
The Lycan King’s Primordial mate

" I have never loved you! You were just a poor toy to play with during my college years. Now, I have to marry the right woman for my impeccable status not a pathetic orphan like you." Tears rolled down Rhiannon's face as she watched her boyfriend of 5 years hug another woman in his arms. His harsh words nearly drove her crazy. Without a second thought she launched towards the blonde beauty in his arms, nearly tearing out her hair in the process. Before the police could be called, Rhiannon was already out the door, walking aimlessly threw the streets. It wasn't long before she came across a bridge, which beckoned her to jump off- so that she could end her years of suffering. Warm and large hands wrapped around her waist, nearly scaring her to death. In an instant she was pulled back into a broad chest. Warm tingles shot out throughout her body as those pair of hands gripped her tightly. "Darling, I can give you more than, that ex could ever give you." a husky voice murmured above her head. "Marry me, I need a wife and I'll help you get revenge."

OshunEshu6667 · Urban
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35 Chs

Chapter 11- 1st shift

Ragnar showed Rhiannon her the Queens bedroom that was separated by a door with the Kings bedroom. She looked inside and saw that it was set up like a personal study and closet. It seemed that it's been a while since the King and Queen have slept in separate bedrooms. She liked it, she was very nervous wondering if she was going to be staying with him or in another guest room. She was glad they were taking the next step in their relationship. 

Ragnar unlatched the door that leads into the master bedroom and rolled the doors backwards, making the two rooms one. The first thing she saw inside the main bedroom was a large black refrigerator. A large black suitcase stood in front of it; beside it was a walk-in closet without a door. She could see built-in shoe organizers on the walls.

Rhiannon's eyes stayed glued to a large black suitcase; her eyes turned red as an insatiable hunger wrapped up her senses. One step was all it took to cross the room, bend down and open the suitcase. The suitcase was filled with ice and glass bottles of blood. Rhiannon closed her eyes as she steadies her beating heart, her ears picked up her mate who was chuckling behind her.

"I'll leave you to drink your meal." Ragnar laughed as he walked out of the door, closing it shut.

Rhiannon huffed in annoyance, rolling her eyes as she picked up a glass bottle. She looked around and saw a vanity table with a mirror close by. She looked back and forth between the suitcase, refrigerator and vanity table. 

Eventually, she huffed out again, opened the refrigerator and started to unpack the glass bottles inside. Once that was done, she grabbed two bottles from the refrigerator and sat at the vanity table, drinking her glass of blood like it was a glass of beer. The cold liquid slid down her throat, soothing the itch.

Her thoughts roamed aimlessly as she downed 3 more bottles, quenching the thirst. Her tanned skin became darker, and she felt warm and comfortable inside. She looked around the room now that she was fed and full. She expected the bedroom to look like the one in San Francisco with a blue color scheme. However, the color scheme was a dark red like a newly wedding room. It was dazzling and romantic. 

Why didn't she notice before?

She swore she would never starve herself again. This time she'll make sure to drink a glass every day, maybe twice a day. She will need to experiment and get on a routine. No better day than starting today. She had already drunk 5 bottles of blood and so far, that seemed to satisfy the thirst. Now she had to wait and see how long it would take before the hunger came back.

Rhiannon walked into the bathroom to freshen up and then went downstairs. She passed by many pack members. She could tell by the smell that not all of them were Lycans; some were werewolves, and some were witches. It was a very diverse pack. 

She wandered around until she got to the back door that faced the second backyard. The first backyard had the airstrip on it while the second backyard had a large garden, 2 pools, tennis courts and other recreational activities. She was headed towards the garden when she heard a low growl behind her. She had barely turned around when she was knocked down.

A crazy brown she-Lycan was growling on top of her as she tried clawing her face. The threat in front of her made her blood heated up and her green eyes slowly turned ember. Her beautiful piano hands that looked delicate slowly transformed into long claws. They pierced into the woman's side making her howl in discomfort. 

She growled menacingly as her mouth snapped towards Rhiannon's throat. In the middle of the claws and blood, Rhiannon's limbs began to break and reform. No matter how much pain she went through, her hold on the woman did not lack.

It took several grueling minutes of rolling across the ground before the pain on her limbs had gone away. If it wasn't for the pain, the woman in front of her would have already died the second Rhiannon realized what was happening. After Rhianon finished her transformation, she raised her head closer to the she-Lycan's neck and bit off her throat and threw them far away. 

A gush of blood power out, activating her blood lust. Both her K9"'s and fangs protruded out her gums. One eye remained ember as the other one turned red, her two sides merging together. The blood that dripped into her mouth sent her into a frenzy and she sank her teeth into the woman, locking her into place.

 Rhiannon didn't stop drinking her blood until the woman stopped moving. Long pointy and hairy ears protrude out of her head, twitching as she listened to the crowd that was gathering around them. Rhiannon threw off the unconscious she-Lycan and then set up. She looked down at her clothes that were torn and ripped, this frustrated her to no end.

She put in so much effort into her outfit and now that it was ruined, it made her anger rise to a whole different level. She stood to her feet and kicked the unconscious body beside her a couple of times to vent her anger. 

The body slowly faded from its Lycan form; the woman's face was turned with a head of red hair covering her face. Rhiannon instantly recognized the woman; she didn't know the woman's name, but the face was etched into her brain. How could she not recognize a firefly that bussed around her man.

"Damn it!" Rhiannon growled out. The surrounding people shivered, their eyes filled with worry and anxiety.

Although most of them were from the magical creatures that have been stuck in this small 

inconsequential town for years. The had never seen a ferocious sight. The Lycan King's kingdom's have been very peaceful on an overall scale of things. Only small battles between smaller werewolf packs existed every now and again.

A large pair of hands wrapped around her waist, tingles erupted from her waist and then slowly crept up to her shoulders, jolting her awake. Ragnar turned her around, letting her head lean on chest. The shocking tingles calmed her down in an instant; Rhiannon was engulfed in his masculine scent.

"Calm down babe." Ragnar rubbed her back, soothing her with his gentle voice. He turned his head to somewhere in the crowd before zoning on a tall older man with gray sideburns and a 10 o'clock shadow. "Jake, take her to the hospital." 

He didn't say another word as he slowly guided his mate out of the bustling crowd and into their bedroom. Rhiannon slowly came back to herself; the hunger was gone making her feel at a loss on what to do next. Rhiannon sat on the couch that was in the bedroom and watched as Ragnar went into the bathroom. She could hear him starting the shower and moving things into place from the cabinets. He went in and out the closet taking out her clothes and underwear and putting them into the bathroom.

"Come, go take a shower. We will talk later." Ragnar pulled her up- pushing her into the bathroom and shutting the door.

20 minutes later, Rhiannon sat on the big king size bed while her mate sat in a chair right in front of her. He held her hands, rubbing his thumb over the back of her hand.

"You had your 1st shift, I'm guessing. How does your body feel?" Ragnar asked in his gentle and magnetic voice.

"Sore…The transition was horrible but because of my rage and thirst I barely felt it." Rhiannon smiled awkwardly. "Did I kill her?"

"No but she is in a coma. She deserves death for going against her Queen." Ragnar laughed. "I can say one thing though. You were great at stabilizing yourself.

"Ragnar, does this mean I am hybrid? Being both a vampire and Lycan." Rhiannon asked. "Do they exist?"

"Yes, hybrids are very rare in the magical community, but they are not unheard off." He pulled her up from her seat and made her seat on his own lap, encasing her in a tight embrace. "Maybe it's time to find out who your parents are."

 Rhiannon smiled slightly without agreeing to his suggestion. She had thought about finding her parents numerous times but somehow, something always came up changing her mind. The first time she ever thought about it, she was 16 years old, a sophomore in High School. That year was a great year for the orphanage as most of the older children were adopted or found their own original families. 

She prayed over and over until she finally met a family of 3. She loved the woman, who she was supposed to call mother. They treated her with love and respect, something that had never happened before. The first night of her adoption when she went home with them was also the first night that changed her worldview. The family of 3 consisted of a mother, father and daughter. Rhiannon once thought that she was going to have a wonderful life but what they wanted her to do made her want to go back to the orphanage.

 The entire family was heavily involved in incest. They set up a webcam in the living room and filmed themselves doing unspeakable acts. She found out later that those films were posted on 'XXX' websites and sold to customers. Their customers wanted to see them with a fourth person, and they held very tight requirements for that specific person. 

Those requirements led them to adopt the nearly desperate and wanton Rhiannon. The family was into the S&M games, and they wanted the Rhiannon to put on bondage and to be whipped into submission. That wasn't going to happen, but she couldn't go back to the orphanage. She had no proof of what they were doing.

 It took only a week before the family sent her back, stating that she was a problem child. Ever since then she assumed that her parents were dead. How else could she justify her being abandoned at an orphanage.

Creation is hard, cheer me up!

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