
The Lycan King’s Primordial mate

" I have never loved you! You were just a poor toy to play with during my college years. Now, I have to marry the right woman for my impeccable status not a pathetic orphan like you." Tears rolled down Rhiannon's face as she watched her boyfriend of 5 years hug another woman in his arms. His harsh words nearly drove her crazy. Without a second thought she launched towards the blonde beauty in his arms, nearly tearing out her hair in the process. Before the police could be called, Rhiannon was already out the door, walking aimlessly threw the streets. It wasn't long before she came across a bridge, which beckoned her to jump off- so that she could end her years of suffering. Warm and large hands wrapped around her waist, nearly scaring her to death. In an instant she was pulled back into a broad chest. Warm tingles shot out throughout her body as those pair of hands gripped her tightly. "Darling, I can give you more than, that ex could ever give you." a husky voice murmured above her head. "Marry me, I need a wife and I'll help you get revenge."

OshunEshu6667 · Urban
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35 Chs

Chapter 8- Revenge!

"Rye!!! What the hell?" as soon as she had the thought to let go; a shout startled her.

Ragnar rushed over and held onto her wrist, pulling her up. It didn't take any effort to pull her up. Rhiannon smiled foolishly as she felt the sparks erupted from their skin. She had become accustomed to such sparks and it both soothes her and incites a flame in her soul making her want to drown in his essence. 

The smell of alcohol was very potent on her skin and clothes making Ragnar wrinkle his nose. A hint of heartache covered his eyes when he looked at the little woman in his arms. She was burning up, hair covering her arms and next and her eyes were red. He could figure out just how much pain she must be in but she still had a delirious smile on her face.

Was she trying to kill herself? 

What happened to her in just a couple of hours?

And why didnt she call me?

"Come with me… we will talk in the car?" Ragnar rubbed her back in a soothing motion. He held her tightly by the waist and gilding her to his car that was parked on the bridge.

"How did you find me?" Rhiannon asked in confusion. Her beautiful emerald eyes sparkled in excitement as she rubbed herself against him.

The movement made him freeze and his body started to heat up. It took him great effort not to act on his instincts. He huffed in annoyance, her chocolate scent with a hint of honey soothed his irritation. He opened the passenger side door and helped her seat down and then buckled her in. He rushed to the driver side and entered, closing the door and taking off in the same instant. He drove while putting on his belt; asking Rhiannon questions about what happened after he had left her. 

For the next 10 minutes Ragnar listened to Rhiannon rant about what she saw and heard . She drawled over and over about the money she lost. Most of her rant was about money and not about his betrayal which was a relief to him. Rhiannon was very fidgety, she was very uncomfortable in her clothes as she tugged on them.

Ragnar's house was located in the richest district in San Francisco, known as Presidio Heights. He had a 3 story house with a sq ft of 12,022. The house had 8 bedrooms and 9 bathrooms with a personal tennis court in the back yard and personal jacuzzi on the master bedroom's balcony. The interior design was modern and homey with a dark blue color scheme. To Rhainnon this house was elegant and manifest a rich man's house but for Ragnar it was nothing special and it was very ordinary.

Rhiannon was stiff as a board as she sat on the long suede blue sectional. She was afraid that she would dirty that expensive sectional; she looked down at the even more expensive persian rug in despair. The moment she stepped foot inside Ragnar's house she had completely sobered up. 

The house was empty of any people, there was not even a servant hiding in the corners. Rhainnon wondered if Ragnar lived in such a big house alone. The moment that thought popped into her head, two servants appeared out of nowhere. A man in his early 50's wearing a butler's uniform walked in with a plump woman of the same age. The woman wore a kind expression with a bright smile while her male counterpart wore a strict expressionless face. However his eyes weren't filled with ice but were warm and gentle.

"This is Mr. Norris and his wife Mrs. Norris. Mr. Norris is the butler and his wife is my personal chef.." Ragnar introduced. " And this… is Rhiannon… my mate."

Ragnar wore a bright smile as he sat down next to her, crossed his legs and placed his arm behind her back on the sectional, asserting his dominance. Rhainnon wore a wary expression as she looked around and then she nodded to the two servants with an awkward smile.

"Mrs. Norris, Rye needs some hangover soup." Ragnar orders with a twinkle in his eyes. " Mr. Norris, I need you to prepare the guest room next to mine."

Half an hour later, Rhiannon sat at the dining room table drinking her hangover table. Her eyes drooped from her tiredness. The front door opened and closed several times before he finally became quiet. Upstairs, Mr. and Mrs. Norris was putting away female clothes in the closet and feminine products in the bathroom. After Rhiannon was done, she was shown her room that was on the third floor. She was too tired to look around and like a robot she finished her nightly routine before falling asleep on the huge soft king size bed. She didn't even register that the products that she used were the normal ones in brand new bottles.

The next morning was a bright and cloudless day. Rhiannon woke up feeling refreshed, she rolled around in the soft bed not willing to get up. It wasn't until she heard the noise outside the door did she finally fully wake up and look around the room. Images of yesterday's events popped into her head one by one. She thought she would feel sadness but instead all she felt was pure unadulterated hatred for the man she used to date. The rage was not only directed at him but also at herself. She felt completely stupid at not being able to see the signs; she had spent 5 years with that man. She thought the reason why he never once touched her was because he wanted to marry her and an upright and righteous way but now she knew it was different.

This doubt has left a huge hole in her heart. She didn't know how long it would take for her to get over the suffocating disappointment. Rhiannon was never one to wallow in self pity no matter how sad she was. She needed to find a new place and a new job, she knew she couldn't stay with Ragnar forever even though doing so would calm her heart and soul. The mere image of that man sent exhilarating goosebumps down her arms; slowly she had started to depend on him and she wasn't sure if that was a good thing. She had never relied on a man before and now that she just ended a bad relationship she wasn't willing to go through another tragedy like that again.

Rhiannon hopped off the soft bed she laid on and realized that she had a problem. She didn't have any extra clothes, so she went looking for her clothes from yesterday. She looked in the bathroom but didn't find it, then she looked in the closet to find it full of female clothes and they looked like what she usually would wear, they were even in her size. She didn't think too much of it before she took an article of clothing and wore it and then went to the bathroom to finish the rest of her morning routine. It didn't take long before she was sitting at the dining table across from Ragnar eating lunch.

"Rye.. I want to talk to you about something that's been on my mind. I know you're most likely not ready but I need you to know." Ragnar signaled the servants to leave. There were about 7 of them just standing around waiting for orders. They swift bowed and turned around , their steps were silent as if they were gliding across the floor.

"Go ahead… I am listening." Rhiannon nodded her head. A thoughtful look across her face as confusion and wariness flashed past her eyes.

"First off, you're my mate… supernatural beings such as us have soul mates. Usually mates stay with each other for a lifetime unless one of us dies or if they reject each other, which rarely happens. That day at the restaurant is when I found out and I wanted to pursue you then but you had a boyfriend. With that being said, I want us to be together."

"Is that why I feel a very strong pull towards you that confuses the hell out of me. I thought I was betraying him because of that feeling. I'm glad to know that's not true."

"That would be so… also what do you want to do about that dumb ass, I assume you want your money back among things."

"That…yes, I want my money back and I also want him to live a miserable life. But, I think I killed him yesterday. What will I do about that?"

"He is alive and in a private hospital. As far as those women- they are in public hospitals.He will be able to get out of the hospital today.".

"How unfortunate! Right now, I can't get over on him by myself, I gather you will help…..

Ring… Ring

Ragnar looked at his phone and the asnweed. "Yes." His voice was low, cold and stern. "Okay, keep an eye on him, also call a department meeting and then put everything up on the monitor.

He turned towards Rhiannon with a gentle smile as he hung up the phone. "Do you want to see something fun?"

"Sure, I've already finished eating." Rhiannon stood up so quickly that the chair she sat in almost turned over.

"Easy." Ragnar laughed as he took her hand and led her up the stairs to his study room. He sat her into his personal chair and then sat up his personal laptop.

"Can I get video footage of last night's events?" He pushed the laptop to her before looking at him silently.

Within minutes she was logged into her cloud and retrieved the video footage of her time with the adultery trio. Ragnar took the laptop back and copied the video before sending it off in an email. Then he answered a video call and sat the laptop back on the desk. He stood behind her as they watched the screen.

The screen showed a large conference room full of different people that sat around a conference table. On the left side of the table in the middle sat Gregory and the blonde that he was with last night. Rhiannon hadn't realized that he had a sexual relationship with his own artist. That was so disgusting. He had been a manager at the same company since the third year of university. Just how many of his artists did he sleep with? Rhainnon frowned in disdain as she rolled her eyes; she folded her arms and leaned back into the seat comfortably. Ragnar stood behind her massaging her shoulders. She froze and then melted at his touch. 

"Good morning everyone, it has come to my attention that managers and artists are intermingling. Which, as you know, is against the rules." The Vice President of Lycaon entertainment spoke in a grave tone. 

He clicked on the clicker in his hand and pointed it at the projector screen. The screen had no sensors whatsoever, it showed Gregory naked sitting down on the bed with his legs wide open. In Between his legs is artist Jaden and her sister Stacy. They were both on their knees with their hands and mouths on his private part. Gregory had his eyes closed in pleasure. Loud gasp could be heard from around the room and both Gregory and Jaden received disgusted looks from their colleges.

"Now, Gregory, because you are a manager who violates the rules; you will be fired. The violation fee will need to be paid in full or else we will go to courts. Also, Jaden if you weren't a cash cow you would be fired too but since you are.. I will give you one last chance" The vice President said as he waved his hand. An employee from the HR department came out of nowhere and gave Gregory a pink slip and Jaden a folder that contained her new manager, who was a transgender woman.

My apologies for the late chapter.

I hope everyone's day has been great.

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