
The Lycan King’s Primordial mate

" I have never loved you! You were just a poor toy to play with during my college years. Now, I have to marry the right woman for my impeccable status not a pathetic orphan like you." Tears rolled down Rhiannon's face as she watched her boyfriend of 5 years hug another woman in his arms. His harsh words nearly drove her crazy. Without a second thought she launched towards the blonde beauty in his arms, nearly tearing out her hair in the process. Before the police could be called, Rhiannon was already out the door, walking aimlessly threw the streets. It wasn't long before she came across a bridge, which beckoned her to jump off- so that she could end her years of suffering. Warm and large hands wrapped around her waist, nearly scaring her to death. In an instant she was pulled back into a broad chest. Warm tingles shot out throughout her body as those pair of hands gripped her tightly. "Darling, I can give you more than, that ex could ever give you." a husky voice murmured above her head. "Marry me, I need a wife and I'll help you get revenge."

OshunEshu6667 · Urban
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35 Chs

Chapter 12- A girl's day

After the couple had their little heart to heart conversation things lightened up significantly. The gloomy mode that engulfed her mind dissipated when she looked into his twinkling eyes. She could tell that he wasn't mad at her for nearly decapitating a pack member. But then again, had the B*itch not sneaked attack her, she wouldn't have her throat ripped off her. Rhiannon didn't feel any guilt, only satisfaction.

Her emerald eyes glinted in amusement as the scene from hours ago replayed in her head. She could remember the womans beating heart slowly losing its rhythm. The woman's blood pumped as she struggled desperately for her life. The scent of the woman as well the blood that slipped into her mouth as she bit into her neck reignited her thirst for blood. It didn't take long for Rhiannon's eyes to turn red and her throat to go dry.

Ragnar stood up silently-went over to the refrigerator to grab a glass bottle of blood. He unscrewed the cap before handing it directly to Rhiannon. She took long and deep swigs with her eyes closed; nearly inhaling every drop. In just a couple of gulps the bottle was empty and the dangerous haze in her eyes faded away.

"I want to bring you to meet a couple of people." He grabbed her hand, walking out the door with a bright smile on his face. His short curly hair swayed as he flipped his head to get it out his eyes.

They went down to the first level where the visitor meeting room was located. It was located in the far corner next to the kitchen for easy access 5 men sat around a rectangle table. The oldest of the lot looked to be in his 60's, he was medium in height. He had sandy blonde hair and deep blue eyes. His smile was polite and distant.

 He wore a long sleeve plain gray shirt with a black vest overtop and black trousers to match. He looked like a butler. The fourth oldest looked to be in his mid 40's. He had a long scar starting from his left eye, crossing over his big nose all the way to his right jawline. The scar made him look fierce and angry, but his eyes were gentle as water. He was tall and bulky like a hockey player.

The third man sat closest to the door; he was lean and tall. His shoulders were broad and his face, neck and all visible skin was tattooed with exotic tattoos. The other two looked as young as Ragnar. They were both tall, muscular and intimidating. The only difference was one was chocolate with beautiful purple uniform locs that hung low to his waist. The other had shaggy red hair and a lumberjack beard. Everyone had solemn looks on their faces.

"Everyone, this is my mate, your Luna Queen…. Rhiannon." Ragnar dragged her to the main seat. He waited for her to sit down before standing behind her, placing his huge hands on her shoulders giving her comfort.

"I wanted to introduce you guys early but as you guys well know, there was a slight hiccup." Ragnar's bright smile never left his face. "Stand up and introduce yourselves."

The first to stand was the dark skin man with purple locs. "I am Duke Nikolai Smirnov-the Beta of the pack. Raggy and I grew up together, it's a pleasure to meet you."

The second to stand was the closest to where they sat. He was the auburn-haired lumberjack. "Nice to meet you Queen Luna Rhiannon. My name is Earl Ivan Lebedev- the gamma of the pack. I will be your personal bodyguard in the future."

The man with the tattoos all over his body stood up, bowed like a gentle and smiled a roguish smile. 'It's great to meet you beautiful Queen Luna. I am Marquess Adrain Beaufoy- the lead warrior." His natural southern drawl was tantalizing and flirtatious. 

"Alright knock it off Adrian. This is my woman." Ragnar narrowed his eyes at him in a threatening way.

"I am Viscount Brice Monet, the pack tracker. Adrian and I go hand in hand with the pack that needs to send out people to find a fugitive." His voice was low and husky. He had a heavy New York accent.

The last one to stand smiled in a polite way. His eyes held slight disdain but more fear than anything else. He straightened his clothes before speaking in an aged and gravelly tone. " I am Baron Enzo Bianchi- the head steward. I have been running the entire household for nearly 40 years."

"It is great to meet you all. I am sure we all will get along well." Rhiannon smiled gently. 

Her sharp eyes swept over the men in the room taking in their expression. All except for the steward held reverence for her. He still held disdain and weariness in his eyes. She wondered what connection he had with the woman she nearly killed. From his face, she didn't see any similarities between their facial structures.

"I was raised as a human, so forgive me if it takes me a while to get used to the magical community." Ragnar massaged her shoulders lovingly. His eyes were filled with a smug gleefulness.

"I do have a question, which title should you refer to?" Rhiannon asked. Her voice was low and gentle like a spring breeze.

"While in the pack, you can call us by our pack titles. For me that would be Beta and when we are out in human society you can call me Duke Nikolai." The beta, Nikolai Smirnov explained.

"Good…good…how about we call our mates to introduce you. They can keep you company and show you around." Ivan Lebedev asked. His smiling eyes were warm and sunny.

"Yes, call them over. It will be good for them to meet." Ragnar took a seat next to his beloved mate. His heart felt full by just looking at her.

Within half an hour the mates of the upper echelon of Northern Kingdom sat down, their faces filled with confusion and excitement. The entire room was filled with the decision makers of the entire Northern Kingdom of the United States.

"Welcome, my queen luna. My name is Alessia- mate of lead omega Enzo." A petite woman with big blue eyes and short brown hair stood up and bowed. She smiled brightly, producing moon dimples on either side of the cheeks. Her face filled with warmth, a total opposite of her stringent and uptight mate.

"Queen Luna, welcome… I am the female gamma Arina-mate to Ivan." The woman had long dark curly hair. Sparking green eyes and a cheeky grin on her face. She laughed boisterously; the sound came from deep within.

"Queen Luna, it's a pleasure to meet you. I am the female lead warrior Adeline- mate of this flirtatious nut Adrian." A woman with straight blonde hair and light brown eyes smacked the back of Adrian's head in a playful manner. She had muscle that crept up her arms and legs. IT was clear she spent a lot of time in the gym as a female gym rat.

"Welcome, my Queen Luna. I am very happy to see our King has finally met his mate." A tall woman with square features, bright eyes and a gentle smile spoke from her seat. She did not stand like the others but merely nodded in acknowledgement. "My name is Inessa- mate to beta Nikolai, excuse me for not standing. I'm currently 4 months pregnant and I can't be on my feet for too long.

An extremely beautiful woman with sharp and pointed features stood up. She was tall and slender and perilous beauty. She had long auburn hair that curled down her shoulders. For some reason the woman looked very familiar, but Rhiannon couldn't remember where she had seen her before. 

"I am the female lead tracker Lousie, you may also know me as Grammy award winner Gloria Milton." The woman flipped her hair back in a proud manner. Her every move was charming and seductive.

Rhiannon smiled in enthusiasm; it has been years since she had a true female friend let alone 5. The women looked very close to each other. She allowed the other women to sit down and begin to chat with them without hesitation. The women were so engrossed that they completely ignored their own mates. The grumpy Lycan King frowned as he signaled the other men to leave the room silently.

The pretentious Lousie slowly took off her mask as they continued the conversation. She started as cold and aloof as she attempted to look distant and nonchalant. However, by the end of the afternoon her demeanor completely changed into a sarcastic and bubbly little girl. She didn't act her age at all for a 27-year-old woman. She was still full of teenage youth.

The other women were not as cold but instead very warm and friendly. They kept up with the conversation effortlessly. The group told stories of their youths and how they met their mates. They even introduced the magical community to her- starting from the primordial families of each species to the mythological tribrid's of society. Rhiannon learned a lot more than she did when Ragnar told her about such things. She figures that was the case because most of the time she didn't listen to anything he said after looking at his unparalleled beauty. This was something that could never get enough of.

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