagers looked at the two people blankly, and for some reason, they suddenly blushed. Lan SiZhui stood up first and stammered: "Han, Hanguang-Jun, let's go out first..."

They almost fled and rushed to the deck. The suffocating feeling just now dissipated when the night wind blew them away. One person said: "What's going on? Why do we have to rush out! Why!"

Ouyang Zizhen covered his face and said, "I don't know what's going on, but I suddenly feel that it's inappropriate to stay in there!"

Several people pointed at each other and shouted: "Why are you blushing!"

"I blushed when I saw you blushing!"

Wen Ning never helped Wei Wuxian from the beginning, nor did he go into the cabin and squatted on the deck. Everyone was wondering why he didn't go in just now, but now they realized that the ghost general was really wise.

There is no room for a third person here!

Seeing them coming out, Wen Ning seemed to have expected it and made room for them to squat. However, only Lan SiZhui walked over and squatted down next to him. A few teenagers on the other side murmured, "Why do SiZhui and Ghost General seem so familiar?"

Wen Ning said: "Mr. Lan, can I call you A Yuan?"

All the young men were horrified in their hearts: "...the ghost general is actually a familiar person!"

Lan SiZhui happily said, "Okay!"

Wen Ning said, "Ayuan, how have you been doing these years?"

Lan SiZhui said, "I'm fine."

Wen Ning nodded and said, "Hanguang-Jun must be very kind to you."

Lan SiZhui heard his respectful tone when he mentioned Lan WangJi, and felt more and more close to him, saying, "HanGuang-Jun treats me like a brother and a father. He taught me how to play the piano."

Wen Ning asked, "Hanguang-Jun, when did I start taking you?"

After thinking about it, Lan SiZhui said: "I can't remember clearly, maybe it was when I was four or five years old. I don't have any memory of things that were too young. But when I was younger, Hanguang-Jun shouldn't be able to take me with him. , it seems that for several years at that time, Lord Hanguang was in seclusion."

He suddenly thought that when Lord Hanguang was in seclusion, the first mass grave siege also took place during that period.

In the cabin, Lan Wangji looked up at the door that was closed when the juniors rushed out, and then looked down at Wei Wuxian who tilted his head to the side again. Wei Wuxian's brows furrowed again, and he turned his head this way and that as if he was uncomfortable. Seeing this, Lan Wangji stood up, walked over and bolted the wooden latch, came back and sat next to Wei Wuxian, lifted his shoulders, and gently let him lean into his arms.

This time, Wei Wuxian's head finally stopped moving and he nestled in front of his chest, finally finding a comfortable sleeping position. Seeing that he had calmed down, Lan Wangji lowered his head and stared at the face of the person in his arms. His long black hair fell down. Suddenly, Wei Wuxian closed his eyes and grabbed his collar, and his five fingers happened to catch his forehead.

He held it tightly. Lan Wangji pinched one end of the forehead wiper and pulled it. Instead of pulling it out, Wei Wuxian's eyelashes trembled, and he woke up after a while.

When Wei Wuxian slowly opened his eyes, the first thing he saw was the wooden plank above the cabin. He sat up, and Lan Wangji was standing in front of a wooden window in the cabin, looking at the bright moon at the end of the river.

Wei Wuxian said, "Hey, Hanguang-Jun, did I faint just now?"

Lan Wangji turned his face and said calmly: "Yes."

Wei Wuxian asked again, "Where are you wiping your forehead?"


After he finished asking, Wei Wuxian lowered his head again and said curiously, "Hey, what's going on, you're actually in my hands?"

He rolled his legs off the bench and said, "I'm really sorry. I like to hold things when I sleep, otherwise I like to grab them randomly. I'm sorry, here you go."

Lan Wangji was silent for a moment, then took the forehead wipe from him and said, "Nothing."

But Wei Wuxian couldn't hold back his laughter until he was hurt internally. He really wanted to sleep for a moment just now, but he was not weak enough to faint. Unexpectedly, he just tilted a little, and Lan Wangji quickly picked him up. Wei Wuxian was too embarrassed to open his eyes and said, "You don't have to do this, I can stand on my own." And he didn't want to be put down either. Why stand when you can be hugged?

Wei Wuxian touched his neck, feeling secretly pleased and regretful at the same time: "Hey, Lan Zhan is really... If I had known, I wouldn't have woken up. I would have continued to faint, and I could have stayed in his arms all the way."

At the Yin hour, we arrived at Yunmeng.

The lights in front of the gate of Lotus Pier and on the pier are brightly lit, reflecting the golden light on the water. In the past, this pier rarely had the opportunity to gather so many large and small ships at once. Not only the guards in front of the gate, but also a few old men setting up stalls selling late-night snacks by the river were stunned. Jiang Cheng got off the boat first and said a few words to the guards. Immediately, countless heavily armed disciples poured out of the gate. Everyone disembarked in batches one after another, and guests from the Yunmeng Jiang Sect arranged their entry. Sect Master Ouyang finally caught his son and dragged him away while whispering a lesson. Wei Wuxian and Lan Wangji walked out of the cabin and jumped off the fishing boat.

Wen Ning said, "Sir, I'll wait for you outside."

Wei Wuxian knew that Wen Ning would not enter the Lotus Pier gate, and Jiang Cheng would never let him in, so he nodded. Lan SiZhui said, "Mr. Wen, let me accompany you."

Wen Ning asked, "Are you coming with me?" He didn't expect it at all and was very happy. Lan SiZhui smiled and said: "Yes, seniors are going in to discuss important matters anyway, so it won't be of any use if I go in. Let's continue talking. Where did we talk just now? Senior Wei really treats a two-year-old as a carrot seed. Live in the dirt?"

Although his voice is small, the two people in front of him have extraordinary hearing. Wei Wuxian staggered on his feet. Lan Wangji's eyebrows arched, then recovered quickly. After the two figures disappeared through the gate of Lotus Pier, Lan SiZhui continued in a low voice: "That kid is so pitiful. But, actually, I remember that when I was a child, Hanguang-Jun once put me in a pile of rabbits. .They are actually quite similar in some places..."