
The Lycan King’s Primordial mate

" I have never loved you! You were just a poor toy to play with during my college years. Now, I have to marry the right woman for my impeccable status not a pathetic orphan like you." Tears rolled down Rhiannon's face as she watched her boyfriend of 5 years hug another woman in his arms. His harsh words nearly drove her crazy. Without a second thought she launched towards the blonde beauty in his arms, nearly tearing out her hair in the process. Before the police could be called, Rhiannon was already out the door, walking aimlessly threw the streets. It wasn't long before she came across a bridge, which beckoned her to jump off- so that she could end her years of suffering. Warm and large hands wrapped around her waist, nearly scaring her to death. In an instant she was pulled back into a broad chest. Warm tingles shot out throughout her body as those pair of hands gripped her tightly. "Darling, I can give you more than, that ex could ever give you." a husky voice murmured above her head. "Marry me, I need a wife and I'll help you get revenge."

OshunEshu6667 · Urban
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35 Chs

Chapter 13- Crossroads between enemies

"Adeline helped Inessa back to her room for a rest and had one of the servants get her something to eat and then meet us in the backyard." Rhiannon announces before standing up, leaving with her new friends in tow.

Adeline smiled and nodded before taking a hold of Inessa's arms. She slowly led the pregnant woman up the 4th floor. The 5th floor was the only floor the King and Queen lived on. 

Respectively, the fourth floor is designated for the other 5 families that help run the kingdom with the royal family. Inessential, they were distant relatives of the royal family. The 3rd floor was designated for the regular pack members while the 2nd floor was designated for important guests. Because they lived in a castle that was built into a wide and lustrous mountain, everyone had plenty of space and no one lived on top of each other.

The women went to the pool that was located in the 1st backyard. Two servants were already waiting with snacks and beverages. The pool was pink and sparkling with an orange hue. There were a few small children and teenagers playing in the pool and by the poolside. One by one the group of women laid on sunbathing chairs.

They leisurely ate and drank while waiting for Adeline to come down. They didn't wait long before she came down in a 1-piece bathing suit. Her curvy and toned figure looked plump and delicious in her bathing suit. The muscles on her arms and legs flexed as she walked closer to the pool. She laughed as she ran, jumping into the water like a cannonball.

How childish?

Rhiannon giggled at the energetic Adeline. She was with sparkling eyes as she watched her play with the smaller children. The children and Adeline spent their time playing pool games, laughing as the sun beat down on them.

"She loves children. Hopefully, she will have a pup or two soon." Louise smiled, leaned back and relaxed.

"Hmm, I am sure it will happen soon. They only found each other a year ago." Alessia commented. She was a whole decade younger than her mate and it was only after 2 years after they found each other, did they start to have children.

"I never asked how many children you had?" Rhiannon asked out of the blue.

"Haha, I have 9 children, 3 boys and 6 girls. All my daughters have been married off, actually 2 of them are still in this pack. The rest are in South America or overseas." Alessia said cheerfully. She tucked a slither of brown hair behind ear and big blue eyes sparkled in nostalgia.

From that Alessia continued to talk about her children from when they were young to their current new. Rhiannon could tell that she was very close to her children, especially her 2nd son and her 7th daughter. She talked about those too the most. It was also noted that the 5th daughter was several introverted and has never come back home after moving away. Noone really knows how she is truly doing. This child was the one that Alessia worried the most about.

She found her mate when she was 20 years old and ever since then she had never returned home. It has been over 20 years since she had seen her daughter. She didn't even know if she had children or not. The more she talked the more Rhiannon seemed to have an ideal image of Alessia's daughter in her head.

"My Queen, have you ever thought about finding your parents?" Louise interrupted their conversation.

"I haven't fully decided if I want to or not. But I do have a few questions about your profession. I always wanted to be an actress, but it wasn't in the cards for me back then." Rhiannon turned her head and took a strawberry off a nearby plate before slowly eating it.

Strawberry, California was home to many strawberry farms that have been sold all over the country. This was part of the workforce in the small town that was made up of magical creatures and their human mates. This was only one thing that the people living in the small town of Strawberry did to cooperate with the humans that surrounded them. 

As soon as that subject was mentioned, Louise grew agitated. Her eyes sparkled as she continued to answer the question that Rhiannon asked her one after the other. She talked about her manager Sharon Johnson, who was a gold medal manager. The more she talked about her manager and her career the happier she became. In the end the two didn't stop talking until their mates came to pick them up at 6:35pm. It was time for dinner, the women were so entranced with their own conversations that they didn't even realize the time.

What was supposed to be a happy moment after not seeing her mate the entire day. Instead, a loud growl erupted through Rhiannon's gritted teeth. Her brilliant gemstone eyes blazed in fury as she looked at a medium size blonde woman standing shoulder to shoulder with her mate. The B*tch was practically sticking to him.

Shameless slut!!!

Another damn firefly! 


Miss Williams' muddy brown eyes swept over Rhiannon in provocation as she attempted to slip her arm with Ragnar's. However, he didn't notice as he walked away from her; a bright smile and gentle eyes landed on the woman he cared for most.

When Miss Williams saw this her face contorted into anger and jealousy. Rage could be seen clear in her brown eyes as a flash of madness glinted in her eyes. She growled back at Rhiannon as she watched Ragnar wrapped his large arms around Rhiannon. She could smell his intoxicating scent making her calm down. Rhiannon growled seductively as he pecked him on the lips, a small smile playing on her lips.

"Babe, it's about time you came." Rhiannon smiled brightly. Her eyes squinted at Miss Williams in a hostile way. "Why, Miss Williams. Why are you here?"

"Haha. Of course, I am here to see Ra…" His name had barely slipped through her lips when both Ragnar and Rhiannon cast steely glances at her. "Hm, I mean Lycan King Ragnar. My father needed to discuss some things, so of course I had to come as the future Alpha of the Blue Crest Stone Pack."

"I see…I hope the discussion went well, love?" Rhiannon turned her brilliant eyes to her mate, who still had his arms wrapped around her, possessively.

"Of course, I will be sending Brice and Adrian to her pack to train and take charge of those rouge wolves." Ragnar said in a serious tone. "Oh, by the way both Ivan and Arina will be moving in with us to better protect you."

"Is that very serious, I mean they have a whole life here and all…." Rhiannon was at loss on what to say.

"No. It is the duty of the Gamma couple to protect you, the Queen Luna. It has been like this since the start of time. The male gamma is your personal bodyguard, and his mate is your personal assistant. Just like how the beta couple are my personal bodyguard and assistant. Both couples also help run the pack and kingdom. All of us have a part to play in making the kingdom prosperous and long lasting."

"That is right, it is actually very normal for the beta and gamma couples to live with the King and Queen. Don't worry we won't get into your space. We used to live there on occasion before you were found." Adeline said excitedly as she wrapped a towel around her body. Water dripped from her hair onto her shoulder.

 "Don't worry, I can make the inside of the King 's house bigger that way we each will have our space." Arina clapped her hands enthusiastically. 

"You…" Rhiannon was lost for words as she looked at Arina in confusion.

"Yes, I forgot to tell you that I am a sorceress, unfortunately I am not a high priestess." Arina smiled sheepishly.

"Come, I just mind-linked the chefs. They have already put dinner on the tables." Enzo said in a mild tone.

The others nodded their heads and followed him to the first dining room that was exclusively for the royal family and the wolves that help in running the kingdom as well as special guests. The other dining rooms were for regular pack members. The dining table was filled with her favorite seafood and pasta, making Rhiannon drool in delight.

 There were two chairs at the head of the table, which the king and queen would seat in respectively. The beta would seat on the kings right while the gamma would seat on the queens left. The lead warrior family and the lead tracker family could choose from the remaining seats. Centuries ago, the head steward family weren't allowed to eat at the table with the king and queen. Just like the rest of the omega they had to wait until the entire pack ate but now, they were treated as part of the family because they help run the castle and any business smoothly.

Here is another chapter for you guys to enjoy!

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