

Do you think first love is true? I faced a lot of trouble getting bullied then he came into my life. He made me smile, laugh, cry and mostly... he made me HIS EVERYTHING. And he became MY EVERYTHING. FIRST LOVE, the word itself is magical and it's the love we can never experience if we miss it. My first love became true!!!!!

_bluexgrey · Teen
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11 Chs



"Here's your bill sir. ", I say with a smile plastered on my face while handing him the check. He paid the bill and handed it to me as I say, " Thank you for visiting our café. Have a good day, sir. " He smiled at me and left. 

Yeah! This is what I do on weekends, working at a café. 

Why do I do it? 

I don't know. Maybe because I want to be more social and brave. And it makes me forget about my school and my life. At least I can have a peaceful day here. 

Then I returned to the counter sighing. There aren't much customers today. And the man who left is the last customer till now. "Want some coffee? " I looked at my co-worker, Alex, who's busy scrolling his phone,and say that I'm fine. Then we heard the bell, indicating that someone entered the café. I immediately got up from my precious seat to welcome them but when I saw the customers, I just thought it's okay even if I don't wish them. "Ahh, it's you guys.", I say. 

" What's up with that sentence? Even though we are your cousins, you should welcome your customers. ", says Jin making me accept it. They sat at a table and I went near them to take the order. " Your order, please. ", I say as Jun laughed making me smile. " Three cappuccino and one chocolate milk. Bam, do you need anything?", Jin is asking him. Then I looked at Bam who's just shaking his head while his eyes are on his phone. I took the order, delivered their three cappuccino's and I know that chocolate milk is for me. "Why don't you sit with us? ", Jun says to me. I want to but I don't want to take their friends time. " No, I had some work", I reply as I come back to counter. Then I hear my co-worker, Lily, as she's whispering about how handsome these 3 boys are to Alex. 

I look at table wondering, how I forgot that they are the heartthrobs. Just then my eyes met with Bam. I'm not looking away and I don't want to, cause who will ruin their chance when they can make an eye contact with their crush, and neither he. I don't know what he is thinking now having an eye contact with me, but my heart is beating like crazy. I know him from childhood but we never talked much to each other. And we started to avoid each other when that happened last month. It's been a month but it's still awkward. 



Today is Jin and Jun's birthday. So, Bam asked me to help him to decorate the living room of his house. "Finally!! It's all perfect.", he said eyeing the arrangements. " Yeah it is. ", I said looking at him. Then he texted them to come home. After some minutes we heard the car sound indicating that they are here. Bam turned off the lights and I'm holding the cake. When they entered, Bam started to sing the song then he told them to blow the candles before wishing and they followed his orders. 


Now I'm looking around his house because they are busy drinking and I'm bored. I saw a room half opened and felt curiosity rushing in my blood, which made me enter the room.

It's his room. 

It's not a good thing to look into his stuff without his permission so, I thought of leaving. Just when I turned back to leave, I bumped into his chest. I raised my head to look at him but he's already looking at me. I moved back a little making some space between us. 

Who knows what will happen to my heart if there is no gap between us? 

"I-I'm sorry", I said. But he didn't say anything, instead he bent down a little to my height and stared at me. I don't know what to do, he's making me nervous as hell. My eyes are now looking down at my feet, because they know that My heart can't handle his stares. Then he pulled me towards him by my waist which made me shocked and the next thing made my heart to skip a beat, he's kissing me. He's drunk, I can feel the taste of alcohol. 

I'm not even moving. I don't even know how to kiss, which made me regret my existence. I slowly tried to do it but I'm not in sync with his lips. Everytime I miss the rhythm, he's biting my lower lip as if he's trying to say that I'm not with the flow. He's kissing me slowly, gently and my hands are now around his neck. A minute passed and now we are both perfectly running with the rhythm of OUR KISSING SONG. The soft, gentle kiss turned into a rough and deep one as another minute passed. Our tongues are now touching sending shivers right through my spine and made me straighten up. He lifted me up making me float in air, but he didn't stop kissing me. He took me near his bed and laid me there still not breaking the kiss, now he's on top of me. My heart is beating so fast as if it's a running marathon not knowing what's going to happen next. The thought itself is making me nervous. Then he stopped kissing me, making me breathless and looked at me. He's looking at me breathing heavily and before I even say anything, he collapsed. His face is now buried in my neck. 


"He's sleeping soundly when he just made me a mess. ", I said as I looked at his sleeping figure on bed. 

 I'm a total mess right now!! 

How can I sleep peacefully after this?? 

//present day//

I smile as I remember that day. I'm so lost in my thoughts that I didn't even realize that those 3 are in front of me. " We will be off now. Make sure you get home early. ", Jin says with a strict voice. I nod at him. " Call me when you are completed, I'll pick you up. ", Jun says and I salute at them both making them laugh. And I noticed something too, Bam smiled. 

Did he just smiled looking at me?? 

Wait, wait... 

Is he smiling because of how silly or childish I looked?? 


I don't care as long as he smiles. 

" Take care. ", he says before exiting the café. And now I'm the one with a wide smile.