
The Luckiest Person Ever

Yang Hua, a college graduate-to-be who had had terrible luck since birth, was dialing the phone for a job when he suddenly heard a wonderful female voice on the other end of the line: Hello, hello, this is the Luck Management Center... From the most unfortunate person in history to the luckiest person was only one phone call away. From then on, his life changed... Harem? From a childhood sweetheart to a sexy office lady. Wealth? Inexhaustible. If there was one thing he regretted most, it might be that he could never experience failure again.

Joking · Urban
Not enough ratings
40 Chs

Script Crisis (2)

Translator: Nyoi-Bo Studio Editor: Nyoi-Bo Studio

Although many private things were difficult to talk about, she still decided to tell Yang Hua, the only person she could trust and rely on. In fact, ever since she was admitted to the hospital, she had often thought of telling Yang Hua about her sufferings. However, she swallowed the words that were about to come out of her mouth a few times. She was afraid that Yang Hua wouldn't like to listen to her trivial matters, and she was even more afraid that he would think that she had done something wrong. But today, she finally mustered up the courage she had accumulated over the past few days.

"Mhm, why did you break up?" Yang Hua was a very good listener. He knew how to give Qi Yuying the courage to spill all the bitterness in her heart.

"Did I tell you that the time you saved me was actually me attempting suicide?"

"Yes, you did."

"I attempted suicide because of him." Qi Yuying gripped the corner of the blanket tightly and looked at Yang Hua nervously, afraid that he would leave after hearing this.

"I know. You told me before." Yang Hua nodded at Qi Yuying, indicating that he understood. The smile on his face made Qi Yuying feel relieved.

"I'm sure I didn't tell you what happened that time. Humph, it was quite laughable. Actually, he was the one who came to my house to accompany me that morning. In the end, we drank a little, and then he said he wanted me. I kept refusing to agree, so he started pestering me.

"Later, he tried to rape me, but I hit him on the head with a wine bottle and knocked him out. Then I was very scared. When I found out that he was still alive, I left him outside the door and called the hospital. In the end, he called me angrily in the afternoon and said that he wanted to break up with me. At that time, I really felt that I couldn't leave him, so I didn't think it through and wanted to commit suicide."

When Qi Yuying mentioned the word "rape", Yang Hua could not figure it out. Although there were couples in university who maintained a pure relationship, once one party made a request, Yang Hua had never heard of anyone who would fall out with their lover because of this. Since they were already lovers, what was there to hold back? If this was the case even in university, wouldn't it be common in society? Thinking of this, Yang Hua hesitated for a moment and asked.

"But he's your boyfriend? How did it end up like that..."

"Haha." Qi Yuying revealed a sad smile. "Because my mother is a single mother. She gave birth to me when she was in her twenties, but the man who got her pregnant ran away with another woman. She paid for me to go to high school, and died of a serious illness. Before she passed, I promised her that I would only lose my virginity to my husband after I get married."

Although Qi Yuying's voice did not change much, her face naturally turned red. She remembered what she had said to Yang Hua on the floor at home a week ago. Although her thoughts were a little chaotic at that time, her memories were still clear.

"Oh." Yang Hua nodded.

Qi Yuying's reason was very reasonable, but Yang Hua did not feel that there was anything wrong with Young Master Li. No matter which normal man it was, it was definitely not wrong to make such a request to a girlfriend who had already confirmed their relationship. However, not only was his request rejected, but he was also hit in the head by a wine bottle and sent to the hospital. After a man's self-esteem suffered such humiliation, it was normal for him to break up.

"In the end, I was saved by you. Then, a few days later, he called me again to apologize, saying that it was a spur of the moment. I was very happy at that time and immediately agreed with him. But he actually wanted to drug the water I drank the next day. But ever since he apologized to me, I've been a little suspicious of him.

"So I didn't drink any of the water he gave me that day. In the end, he thought that I saw him drugging my drink and admitted it. He even apologized to me and said that it was only because he liked me. Hmph, I really want to laugh when I saw his hypocritical look."

"And then you guys broke up?" Yang Hua sighed and asked, "What if he really likes you?"

"I didn't break up with him immediately." Qi Yuying shook her head. I told him that if he really liked me, he would marry me. After marriage, he could do whatever he wanted. But I know he won't agree. He just wants to play. In the end, he really refused to agree, so I told him that we were done for.

"Then he revealed his true colors." At this point, Qi Yuying smiled bitterly. "He was like a hooligan. Not only did he curse, but he also boasted about how many women he had played with. Then, she said that I was tactless and that there would be a time when I would regret it."

"Then he's really a bastard. Fortunately, you didn't agree to his request back then." Yang Hua smiled at Qi Yuying.

"But Ruoxi was deceived by him again. I... I really don't want to see Ruoxi being... But Ruoxi would rather believe him than me. I even treat her as my best friend..."

As she spoke, Qi Yuying's eyes became moist again.

"It's not that she doesn't trust you." Seeing that Qi Yuying was about to cry again, Yang Hua quickly comforted her. "She just doesn't know who to believe. You two are good friends, so she must think that you can understand why she did that. Don't worry. She'll definitely pay attention to what you said in the future."

"Mhm." Qi Yuying nodded. After confiding in Yang Hua, the sadness in her heart felt much better, but her worry did not decrease at all because of Yang Hua's comfort.

The next day, Qi Yuying left the hospital on time. However, she did not submit the script on time. This was the second time she had delayed her script in a week.

Therefore, Director Zhang, who had stopped receiving the script, personally brought the stage manager to Qi Yuying's house on the day that she was discharged. On the surface, he was here to visit Qi Yuying, who had just been discharged from the hospital, but in fact, he was here to ask for the script.

However, when he saw Qi Yuying, who looked pale and pitiful because of a serious illness, Director Zhang did not dare to say anything harsh. He only complained about his difficulties over and over again, but even so, Qi Yuying was so sad that she almost cried. In the end, the helpless Director Zhang could only comfort her with a few words before leaving in a hurry with the stage manager.

In fact, Qi Yuying was as anxious as Director Zhang about the script. After Director Zhang left, she sat in front of the computer almost immediately. However, the more anxious she was, the harder it was to type. Qi Yuying sat in front of the computer for a few hours. She typed and deleted the paragraph repeatedly until the second half of the night. However, the screen was still the same as before she went out with Yang Hua. There was not even a word added.

The lights in Qi Yuying's room were always on, and Yang Hua stayed by her side until the second half of the night. He had wanted to enter Qi Yuying's room several times to persuade her to rest early, but every time, he would give up after thinking for a long time. He knew that Qi Yuying was not the kind of person who was willing to cause trouble for others, nor was she the kind of person who would give up easily. Since Director Zhang had come to urge her, she would definitely not rest until she finished today.

Yang Hua indeed knew Qi Yuying very well, and his speculation was completely correct. However, he did not expect Qi Yuying, who had always been full of inspiration, to run out of ideas.

Gradually, the sun rose outside. It was 6:30 am... Yang Hua, who was lying on the chair and woken up by the sunlight, looked at his watch and yawned loudly. Then, he rubbed his eyes and picked up the book that had fallen to the ground, and put it aside.

Qi Yuying should be done by now. Yang Hua thought as he tiptoed out of the door. However, as soon as he opened the door, he heard sobbing coming from Qi Yuying's room. Surprised, Yang Hua thought for a moment and could not help but knock on Qi Yuying's door.

"... Come in!" It took a while before a sobbing voice came out from inside.

Yang Hua quickly pushed open the door and walked in. He saw Qi Yuying, who was still wearing the dress she had changed into when she came out of the hospital, sitting in front of the computer. She was sobbing and wiping her tears. Qi Yuying had just recovered from a serious illness, and she had not slept for the entire night. At this moment, Qi Yuying's beautiful face was so haggard that Yang Hua felt his heart aching when he saw her.

"You..." Yang Hua only said the word "you" and stopped. He had already seen that the script titled "The Third Kind of Human" was still half finished on Qi Yuying's computer screen.

"What's the matter?" Facing Yang Hua, Qi Yuying suppressed the panic and anxiety in her heart and forced a smile.

"... Do you need my help?" Yang Hua asked in a low voice after a moment of silence.

"No need." Qi Yuying rejected Yang Hua stiffly. She would never let anyone write her script, not even the person she trusted the most.

"Okay, you should rest for a while. Don't force yourself if you can't write anything." Yang Hua could not help but say that he knew that Qi Yuying would never ask for anyone's opinion on the script.

"I know." Qi Yuying waved her hand impatiently.

Yang Hua did not say anything else and left Qi Yuying's room. After making two sets of breakfast, he placed one on the table beside Qi Yuying and left. When he entered, he saw Qi Yuying typing quickly, so he did not disturb her.

Back in his room, Yang Hua, who had nothing to do, picked up the novel he hadn't finished last night and started reading. It was past eleven o'clock in the morning when he walked out of the room again and went to Qi Yuying's room to clean up the cutlery. However, when he pushed open the door to Qi Yuying's room, Yang Hua realized that Qi Yuying had already fallen asleep on the table. The breakfast beside her had not been touched at all.

Yang Hua tiptoed to Qi Yuying's side and glanced at her screen. The ending of the half-written script that he had already read was reflected in his eyes again. Qi Yuying had been typing on the keyboard for a long time, but it was still useless.

"Sigh..." Yang Hua sighed softly, shook his head, picked up the plate full of breakfast, and walked out.

Before Yang Hua could enter the kitchen, the phone in the living room rang again. Yang Hua quickly put down his plate and ran over to pick up the phone. He did not want anyone to wake Qi Yuying up again.

Director Zhang's voice came from the phone. Like Yang Hua, he understood Qi Yuying's personality and thought that Qi Yuying would definitely finish the script last night. However, after waiting in the office for an entire morning, Qi Yuying's script still did not arrive. Director Zhang could not help but get anxious again.