
The Lycan King’s Primordial mate

" I have never loved you! You were just a poor toy to play with during my college years. Now, I have to marry the right woman for my impeccable status not a pathetic orphan like you." Tears rolled down Rhiannon's face as she watched her boyfriend of 5 years hug another woman in his arms. His harsh words nearly drove her crazy. Without a second thought she launched towards the blonde beauty in his arms, nearly tearing out her hair in the process. Before the police could be called, Rhiannon was already out the door, walking aimlessly threw the streets. It wasn't long before she came across a bridge, which beckoned her to jump off- so that she could end her years of suffering. Warm and large hands wrapped around her waist, nearly scaring her to death. In an instant she was pulled back into a broad chest. Warm tingles shot out throughout her body as those pair of hands gripped her tightly. "Darling, I can give you more than, that ex could ever give you." a husky voice murmured above her head. "Marry me, I need a wife and I'll help you get revenge."

OshunEshu6667 · Urban
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35 Chs

Chapter 7- Drunk in a bar

Rhiannon droves aimlessly around until she found herself stopped at the stop light that was next to the park that she had been to earlier that day. Suddenly, while the light was still red, she did an illegal 'U' turn and parked right beside the park. She opened the door to get out of the car, leaving her phone in the passenger seat. Rhiannon sat on the hood with a bottle of alcohol in her hand. That bottle was another birthday present.

She had bought 2 bottles of Johnnie Walker Blue Label Scotch; it was smooth going down. She grabbed the other bottle and her wallet, locked her car and then walked away drinking both bottles in a matter of minutes. She walked about an hour to a bar that was close to the Golden gate bridge. From the outside the bar looked like an Italian restaurant with a medieval 'M' on the front. When she entered, she saw a bar counter with liquor bottles and shelves behind it and mounted TV's. She went straight to the counter and placed her credit card on the counter.

"Give me something hard…. double"

The bartender was a beautiful tall woman with big breasts, long brown hair and light brown eyes. She smiled brightly with a cheerful disposition. The woman nodded, she took the card and put it under the register. Then she went to make a drink that was dark red in color. Rhiannon looked around the bar and stared at the pool table that was occupied. She watched as the guys took turns hitting the ball. Her eyes ping ponged around in a daze.

"Here's an Aunt Roberta. You look like you need it. I learned this not too long ago. Tell me what ya think." The bartender said cheerfully.

Rhiannon nodded her head without a smile. She took the drink and took a gulp. The drink was 100% alcoholic with no mixer to speak of. There was a hint of blackberry but even that was completely alcoholic. The taste was extremely strong to the humans because for a Tribrid such as herself it tasted more like candy, but it was a good thing that she had already started to drink before she got there. Now she had a nice little buzz and her aching bones from before started to sooth down.

 Rhiannon was wary of that feeling, she wanted nothing more for that pain to go away. Her teeth that were aching early retracted themselves as her skin that was boiling hot slowly reduced its heat. At some point as she was walking towards the bar thick reddish gray hair appeared on her arms and her hands elongated into claws. She had never seen anything like it before. She had just found out that she was a vampire and now she had hair all over the place and her teeth ached. She wasn't sure if any of that was still vampiric. 

With that being said she thought of many nonsensical things as she drank Aunt Roberta, glass after glass. As she drank, walked around mingling with different people, laughing and joking. Attempting to relieve her anxiety from the days' crisis. At the end of the closing time Rhiannon was drunk as a skunk; her body swayed as she walked out the bar with a card in hand. She placed the card in her bra and continued to walk aimlessly while mumbling to herself. Many of the men at the bar tried to take her home but, in the end, she forcefully threw them on off on wobbly legs.

That crazy bastard tricked so much money out of me!! 

Why was I so dumb…

I hoped I killed that BASTARD…

 Ahh but how am I supposed to get all my money back?

 I must make him bleed it out.

Why am I kidding myself.

I'm such a loser.

I won't ever get that money back.

Now what am I supposed to do? 

This life is so hard.

He was supposed to love me... 

Why can't he love me??

In the midst of her aimless wonder, she found herself looking directly at the Golden gate bridge. Her eyes were hazy, blurry to the point that she could barely tell what was in front of her. Her wobbly legs helped her to move to the side of the bridge and walked onto the platform. The bridge was empty with only a couple of cars going either way. The early morning was peaceful and cold with a cool breeze that rustled her curly red hair. During her mingling her red hair was let down and now it was curled around her shoulders. It was shiny and bouncy as he swayed as she walked. Her breathing was even as the alcoholic effect started to wear off because of all the walking she had done that night.

Rhiannon didn't know if she should go find more or just leave it as it was. She thought the alcohol would make her forget and erase her memories if only for a little while. However, that was not what happened, it made her think about everything over and over. She couldn't help but repeat the same question and the same images. The fire that slowly extinguished itself emerged once again with a defining blow.


"Ahhhhhhhh!!!!!!!!!" Rhiannon screamed out loud. Her rosy cheeks darkened further as she squeezed her eyes shut in pain.

 It wasn't the pain of betrayal that made her irritated to no end. She thought it would be after all she had dated that man for 5 years, ever since she graduated from high school. This entire time she thought she was in love but now why she has been thinking about it; she only realized one thing. She was never in love with Gregory. It was the love of being needed and wanting Gregory fulfilled the ailment that the relationship lasted for so long.

 She never realized till now that she liked to be needed and that she liked to basically pamper her 'little wife'. She never complained about being overworked because she felt happy working long hours, only because she could provide for her man. But she wasn't truly happy, the profession she had wasn't her original profession that she wanted to study. However, at the time, in the first year Gregory said the entertainment field wasn't good and wouldn't put food on the table. Computers are at the forefront and there was more money in such a field. That was the only reason she chose to study computer science. Rhiannon leaned over the side of the bridge and looked down at the water below. She wondered if it was freezing cold or lukewarm; it was amazing if it was warm or hot. 

Would I be able to swim the distance to the other side?

Yes, I will try it... I could dive below too. 

Rhiannon cackled in a low voice, her eyes slowly clearing up. She smiled to herself, thinking she was very smart. She just invented a new game; it should be a lot of fun. She took off her work shoes and then tucked in her yellow floral blouse into her jeans. Then she hoisted herself up onto the bars, holding on tight so she wouldn't fall over accidently. Unfortunately, she was still drunk and wobbly; she toppled over to the other side. She was too stunned to make a sound and she looked befuddled as she hung from the side.

Ah. this doesn't seem right?

But I'm going into the water, anyway.

So, it should be fine.

Have some idea about my story? Comment it and let me know.

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