
The Luckiest Person Ever

Yang Hua, a college graduate-to-be who had had terrible luck since birth, was dialing the phone for a job when he suddenly heard a wonderful female voice on the other end of the line: Hello, hello, this is the Luck Management Center... From the most unfortunate person in history to the luckiest person was only one phone call away. From then on, his life changed... Harem? From a childhood sweetheart to a sexy office lady. Wealth? Inexhaustible. If there was one thing he regretted most, it might be that he could never experience failure again.

Joking · Urban
Not enough ratings
40 Chs

Script Crisis (1)

Translator: Nyoi-Bo Studio Editor: Nyoi-Bo Studio

Yang Hua watched as Qi Yuying walked into the room. She did not even lock the door. When he heard the sound of her taking off her clothes, he could not help but swallow his saliva.

However, before he could finish swallowing, a loud thud came from the room, followed by Qi Yuying's low sobs. The flustered Yang Hua was completely confused. He did not know whether he should go in to take a look or wait for Qi Yuying to come out.

Half a day passed, but there was still nothing but sobbing in the room. Yang Hua's worries eventually overcame his worries. He gritted his teeth and stood up to enter Qi Yuying's room.

In the room, Qi Yuying was hugging her right leg tightly as she lay on her back. Her wet clothes had already been taken off, and she only had her wet underwear on.

When she saw Yang Hua walk into the room, Qi Yuying did not care about her appearance. Instead, she cried sadly and said, "Why did you come in only now? I thought you didn't want me anymore."

Although he had almost seen Qi Yuying's body just now, after another layer of concealment was removed, Yang Hua, who saw this scene, was blushing hard. "I... I know you're changing. How could I come in?" he said.

"How does it matter? How does it matter?" Qi Yuying suddenly shouted again, "You saved my life anyway. You're the only one in the world who cares about me! So what if I show you? So what if I give you everything? Yang Hua, do you like me?"

"You're sick now... and not very clear-headed... I... I'll be leaving first." After saying that, Yang Hua ran out of Qi Yuying's room as if he had seen a ghost.

He dashed into the kitchen and stuck his head under the tap for a few minutes.

Yang Hua was a normal man. When he saw such an alluring scene and heard Qi Yuying say that it was no different from giving herself to him, he would definitely be lying if he said that he was not lustful at all. But in Yang Hua's heart, his promise to someone made him do his best to restrain himself.

When Yang Hua gradually calmed down and walked out of the kitchen, he heard Qi Yuying crying softly in the room. How could such a lively and cheerful girl end up like this for a boyfriend... Yang Hua sighed. He didn't know that Qi Yuying was actually sad for Wang Ruoxi. He thought that she was sad because she couldn't get over Young Master Li.

Although Yang Hua did not intend to take advantage of her situation and break through Qi Yuying's last line of defense when she was at her weakest and not clear-headed, he would not let Qi Yuying lie on the ground and cry sadly.

He still remembered that he had promised that person that he would not let the girl who liked him be sad. At that time, Yang Hua thought that it was funny that a person forced him to make such a promise. How could someone like him, who becomes unlucky when he encounters women, be liked? But now, he suddenly realized that there would be a day when he had to fulfill his promise.

Even if Qi Yuying did not like him, Yang Hua was willing to bear this responsibility. He wiped away the tears on his face and returned to Qi Yuying's room. He picked up Qi Yuying, who was still crying non-stop, from the ground.

Qi Yuying, who had landed in Yang Hua's arms, curled up like a kitten. Yang Hua gently placed her on the bed and covered her with a clean towel blanket. Then, he pulled a chair over and sat by the bed, quietly accompanying her.

Qi Yuying, who was lying in bed, finally stopped crying. She was so tired that she could fall asleep on the sofa. After lying on the more comfortable bed, she quickly fell asleep again. Yang Hua only closed the door of Qi Yuying's room carefully after she fell asleep. He then walked into the kitchen to take a shower. At this time, he couldn't help but thank the illness he had suffered in his freshman year.

It was because of that illness that he felt the importance of health, so he would get up early almost every day to exercise. It was also because of this that he was able to catch up to Qi Yuying, who was running in the rain. Moreover, getting drenched in the rain was nothing to him.

After taking a shower, Yang Hua changed into dry clothes and made a pot of congee. On the one hand, it was to solve his hunger, and on the other hand, it was to fill Qi Yuying's stomach when she woke up.

Sure enough, Qi Yuying woke up in a daze when it was almost eleven o'clock at night. As soon as she opened her eyes, she immediately felt a severe headache. Her brain seemed to be out of control as it swayed back and forth in her skull.

"Ah..." Qi Yuying let out a painful cry and raised her hand to gently rub her temples.

"You have a fever." Yang Hua, who had been by Qi Yuying's side ever since he found out that she really had a fever, immediately said.

"My head hurts..." Qi Yuying was still sobbing.

"It's just a cold. Eat something, then take your medicine and sleep. You'll feel much better tomorrow morning." Yang Hua smiled at her and went into the kitchen to bring the congee and medicine that he had prepared for her into the room.

"Mhm..." Qi Yuying let out a long snort and struggled to sit up from the bed. However, as soon as she sat up, her underwear was immediately exposed.

Seeing Yang Hua suddenly stunned, Qi Yuying quickly blushed. At this moment, her consciousness was no longer as blurry as when she had just returned home. She quickly grabbed her pajamas from the side and put them on before carefully taking the bowl from Yang Hua's hands.

"Yang Hua, just now... That..." Qi Yuying blew on the hot congee and looked up at Yang Hua with a red face.

"I know. You were too sad at that time and your mind was not very clear, so you said nonsense."

"Mhm!" Qi Yuying nodded, but her face and ears turned red unknowingly. She secretly raised her head to see Yang Hua's reaction, but she happened to meet Yang Hua's gaze. She quickly lowered her head and pretended to blow on the congee.

After a night's sleep, Qi Yuying's headache felt better, but her condition did not improve much. Her body was still weak, and her fever was getting worse. Qi Yuying, who had always stayed indoors and lacked exercise, was seriously ill this time.

Even though Qi Yuying was sick, Yang Hua was the one who was tormented. Not only did he bring Qi Yuying to the hospital, but he also stayed by her bedside for a week because the doctor had asked Qi Yuying to stay in the hospital. During that week, apart from bringing her food and washing her clothes, Yang Hua was also responsible for chatting with her. Fortunately, Yang Hua had experienced even more painful days, so this kind of torment was nothing to him. Moreover, chatting with Qi Yuying was definitely not a hard job.

However, when they recalled the first time they met, Yang Hua was lying on the hospital bed, and Qi Yuying was sitting beside the bed, the two of them could not help but sigh with emotion.

After taking care of Qi Yuying for a week, Yang Hua completely shed the restraint he had when he was her assistant. After seeing Qi Yuying's most vulnerable side, Yang Hua, who was physically older than Qi Yuying by a year, and mentally older than her by several years, completely treated her as a little sister who needed care and concern.

"The doctor said that you can be discharged tomorrow." On the last day before Qi Yuying was discharged from the hospital, Yang Hua brought the dinner he had made into her single ward.

"Mhm!" Knowing that she could be discharged soon, Qi Yuying smiled happily.

"That... Director Zhang called again this afternoon to ask when you're going to hand in the rest of the script." Seeing how happy Qi Yuying was, Yang Hua hesitated for a moment before telling her the most annoying news of the past few days.

Although Qi Yuying was no longer as excited after she was admitted to the hospital, every time she started writing a script and thought of those drama scenes, she would always think of Wang Ruoxi. Seven days had passed, but Wang Ruoxi still hadn't called her. She couldn't help but feel sad when she thought of her former best friend. She couldn't continue writing.

"I understand." Qi Yuying was still smiling, but Yang Hua could see the helplessness in her smile.

"Let it go." Yang Hua sighed and fell silent for a while. In the end, he couldn't help but persuade her, "If you still like him, you might as well tell him yourself. Maybe you can still salvage the situation."

This was the first time Yang Hua talked about Qi Yuying's private matters. Previously, even when they were chatting, Yang Hua would try his best to avoid mentioning the scar in her heart. If Director Zhang had not told Yang Hua about Qi Yuying's future on the phone earlier today, he would never have advised Qi Yuying on private matters.

"Why would I still like him? You misunderstood." Qi Yuying smiled bitterly and shook her head at Yang Hua.

"Is that so..." Yang Hua was also a little embarrassed. He had only known Qi Yuying for a month. What right did he have to interfere in her private affairs?

"Sigh..." Qi Yuying sighed and fell silent.

How could she not know how anxious Director Zhang was? The scripts she had accumulated from the director were enough to shoot for a week. If she didn't write anything this week, the TV station's program would be cut off next week. This was probably the first time this had happened at City T's TV station. Moreover, if the ace program was cut off, the blow to City T's TV station would probably make the station head fly into a rage. But she really couldn't write anything.

Every time she thought of Wang Ruoxi, she felt suffocated.

"Eat something." After a moment of silence with Qi Yuying, Yang Hua opened the thermos box and handed the chopsticks to her.

"Mhm." Qi Yuying silently took the chopsticks and ate a few mouthfuls of rice.

"You... Do you want to know why I broke up with him?" Qi Yuying suddenly stopped what she was doing and looked up at Yang Hua firmly.