
The Luckiest Person Ever

Yang Hua, a college graduate-to-be who had had terrible luck since birth, was dialing the phone for a job when he suddenly heard a wonderful female voice on the other end of the line: Hello, hello, this is the Luck Management Center... From the most unfortunate person in history to the luckiest person was only one phone call away. From then on, his life changed... Harem? From a childhood sweetheart to a sexy office lady. Wealth? Inexhaustible. If there was one thing he regretted most, it might be that he could never experience failure again.

Joking · Urban
Not enough ratings
40 Chs

Script Crisis (3)

Translator: Nyoi-Bo Studio Editor: Nyoi-Bo Studio

"She sat in front of the computer all night yesterday, but she's almost done." Yang Hua tried his best to buy time for Qi Yuying.

"I know she must be having a hard time. But you should consider my situation, right? I don't even have a script for an episode with me now. After the episode that's currently in the editing room is broadcast the day after tomorrow, what do you want me to hand over to the TV station? If the contract is breached, a large sum of money has to be paid! I can understand Yuying, but who is considerate of me!"

Director Zhang was also full of bitterness. From his slightly hoarse voice, Yang Hua knew that he must have not slept well last night.

"We'll definitely give you the script as soon as possible." Yang Hua had no choice but to swear to Director Zhang.

"You better hurry. You have to give me the script by 5 pm at the latest!" Director Zhang hesitated for a moment before continuing, "Tell Yuying that if she really can't write it or doesn't want to write it, we can consider changing the screenwriter for the time being. If she doesn't hand over the script by five in the afternoon, we'll have to use the backup script provided by another screenwriter."

"Yes, I'll definitely tell her." Yang Hua could only smile bitterly.

Director Zhang hung up the phone anxiously while Yang Hua held the microphone in a dilemma, not knowing what to do next. What should he do? Wake Qi Yuying up? Would it be useful? She didn't sleep last night. Even if she was woken up now, would she be able to write anything?

Should he wake her up? Or was he going to let Director Zhang change the screenwriter? Qi Yuying would probably rather die than let others touch the script that she had worked so hard until now.

Yang Hua thought about it and ran into Qi Yuying's room. He pushed Qi Yuying, who was still lying on the table, hard, trying to wake her up. However, after pushing her for a long time, Qi Yuying only moved her body and refused to look up. "Qi Yuying, Qi Yuying!" Yang Hua called out anxiously a few times, but she still did not respond.

She had been under both physical and mental pressure for an entire week. In addition, she had not slept last night. She was indeed too tired that she could not be woken up after falling asleep. Yang Hua had no choice but to carry Qi Yuying, who was fast asleep, to the bed. He helped her take off her shoes and put her in a comfortable position. Then, he smiled bitterly and held the mouse, preparing to turn off the computer.

However, Yang Hua was halfway through shutting down the computer when his mouse stopped on the "Shut down the computer" button. When the entire screen gradually turned black and white, he froze. Because at this moment, Yang Hua, whose gaze had inadvertently fallen on the half-written script in the middle of the screen, suddenly had a very bold idea.

How about he help her to complete the other half of the script...

From the moment he thought of this idea, Yang Hua almost had the urge to start making a move. Speaking of experience, he had helped Qi Yuying revise the script for more than half a month and had read more than a hundred new and old scripts. He knew all the requirements of writing a script like the back of his hand. In terms of creativity, Yang Hua was confident that after reading so many novels, he would definitely not be inferior to anyone else. His literary level and understanding of "The Third Kind of Human" were definitely at the required level needed to write the script.

He shall continue the half-written script first, and then get Qi Yuying to revise it! She definitely wouldn't want someone else to replace her as the screenwriter for that drama. Yang Hua couldn't restrain his impulse. The more he thought about it, the more he felt that this method was feasible. Soon, he sat in front of the computer excitedly and switched back to the script interface.

After going through the main storyline, character personalities, and the first half of the script in his head, Yang Hua started writing his first script with a heart full of impulse.

It could be said that Yang Hua's first creation was much easier than most screenwriters. Not only did he already know the personalities of every character in the drama he wrote, but he also had the first half of the script written by Qi Yuying, the gold-medal screenwriter, to guide him forward. However, Yang Hua used the second half of the script to express his own thoughts.

He did not continue Qi Yuying's funny plots in the previous episodes. Instead, he changed the method. In the plot he had designed, the two confused little girls did not continue to make a fool of themselves because of their confusion. Instead, they became the ones who mocked others.

The embarrassing scene that should have belonged to the two confused girls was given to the villain that Yang Hua had introduced into the story. Although they did not mean it at all, the seemingly unintentional words from their mouths seemed to have been planned for a long time, hitting the villain's soft spot. The two girls echoed each other in this half of the script, mocking the hypocritical and greedy villain instead.

At the beginning of the creation, Yang Hua was completely immersed in his script just like Qi Yuying, and he lost track of time. However, Yang Hua, who was engrossed, was very fast. Even though the script for this episode had a total of more than 30,000 words, which was far more than usual, Yang Hua, who was responsible for the last 20,000 words, only used a total of more than five hours from beginning to end. Even for the experienced Qi Yuying, this speed was very impressive.

When Yang Hua finished typing the last word on the script, he immediately pressed the save button excitedly and stretched his back. It was only 4:20 pm. There was still time. Yang Hua looked at the time on the computer and revealed a smug smile.

"Qi Yuying! Qi Yuying!" After finishing his work, Yang Hua did not rush to hand the script to Director Zhang. Instead, he went to Qi Yuying's side and woke her up again.

Although Yang Hua also wanted Qi Yuying to rest for a while, he knew that if he did not pass the script to Qi Yuying, she would definitely be furious when she woke up and found out about this. If friends were Qi Yuying's weakness, then the script was something that she wouldn't allow others to touch.

"Hmm? Yang Hua. Eh? Why did I fall asleep..." Qi Yuying, who had only slept for a few hours, was still very tired.

She struggled to sit up and got out of bed with her eyes half-closed before walking to the computer.

"Yuying... Director Zhang called at 11 a.m." Yang Hua looked at Qi Yuying unconfidently. He was not sure if Qi Yuying would accept his help because of Director Zhang's urging.

"Urging for the script again?" Qi Yuying opened her eyes slightly and glanced at the clock in the lower right corner of the screen. She was still in a daze and hadn't realized that her script for that episode had been completed.

"Mhm, he said that if the script isn't handed to him by 5 p.m., he'll have to use the script from the substitute screenwriter." As Yang Hua spoke, he secretly looked at Qi Yuying's expression.

"What?" As expected, as soon as he said the words "substitute screenwriter", Qi Yuying immediately widened her eyes and shouted, "Now... it's already 4:30! How can I finish writing? Why didn't you wake me up earlier?"

Qi Yuying shouted angrily and anxiously.

"You were sleeping too soundly. I called you for a long time, but you didn't wake up..."

"Then... then what should I do?" Qi Yuying was so anxious that she was about to cry again. The script could be said to be the only thing that she could place her heart in other than Yang Hua. If she lost the script, she simply could not imagine what she would do in the future.

"That... Yuying, I couldn't wake you up, so I had no choice but to help you complete the second half of the script." Yang Hua chose his words carefully, afraid that he would irritate Qi Yuying and make her even angrier. "Can you take a look?"

"What is it? You continued my script? Who told you to touch my script?" Upon hearing that Yang Hua had touched her script, Qi Yuying jumped up as if she had been pricked by a needle. She stared at Yang Hua angrily.


"Don't explain! I won't listen to you!" Anger made Qi Yuying lose control of herself again. "No one can do my script! Including you! Get out! Get out immediately!"

Frustration and anger intertwined in her heart. Qi Yuying did not show any mercy at all. She pushed Yang Hua out of the room with so much force that he almost fell to the ground.

Yang Hua was pushed out of the room, and Qi Yuying closed the door with a bang. She did not even give him a chance to explain. Helpless, Yang Hua returned to his room. He sat on the chair and lowered his head in deep thought. Just as Qi Yuying closed the door tightly in front of him, Yang Hua felt that the little connection he had just established with her was cut off by the door.

In fact, when Yang Hua first entered Qi Yuying's house, he thought of leaving as soon as possible. He knew that Qi Yuying only wanted him, and did not really need a nanny. However, the situation at that time made him accept Qi Yuying's kindness. Therefore, at that time, Yang Hua did not plan to stay at Qi Yuying's house for a long time. He was already prepared to help Qi Yuying with some housework while continuing to look for a job.

However, later on, when Qi Yuying announced that he would officially become her assistant, Yang Hua changed his mind. He thought that Qi Yuying was really lacking an assistant who could help her and give her ideas, and he could really help her with this aspect. But now, he understood that Qi Yuying did not need anyone's help at all, nor did she want anyone to help her.

Asking him to be an assistant was just to comfort his self-esteem. Yang Hua smiled bitterly in his heart. A sense of loss suddenly rose in his heart. Just now, he finally understood that he was still dispensable to Qi Yuying.

Although Yang Hua had never thought of doing anything earth-shattering, he had his own principles. Relying on the pity of others to live was definitely not something that Yang Hua's self-esteem could tolerate. Therefore, he thought of leaving again.

However, now was not a good time to suggest leaving. Qi Yuying was facing another crisis. He could not and was unwilling to ask to leave at this time. Yang Hua told himself in his heart that he shall wait until Qi Yuying gets through this.

Whoosh! At this moment, Qi Yuying suddenly opened the door of Yang Hua's room and appeared at the door.