
The masked billionaire

His wife left him with his unborn child and marries a renowned conglomerate. His wish is to reunite with her and get a chance to see his child. However, it turns out to be a mere fantasy. After years of toiling and hard works, he gave up on life and intended to commit suicide. However, someone brought an offer that changed his life! Just in one bloody night. An offer that puts his life on line! An offer that makes the whole country search after him. That night, if he had the chance to reverse his wish, he would have...

cartdova · Urban
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8 Chs

Chapter 7

The whirling wind sweep across the city in delight, it blew around anything light and made them settle in an inappropriate place.

It created fog through dusts and sand.

In the interim of the city, the central police precinct was stationed. Outside the building was a car park were different police vehicles.

Leo had arrived to work late, he was dusty and blamed the wind for it. 

He was heading to the criminal intelligence department situated at the fourth floor. 

Leo exchanged gestures with who he deemed fit was worthy of it. His legs led him to his office.

The first thing that greeted him was a letter on the table. He had been working on the case of seven days ago.

However, the superintendent stopped him. Besides, something else had caught their attention. 

Though it was an order from the crime organization officer. Just to please the affected families of the deceased, they blamed the wrong people and closed the case.

That was what Leo was trying his best to correct but the corruption keeps increasing.

Their focus were on a missing artifact and how to get it. Fortunately, he got informed by his assistant that the third son of Mr Louis was alive.

He intended to interview him later after wrapping up from the office.

Speaking of which, he hollered as he realized how files were lingering around his desk. There was a lot to be done. He took off his coat and place on the desk.

Lazily, he took the letter, sat on his chair and rip it open. He tilt slightly his back and crouch his head to skim through the paper.

"I know where the artifact is" the letter read. Leo sat probably as he digest the information written before him.

"Let's meet tonight at the third avenue" his eyes noted. His heart flusters as this was huge.

However, why was this letter for him? Quickly, he made an effort to reach out to Aaron.

Sadly, Aaron wouldn't be informed as he was searching for his uncle. It wasn't like though they were related.

They accidentally met 3 years ago and Aaron got fond of him. He prefers calling him uncle.

Aaron had noticed he was battling with depression and never says a word about his life. 

Rather, his words were centered on the world ending or he dying. 

Aaron always encourages him as he views the brighter side someday.

He could see how dedicated and hardworking his uncle Ethan was but nothing was working to his favor.

Aaron felt commiserate towards him and also tried securing jobs for him yet, it was fruitless.

Ethan always felt indebted to him and had walked away several times just not to burden this young lad.

However, Aaron always finds him because he had nowhere to run to.

Recently, Aaron was on a work trip to resolve a murder case in New York.

The day he left home was the last time he heard or saw from him.

He had returned immediately investigate this heist because his intelligence team needed to be completed to address the crisis.

Once he was done for the day at the empire company, he decided to return home.

He came with bags of goodies and a job offer for his hardworking uncle. It was meant to be a surprise.

At last, Aaron was able to secure an average cooperate job for him.

That's because he was gone for two weeks and his uncle must have missed him.

Unfortunately, he left a suicide note a night before this heist.

If it were Leo, he would have given up on Ethan.

He felt relentless towards Aaron and hopes he would get over the loss of his uncle.

Hastily, he carried his coat on the desk and rush out.


Leo had been waiting at the designated area even before night fall as he was anxious to know who had requested for a meeting.

The letter instructed he comes alone which he did, though, he informed Aaron to be on standby just in case there's a turn of event.

While his eyes scrutinized the people moving to and fro, someone suddenly knocked on windshield.

He tried not to show how petrified he was and jumped down from the car. 

The fellow who beckons on him to tail along was wearing a dark hoodie and his face was partly visible.

He was leading Leo to a lonely and isolated corner of the avenue. Leo had a weapon to defend himself just incase if it was a trap.

His legs strides after the latter and after a minute walk, the strange man stopped and shove his gaze at Leo.

Leo's body stutters a bit as he clears his throat just to hide his fears.

"Promise you won't hurt me" the strange man request dropping the cap on his head.

"I won't, just tell me everything you know"

"I'm Tyler and a member of the draco gang" he introduced and Leo nodded as though interested in knowing his name.

"I will tell you everything if you find him"

"Who?" Leo asked curiously. He wasn't one who would keep a promise with a criminal. His intention was to draw close to Ethan and capture the rest.

"Ethan, I know he's still alive" Tyler said as guilt eats him up.

"I shouldn't have involved him" he laments sniffing and glancing at the starry sky.

"Ethan?" Leo repeated as that name was quite familiar.

Tyler snub his question as he pressed on that he had stopped him from commiting suicide.

"He was a part of this group " Leo noted as he found this interesting.

He doubt if who Tyler was speaking about would be different. His instinct tell him that he was the man, Aaron was mourning over.

It was simple, find Ethan and you find the artifact! Leo found it complicated but with narration, Ethan was with it without realizing it.

However, Leo was puzzled how the artifact got stucked with him. Tyler wasn't giving him a vivid detail.

Tyler nodded and placed his hands on his waist. Meanwhile, Leo was trying to dig into his eyes by staring uncontrollably.

"Why do you think he's alive and the sudden wish to see him..."

"Every single day, I regret involving him after learning of his situation...even if it's his body you found, I want to give him a funeral" Tyler interrupted clenching his teeth.

Sorrow had occupied his heart and the last good thing he could do for Ethan was bury him.

"Do you have a picture of him? I need to check the corpses to confirm"