
The masked billionaire

His wife left him with his unborn child and marries a renowned conglomerate. His wish is to reunite with her and get a chance to see his child. However, it turns out to be a mere fantasy. After years of toiling and hard works, he gave up on life and intended to commit suicide. However, someone brought an offer that changed his life! Just in one bloody night. An offer that puts his life on line! An offer that makes the whole country search after him. That night, if he had the chance to reverse his wish, he would have...

cartdova · Urban
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8 Chs

Chapter 6

"this is nonsense! It's been 7 days! How could he just appear..."

"I'm aware Kris, she told me the truth about his condition" Mr Louis defended rising up from his seat and spread his arms for the young man to embrace.

Kris was bewildered as Rachel wasn't saying a word. Rather, her defender was Mr Louis.

At this point, Luke was speechless and Lucy vents her thoughts on Mr Louis claiming that as family, they should share secrets.

That's because there was no point hiding it. Alex buried his face on his mother's shoulder but she shrug him off.

He shouldn't act like a weakling before these men. 

Alex was sober as he buries his worries. His ears were keen to whatever the adults were saying or arguing.

Someday, he wishes to break out of this house, find inner peace and not having to compete with his brothers too.

Rachel swallows hard as she tightens her grip on Alex's wrist. 

Her cold gaze were on the two sons who were dazed and furious at heart.

The young man stood mute, panting softly and scanning everyone. 

He felt the hatred, pretence and silent war.

What a family he found himself in.

His tongue could not roll out a word. He was distress, aching from the injuries he sustained.

He was wearing something casual, an oversize green t-shirt and a dark pant. His hair covered his face partly. 

He was stitched almost all over his body. This man was miserable as one could tell he was afraid of something. 

The old man's arms were waivering as he hadn't grant his request yet. His legs moved a bit but not close enough.

Mr Louis gave up and sat back while letting out a sided smile. At least, he had recovered.

He looked at Rachel who fluster her eyes and avoided his gaze. 

Kris had already jolt up from his seat, raking his hair. Obviously, he was embittered.

"Speak of the devil and he appears" he concluded, said his goobyes to the family and stormed out.

Although, he brush this man on his left shoulder before leaving.

Luke and Lucy also stood up, at least, they pretended to see him alive but not in a nice way.

They said their goodbyes too, wished him well and faded away. He looked piteous and unexpressive.

Mr Louis was expecting this man to say something but he was looking strangely at everything in this place.

"Father, I believe he needs rest" Rachel spoke on his behalf while rising up to meet her husband.

Mr Louis nodded and told Gary to recover soon. He bow slightly at the old man which was awkward.

Rachel held lock arms with him and walk him away. Though, he stutters behind her. 

They left behind Alex with his grandfather.

Mr Louis was pleased as he desired to prepare a feast for the return of his son.

He didn't want to announce the state of Gary in the hospital because his sons might harm him in his unconscious state.

Mr Louis turned his attention to Alex and broaden his smile.

"Hey boy, why don't we go hunting?" He suggested to celebrate the survival of one of his sons.

Alex pinned his fingers together and lower his eyes on his shoes. He asked;

"Are we hunting humans this time around Grandpa?"


He locked the door behind him, winced and massage his shoulder. He was an inch away from her empty of thoughts.

This wasn't meant to be.

"Rachel! Seriously? How long would I keep up to it?"

"You've never being of any help Ethan! It's just for a moment until he wakes up!" She screeches more worried than he was.

He couldn't believe his face was housing someone else. Now he could see she was truly dangerous and go to any length to satisfy her greed.

"Is this the family you brought my child into? Full with bloody and greedy men?"

"No! He's not your son! Remember that" she snaps pacing towards the window and holding on to the curtain covering it.

He was infuriating her and his voice crashing with her thoughts.

How did it get here?

"You took him away from me! I won't be a part of this anymore. I am taking Alex with me" Ethan rages as he couldn't believe she dragged him into her mess.

"Then you would have us all dead" she barks and flung the curtain aside while giving him a deadly stare.

"Damn it!" He cusses as he ruffles his hair and sat on the large bed. Ethan was replacing Gary temporarily.

He had to talk, walk, act and relate like him. That seems almost impossible but with Rachel it was possible.

His eyes scrutinized this fancy room, he hated Gary and ironically, he was his substitute.

Every place in this house was enermous and magnificent.

This room felt like a suit. Two large golden wardrobe, a window that had a balcony, a long couch, fireplace and flowers in a vase kept at both sides of the window.

The thought of that made his head throb as the injury he received from Gary hadn't healed up completely.

How fate made them meet again was tricky and he was hating her personality. They hadn't spoken about themselves but disagreeing and fighting with each other.

Wealth must have blinded her to stand strong in this family but he never wants his son to be involved.

He would rescue Alex.

"I never agreed on this!" He poured out touching his face and grumbling. Ethan felt like suffocating especially being in a confined space with her.

She gave him no response and threw a phone at him. Ethan fringes as it beeps. He wasn't responding to that because the phone belongs to Gary.

He glanced at his hands and exasperated. These hands that embraced his son who was frighten of him.

He was the first person to welcome him when he was discharged from the hospital and found himself in this mansion.

"Why were you at the auction?" Rachel decided to ask. 

She hides her depression and only appear strong just not to be kicked down.

Her question reminded him of the heist, he hadn't been able to reach Tyler and the rest team.

They must have assumed he was dead along with Rodger. There were a lot he needed to discover. 

Probing questions that requires urgent answers; Why would Gary want to rob the place for something he could easily get? 

How did the shooting began? What had happened to his face? How would he survive in this den?

Why couldn't Rachel inform the family Gary was in coma? How had Alex being copping? Who exactly is Mr Louis?

Everything points out to that artifact. What was it in the first place?

He didn't respond either as she sat at a distance from him. There was silence as they reminisce over the turn of event.

Despite how cold this room was, he felt hot inside his body. He didn't like the fact that they acted indifferent towards each other.

What was he expecting? That she would accept him with open arms and shower him with kiss?

She only needed him for her benefits rather than letting his heart skip for her again, he was willing to blot out the affection and replace it with loathe.

"How did you become this?" He broke the silence as he buried his head in his palms. Rachel knew what he meant.

"Why did you agree to this?" She asked rhetorically and they both stared at themselves.

Memories of what happened within the seven days flooded their head. It was a moment and the first time they ever agreed on something to save their lives.

"I didn't, you talked me into it and it's for Alex" he replied and she nodded woefully while resting her gaze at her hands which were trembling.

"I became this for someone" she declared smiling sadly as tears brewed up in her eyes.

"It's funny how we get our hands dirty to fulfill our dreams" he whispered dazzled at the sun ray hitting his head from the window.

"What happens when he wakes?" Ethan continues trying not to stare at her.

"I don't know" she said emotionlessly and he ogled at her. She didn't even have a plan to begin with!

He was jinxed and caught in between. The fact that Gary was still alive endangers him. What had happened after he passed out that night?

His head spur with questions as a gush of emotions rushes inside of him. He was permitted to say, he was doomed.

"Once I get my hands on that artifact, it's over" Rachel murmur to herself and fell backward on the bed.

She was staring above, weary and distress.

"Once I get Alex out of here, it's over" Ethan soliloquize to himself rubbing his arms and sighing. He was amused and tried not to freak out.

It was a day he never imagined. Having to appear before a conglomerate who was the world's richest man gave him goosebumps.

Ethan found it difficult to believe that he would call him dad and try to please him. He would be a part of this family for the meantime.