

Do you think first love is true? I faced a lot of trouble getting bullied then he came into my life. He made me smile, laugh, cry and mostly... he made me HIS EVERYTHING. And he became MY EVERYTHING. FIRST LOVE, the word itself is magical and it's the love we can never experience if we miss it. My first love became true!!!!!

_bluexgrey · Teen
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11 Chs



I'm picking up my books from this cold floor because a minute ago, they slipped from my hands grabbing everyone's attention in the library. I turned to everyone and apologized as they rolled their eyes. I walked towards the counter only to see this old man who's smiling at me.

"You are really a clumsy girl.", he says.

He's like my friend. Other than my cousins only he talks to me while others don't even dare to see me because my bullies (Sasha,Annie,Ian) warned others to not be close or else they will end up the same way as me.

" I know old man" , I replied.

After registering the books on my name, I headed straight to my class.

I entered the class and everyone's attention is on me, whispering the weird stuff about me as usual. I ignored their stares and voices to feel better but I only felt my cheeks burning hot and red then I realized something, it's nothing but a slap I got from my bully, Sasha . When I realized this, my books are lying on the floor beside me.

"How dare you put on makeup without my permission!!", she yelled.

She's starting again. I tried to get up but she grabbed my hair and dragged me towards the washroom, I did nothing but let her grab me as tears made their way down my cheeks. It's not that I can't fight, it's just that I don't want to cause any trouble to my aunt and uncle since they are raising me.

I came back from my thoughts when I couldn't find any oxygen to breathe. The cold water made my cheek feel less painful which is burning hot before. I didn't struggle in the water because I know I can't raise my head while Sasha's hands are still in my hairs. After a good minute, she pulled me up from the wash basin which made me take deep heavy breathes. To be honest, it felt good. She pushed me to wall and another one started to punch on my stomach making me cough and stand there with no emotions.

"Serves you right, bitch!", Annie says.

Then they stopped which made me feel a bit light in my heart.

"It's so fun beating her, right? ", says Sasha.

" Yeah, I want her tomorrow too, no no, for a week. Can you leave her to me? ", says Annie.

Then Sasha gives her a thumbs up and both walked out laughing.

They are talking like I'm a toy which had no feelings but I do have them. I'm feeling angry but I can't do anything.

𝙄'𝙢 𝙟𝙪𝙨𝙩 𝙝𝙤𝙥𝙚𝙡𝙚𝙨𝙨 𝙖𝙣𝙙 𝙝𝙚𝙡𝙥𝙡𝙚𝙨𝙨.

//Time skip//

After drying my face I went to class and luckily there is no lecturer or else I would be punished. I picked up my books which I left earlier in class and sat in my place ignoring all the pity stares. And then their faces turned towards the door and the girls started to drool. It's because of the heartthrobs(Jun, Jin, Bam). Every school has this heartthrob thing. One of those 3 heartthrobs, Jun, came towards me smiling and jumping like a kid. He handed me a bottle of chocolate milk, which is my favorite, and said, "Drink this, you didn't even had your breakfast. "

I looked at him saying, "thank you. "

Btw, Jin and Jun are my cousin brothers. But this fact makes everyone hate me and bully me.

Jun treats me like a friend but Jin acts like our strict elder brother who is against his younger brother from flirting with girls while he does it the most. And I love both of my brothers. I love how they care for me and pamper me. They can't see me cry and they are possessive over me. I want to say them how much pain I'm feeling but it only remind me of the past when I first got bullied and I told them. They gave warning to those bullies but the next day, it got more worse. So, from then I didn't complain about anything and no one from school says a word about this bully thing.

"You look pale. Did anything happen? ", Jun asked bringing me back from my own world.

" Nah, I'm fine. ", I said.

"Just tell me, Mia. I know you, so don't try to hide. ", he said.

I can't say him that I got beaten up badly in the girls washroom, so I made up something about girl thing.

" I'm having my periods. ", I said.

He just nodded putting up that warm and smiley face again and said, " If you need anything then just ask me and why don't you go to infirmary and get some rest. "

I smiled at him thinking about how caring he is and replied, "It's fine bro. "

But deep inside me, I'm just shouting..