
The love bet

Scarlet thought she had won a jack pot when Kevin the cold , ruthless and handsome billionaire asked her to be his girlfriend and fiance to be. Falling so deep for him,she never once thought that this was a trap weaved for her. The love bet made by Kevin and his buddies whether he could go after a girl from downtown. But was adamant on winning the bet because no one thought that he could ever go to such extent. The illusion created by Kevin made his buddies to believe that it was true but it was only him who knew how the game would end. On the day of the engagement ceremony, she thought she was going to be the happiest woman on earth winning over the cold billionaire but too bad this was her worst nightmare ever. On that day she got to find out the truth when Kevin stood tall on the podium with several people watching when he said. " I think it's high time this game comes to an end." Gasps and murmurs broke out in the hall not believing what they were hearing. " I think am one of the greatest actors of all times because this game had no flows,the illusion of love created by me was so awesome,by the way scarlet I have never loved you but this was all about a bet. And I wanted to win and show everyone that nothing is impossible to me." Scarlet felt like her whole world was entirely collapsing,her face paled with cletched fists. She couldn't believe that the so called love was a sharm, moreover ashamed and betrayed in front of so many people. He didn't stop from there because when he got wind of her pregnancy,he ordered his men to get rid of the thing in her stomach. They used a sharp stick to carryout the abortion resulting into her death. She felt her soul slipping away from her body but couldn't do anything at all. She died a miserable death all in the name of the bet. The creator of this earth who created Adam and Eve decided to give her a second chance but with two choices. To live her life to the fullest and forgive plus to get all the sinners on earth to repent and seek God like never before or seek revenge destroying whoever was involved in her death but in the end to accompany the king of hell and his followers. What choice do you think she will choose?

DaoistmL9Uhz · Urban
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15 Chs

Chapter:12 The hustle of looking for a job.

The scorching heat from the sun hit the ground without mercy making the dust to raise and concentrate on different buildings and the products sold in the city. Scarlet had just roamed almost the entire streets where big and small restaurants are located but wherever she went came back with disappointment. She was very tired from walking,her sneakers had dust on them . Finding a small public garden,she strode towards it and sat down on the wooden bench. Opening the water bottle she had bought from a kiosk shop, sipped on it looking at the clear blue sky above her head.

Her thoughts wondered to the remnants of what had happened to the restaurant where she met the perverted man who was old enough to be her dad but wanted to take advantage of her . Suddenly her phone rang bringing her back to earth. Answering the phone, Ritah on the other side asked worriedly to know if her friend had got a break through with the job hunting but Scarlet sighed and said " No!"

" Am sorry to hear about that, hey but don't give up you never know you might get lucky with other restaurants." Ritah said encouraging her.

" I also hope things to get better soon, but thanks for the concern take care Ritah." Scary replied with a solemn look and hang up the phone. Standing up, she got a wipe and cleaned her shoes because people might call her a freak when she's shabby. Satisfied with her looks,she hailed a taxi to other streets of the city. Paying the fare,she got out and her eyes caught sight of a huge post of Tarvan restaurant advertising a vacant post of a waitress.

Her spirits rilled up and immediately coped the number, dialled it since she had prepaid airtime on her phone. Her heart was almost in her throat and her palms sweating due to nervousness she felt. She was really counting on this job to change her life and desperately needed it. Finally the call went through and the other side said " this is Tarvan restaurant,am Jenny how can I help you please."

" This is scarlet, I saw a poster about a vacant position of a waitress ,I would like to inquire if the offer is still available madam.". Scarlet asked with a panicky expression.

" Let me check with the person in charge, please hold on for few minutes." Jenny the receptionist said. Jenny is a young girl in her mid twenties and the first to be given the position of a receptionist at Tarvan restaurant.

She has black wavy hair with her brown hazel eyes. She's light skinned with a curvey figure in her red and white uniform. Walking towards Betty's office , Jenny knocks on the door and a voice inside tells her to enter.

" Take a seat." Betty wearing a grey suit leans in her swivel chair putting down the documents she was analysing.

"Sorry to intrude miss Betty,but someone has called to inquire if the vacant post of a waitress is still available." Jenny said with seriousness in her brown hazel eyes.

"Go and tell her to come to the HRM with academic documents and her CV." Betty said with relief in her voice. They can now finally get Anna's replacement.

Going back to her work station, Jenny informed scarlet the necessary requirements for the job before hanging up the phone. Scarlet felt very delighted but then remembered the academic documents she left back home in downtown. It meant that she had to make a trip back home but suddenly a brilliant idea popped up in her mind. She remembered her young sister Belle who always had a small phone she used when calling her boyfriend.

" Thank,God I memorized her number or else I would be done for this time around." Scarlet whispered to herself as she dialled her sister's number.

"Hello, who's this?, just get down with what you want, you're obviously wasting my precious time." Belle who was busy having fun with her boyfriend sounded irritated over the phone.

" Belle, it's me scarlet,am sorry to interrupt whatever you were doing but could you give me a moment please." Scarlet pleaded with Belle biting her pink lips. Getting up from her boyfriend's lap,she organized her tight dress and went outside to talk to scarlet.

Sitting at the verandah,she said in a mocking voice, " so you've finally decided to come around and talk to your sister when you escaped home with the excuse of looking for a job."

" Am sorry about all the drama,I didn't escape Belle but I met with some issues the story is long,so please I need your help with something because my entire life is counting on you please." Scarlet apologized pleading.

" Go ahead! ,what do you need?" Belle said standing up from where she was seated.

" I need you to get me the high school pass slips and please don't tell mom about it,you know how she will behave with her continuous questions like blaaablaaa." Scarlet requested with a sigh.

"Okay,I will just photocopy them and send them in software form but remember to get a phone with Whatsapp to easily receive the documents." Belle reminded scarlet and hang up the phone.

After figuring out everything, scarlet hailed a taxi to return home with a smile etched on her face . Though most of the restaurants had turned her down,but the creator was merciful to give her a chance and land herself a job.

Back at Tarvan restaurant.

" So Jenny are we getting someone new because I saw you going to miss Betty's office." Angie asked leaning at the receptionist desk.

" Yeah sort of." Jenny replied typing on the computer. " You reply as though you're not sure about what your talking about." Angie replied with a grin on her face. Before Jenny got the opportunity to refute her, Angie saw a couple entering the restaurant and right away went to take their orders.

" Henry where did you get money to bring me out at this expensive restaurant, don't tell me you robbed a bank." Vanessa asked her husband with wary in her voice.

" Relax babe,I have got the money so don't worry." Henry comforted his wife.

" It's because you've surprised me because ever since we got married it's the first time you've brought me to a romantic date." Vanessa replied blushing. Angie arrived to take their orders. " Please sir and madam, what would you have." Angie asked the couple.

" Just bring the authentic African dish." The couple chorused together.

Angie returned with their dishes . Thanking her, they started savoring the aroma of the dishes.

After one hour, Angie returned to ask if they wanted something else . They ordered some whiskey. Angie brought the bill and Henry shoved his hands into the pocket and got a coupon. But once Angie saw the coupon,it was already expired and decided to tell the couple. " Sir am sorry but the coupon is already expired and you will need to pay with cash." When Vanessa heard what the waitress said,she felt like she was on a hot pan. " Henry you said that you have money, just pay the bill ." Vanessa said with an angry tone .

" I made a bet on premier league and I absolutely have money." Henry said showing his wife the betting slip . When Vanessa saw this, she almost collapsed. She regretted trusting her husband and every time they make roundabouts and end up on the same road. Few minutes later,they were in the kitchen washing utensils but Vanessa refused to do anything blaming it all on the husband who pretended he had money yet he didn't have any single penny on him.

At legacy holdings.

" Is this what you're all capable of doing. This kind of trash isn't needed in my company and seems like you all need to be laid off to know that am serious.". Kevin banged the table with files that flied in the office. The department heads felt beads of sweat forming on their foreheads. His cold gaze made the employees to shrink back in their seats unable to utter any single word.

" Am giving you only today to make genuine reports or else kiss your jobs good bye." Kevin gave them the verdict and returned to signing his files.

" It seems today we're gonna work over time to accomplish the task." Arie said rebooting her computer to redo the report with other department heads frowning.

Scarlet reached home , took a cold bath and relaxed in the bathtub. After a nice shower she went downstairs to have a nice lunch since she hadn't eaten as she was roaming the entire city like a headless chicken hunting jobs. " For sure I need to cut down my appetite if am to survive in this city." Scarlet whispered to herself when the maid brought her food.

Ritah came back and found Scarlet napping on the couch.