
The Master of Evil Paths - Reborn

The story revolves around Wei Wuxian, a former hero who falls from grace due to his controversial practices of cultivating demonic arts. After being betrayed and killed by those he once trusted, he unexpectedly reawakens years later in a younger form, possessing only fragments of his past memories. Wei Wuxian embarks on a journey to unravel the mysteries surrounding his past and the events that led to his downfall. Along the way, he reunites with his old friend Lan Wangji, a dignified and unwavering disciple of the Cloud Recesses sect. Together, they delve into a complex web of intrigue and deception, piecing together clues and revelations that gradually reveal the truth behind Wei Wuxian's fate. The narrative alternates between Wei Wuxian's present-day adventures and flashbacks to his past life, providing insights into his character development and the relationships he forged with various characters. The story is filled with emotional highs and lows, ranging from intense battles and suspenseful mysteries to tender moments of camaraderie and romance. The novel's writing style is engaging and humorous, making it a captivating read. The intricate plot, rich characters, and emotional depth of the story contribute to its popularity and enduring appeal. The worldbuilding is also impressive, creating a vivid and immersive fantasy setting that readers can easily envision. In addition to the original novel, "The Master of Evil Paths - Reborn" has also been adapted into an animated series and a live-action drama series titled "The Untamed" (Chenqing Ling), both of which have garnered immense popularity among viewers. These adaptations further expand the story's reach and allow more people to experience the magic and wonder of "The Master of Evil Paths - Reborn."

Levi37 · Fantasy
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119 Chs


There was a bloodbath that lasted forever. Legend has it that Wei Wuxian, the ancestor of Yiling, slaughtered the three thousand monks present at the swearing-in ceremony that night in a bloody battle.

There are also legends that there are more than 5,000 people. Regardless of whether it was three thousand or five thousand, one thing remained the same, and that was that that night, the ruins of the Evernight City were turned into a blood-stained hell by Wei Wuxian.

And this murderer managed to escape unscathed and returned to the mass grave despite being attacked by a group of people. No one knows how he did it.

The vitality of all the families was severely damaged by the battle, so after nearly three months of recuperating and formulating plans, the four major families successfully surrounded the Demon Cave Mass Grave and returned the word "massacre" to the remaining Wen. The remnants of the family, and the crazy Yiling ancestor.

Wei Wuxian looked at the monks in front of the Demon-Conquering Cave. Their expressions were exactly the same as those of the monks who drank wine and vowed to crush him and the remnants of the Wen family to ashes that night. Some are the people who survived that night, some are the descendants of those monks, and even more are "righteous people" who have the same beliefs as those people.

The middle-aged monk Yi Weichun, who said that he cut off his leg and had to wear a wooden prosthesis, said: "You will never be able to redeem the blood debt of three thousand people even if you die!"

Wei Wuxian interrupted him, "Three thousand people? There were indeed more than three thousand monks present at Evernight City that night, but there were also heads of several major families present, as well as elites and celebrities from various families. With these people... , can I really kill all three thousand people? Do you think too highly of me, or do you think too little of them?"

He was just stating a fact plainly, but the monk felt slighted and insulted, and said angrily: "What do you think I am discussing with you? Can blood debt be bargained for?"

Wei WuXian said: "I don't want to bargain on this kind of thing, but I don't want someone else to have my crime doubled just by saying something. I didn't do it, and I don't want to bear it."

One person said: "You didn't do it? Is there anything you didn't do?"

Wei WuXian said: "For example, I did not do it for Chi Feng Zun to be dismembered by five horses. I did not force Mrs. Jin Jin Lintai to commit suicide. I also did not control these walking zombies that you encountered all the way up the mountain."

Su She smiled and said: "Ancestor Yiling, I only heard that you are arrogant, but I didn't expect you to be so humble. If it weren't for you, I really can't think of anyone else in the world who can control so many walking zombies. , forcing us into a desperate situation."

Wei Wuxian said, "There's nothing I can't think of. Anyone can do it as long as they have the Yin Tiger Talisman."

Su She said: "Isn't the Yin Tiger Talisman your magic weapon?"

Wei WuXian said: "Then we have to ask who loves it so much. Just like Wen Ning, some aristocratic families are obviously afraid of the ghost general to death, shouting to kill him, but secretly hide him secretly. Several years. It's strange, who said that he had been reduced to ashes?"

Everyone involuntarily looked at the disciples of the Lanling Jin Sect present. After all, it was the head of the Lanling Jin family who was solely responsible for this matter, the one who led the two leaders who vowed to burn the remnants of the Wen family, and who also took the lead in scattering the ashes in Evernight City. Su She immediately said: "You don't have to stir up trouble."

At this time, there were strange rustling noises and strange cooing sounds in the woods.

Lan Qiren said: "Everyone, be careful! A new wave of vicious corpses is coming!"

Upon hearing this, half of the people turned around to deal with it, while the other half were still vigilantly pointing the tip of their swords at the group of "rabble" in front of the Demon-Conquering Cave. Wei Wuxian said, "I told you, these vicious corpses are not under my control. If you have time to see me, why not go see them."

There were quite a few famous monks present, as well as several family heads and elders. Dealing with a group of vicious corpses was no problem. At that moment, swords, lights, and harps were flying together, and no one could care about them. Jiang Cheng whipped the three vicious corpses to pieces, turned to Jin Ling and shouted: "Jin Ling! Do you still want your legs!"

It meant that Jin Ling would go back and break his legs if he didn't come over, but Jin Ling had heard this threat countless times and never implemented it, so he glanced at Jiang Cheng and still didn't move. Jiang Cheng cursed, turned his wrist, and turned Zidian around, preparing to entangle Jin Ling and forcefully pull him back. Unexpectedly, the purple light flowing on the purple electric whip suddenly dimmed, and after a moment, it went out.

The long whip quickly transformed into a silver ring and was put on his index finger. Jiang Cheng was immediately stunned. He had never encountered such a situation where the purple electricity automatically closed down. He was still looking at his palm when suddenly, two drops of blood dropped into his palm.

Jiang Cheng raised his hand and wiped it bright red. Jin Ling lost his voice and said, "Uncle!"

Several exclamations came from the crowd who were fighting with the corpses. Looking around, nine out of ten people's sword lights dimmed, and nearly half of them had two bright red marks on their faces, which were nosebleeds. Others had blood flowing from their mouths and noses!

A sword cultivator panicked: "What's going on?!"

"My spiritual power is gone!"

"Senior brother, please help me! Something went wrong on my side!"

Bichen took out his sheath and killed the two vicious corpses that were chasing the monk who asked for help. However, there were more and more calls for help, one after another, and the crowd gradually gathered closer and retreated towards the Demon-Conquering Cave.

These monks who went to the mass graves to prepare for a massacre suddenly lost their spiritual power. Not only did the sword light fade and the talismans and seals malfunction, but the music played by the disciples of the Gusu Lan clan and the Molingsu clan also became ordinary sounds, losing their ability to ward off demons.

The situation has taken a sudden turn!

Lan Wangji took off his guqin from his back, and the sound of the strings shook the sky. But no matter how exquisite his barrier-breaking sound is, it can only be done by one person. Wen Ning jumped down from the Demon-Conquering Cave to help him drive away the evil corpses. At the same time, he had to silently endure the stabs, chops, punches and kicks from these monks. Fortunately, he didn't feel pain, so he wasn't affected. Amidst the chaos and chaos, Lan SiZhui suddenly rushed out and shouted: "Everyone, come here, come to the Demon-Conquering Cave! There is a huge formation on the ground of this hall. Some parts are missing, but they should be made up. Just use it and you can withstand it for a while!"

A monk who was stunned by the killing wanted to rush in when he heard it. Su She shouted loudly: "You can't go in! This must be a trick to catch a turtle in an urn! There must be a more dangerous trap waiting for us inside!"

Hearing his shout, everyone suddenly woke up. Hesitant, Wei Wuxian split his hands and threw out more than sixty Heavenly Lady Scattering Flower Talisman, saying: "Death outside is death, death inside is death, left and right are death. You can still delay going in, but you are so eager to let everyone die together, what do you mean?"

Although what he said was very reasonable, because it was him who said it, everyone was even more afraid to go in, and hesitantly continued to fight the vicious corpse. Others could barely hold on for a while without their spiritual power, but Nie Huaisang couldn't wait any longer. Everyone knows that he is timid and fearful and has poor talent. He is not motivated and does not practice well. He was forced into a panic by this sudden change. It was only thanks to the efforts of several personal guards to protect him that he was not injured. Seeing the corpses getting worse and worse. As the crowd gathered together, there was no end in sight. He said hurriedly: "Are you going in or not? If you don't, I will go first. Sorry, let's go, let's go, let's come in quickly!"

Before he finished speaking, Nie Huaisang quickly led a group of Qinghe Nie's disciples into the Demon-Conquering Cave. They were as anxious as a bereaved dog and as panicked as a fish that slipped through the net. Others were immediately stunned by his frankness. At this time, Ouyang Zizhen also shouted: "Dad, don't kill me! Trust me, go in! We just came out of the cave, there are no traps in it!"

The other teenagers also shouted: "Yes, there is indeed a big formation on the ground inside!"

Jin Ling said: "Uncle, come in!"

Jiang Cheng stabbed out the three poisonous swords that had lost their light, and said viciously: "Shut up!"

After cursing, blood started to flow from his mouth and nose. Jin Ling rushed down the steps, grabbed him and dragged him to the Demon-Conquering Cave. Jiang Cheng had lost all his spiritual power at this time, and was exhausted from fighting for half a day, so he was dragged in like this. The monks of the Jiang family quickly followed the master in. Just then, Nie Huaisang's overjoyed voice came buzzing from the empty hall: "Everyone, come in quickly! It's very big inside! Which senior can come in and help repair this formation on the ground? I can't, I don't know how to repair it. ah!"

Hearing his last words, everyone had two big words in mind: "Trash!"

Lan Wangji kept his fingers on the string, raised his head and said, "Uncle!"

Lan Qiren originally didn't want to enter the palace, he would rather fight outside alone until the last moment. However, he was not alone at this time. There were many Lan family monks and Jin family monks under his command. He was not the main force in the fight. He didn't want to ignore the lives of these disciples. If there was a glimmer of hope, he would seize it. He didn't look at Lan Wangji, raised his sword and shouted, "Go in carefully!"

At this point, the four great families of the Lanling Jin Sect, Gusu Lan Sect, Qinghe Nie Sect, and Yunmeng Jiang Sect have all entered the palace. With them taking the lead, the rest immediately decided not to resist. Even if there were any wild beasts or monsters in the palace, there would be four tall men carrying them in front and they would rush in. In the end, only the Moling Su family had not yet made any move. Wei Wuxian said, "Hey, Sect Leader Su, aren't you going in? Very good, then you can stay outside. But haven't everyone lost their spiritual power? If you stay outside, aren't you going to die? That's commendable courage. "

Su She glanced at him, his gloomy eyebrows twitching, and led the disciples into the hall.

The Demon-Conquering Cave accommodated these more than a thousand people smoothly. The gasping, hurried words, and panicked sounds of thousands of people echoed in the empty main cave. As soon as Lan Qiren entered, he walked up to Nie Huaisang and inspected the imperfections of the formation on the ground under his eager and expectant eyes. This formation was indeed very old, so he cut his palm and used blood to patch up the formation. Wen Ning stood guard on the steps and threw away the nearest corpses. Once the formation was completed, the zombies seemed to be blocked by an invisible barrier and could not rush in for the time being.

Wei Wuxian waited for Lan Wangji to put away the piano, and then slowly walked into the palace with him. The monks who had just breathed a sigh of relief after entering the main hall saw this black and white pair descending the steps, and more than a thousand hearts immediately started to lift again.

No one expected that it would end like this. They clearly came to encircle and suppress the Yiling ancestor, but now they were surrounded and suppressed. They had to hide in the main hall of the Yiling ancestor to survive for a moment. Lan Qiren completed the formation on the ground, stood in front of the crowd, and blocked the path of the two of them. He held his head high and chest out, and just opened his arms to stop them. If Wei Wuxian dared to destroy the formation, he would risk his life. The posture of dying with him.

Lan Wangji said: "...uncle."

The disappointment in Lan Qiren's heart had not passed. For a while, he still didn't want to look at this proud disciple who had been taught since elementary school. He only looked at Wei Wuxian and said coldly: "What do you really want."

Wei Wuxian sat down on the steps and said, "Nothing. Since everyone is here, why don't we chat..."

Yi Weichun shouted: "We have nothing to talk about with you!"

Wei Wuxian said, "How could there be nothing to talk about? I don't believe it. Don't you want to know how you suddenly lost your spiritual power? In the conscience of heaven and earth, Wei is not that capable. He let all of you do it without anyone noticing." Everyone has been tricked."

Just as Yi Weichun sighed, Nie Huaisang said, "Yes, I think what he said makes sense."

Everyone glared at him.

Wei Wuxian added, "I guess you didn't have time to get together for a meal before you came to encircle us, so you probably weren't poisoned."

Lan SiZhui said: "It must not be poison. I have never heard of any poison that can cause a person's spiritual power to suddenly collapse. Otherwise, this kind of poison must have been purchased by many monks with huge sums of money, and it would have caused a lot of bloodshed."

There were many doctors among the monks who came this time. They grabbed a few of them and explored them for a while. Those few asked in a low voice: "How? How? Is this collapse of spiritual power temporary or permanent?!"

This question immediately attracted the attention of many people, who had no time to be wary of Wei Wuxian. After all, if the spiritual power is completely destroyed and never comes back, it will be equivalent to a useless person. That is really a more terrible and painful consequence than dying here. Several doctors discussed for a while and finally said: "Your elixir is still intact, don't worry! It should be temporary."

When Jiang Cheng heard that it was temporary, he secretly breathed a sigh of relief. He took the handkerchief Jin Ling handed him and wiped the blood off his face, then said, "Temporarily? How long is it temporary? When can it recover?"

A doctor said: "... I'm afraid... at least two hours..."

Jiang Cheng's face turned terrifyingly dark: "Two hours?!"

Everyone raised their heads to look at the densely packed group of vicious corpses outside the palace. Their number was no less than the number of living people they had come this time. Everyone was staring straight at the interior of the Demon-Conquering Cave, where the crowds of people were swaying and the Yang Qi was surging. They were reluctant to leave even half a step, and they were wandering and squirming outside, as if they would rush in at any time. The rancid smell was strong and assailed my nose.

It takes at least two hours to recover spiritual power? I don't know if this dilapidated formation on the ground that has been abandoned for many years and has been repaired temporarily can last for two hours!

Moreover, the ancestor of Yiling was in the same space as them at the moment. Although he didn't know why he hadn't done anything yet, maybe it was a cat catching a mouse when it had had enough fun and scared them enough before crushing them to death, but no one could guarantee this. Wei Wuxian will not suddenly become violent.

Their eyes focused on Wei Wuxian again. Wei WuXian said: "I told you not to look at me. Now in this Demon-Conquering Cave, there are only two groups of people who still have spiritual power. I, Hanguang-Jun, are the first group. This group was captured and brought up the mountain a few days ago. A group of children have come. I would not say it is an exaggeration to describe the rest of them as helpless. If I want to do something to you, can these children stop me?"

Su She snorted: "Stop talking nonsense, kill if you want. If anyone here screams, he is not a hero, and you can't expect anyone to beg for mercy."

When he said this, many people started to murmur in their hearts. Among these thousands of people, there were only about twenty people who really had a grudge against Wei Wuxian. The rest all participated without hesitation after hearing about the encirclement and suppression. It could be said that they were just passers-by who came together to crusade out of morality. These people just want to follow the leading mainstream team and go with the flow. Being able to kill one or two of Wei Wuxian's vicious lackey corpses is a prestigious thing to say. But if they really have to pay the price, then few people are willing to wade into this muddy water.

Wei Wuxian looked at him and said, "Excuse me, let me ask, who are you?"

The veins on Su She's forehead were slightly bulging. Just as he was about to speak, Lan Jingyi said loudly: "What next? It's not poison, but what next?"

Wei Wuxian immediately forgot about Su She and said, "Then, people will never suddenly lose their spiritual power. There must be a way and an opportunity. You must have come into contact with something before or on the way to the mass grave, or We have all done something. These children were arrested a few days ago, and the time was staggered. However, Hanguang-jun and I did not go up the mountain on the same path as you, and we went on a different path. Is anyone willing to think about it? What have you done?"

In the silence, one person said in confusion: "What did we do? Did we all drink water when we went to the mass grave? Alas, I can't remember, I don't know."

Who would not respond to Wei Wuxian in a positive and sensible manner at this time, doing whatever he is told to do and thinking whatever he is told to think? There is only Nie Huaisang who "doesn't know anything about everything". Someone couldn't help but said: "No one drank water on the way up the mountain! Who dares to drink the water on the mountain of corpses?"

Nie Huaisang made another random guess: "Did they all inhale the mist in the mountains?"

If there is something weird about the fog in this dark forest, it would make sense. Someone immediately echoed: "It's possible!" But Jin Ling immediately said: "It's impossible. The fog is thicker on the top of the mountain, but we have been tied to the top of the mountain for two days, aren't our spiritual powers still there?"

Su She seemed to be unable to listen any more and said, "Is that enough? You guys have started to seriously discuss it with him. Isn't it fun to be led by the enemy? He..."

Suddenly, his expression changed, and his words stopped abruptly. Wei Wuxian said, "Tell me. Why don't you continue?"

The disciples of the Moling Su family stood up one after another: "Sect Master!" "Sect Master, what's going on?!"

Su She threw away the disciple who came to help him, raised his arm, pointed at Wei Wuxian first, and then pointed directly at Lan Wangji. The disciple closest to him said angrily: "Wei Wuxian, what kind of magic did you use again?!"

Lan SiZhui said: "This is not a magic method! This is... this is..."

Sitting beside him, Lan Wangji pressed the five fingers of his right hand on the seventh string, freezing the trembling of the strings. The group of chattering and excited disciples suddenly stopped making noise like a group of ducks being strangled by their necks.

The Lan family members present all said silently in their hearts: This is the Gusu Lan Sect's forbidden speech technique...