
The masked billionaire

His wife left him with his unborn child and marries a renowned conglomerate. His wish is to reunite with her and get a chance to see his child. However, it turns out to be a mere fantasy. After years of toiling and hard works, he gave up on life and intended to commit suicide. However, someone brought an offer that changed his life! Just in one bloody night. An offer that puts his life on line! An offer that makes the whole country search after him. That night, if he had the chance to reverse his wish, he would have...

cartdova · Urban
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8 Chs

Chapter 5

The press media could be sighted outside the empire company. Every journalist had a tale to tell.

It was a bizarre situation as the cops handling the investigation didn't give them a chance to get a lucid picture of the attack.

Ambulance blast through the cluttering crowds.

Corpse kept rolling as some injuries guest were attended to immediately by the paramedics.

At a corner, detective Leo observed the situation. From the information he had gathered, some thugs had disrupted the show and created havocs.

Witnesses didn't see them take anything and so presumed they were there harm the prominent men among them.

Where he stood was void of people as he was leaning on a van and lost in thoughts.

This was one heck of a trouble and if he doesn't resolve the issue, his team would be dissolved.

Beside him was Aaron a research analyst who was scrutinizing a big paper works laying on a trace evidence collection kit.

Evidence had been gathered, thanks to his dedicated team. Their investigative tools had aided them to gather and analysize evidence.

It was a long day for him as he was ardent to get to the root of the crisis. He was holding a notebook which he had used to write down points and facts.

This was his chance, he could get his long awaited promotion if he figures out the perperators.

It wasn't the first time they had attacked and they seem like serial killers targeting their prey.

The people who lost their lives holds prestigious positions in the society which was quite intriguing.

He was certain that more were still out there and capturing them at once was his goal.

Blood collection and finger prints had been carried out and taken for forensic test to fish out the perpetrators.

However, Leo felt it was beyond that. If only the chief operation officer gives him a chance to express his view on the situation.

The noises from this place was perturbing as the cops were trying their best to control the outpouring crowd.

He raked his left eye brows, narrowed his eyes at the building and asked Aaron his assistant if they had seen the billionaire's sons.

Aaron was busy taking pictures of the listed evidence before him in a book. He seems queer by the situation.

"Only one, it could be true that they have lost the second" he replied facing Leo who scoffs.

Annoyingly, he bash the notebook on Aaron's head and grimaced at him. Leo was trying to knock some senses into him.

"Was his body found?"

"Nope, the CDI are still on it" he expresses straining his body while narrating that three of the gang members lost their lives.

Leo was aware of that. It seems two rival gangs met themselves under one roof.

"I've got a feeling someone powerful is funding them" Leo confesses as he bite his lower lips.

Aaron shrugged his shoulders, intrigued to know more. Leo ditch the book on the van and crossed his arms.

"Who? The organizers?" Aaron blabbers chuckling unbelievably as he closes the file before him.

Leo shut his eyes as his reply was:

"Let's interview the sons, I heard they are rivals"

"Damn it!" Aaron cried as he wishes to drop dead. It was hell working with Leo.

"F*ck! I forgot to check up on my uncle!" He pressed on troubled.

"Who?" Leo muses walking closer to the front wing of the car.

"He's Ethan"


There was silence at the family hall as no one was talking. Mr Louis, the head of this household sat pale.

He was speechless and had an indifferent attitude regarding the news he heard.

The family members were sitting opposite each other. Having a cold and embittered feelings towards each other.

It was a large place having couches of different colours, a window that could fit for a door, a mini fountain close to the awards shelf.

It could fit for a sitting room. A huge chandelier hung up let out its illumination on them.

Some servants had served them appetizers which were fresh berry cocktails and some bacon cheese gougéres.

None of them had appetite to eat or drink. They tried to search each other souls to get an answer.

He was with his two sons and a daughter-in-law who desperately wants to air her opinion but respect held her tongue.

"He's dead dad" Luke's husky voice cut through the silence and all gaze were shifted to Mr Louis.

He was the eldest son and acted maturely, though, he felt the heavens had answered his earnest prayers.

He was wearing a pair of glasses which he adjust every now and then. It was becoming a habit.

Luke only speaks when a situation turns out to be in his favor. Their father was one who allows for competition among his sons.

Everyone never liked the cunning Gary besides, he was an illegitimate son. His adoption was accidentally and a tale they all wish to forget.

After he lost his biological and favorite son in an accident, he decided to adopt Gary to heal up the wound in his heart.

However, Gary didn't turn out to be the perfect son he desired. It breaks his heart that he became a pain in the neck.

"What's your decision?" Kris mutters interrupting the old man's thought.

He was the second son, blunt in his words and eager to hurt just to gain. Obviously, he was arrogant and cruel.

Kris was once an ex-convict. His father had promised to return him to jail if he doesn't mend his ruthless and gangster lifestyle.

That part, was difficult for this young man but he was trying his best to live up to his father's expectations.

He was the only unmarried one and had mistresses.

After all, the goal of the men were on his properties and legacies. 

At least, Kris reveals his true nature unlike Gary who was worst yet covers up as a married man.

Mr Louis was silent as he took a bacon cheese gougéres and crunch.

"Has Rachel said anything?"

Another enemy! No one knew had she had managed to win the old man's heart. If he favours Gary, it was because of her.

Luke views her as a witch who trap everyone and drain them. She should have been the one who died.

Kris groan and glanced at the unsettled Luke.

"Probably mourning her husband" Kris said gulping a glass of cocktail on a stool adjacent him.

He was annoyed hearing her name.

"I'd prefer we scrap him out of the family will..." Lucy pauses in her words as her husband gestured to her to keep it shut.

"Show remorse for once! Tomorrow is his funeral" Mr Louis rages disappointed by the attitude display by his sons.

"But you still believe he's alive, we are just pointing out the fact that he's dead" Luke reasons attempting not to provoke the old man.

Kris threw the glass in his hand to the ground and said;

"I also lost my supporters for my campaign, isn't that a big lose for me also? Yet you aren't consoling me!"

"If Gary is wrong, in your eyes, he is right! I suspect he had everything planned to frustrate and eliminate Luke and I, yet..."

"That's enough! Kris!"

"I don't see anything wrong in what he said, we have mourned him for days now and it's time to move on with the reality" Lucy added infuriated and gawking at the old man who irritates her.

"How can we hold a funeral when he's alive?" A feminine voice intrudes in their conversation and everyone rolled their eyes to where the voice was coming from.

The door locks behind her as she was holding on Alex, her eyes speaks fire and courage.

Sternly looking at the family gathered, she cartwalks over to a preserved couch near Mr Louis.

Alex was shivering as this family of his were dreadful. He never had good memories with them.

If they had their chances, they would have drowned him.

Her statement baffles the members as they assume she was just subconscious of the reality.

Kris teases her but Mr Louis had to beckon on him to stay compose. Luke let out a wry smile. He was enjoying the fact that this woman was in pain.

"My husband is alive" she professes again. Lucy ridicules her words as she guesses this woman wasn't over her husband's death yet.

"Oh come on Rachel, you would get over it..."

She hadn't completed her statement when Kris suddenly gasped loudly as he was taking aback.

He would have almost crawled up the couch as he mistook the man who appeared before them a ghost.

"Gary?" Luke called adjusting his glasses to get a lucid picture of the figure before them.

It was him! Their ephialte.