

Do you think first love is true? I faced a lot of trouble getting bullied then he came into my life. He made me smile, laugh, cry and mostly... he made me HIS EVERYTHING. And he became MY EVERYTHING. FIRST LOVE, the word itself is magical and it's the love we can never experience if we miss it. My first love became true!!!!!

_bluexgrey · Teen
Not enough ratings
11 Chs



" Mia, hurry up or we will be late for school. ", Jin is yelling from the living room. " Coming ", I say to him from my room. I'm rushing out picking up my bag and phone. We both took a seat inside the car which is already waiting for us. I adjusted myself comfortably in the backseat and looked up to my side only to see Bam already watching me. We are having that eye battle again, neither of us want to break the eye contact but Jun said something making us break it and sit there awkwardly.

He say, "I'll start the car if you guys completed staring at each other."

He's teasing me. He knows that I like Bam and now I decided not to tell anything to him. 

We are near the school and I'm scared now. I want to run away so badly. I stepped out from the car and started walking, Jun says that he'll join me later after parking the car. I'm in the hallway and saw Sasha and Annie approaching me. I'm taking slow steps hoping I never reach them but then I felt a hand around my shoulders. I signed in relief because it's Jun. I saw my bullies glaring at me and I know it'll be bad later. We both went to class. 


"Don't you dare think that you escaped from us this morning. I'll make sure to pay you with some interest now. ", Sasha whispered in my ears. They dragged me into an empty room after school. She kicked my stomach once, she kicked it twice, she kicked it thrice, she keeps on kicking me until she heard a voice. " Stop it Sasha, now let me take care of this bitch." I looked at the direction of voice and saw Ian. He's Sasha's boyfriend. He's an enemy for my brothers and Bam. Whenever they meet, it'll be a battlefield. And probably he is using me for revenge. 

It's paining, I thought when he grabbed my hair and made me stand up. He's laughing... He's laughing looking at my state. He's laughing a lot that I want to punch his face but I can't even move. My body is paining, they are beating me from at least 15 minutes. "Are you having fun, baby? ", he says looking at me. I'm really angry that I can't hold it anymore. " Are you blind? Can't you see I'm in pain? Bastard. ", I yell at him. But he kept his finger on his lips and says, " Shh, I know you are enjoying it. Don't lie, Mia."

He's still holding my hair, I tried to free myself but he slapped me. "Can't you be quite? Shut the fuck up now and look at Annie, you bitch. ", he yell making me flinch. He grabs my chin and made me face Annie, who's recording me from the start. "Guess it's enough for today. ", Annie says. Then they three went out before kicking me again. Now I'm alone in this room. 


What did I do to deserve this? 

I'm thinking as I'm walking to my home. Then I hear someone calling my name, I look up and see Jin running towards me and says, " W-where did you go without telling us? ". He's panting heavily. " I'm sorry ", I say looking down at my feet. "Let's go home first", he say while holding my hand. I nod at him and we reach home but he didn't ask me anything on our way and I'm feeling relieved. I enter the home with Jin but what I'm seeing right now made my heart break into million pieces. Seeing him in that state made my tears weld up in my eyes and slowing started to flow down my cheeks. I'm taking slow steps towards him and then I hugged him and say, "I'm sorry... I'm sorry, Jun". I'm continuously apologizing him because it's my fault. I'm rubbing his back with one hand and with another one I hold his hand. He's shaking badly and crying in my arms. He's having a panic attack, and he's scared of me getting away from him. 


When I'm 5 years and Jun is 6 years old. Actually Jun didn't liked the idea of their parents raising me. My parents passed away when I'm 5 and my uncle and aunt (Jun's parents) thought of adopting me but Jun is against it. He hated it. 

One day Jun took me to park, to play with him. We are playing and suddenly I didn't see him anywhere and I started to cry. It's a new place to me and I don't even know the route to home. I walked through the whole neighborhood crying and calling his name. Eventually it became dark and I ended up at park again. I sat there and then I heard my aunt calling me, I looked up and saw her. I ran towards her and hugged her legs crying. She lifted me up and kissed me then took me to home. When we entered, I saw Jun crying and then he came to me apologizing many times. I didn't understand why he did it. Then he said, 

"I'm sorry, Mia. I'm sorry for leaving you there alone. I thought, my parents won't love me if you enter my family. I'm scared of it. But when I left you there, I felt bad and came back but I didn't see you so I told my mom. I'm sorry. "

I'm young and didn't even understand his words properly but I said, "it's okay. Let's be friends now". And that's when our friendship started. I think, I would do the same if I'm in his place. Everyone craves for their parents love, so do I. I saw nothing wrong in it. After that incident, he started to get nightmares. It affected him badly and he started getting panic attacks when he went through a breakup. He's really really sensitive. 


"I'm sorry, Jun", I say as I'm caressing his back. He's calm now, his breathing is back to normal. He pulled out from hug and say, " Where did you go without telling me? You know, I tried searching everywhere. I didn't found you in class, so I thought you came to home but you are not here either. I got scared, Mia. Don't leave your brother's side again, please." I'm feeling bad. I nod at him and say, "I'm sorry, I'll never do this again. I just went out with a friend". I say them that I'm tired and I need to rest, they told me to come down for dinner later. I nod my head and went to my room locking it.

The moment I came to my room is the moment I collapse. I'm sitting on the floor, hugging my knees and burying my face into my knees. I'm crying as I remember the whole day. 



It's weekend again!!. I'm happy that I don't have school. I went to café as usual and start to work. 

There are many customers today. It's almost the time to close the café but he's not leaving. I'm looking at him and he's still looking at me, I don't know why... I went near him and say, "sir, we will close now". He nod at my words and started to walk out. I sighed in relief. It's because he's just looking at me from straight 1hour, the moment he walked in and I don't think I know him. He's wearing a mask hiding his face making me feel curious. And how can he stare at a stranger that too for 1 hour, it's giving me chills. 

Now I'm walking to home and I'm feeling like someone's following me. I turn back but I don't see anyone, I start walking again then I see the shadow of a man. I turned back again and he's hiding behind a car which I can clearly see. I'm scared, I start to walk fast and he too is walking fast. I'm running now and he's also running now. Luckily, I reached my home. I turn back but I don't see him anywhere. "It's really creepy", I say to myself. Then I enter the home and went to say about this to my brothers. " This is what happened ", I say as they see each other faces and laugh. I'm confused. " Maybe you are imagining things", Jun say and Jin agrees with him. For a second, even I thought that I'm imagining things. But I'm sure, I saw him!!! 



Ahhh!!!! My mind is messing with me. Mia, forget about him!!!