
The Lycan King’s Primordial mate

" I have never loved you! You were just a poor toy to play with during my college years. Now, I have to marry the right woman for my impeccable status not a pathetic orphan like you." Tears rolled down Rhiannon's face as she watched her boyfriend of 5 years hug another woman in his arms. His harsh words nearly drove her crazy. Without a second thought she launched towards the blonde beauty in his arms, nearly tearing out her hair in the process. Before the police could be called, Rhiannon was already out the door, walking aimlessly threw the streets. It wasn't long before she came across a bridge, which beckoned her to jump off- so that she could end her years of suffering. Warm and large hands wrapped around her waist, nearly scaring her to death. In an instant she was pulled back into a broad chest. Warm tingles shot out throughout her body as those pair of hands gripped her tightly. "Darling, I can give you more than, that ex could ever give you." a husky voice murmured above her head. "Marry me, I need a wife and I'll help you get revenge."

OshunEshu6667 · Urban
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35 Chs

Chapter 14- Home sweet home!

The next couple of days were filled with getting to know the royal family, the upper echelons of society and the rest of the pack members. She had come to know that the Lycan pack was located only in Strawberry, CA and it was the headquarters for the Ragnar's kingdom.

She learned that the entire United States, part of Canada and part of Mexico were all part of Ragnar's Lycan's Kingdom. Although there were 4 Lycan kings in the western hemisphere, Ragnar was the highest in rank as well the one with the most territory.

The other 3 Lycan kings were Canadian Lycan king Leon Armstrong- who ruled over Canada, Greenland, Iceland and all its islands. The next closest Lycan kingdom was Mid-South American Lycan king Nardus Sosa. Lycan king Nardus ruled over the other half of Mexico all the way to Panama, including the islands in the Caribbean Sea. 

The third Lycan king Bruno Rocha ruled over all of South America. Lycan king Bruno was the second highest in rank and often at loggerheads with Ragnar. Over the years they had been small battles that were always won by Ragnar. 

This in itself made king Bruno detest Ragnar and any people from America. Even the human Americans that entered in territory were not let off and were treated extremely poorly when they were met with the South American Lycan king.

Actually, the south American Lycan king's territory has been ravished by many rouges, which caused many internal wars. Out of all the western Lycan kings, his territory was the most unstable. It was lucky because of this, that Ragnar's kingdom had been relatively at peace.

"Are you ready?" Ragnar asked, his cold eyes melting as he looked at Rhiannon.

"Yes, of course." Today was the first day that she was running with her pack as the Luna Queen. She had gotten to know her subjects and had already been inducted and sworn as the true Luna Queen.

The ceremony was long and arduous. She wore a long ball gown princess dress. It was pure white with a laced corset top and cascading layers of tulle and organza features. The end of the dress had bold colors of pink, yellow and gold. It was as bright as a sunset and as dazzling as a sunrise.

Her long curly hair was braided into an updo; it was intricate and elegant. The hairstyles put golden hair pieces inside her hair making her look like a beautiful fairy.

She wore pink pointy high heels; the heel of the shoe had the marigold flowers sewn onto it with 10k carat diamonds embedded in them. These shoes, although looked great on her feet, took a toll on her feet.

 The event was held in Tofino, BC on Vancouver Island. The island was far out on the pacific coast, a little retreat the royal family would go to on special occasions. All pack Alpha's, Betas and their mates were invited, along with the Lycan community were invited to those special occasions. 

It was no exception for Rhiannon's Queen Luna's ceremony. Now here it was a day later and after some rest it was time for the kingdom running ceremony. With a smile on her face, Rhiannon looked at her subjects with a clear gaze. They were all in either their wolf form or Lycan form, waiting for their Queen. 

Slowly, reddish-platinum hair grew all over her body. This color combination had never been seen before and it made everyone who saw awed. Her facial features transformed, breaking apart and elongated. Her long arms and legs elongated, and her hands turned into claws. 

Rhiannon's natural frame of 5 '2 shot up, making her bigger than even the Lycan king himself at 8' 2. Ragnar stood just under her at 7'5. His coat was jet black and shiny; his cold sapphire eyes glowed in approvement as he looked at his mate.

 With a deep howl that came from deep in her chest, Rhiannon took off running on her two legs. The king and the pack took off after her. She ran long and fast, several times she had to slow down and keep pace herself as she waited for the king and the pack to catch up to her.

They ran for nearly two hours, all over the island before they came back. By the time they were done, dinner was already done, and the food was already. Once everyone had gone into their own rooms and freshened up, they all resumed at the dining room.

The dining room was long and wide, about 13.572 sq ft in size. It housed numerous dining tables; a table sat as much as 20 people. Each table held delicious dishes and desserts. The conversation flowed and it was endless. 

"I love your coat, watching you run was very mesmerizing." An enthusiastic Adeline said. She smiled brightly as she continuously put foot on her mate's plate.

"Thank you, it's the first time that I ran so unrestrained and free." Rhiannon laughed. Her bright emerald eyes were filled with laughter.

Ragnar watched with a bright smile on his face as the woman entertained everyone with a subtle smile on her face. He could tell she was enjoying herself. This was the first time she was actually enjoying herself in the spotlight. This was probably the most she had truly relaxed since they had met.

After dinner, a ball was naturally the way to go as everyone continued to mingle. The alpha got to speak to the king and queen as well as making many alliances with each other. The night ended, closing out in a successful and vibrant way.

A couple days later, the couple were on their private plane headed back home. It took a little under 5 hours before they reached SFI Airport. They took another 30 minutes in the car to reach Presidio Heights. As soon as she entered the house, she ran up to her guest bedroom and jumped on the bed, rolling around on it like a child.

Downstairs Ragnar and his betas and gammas were left dumbstruck. The women helplessly laughed as they looked at one another. Arina looked up at the second level, thinking hard on layout. The children of Inessa and Arina looked around excitedly. They were glad to be back, but they did not dare to move. The adults had already told them to wait before going upstairs.

"Alright, everyone backs up…I've figured out the layout we need." Arina murmured. The pendant necklace around her was amber in color with a petrified scorpion embedded inside. It glowed to life as she raised her hands and started to chant in a low voice.

Arina's dark curly hair swayed, and her light green eyes faintly glowed an amber color. The inside of the house began to warp and spread upwards creating three more floors. Arina created the fourth floor for the beta's family and the third floor for his own family. 

The last floor was meant to have individual studies for the Lycan king, beta and gamma as well as a large library that took up most of the floor. Each floor had a nursery and several bedrooms so that each child could have their own room.

The renovation was so smooth that Rhiannon did not feel a thing as she slept on her bed. The children were even more excited as they watched Arina work her magic. Because Arina was a sorceress, she knew her own children would be one as well.

She also knew that Beta Nikolai was a hybrid with his mother being a full-blooded dark elf also known as a Drow. Unfortunately, she died young and had no way to train her son. It wasn't until Ivan found his mate in her, did Nikolai finally get helped with his overwhelming powers that emerged.

Ever since then Arina would help teach magic to those who didn't know who to control their own powers. Which was a great help because most of the mated sorcerers were raised outside of the clan and had no idea how to go about certain things. This included the beta's children, who were a quarter elf.

Seeing the children's eyes sparkle, the rest of the adults felt very relieved. A bright smile appeared on Ragnar's face. He missed a lively hemisphere in the house; he was the only one of his friends that was single and without any children. Now, things would be different after he found his mate. He was looking forward to that wonderful sight.

"Welcome home, go up and pick your rooms. I'll go upstairs and unpack." Ragnar smiled as he slowly picked up his back and walked up the long winding staircase.

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