
The Luckiest Person Ever

Yang Hua, a college graduate-to-be who had had terrible luck since birth, was dialing the phone for a job when he suddenly heard a wonderful female voice on the other end of the line: Hello, hello, this is the Luck Management Center... From the most unfortunate person in history to the luckiest person was only one phone call away. From then on, his life changed... Harem? From a childhood sweetheart to a sexy office lady. Wealth? Inexhaustible. If there was one thing he regretted most, it might be that he could never experience failure again.

Joking · Urban
Not enough ratings
40 Chs

True Love in the Rain (2)

Translator: Nyoi-Bo Studio Editor: Nyoi-Bo Studio

"Ruoxi, don't go with him. He's not a good person! He's just playing with you. Don't go with him. If you still treat me as a friend, don't go with him, Ruoxi!" Qi Yuying shouted hysterically, tears streaming down her face.

"Yuying, it doesn't matter if you hurt me, but you don't have to drag Ruoxi into this. If you want her to stay, I'll leave." Young Master Li's expression gradually turned ugly. He shook his head sadly at Qi Yuying and said angrily, "Qi Yuying! To think that I've always remembered your good points.

"I really didn't expect you to be such a person. I was blind back then. Why would I ask you to be my girlfriend? Ruoxi, I won't make things difficult for you. You stay and accompany Yuying. I'll go back first. I'll tell Uncle Liu to cancel the party tonight."

Young Master Li said a few gentle words to Wang Ruoxi before he brushed past Qi Yuying and walked out without looking back. Wang Ruoxi grabbed him and looked back and forth between Qi Yuying, who was sobbing and speechless, and Young Master Li, who was also gloomy.

"Ruoxi, come find me tomorrow. I'll be fine if I leave alone." Young Master Li smiled and gently stroked Wang Ruoxi's shoulder. "It doesn't matter how Yuying treats me. We've already broken up. At most, we won't meet again. But you're her good friend. Stay and accompany her."

"Li, you don't have to pretend to be a good person here! You know very well how you treated me back then!" Qi Yuying was still crying.

"Yuying! He's my boyfriend!" Seeing that Qi Yuying was still staring at Young Master Li despite what he said, Wang Ruoxi could not help but get angry at her friend. She shook off Qi Yuying's hand and shouted at her.

"Ruoxi, you're my best friend. I won't lie to you!"

"You didn't lie to her, but I didn't do anything to you either!" Young Master Li said angrily, "You object to me being with Ruoxi. Why? Tell me! You said I was just playing with her, but what right do you have to say that? Do you think I was playing with you just because I broke up with you? Besides, you're the one who caused our breakup!"

"You..." Qi Yuying looked at Young Master Li. Her raised arm, lips, and legs... Her entire body was trembling, but the words were at the tip of her tongue, and she couldn't bring herself to say them.

"Forget it. I don't want to hear you continue scolding me here. You're not afraid of embarrassing yourself, but I do!" Young Master Li also gently removed Wang Ruoxi's hand from his arm. He did not even take the umbrella and strode out. Seeing that her boyfriend was really angry, the anxious Wang Ruoxi quickly raised her umbrella and chased after him.

"Ruoxi!" Qi Yuying cried and shouted, but Wang Ruoxi only turned around to look at her for a moment before chasing after Young Master Li and leaving.

Seeing that the show was over, Qi Yuying was obviously the loser. The surrounding customers all looked at her with pity and mockery.

When the sad Qi Yuying realized that she had become an animal in a zoo and was being surrounded by people, an irresistible sense of humiliation welled up in her heart. She covered her face and ran out of the stall while crying. Yang Hua, who had not been able to find a chance to interrupt, saw Qi Yuying rush out and quickly followed her with an umbrella.

Qi Yuying was very sad, but it was definitely not because of Young Master Li, but because of Wang Ruoxi.

She really treated Wang Ruoxi as her only best friend! Every time she wrote a script, she would rack her brains, hoping that Wang Ruoxi, who wanted to be a big star, could say a few more lines in the TV series that could move the audience. In order to increase Wang Ruoxi's screen time, she even quarreled with Director Zhang. She didn't tell Wang Ruoxi any of this because she felt that she didn't need to be repaid for helping her best friend.

But even so, Wang Ruoxi, the only person she treated as a friend, had quarreled with her over a man, a hypocritical and despicable one at that. She would rather believe that bastard than trust her, who truly treated her as his best friend.

Qi Yuying's heart felt as if it had been cut open, and she was thrown into a bottomless abyss. Other than pain, there was only an extremely uncomfortable feeling of emptiness. The summer rain poured mercilessly on her body, but she was not in the mood to pay attention. Her tears were mixed with the rain, and Qi Yuying ran aimlessly in the neighborhood as if she was crazy.

Qi Yuying was really fast when she ran crazily. Yang Hua chased after her from the food stall across a street and four to five buildings before finally catching up to her. At this moment, not to mention Qi Yuying, even Yang Hua, who had been holding an umbrella, had long been drenched by the rainstorm as if he had just climbed out of a pond.

"Don't bother about me!" Qi Yuying stopped in her tracks and cried as she pushed Yang Hua away.

"Why bother?" Yang Hua, who had been pushed away, still raised his umbrella to help her block the rain and advised her kindly.

"Get lost! Get lost! I don't need you to care!" Qi Yuying shook her head and shouted hysterically, hitting Yang Hua with her empty hand.

Feeling helpless, Yang Hua did not know how to persuade her. He could only listen to her and take a step back. However, seeing that Qi Yuying continued to be drenched by the heavy rain, he could not bear to leave her alone. After thinking for a while, Yang Hua walked forward again.

However, as soon as Yang Hua walked over, he saw Qi Yuying stand up again and look at him stubbornly as if she wanted to push him away again. Yang Hua quickly took a step back and retreated from the umbrella. He stretched out his arm and used the umbrella to shield Qi Yuying from the heavy rain. Then, he used his left hand to try to open another umbrella to cover himself. However, just as he opened the umbrella, a strong wind blew. The black folding umbrella was immediately blown out of his hand and landed in the grass more than ten meters away.

The umbrella flew far away, and Yang Hua was immediately drenched by the heavy rain. Qi Yuying remained motionless and looked at Yang Hua stubbornly, waiting for him to abandon her. However, Yang Hua looked at Qi Yuying hesitantly. He sighed and stood where he was with the umbrella in hand. He would rather let the heavy rain pour on him.

Qi Yuying, who had been betrayed by her friend, did not need comfort at this time but a target to vent her anger. When she saw Yang Hua's actions, the grievances, and sadness that she had suppressed in her heart immediately rushed out.

"Yang Hua!" Qi Yuying's tears, which she had been holding back, gushed out uncontrollably again. She suddenly threw herself into Yang Hua's arms and hugged him tightly. She had just lost her only friend. When her heart was filled with bitterness, all she could think of was not to let this only person who cared about her leave.

"Let's go home. You're all wet." Yang Hua held Qi Yuying in his arms and helped her, who was slightly exhausted after being overly excited, slowly walk towards the apartment.

Although Qi Yuying had stopped crying, she was still sobbing intermittently. She hugged Yang Hua's arm tightly as if she was afraid that if she let go, this last support would disappear.

Just like that, the two drenched people finally returned to Qi Yuying's house after walking for more than ten minutes. As soon as they reached home, Qi Yuying, who was exhausted, immediately dragged Yang Hua, who was also uncomfortable, to sit on the sofa. However, as soon as the two of them sat down, Yang Hua jumped up nervously almost immediately.

When it was raining heavily outside, he was only thinking about bringing Qi Yuying home as soon as possible and did not pay attention to her image. But now that he had calmed down and looked at it again, a scene that made one's blood boil immediately entered his eyes.

Qi Yuying was wearing a dress that was not too thick when she went out. The color of her skin could already be seen vaguely. After being drenched in the rain, the pale yellow dress not only clung to her body but also became as transparent as glass.

Seeing Qi Yuying's beautiful appearance, Yang Hua could not help but feel hot all over. Feeling his instinctive impulse, Yang Hua stood up almost mechanically.

"Where are you going?" Seeing Yang Hua stand up, Qi Yuying called out helplessly.

"I... I'll go get your clothes. Go take a shower first." Yang Hua walked into Qi Yuying's room nervously. However, when he finally came out of the room with Qi Yuying's pajamas after rummaging through the cabinets for a long time, he realized that Qi Yuying had fallen asleep on the sofa, drenched from over-excitement.

"Hey, wake up! Qi Yuying! Qi Yuying!" Yang Hua could not care less about how cute Qi Yuying was. He walked up and shook Qi Yuying's shoulder in a panic, finally waking her up again.

"Hmm?" Qi Yuying opened her eyes groggily. She glanced at Yang Hua and moved her body, which was in an uncomfortable position.

"What's wrong with you? Are you sick?" Yang Hua saw that Qi Yuying's face was abnormally red and quickly reached out to touch her forehead. She seemed to have a fever. Since Yang Hua was not very good at testing her body temperature, and he also sensed that Qi Yuying might really be sick, he quickly took out a thermometer from the first aid kit and put it in her mouth.

"You... Do you still have the strength to change your clothes?" After measuring Qi Yuying's temperature and knowing that she was indeed running a fever, Yang Hua asked awkwardly.

"Mhm." Qi Yuying nodded and took the clothes from Yang Hua. She stood up reluctantly and walked into her room.