
The Lycan King’s Primordial mate

" I have never loved you! You were just a poor toy to play with during my college years. Now, I have to marry the right woman for my impeccable status not a pathetic orphan like you." Tears rolled down Rhiannon's face as she watched her boyfriend of 5 years hug another woman in his arms. His harsh words nearly drove her crazy. Without a second thought she launched towards the blonde beauty in his arms, nearly tearing out her hair in the process. Before the police could be called, Rhiannon was already out the door, walking aimlessly threw the streets. It wasn't long before she came across a bridge, which beckoned her to jump off- so that she could end her years of suffering. Warm and large hands wrapped around her waist, nearly scaring her to death. In an instant she was pulled back into a broad chest. Warm tingles shot out throughout her body as those pair of hands gripped her tightly. "Darling, I can give you more than, that ex could ever give you." a husky voice murmured above her head. "Marry me, I need a wife and I'll help you get revenge."

OshunEshu6667 · Urban
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35 Chs

Chapter 15- The secret is out.

In the afternoon the King, Queen and the beta and gamma's family sat around the dining room table eating their lunch. They had brought a couple of omega servants to help out since there were more people in the house. With the added help and small children, the once cheerless place became lively.

The table was rectangular, seating exactly 18 people. A red tablecloth was spread underneath the lunch spread that consisted of nourishing soup for the pregnant Inessa and spicy mediterranean food. At the head of the table was Ragnar with his woman seated to his left. 

On his right sat the beta, his mate and their four children. On Rhiannon's right sat the gamma, his mate and their three children.

The children's ages range from two years old to 10 years old.

"After lunch, let's take the children to the park. They need to get out of the house for a little while. What do you think?" Rhiannon asked Inessa and Arina.

"That will be fine but I'm afraid I won't be able to go with you." Inessa rubbed her stomach with a gentle smile. "I think the baby will be coming in the next couple of weeks."

"Yes. That's fine. Me and Rye can take the children ourselves. You need more rest Nessie." Arina took a slice of meat off a serving tray and placed it on her own before cutting it into small pieces.

Her youngest child, Yulia peeked at her with wide eyes and then smiled impishly before putting her small hand out, asking for a slice of meat. Arina rolled her eyes as she chuckled, with swift movements she placed a slice of meat and some cabbage in her daughter's bowl.

Yulia grimaced as she looked at the green cabbage then ignored it, taking a piece of meat and putting it into her mouth. The surrounding adults laughed at the mischievous little imp.

"That's fine but we should get the children enrolled in school. If I am not mistaken, this district opens up on Wednesday." Gamma Ivan took a sip of his drink. His sharp eyes looked at the older children of the family.

"That's okay, it's Monday. We can register them before going to the park and then we can go shopping." Arina nodded to herself. "I also have to get my children into daycare and preschool."

"I don't know about putting the smaller ones into daycare. They can't control their powers at this age." Inessa said worriedly.

"I will subscribe some suppression runes on them. It will not take long, and it'll last for as long as I want." Arina smiled smugly. Her mother was a high priestess before she died in the last sorcerer war. She was taught everything she knows by her wonderful mother.

The adults continued their conversation while the older children groaned about the summer ending. They wished the summer could reset itself. It had gone by so fast that the children had barely had enough fun. 

The only good thing was starting a new school, they were used to going to the pack school and now they would be going to school with the humans.

When the lunch was over, they each went back to their rooms to get ready for the rest of the day. Rhiannon sat in front of her vanity table, combing the tangles out of her hair. The mass of curly red hair was soon detangled and refreshed bouncing on her shoulders.

She went into the closet, took out clothes for the day, stripping her pajamas off her body. She wore tight long-legged jeans, a flowy printed shirt and a pair of light blue sneakers to match her shirt.

She wore a pair of silver earrings and a silver pendant necklace. She looked gentle and bright like a cloudless sky. After looking at herself in the full-length mirror, she walked downstairs with a purse in hand to wait for the gamma couple and the children.

Ivan had left earlier to retrieve his Honda odyssey. It had enough space for all of them. The older children sat in the last row playing around and Rhiannon sat next to little Yulia. 

She chatted with the gamma couple as they drove to the elementary school. This school just happens to have a PreK included in its levels.

Pwade Elementary school was only 7 minutes away from their current residence. It was lucky that the front office was still open and that they didn't close early. With the right forms, they registered the beta twins in the fifth grade and their younger siblings in first grade. 

Then they had to the other side of the building, which was separated by only a while and registered the beta's youngest child in Pre-K as well as the gamma twins.

After their older children were settled, it was time for little Yulia to be registered in daycare. The best daycare in the city was unfortunately near the financial district. They had to drive across the city in order to register her there.

ThinkPad Preparatory academy was a grand daycare, it was as large as a middle school. It was a lustrous daycare with many international teachers. Instead of it being like a regular daycare, it was more like a Pre Pre Kindergarten.

And was it mentioned that it was very expensive. However, that didn't matter because the king and his men had unmasked a load of money that they wouldn't be able to spend in several lifetimes.

"Alright, alright, everything is done… Can we go to the park now?" Natasha, the oldest child of the beta asked.

 She was super excited about meeting more human kids. Maybe she would be others from the supernatural community. She wasn't the only one that was excited. Both her younger twin brother, Nikandr and her younger sister Elmira were nearly jumping off their heels.

Gamma Ivan nodded his head expressionlessly. At least he thought his face was blank but the smile in his eyes and the twitching of his lips were unmistakable. He put on his seat belt and started looking for the nearest park on his GPS.

Within a couple of days, the car was parked, and the children were out, rushing towards the playground. Even little Yulia the two-year-old stumbled her way across the grass in a jolly mood.

The three adults walked over to a couple of maintained benches and sat down, chatting and watching the little ones play around. The six-year-old, Elmira, took little Yulia around. This was the only little sister she had, so of course she had to pamper her. She always wanted a little sister. Elmira took her little sister to the swing set to play.

Rhiannon's eyes roamed around the playground indifferently. She had a gentle smile on her face and the wind swayed the loose hair that curled around her face.

She was filled with youthful vigor; just seating there made the surrounding parents look at her in fascination. She was like a polished pear, elegant, quiet and beautiful. Something that can go with just about anything but not everyone would be able to match it.

Those clear and tranquil eyes suddenly became sharp and steely as she looked at a little boy about 5 years old. The little boy had pale skinned, blonde hair, brown eyes. He wore levi jeans and a red plaid shirt. His red boots that were off his feet were full of sand as he emptied them out. 

His small face was full of tears, he wailed at the top of his lungs. She watched as Elmira went over to the boy to console him but instead of being appreciative, he shoved her hard making her fall back against the swing that swayed behind her.

Rhiannon's expression that was already sour became dame right unsightly as she watched a couple run up to the child. Like any apple that comes from a grotesque tree the parents started to berate Elmira, who was laying on the ground crying.

At first she thought that the little boy merely had some resemblance to that man but after seeing the couple, her mind had completely changed. She could tell who the man was, just from his back. 

He stood straight like a peacock as if he hadn't been injured by her a couple of months ago. She could also recognize the woman next to him. At this she was completely seething with rage.


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