
The Lycan King’s Primordial mate

" I have never loved you! You were just a poor toy to play with during my college years. Now, I have to marry the right woman for my impeccable status not a pathetic orphan like you." Tears rolled down Rhiannon's face as she watched her boyfriend of 5 years hug another woman in his arms. His harsh words nearly drove her crazy. Without a second thought she launched towards the blonde beauty in his arms, nearly tearing out her hair in the process. Before the police could be called, Rhiannon was already out the door, walking aimlessly threw the streets. It wasn't long before she came across a bridge, which beckoned her to jump off- so that she could end her years of suffering. Warm and large hands wrapped around her waist, nearly scaring her to death. In an instant she was pulled back into a broad chest. Warm tingles shot out throughout her body as those pair of hands gripped her tightly. "Darling, I can give you more than, that ex could ever give you." a husky voice murmured above her head. "Marry me, I need a wife and I'll help you get revenge."

OshunEshu6667 · Urban
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35 Chs

Chapter 9- All day date

Rhiannon watched the screen in great satisfaction. She laughed loud and boisterous, her emerald eyes crinkled in emotion. Ragnar bent down and kissed her smooth forehead. He liked this new look with her curly hair let down. She wore a dark green dress with intricate embroidery on the hem, it was tight at the bodice and waist with a flow free skirt. She wore black kitten heels that wrapped around her small feet.

" I didn't realize you were his boss?" Rhiannon murmured.


" I was also your boss too." Ragnar laughed. " Oh, here."

He pulled out a black, a platinum and a gold card from his wallet. He placed them in front of her.

" I don't need those… I still have some money." Rhiannon smiled awkwardly.

Ragnar rolled his eyes in amusement. " I know you don't need them but I want you to have them and it would make me happy if you used them. All my money is for my mate and children."

He picked up the cards from the desk and placed them directly in her hand. His beauty mesmerized her, making her nod her head like a chicken. His hand went to her cheek caressing the soft subtle flesh.

" Let's go out on a date. An all day date." He suggested with raised eyebrows. Anticipation was clear in his eyes.

Rhiannon's eyes sparkled, a surprise and happy expression formed on her face. It had been years since she had been on a date or any leisurely activity. She was very excited and the anticipation electrified and uplifted her mood. Rhiannon nodded her head with a small smile.

"Great, let's go to the beach and relax…we'll go shopping first." Ragar smiled in enthusiasm.

He kissed her forehead before walking briskly out the door. Rhainnon stood from the chair and slowly walked back up to her bathroom. She looked at her once exhausted face that now looked more relaxed. She could feel the tension in her body and her muscles relaxed. Her heart was calm as an untamed sea.

"Are you ready? "Ragnar knocked on the opened bedroom door. His long and huge knuckles were smooth as silky. They didn't seem like they did a lot of hard work.

"Yes…yes." Rhiannon smiled excited and flew to his side like a little chick.

Ragnar pulled her hand into his and led her downstairs and out the front door. They walked out of the development and stood at the railroad waiting for a cable car. It didn't take long before one came rolling by, they hopped on it as it rolled by.

They switched the bus a couple of times before they came to the S F Centre. The mall had about nine floors, the staircase spiraled up. The interior was bright and open, making others welcomed.

They spent two hours walking all the floors of the mall looking for a suitable bathing suit. Unfortunately, there was nothing suitable but she did find more clothes that she liked for the summer. Ragnar made her use her gold card on the purchases, he held the bags.

They continued their journey to Sacramento st to a popular swimwear shop. They walked holding more bags, Ragnar stood beside Rhiannon with a slight smile on his face. His face was flushed and his beautiful eyes had stars in them. Twinkling in the skylight.

She chose a pure white bathing suit that is slender and fitted her curves very well. The top part had a off the shoulder ruffle that swooped from shoulder to shoulder, obscuring the chest. It looked elegant and chic. The swimsuit was over $300 after taxes but it was well worth the money. Then she picked a off the shoulder blue coverup, it had a drawstring tassel and a matching belt. There were printed birds soaking in the water, it was delicate and elegant. All together, her two items cost a little under $500.

Once they were done shopping, they went back to Ragnar's house. The bags were put in her room and then they both went into their respective rooms to change into their swimwear. Once they were ready they got into Ragnar's car that was the most low key of all his cars.

They drove to Ocean Beach and parked at a nearby parking garage. They walked the couple of blocks to the beach, took out a large blanket from a picnic basket and then spread it out. Ragnar sat the basket down and looked at the distant sea. Ragnar grabbed Rhiannon by the waist, holding her tightly.

" Are you ready for some fun?" He asked, looking down at her. The warmth in his eyes overflowed. Sending the warmth into her heart.

They spent the rest of the morning and most of the afternoon. They played in the sea, made many sand sculptures. Rhiannon's sense of smell had a debrief for a while as it was still early and not a lot of people there. There were only a couple of humans running and exercising on the beach. As the day went on more and more people came to the beach.

"King Ragnar… you're here too! Do you want to go on a walk with me?" The woman had shoulder length blonde hair. She wore tight gym shorts with a bikini top, on her feet were a pair of orange sport shoes.

The woman had average looks and a lot of confidence. She grabbed Ragnar's arms with a bright smile on her face. Ragnar was all alone as he watched Rhiannon swim in the ocean. The second another woman put her hand on Ragnar, did they hear a loud growl coming from the ocean. In another second a bright fire hurled itself out the ocean and ran across the sand in an instant.

Rhiannon grabbed the blonde woman's wrist, wrenched her hand away and then forcefully flung the woman away. The woman rolled into the ocean, she was in a mess, her body and hair was filled with sand. Her makeup was smudged and now she looked like a drowned wett. The disgusting scent of lemongrass and toothpaste wafted over to them.

Rhiannon growled even louder, scaring the humans around her. They all gave her a big birth of space. A warm kiss was pressed on the side of her temple. A warm pair of arms wrapped around her, enveloping her with his scent to calm her down.

" My little firecracker, it's okay. No one will take me away from you." Ragnar whispered into her ear.

" If she comes back, I'll introduce her to you."

Who wants to know about the plastic Barbie? Tsk. Tsk

"Who is she? Why is she allowed to touch you?" Rhiannon asked sulkily.

"She is soon to be Alpha of a pack in South Dakota. We met at a mating ball when we were 19. Neither of us found our mate, unfortunately, she didn't care about her waiting for her own mate. She set her sights on me from then on." Ragnar grumbled and complained. " She is not allowed to touch me and I've told her many times not to but she doesn't listen."

"Disgusting and desperate." Rhiannon sneered, rolling her eyes.

She watched the drowned dog get up from the sandy water, she attempted to smooth her stack of her hair and walked as delicately as she could out the water. She gritted her teeth in hatred as her muddy brown eyes swapped over the woman that was cuddled up with HER MAN.

King Ragnar is MINE!!!

"Miss, Williams, this is my maté Rhiannon. She is your Luna Queen." Ragnar announced in an undeniable manner.

Rhiannon straightened her back and leaned directly into her mate. She folded her arms and raised an eyebrow in provocation. Her emerald eyes squinted in pleasure.

"Miss Williams is it… it's not a pleasure to meet you. Next time, don't look and touch other women's men." Rhiannon smirked.

Miss Williams didn't get a chance to say a word as Rhiannon continued to give her a lecture. By the time she was let go from the extremely embarrassing situation, it was well past lunch time.

After leaving the beach, they went to a nearby restaurant and ate their fill. They went back home, washed up and went back out to continue their date. The all day date went on for months. When Ragnar was not at the office or dealing with pack affairs, he was taking his mate on dates. They spent almost their entire time together. Rhiannon became more energetic and confident. Her whole world consisted of Ragnar. She was completely ignorant of otherworldly affairs.

Hello every, I’ve been working over time lately. Here a chapter that was supposed to be published yesterday. I hope everyone enjoys.

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