
The Master of Evil Paths - Reborn

The story revolves around Wei Wuxian, a former hero who falls from grace due to his controversial practices of cultivating demonic arts. After being betrayed and killed by those he once trusted, he unexpectedly reawakens years later in a younger form, possessing only fragments of his past memories. Wei Wuxian embarks on a journey to unravel the mysteries surrounding his past and the events that led to his downfall. Along the way, he reunites with his old friend Lan Wangji, a dignified and unwavering disciple of the Cloud Recesses sect. Together, they delve into a complex web of intrigue and deception, piecing together clues and revelations that gradually reveal the truth behind Wei Wuxian's fate. The narrative alternates between Wei Wuxian's present-day adventures and flashbacks to his past life, providing insights into his character development and the relationships he forged with various characters. The story is filled with emotional highs and lows, ranging from intense battles and suspenseful mysteries to tender moments of camaraderie and romance. The novel's writing style is engaging and humorous, making it a captivating read. The intricate plot, rich characters, and emotional depth of the story contribute to its popularity and enduring appeal. The worldbuilding is also impressive, creating a vivid and immersive fantasy setting that readers can easily envision. In addition to the original novel, "The Master of Evil Paths - Reborn" has also been adapted into an animated series and a live-action drama series titled "The Untamed" (Chenqing Ling), both of which have garnered immense popularity among viewers. These adaptations further expand the story's reach and allow more people to experience the magic and wonder of "The Master of Evil Paths - Reborn."

Levi37 · Fantasy
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119 Chs


After the humming Demon-Conquering Cave became quiet again, Lan Wangji turned to Wei Wuxian and said, "You continue."

Su She's eyes were full of anger, but his upper and lower lips were tightly glued, and his throat was as dry as fire. Rather than being anxious about not being able to open his mouth to attack Wei Wuxian, what was burning in his heart now was the humiliation of being controlled by Lan Wangji. He repeatedly scratched his throat with his fingers, trying to undo the forbidden spell, but to no avail, he had no choice but to look at Lan Qiren. Unexpectedly, Lan Qiren's face was cold and unmoving, not even looking at him. Originally Lan Qiren could break it, and as long as it was the forbidden spell broken by Lan's elders, Lan Wangji would definitely not cast any spell on him again out of respect. However, the Moling Su family and the Gusu Lan family had a lot of unpleasantness, so at this time Lan Qiren had no intention of helping him solve the problem.

Everyone finally understood. It seemed that as long as someone tried to argue with Wei Wuxian, Lan Wangji would silence him and remain silent for a while. However, there are always warriors who are not afraid of death who stand up at this time and mockingly said: "Wei Wuxian, you really deserve to be the ancestor of Yiling? You are so domineering. Are you going to stop others from talking at this time?"

Wei WuXian said, "It's really strange."

Lan SiZhui asked, "Senior Wei, what's so strange?"

Wei WuXian said: "This Sect Leader Su has been acting strange since just now. When the corpses gathered around him, he called on those who had lost their spiritual power not to ask for life but to die together. Now he's blocking my mouth. Let me cross-examine you. And you keep trying to provoke me, for fear that you will survive for a moment longer. What is the reason for this? Is there anyone who is an ally like this?"

After being mentioned like this by Wei Wuxian, many people were suspicious: Sect Master Su seemed to have spoken too much today. However, no one else expressed their opinions, and it was inconvenient for them to express their opinions, so they all carefully chose to remain silent. Others began to secretly think about what they had done before or on the way up the mountain. Wei Wuxian looked at the disciples of the Moling Su family, who were standing very far away from the disciples of the Gusu Lan family, and the latter didn't even bother to pay the former any attention. The more he looked at it, the more he felt something was awkward, so he asked Lan Wangji in a low voice: "Hanguang-Jun, let me ask you something, the Gusu Lan clan and the Moling Su clan are both music cultivators, and the Gusu Moling clan are inseparable from each other in the Jiangnan area. Yuan, generally speaking, shouldn't the relationship be okay? Why do you feel that the relationship between the two families is so bad?"

Lan SiZhui and Lan Jingyi squeezed over. When Lan Jingyi heard this, he loudly said: "Of course the relationship is not good!"

Lan Wangji said: "The Moling Su Clan is a branch that separated from the Gusu Lan Clan."

Wei Wuxian said, "What?"

Lan SiZhui covered Lan Jingyi's mouth and whispered: "Senior Wei, you don't know something. The Moling Su family was a sect established by a disciple with a foreign surname after he left the Gusu Lan family. Since he could not get rid of the shadow of the clan, he The family's secret skills are similar to those of the Gusu Lan clan, and they are good at music, and even the first-grade spiritual weapon of the family leader Su Minshan is a seven-stringed guqin similar to Hanguang-Jun."

Wei Wuxian looked back at Su She, who had a gloomy expression, and was speechless. Lan Jingyi broke away from Lan SiZhui and said angrily: "Not only that, but something even weirder is yet to come! This Sect Master Su... Okay, I know to keep your voice down! This Sect Master Su not only learns everything, but he is also exceptionally good at it. It is taboo for someone to say that he is following our Hanguang-Jun, otherwise he will immediately fall out. How could there be such a person in the world!" Hearing him speak louder and louder, Lan SiZhui said helplessly: "Jingyi!"

But Su She had heard everything clearly, his face was livid, his eyes were full of anger, he vomited out a mouthful of blood, and finally broke the silence spell with force, but when he opened his mouth, his voice was hoarse as if he had aged ten years, and said: "What a Yazheng." The Gusu Lan Sect that I taught you is full of celebrities and is number one in the Xuan Sect! It turns out that this is how you teach your disciples!"

Sect Master Ouyang said: "Sect Master Su, now that we are facing a powerful enemy, we must not let our own people hurt our peace." Su She sneered, "Our own people? Look at the Gusu Lan Sect, everyone is messing with Wei Wuxian. Tuan, who do you think we are one of our own?"

When he said this, other people in the Gusu Lan Sect were not happy. Lan Qiren glanced at him but said nothing. An older, high-ranking guest minister showed a sullen look on his face: "Su Minshan, even if you are not from the Gusu Lan Sect, you must be careful what you say!"

A disciple of the Moling Su Clan immediately stood up and said, "Our sect master has already left your Gusu Lan Clan. In what capacity do you speak to him like this?"

Lan Jingyi had long been full of resentment towards the Molingsu clan, and said loudly: "Your sect leader has such a status now, because he received the teachings of our Gusu, why can't we say more when he bites back?"

In the Demon-Conquering Cave, the two groups of people began to glare at each other and taunt each other. Someone from the Moling Su family shouted: "There are so many disciples of the Gusu Lan family, how can they all be able to establish their own school? That's too arrogant!" "

Someone from Gusu Lan's side immediately responded: "Who is that arrogant? I don't know who's playing the demon-killing song is full of mistakes, and they don't even realize it!"

As soon as this sentence came out, Wei Wuxian suddenly felt enlightened!

He said: "It's not food, nor is it Feng Shui!"

Everyone was startled, and Wei Wuxian added, "You have all forgotten that there is another thing that you have done since the mountain."

Lan SiZhui asked, "What's the matter?"

Wei Wuxian said, "Kill the zombies."

Ouyang Zizhen blurted out: "Ah, could it be like that in Yicheng, where the corpses had corpse poison powder in their bodies?! Dad, when you killed those ferocious zombies, did you get any traces of them from their bodies?" Weirdly colored powder is sprayed out of it?"

Sect Master Ouyang said: "There is no powder, no!"

Ouyang Zi really refused to give up and said: "Then... what about the liquid?"

Jiang Cheng said coldly: "Okay. If any weird powder or liquid spurts out after killing the zombies, we won't be able to notice anything unusual."

Ouyang Zi, who thought he had captured the mystery, blushed and scratched his head. His father quickly pulled his overly excited son down and sat down. Wei Wuxian said, "It is indeed related to killing the zombies. However, the problem is not with the zombies, but with the people who killed the zombies."

He turned to Lan Qiren and said, "Senior Lan, I want to ask you a question."

Lan Qiren glanced at Lan Wangji and said indifferently: "What questions do you have, and you can't ask him, so you want to ask me?"

Although Lan Qiren is pedantic, he is not a reckless man. He has already sensed something fishy, so he listened patiently for so long, but his face is still very ugly. However, Wei Wuxian has been scorned by him since he was a child, and later by countless people. He turned his face away, not taking it seriously for a long time. Thinking that this was Lan Wangji's uncle, he felt that there was nothing to be angry about. He touched his chin and said with a smile, "I'm not afraid of asking him too many things in front of you. , do you want to be angry? But since you asked me to ask him, I will ask. Lan Zhan? "

Lan Wangji said: "Yeah."

Wei WuXian said, "The Moling Su family is a family that separated from the Gusu Lan family, right."

Lan Wangji said: "Yeah."

Wei WuXian said, "Although they were separated, the Moling Su Clan's unique skills were still 'borrowed' from the Gusu Lan Clan, right?"

Lan Wangji said: "Yes."

Wei Wuxian said: "One of the secret skills of the Gusu Lan Sect is the sound of breaking obstacles, which has the effect of exorcising evil spirits. Among them, the seven-stringed guqin is the most profound and superb, so there are the most people who practice it. The Moling Su Sect is following suit. , their family also has the most piano practitioners, right?"

Lan Wangji said: "Not bad."

Wei WuXian said, "Although the head of the Su family in Moling took his skills and left the Gusu Lan family to establish his own family, his own piano skills were not very good, and the students he taught often made many mistakes, right?"

Lan Wangji said calmly: "Yes."

Wei Wuxian and Lan Wangji looked at each other, said something to each other, and answered questions as if no one else was watching. More and more people gradually realized that they were not simply ridiculing Su She, but were trying to get rid of the cocoon, so they listened more and more seriously. Next, Wei Wuxian said slowly: "...In other words, even when they went to the mass graves to kill the walking corpses, if there was a wrong melody in the war song played by the Moling Su clan, the Gusu Lan clan would be surprised. No wonder, I just think they made a mistake due to poor technique and misremembered the music score, but they didn't pay attention to whether they made a mistake by mistake or deliberately played it wrong, is that right?"

Upon hearing this last question, Su She's pupils shrank, veins popped out in the hand that was pressing on the hilt of the sword, and the blade of the sword was quietly unsheathed by half an inch. Lan Wangji also raised his eyes at the same time, and both he and Wei Wuxian saw the faint understanding in each other's eyes.

He said word for word: "That's exactly it."

Su She pulled out his sword, and Wei Wuxian used two fingers to push the edge of the sword away. He smiled and said, "What are you doing? Don't forget, you have lost all your spiritual power. Is it useful to threaten me like this?"

Su She raised his sword, neither stabbing nor drawing it back. He gritted his teeth and said, "What are you trying to insinuate over and over again at me?"

Wei Wuxian said, "Did I say it too implicitly, so you think I'm insinuating? Then I'd better make it clearer. Everyone here lost their spiritual power because they all did the same thing. What? Kill the walking corpses. When killing the walking corpses, the Su Sect Leader of the Moling Su Clan came all the way with you. He pretended to use the musical instrument to ward off demons, but in fact he had unknowingly altered part of the war song into another A melody that will temporarily make people lose their spiritual power. You are fighting in a bloody battle, and he is fighting with you on the surface, but secretly he is doing something dirty..."

Su She said: "Spray people with blood!"

Wei WuXian said, "There are quite a few qin cultivators from the Gusu Lan clan here, right? When you went up the mountain just now, was there something wrong with the war music played by the Moling Su clan?"

Regarding this, the Gusu Lan Sect's piano cultivators were the most qualified to speak, and they immediately said in unison: "That's exactly what it is!"

Wei Wuxian added: "Sect Master Su knows that many people in the Gusu Lan Clan are full of disdain for you and the Moling Su Clan, so you take advantage of this disdain. Although evil music can harm people, it also requires the spiritual power of the performer. Of course, you alone can't play with such power that nearly a thousand people lose their spiritual power, so you brought all the piano cultivators from the Moling Su family and asked them to play with you! Of all the families present, only the Gusu Lan family could do it. You can tell that something is wrong, but they don't bother to pay attention to you. Even if they notice that you play the wrong war song, they just think that you are not good at studying and have taught your disciples wrongly!"

Nie Huaisang was stunned and said: "Is there really such an evil piece of music in the world that can make people lose their spiritual power?!"

Wei WuXian said, "Why not? The sound of the piano can drive away demons, so why can't it summon evil spirits? There is a collection of Japanese secret songs called "Lan Po Chao", which contains all the evil songs circulated in the land of Japan, including the secret songs of murder. Yes, why is it impossible for people to temporarily lose their spiritual power? Senior Lan Qiren is here. Ask him if there is this book in the forbidden library of the Gusu Lan Sect's library?"

After calming down, Su She sneered: "Even if there was such a piece of music, I couldn't enter the Forbidden Library when I was studying in the Gusu Lan Sect, so I had no chance to see it. Later, I never took a step into the unknown place of the clouds. I have no idea about this book. This book is even unheard of! But you, being so familiar with "Ranpochao" and being extremely close to Lord Hanguang, aren't you more likely to come into contact with this book than me?"

Wei WuXian smiled and said, "Who said you have to be able to enter the Forbidden Library? Wouldn't it be enough if your master can come in and out freely? He probably taught you the method of tampering with music scores."

A high-ranking and powerful person who can come and go freely in Yunshen, Su She's master, no need to say it explicitly, everyone knows that the only one who can do it is Lian Fangzun!

Wei WuXian said: "You have a good idea. You are arresting the children of each family and bringing so many people to the mass graves. The mantis is catching the cicada and the oriole is behind. He excused himself as injured and did not come to avoid suspicion. With you, Working together inside and outside, one used evil tunes to defeat people's spiritual power, and the other used Yinhu Talisman to control the evil corpses to surround the mountain. In the end, thousands of people were wiped out in my territory. If you say it was not my hand, no one will believe it, right? You are not afraid of bumping into each other. Go to me, anyway, Wei Wuxian is notorious, new and old hatreds are rising up, and no one will listen to my excuses because of the excitement. It might make me become murderous again, and I will save you from taking action."

Su She said: "It's ridiculous. Lianfangzun is already the Immortal Governor who rules hundreds of families, and he doesn't need to fight for power. What's the benefit of letting so many people come to die? It's okay to slander me. He actually slandered Lianfangzun. On your body!"

Wei Wuxian said, "Since you swore that I was slandering you, do you dare to play the war song that Moling Su clan used to exorcise corpses and demons on their way up the mountain again in front of everyone now?"

All the Gusu Lan Sect's piano cultivators are here. If Su She plays differently now than before, he will be found out immediately!

The people in the Demon-Conquering Cave quietly moved farther and farther away from the Moling Su clan, unknowingly creating a large open space, isolating them in the middle. Wei Wuxian took the opportunity to say, "No? Okay, it doesn't matter. Why don't you take a look, what is this?"

He took out two yellowed pieces of paper from his arms and shook them, allowing people to vaguely see that they were music scores written on them: "Do you think we really returned without success at Jinlin Terrace? That Fangfei Hall Bronze Mirror In the secret room after that, we have found the two torn pages hidden by Jin Guangyao from Luanpo. All we need to do is show them to Senior Lan Qiren and ask him to identify whether they contain any of the pages you just played. After passing the melody, the truth will be revealed immediately!"

Su She sneered and said, "You lied. How do I know if this is a piece of music you wrote casually to slander me?"

Wei WuXian said, "Am I still carrying two pieces of music score with me all day long, ready to take them out at any time? Anyway, Senior Lan Qiren will know at a glance whether he is lying."

Su She originally suspected a scam, but when he saw Wei Wuxian with a sly smile on his face and a firm tone, Lan Qiren took it over. His brows furrowed and his heart tightened, and he said, "Senior Lan, be careful of scams!" He stretched out his hand. Go grab those two pieces of paper.

At this moment, Bichen's ice-blue sword light struck him. Su She unsheathed the sword on his waist to block. However, after blocking, he suddenly realized: he had been fooled!

Su She's sword, named "Nanping", was striking Bichen at this moment, and the sword light was flowing - it was clear that he was full of spiritual power!