
The love bet

Scarlet thought she had won a jack pot when Kevin the cold , ruthless and handsome billionaire asked her to be his girlfriend and fiance to be. Falling so deep for him,she never once thought that this was a trap weaved for her. The love bet made by Kevin and his buddies whether he could go after a girl from downtown. But was adamant on winning the bet because no one thought that he could ever go to such extent. The illusion created by Kevin made his buddies to believe that it was true but it was only him who knew how the game would end. On the day of the engagement ceremony, she thought she was going to be the happiest woman on earth winning over the cold billionaire but too bad this was her worst nightmare ever. On that day she got to find out the truth when Kevin stood tall on the podium with several people watching when he said. " I think it's high time this game comes to an end." Gasps and murmurs broke out in the hall not believing what they were hearing. " I think am one of the greatest actors of all times because this game had no flows,the illusion of love created by me was so awesome,by the way scarlet I have never loved you but this was all about a bet. And I wanted to win and show everyone that nothing is impossible to me." Scarlet felt like her whole world was entirely collapsing,her face paled with cletched fists. She couldn't believe that the so called love was a sharm, moreover ashamed and betrayed in front of so many people. He didn't stop from there because when he got wind of her pregnancy,he ordered his men to get rid of the thing in her stomach. They used a sharp stick to carryout the abortion resulting into her death. She felt her soul slipping away from her body but couldn't do anything at all. She died a miserable death all in the name of the bet. The creator of this earth who created Adam and Eve decided to give her a second chance but with two choices. To live her life to the fullest and forgive plus to get all the sinners on earth to repent and seek God like never before or seek revenge destroying whoever was involved in her death but in the end to accompany the king of hell and his followers. What choice do you think she will choose?

DaoistmL9Uhz · Urban
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15 Chs

Chapter:13 I need to beef up my CV

At the second floor of legacy holdings, all the department heads were the only ones in the building remarking the reports as ordered by their cold CEO Mr Kevin.

" Arie are you done with the report because it's already past eight and we are the only ones in this majestic building and it's kinda of creepy." Aubrey a short lady with her auburn hair said feeling blue.

Turning around from her working desk Arie said , "Since we've been given a second bite to the cherry I think we should use it and show the boss our abilities or else we might get chopped." They ingnited their passion to complete the reports and call it a day.

Back in downtown, Belle laid in her small bed feeling nervous the way her looked at her with curiosity.

She pretended to be sleeping when she heard footsteps approaching. Her heart was drumming in her ears because she had his scarlet's pass slips under the small make up kit on the wooden table. Suzie thought Belle was sleeping and started rummaging through her things but couldn't find anything useful. Feeling frustrated,she decided to sleep and maybe check when Belle isn't home.

It clocked ten and the employees of Tarvan restaurant started vacating the premises to head back home. Angie was picked by her boyfriend and the others hailed cabs . Jenny and Vivian took the same cab since they were living on the same street.

" By the way Vivian you need to look at the new menu since it's effect will start tomorrow yet you weren't around when miss Betty briefed your colleagues."

Jenny reminded Vivian who was sitting in the back seat of the cab handing her the new menu. " Thanks for the reminder Jenny." Vivian was sincerely thankful as she went through the menu. The cab pulled in front a low of blocks indicating they had arrived. Paying the fare,they got out heading to different directions. Jenny opened her rental house and was surprised to meet the unexpected guest in her comfy home.

" How dare you come and enter my house without my permission?" Jenny yelled at the top of her lungs making Dave flinch. Her face was red with anger and Dave was the least person she wanted to see in her entire life.

" Am sorry Jenny but can we please have a heart to heart talk." Dave pleaded.

" Haha!, so what are we gonna talk about? That you never intentionally did it or it was the devil that tempted you don't even dare say that it was the devil because it's you who succumbed to temptation."

Jenny said sarcastically making Dave to regret whatever he did in the past.

" Jenny I know I don't deserve you but every single day and night I regret for what I did but please find it in your heart to forgive me."

Dave said with tears brimming in his eyes.

" You should have thought about the consequences of your actions and,what do you take me for a ----fool ? . I might have forgiven you but whenever I see your face , those dark memories always hunt my dreams like a ghost and that day is still very vivid in my mind and it still hurts like hell so please stop bothering me and move on ."

" I know but we're both hurting ourselves Jenny. Though you don't want to admit it but I know for sure that deep down you still have feelings for me and maybe we can work this out together." Dave said trying to come close to Jenny but received a slap on his face.

" Don't expect me to take you back, it's absolutely out of the question. So let me clear this misunderstanding and please get it in your small brain. I nolonger have feelings for you so don't miss allocate your feelings and please make sure to close the door on your way ." Jenny said crossing her arms in the chest.

Dave got out walking like a frozen chicken. He thought he could rekindle the old flames but things turned out more worse than he imagined. Maybe he didn't deserve to be loved at all since he was at fault from the beginning.

Scarlet stirred in her sleep and woke up blinking with confusion in her eyes . She looked around and her eyes caught glimpse of Ritah's laptop on the coffee table indicating that she had come back from work. Arranging her dress and the cushions on the couch,she skated to the kitchen to get herself a glass of water from a water dispenser.

Ritah at that moment came down stairs with files. Placing them on the coffee table she joined scarlet in the kitchen and poured herself a glass of juice.

" Hey I didn't know that you had already come back,so how was your day at work?" Scarlet asked putting the empty glass on the counter.

" As usual nothing different but always the same routine.so how about you,did something good happen?" Ritah replied gazing at scarlet with a smile.

" Actually it's yes/no , there's a vacant post at Tarvan restaurant but I never brought my academic documents and it's kinda of frustrating." Scarlet replied with a down cast gaze .

" OMG! ,so what are you gonna do because it means that you're going to make a trip back home." Ritah asked taking a seat at a high stool.

" I figured it out and called Belle to help me get the documents because I can't risk going back home. Mom might use it as a chance to punish me for not returning back home." Scarlet said with worry in her eyes.

" Scarlet! , think positively because everything starts from the mind and then heart. So believe me when I say that everything is gonna be alright hmm." Ritah comforted scarlet as they went back to the sitting room.

Taking their seats, Scarlet suddenly remembered that she had to beef up her CV to look out standing. With the help of Ritah, they made a CV using her laptop. Their faces radiated with smiles when they accomplished the task. " By the way , before I report to Tarvan restaurant tomorrow,I need to brush up on the different dishes ." Scarlet said going upstairs to bring a food magazine.

Dave was driving aimlessly without knowing where to go. His mind kept playing the bitter words uttered by Jenny. He thought he still had a chance but he should have known when he broke her heart but right now he was regretting every single day whenever he was a lone.

It's very hard for him to let go, he doesn't want to move on. At first he didn't know that loving someone was the happiest thing but now he has to cope up without her in his life.

He feels very weird when he misses her deeply,he wonders how to feel like a lover.

Kevin who had just taken a bath wore his grey bathrobe with water dripping from his messy hair making him look devilish. Wiping his hair,he went to the mini bar in his apartment and poured himself an ice cold drink. Sipping on it,his phone vibrated and he placed his glass down.

Opening the notification,he received an email from one of his overseas business that needed his mediate attention. After going through the details of the email,he made a phone call to his assistant notifying him to book the earliest flight to London tomorrow.

" Help me prepare the the necessary documents,I need to make a good time of that branch before I handle other things." He briefly explained to his assistant and hanged up the call. He felt a sudden headache coming,he dialled a number and ordered an anonymous man to look into the matter of the branch in London before his flight.

" Dave! ,how did it go ?,are you now back together, please talk to me you make me worried like a mother hen." Max called Dave to know what happened but he received silence. Parking the car at the roadside,Dave decided to reply Max who was worried about him. " S- she is gone and this time for good Max,I thought we could work this out and put our past a side ,start again but it seems she's adamant on not forgiving me . Do you k- know that she told me to move on and I feel like my heart is a mess. I never thought in my entire life that love would like this but I think it's my fault,I wish I hadn't betrayed her.. ." Dave stuttered explaining the whole situation to Max with tears streaming down his face. His colored hair was ruffled and messy giving him a look of a heart broken fellow

" Dave ! , don't blame yourself,we all make mistakes and that's makes us humans because we can never be perfect,you better wait for me before you do something stupid." Max tried to comfort Dave and immediately picked up his jacket and hailed a cab to meet his friend.
