
The Lost Tales of Sinners

Short stories of a young man discovering about his dormant lust. No story had any kind of connection with the other.

Fethmelle · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
215 Chs

Union of Spas

Summary: Karina is faced with a closely guarded secret involving a certain Slayer and the Scarlet wizard. It turns out that their relationship goes a little deeper than they let on. Unsurprisingly, she is discovered quickly, but it is exactly what she wants. The innkeeper has plans for the reserved couple: she will get more than she expected or get exactly what she wanted.

~ Dragon's Tear Spa ~

Karina, along with some of the other many beautiful wizards from Dragon's Tear were getting dressed after their shared bath was interrupted a little. While most of them were irritated by this, they were just as happy that they didn't have to deal with Kath, who had been overly sensitive all along. They were also happy that they did not face the same fate as Astra, who recently joined them with reddish, smoky skin. "Those two are really not ashamed, I mean, of someone who just goes into a women's bathroom like that!" Astra snorted.

"Well, those two are very close." Karina joined the conversation. They couldn't really blame the fire wizard for being as shameless as he really was. Years of being so close to the redhead made him forget that no one was comfortable with him walking around naked. "I think it's quite cute." She added with a smile.

"I don't see what you're so worried about, apparently, your entire team has seen you naked many times." Sakura joked when she appeared in front of the magicians. The others laughed at this, while the blonde hid in shame the other girls started arguing about the shameless pair. "It is good to see that this guild is closer than ever." The first master smiled.

"Well, I wouldn't say that we're all as close as those two." Lisa joined the conversation. This initially surprised the guild's founder, until she realized that she and Ruby and Juliette ran in a panic. "I was much more comfortable when we were kids, but that was because we used to be around him all the time ... But with the way he grew up, I'm surprised that Kath can keep her cool around him." She admitted, with a blush quickly covering her face. A fruitful silence filled the room as the girls remembered how talented Slayer was. Some did their best to hide what they were thinking, but it only made their blushes more intense.

The silence ended only when Anne finished another sip of alcohol and spoke. "So, now that we've stopped thinking about a certain Slayer's cock, let's get to the most urgent matter." Anne thought, completely flushed at this point. While she was drinking, she was thinking hard and something aroused her suspicion. "I honestly think there is a lot more to what they are telling us." She grunted before swallowing another drink.

"Anne, I think you are drunk." Ruby sighed. Although bluish found the relationship between the fire wizard and the sword intriguing, she did not want to deal with Anne's drunken ramblings. She and the others had made the mistake before, and they were sure that their minds were a little more corrupted by it. "Furthermore, Kath is close to all of her teammates." She added, trying to avoid speculation.

"That's not true, Juliette didn't see Gerald-sama bathe with Kath-san, and Juliette never misses a thing." Juliette intervened, which affected the interests of the other girls. The innocent Layla then explained that she rarely took a bath with the redhead, and Astra told them that she never did.

"How interesting, it seems that this drunk was right all along!" Anne celebrated, completely delighted by the new evidence. "I wonder what they are, secret lovers? Maybe they have a master-servant business going on, I don't know many guys who would show up the second a girl calls them into a women's bathroom." She speculated while having a drink to celebrate. The best part was that none of the other girls were able to deny, even Karina, that she had been strangely silent all along. "Well, I'm out, see you at the guild." She said as she finished dressing. Although they did not admit it, the magi were interested in the brunette's speculations about the possible nature of the relationship of her two most distinguished guildmates.

Now that the violet-eyed woman is gone, the group has moved on to a more normal conversation as they finish dressing. As soon as they finished dressing, they started to leave the dressing room, well, almost all of them. The ex-Dragon's Tear demon let his curious side take care of her and she undressed and kept only her birthday suit before stealthily starting to head back to the ladies' room. She would investigate.

~ With Regdar and Kath ~

"Finally, I thought they would never ... ah ... leave." Kath moaned when she felt Regdar's teeth nibble on her neck. Since the first guild master left them both, they were doing their best to contain themselves. The fire wizard was struggling with this, especially since he was tasked with cleaning Titania's attractive body. He did a very thorough job, which caused a lot of tension between the two. Regdar was currently focusing on the woman's breasts, which he just couldn't get enough of. After he started cleaning the woman's goods, he was unable to let them go. He had been rude, just as the woman liked. "Your hands are like magic, I love it when we shower together." The redhead admitted, before turning and giving the teenager a kiss.

The kiss was quick and lustful, which did nothing to calm either of them. "It was very risky, a guy walking into a room full of hot naked girls." Regdar told his lover as his heated member pressed harder against the woman's ass. It had been pressed against the woman since he started washing his back. Fortunately for the couple, there were only two other people in the room at the time and Kath had a talent for being discreet. "Sometimes I think you want someone to catch us." He joked as he went from nibbling to kissing along his lover's neck.

"Maybe so, but remember ... You are mine and only mine." Kath remembered. The woman stepped back and allowed her lover's member to rest on her big, firm ass. Regdar made a small growl at the sensation. Just as he knew what she liked, Kath also knew what he liked. She began to move her hips gently, massaging the pink member with her back. "Besides, I don't think there is anyone who can tame this angry dragon like me." She added. moving a little faster.

Regdar decided to insult the woman with that statement. "You don't remember our last little meeting, I don't think anyone would call you Queen if they saw what you let me do to you." Regdar joked. He could still vividly remember how dirty his lover was willing to be with him. Regdar was surprised to find how submissive the woman could be, which turned out to be a turn of the fire-breathing man. He then gave the redhead's breasts a strong squeeze, eliciting a moan from the beauty. "It would be bad if people found out how lustful my lovely knight is. For example, how sensitive her breasts are." He continued, warming his hands a little.

Kath was unable to hold her voice any longer and a loud moan escaped her parted lips. The redhead was happy to have a man like Regdar in her life. She always acted like an authority figure, but being with Regdar allowed her to show her true colors. Wanting to show her gratitude to the fire wizard, she started to move her ass more and squeezed his face tighter. "It's nice and hot between my ass, I can't wait until that big, fat dick is inside me again." Kath said, with a sexy smile. The woman was quite pleased when she felt her lover's masculinity throbbing in her ass.

"We will have a lot of time for this soon, but you have something more urgent to take care of now." Regdar told the woman, as he pushed Kath forward. The beauty managed not only to contain herself, but also managed to keep Regdar's member firmly stuck in her comforting ass.

"Oh, so this is how you want to play." Kath smiled as she rested her soft ass on her lover's strong body. Regdar would normally have been happy with that. He would have let the Queen of the Fairies do his magic. However, that would not be enough today. Seeing so many of his sexy guild mates in his birthday suits made him much more hungry than usual. Kath discovered this when she felt the city's strong hands grab his ass and strain before he started to trust. - Maybe calling him while everyone was here was a bad idea. The sword holding the beauty, she thought, really feeling the heat coming from her boyfriend's thick flesh.

The scarlet-haired woman was ok with letting the man do what he wanted. She was the cause of her problem and she saw it as the perfect way to give back. Just as she expected, her lover was not kind to her, slapping her on the butt of the occasion. These strong slaps only made her more excited, as they were a sign of what was to come. "You like that, don't you, Kath?" Regdar asked, continuing to slide his cock between the woman's now pink cheeks.

"I love it Regdar, I can't wait until you cover my naughty ass with your cum, my sexy fire dragon." Kath moaned, shaking her ass at the man. This made the fire wizard even more aggressive towards his lover, which is exactly what she expected. Regdar continued to enjoy the wizard's comfortable back, increasing his already iron fist and brilliant speed. It was an incredible feeling that Regdar had never really gotten used to. He was sure he never could. Kath's ass was not the largest he had ever seen or the softest, but it was the firmest and had an incredible, unyielding round shape. He also kept his cock nice and comfortable.

After a while, Regdar found himself unable to hold on much longer, and Kath knew it. The woman who let the man go on as planned, but a perverse idea came to the knight's head and she wasted no time in manifesting herself. "Come on Regdar, if you're going to finish, why don't you do it in your favorite place?" She suggested to the man. She had learned that the man was quite subject to suggestions when he was really nervous. Regdar withdrew from his lover's lovely ass and plunged into her tight but accommodating cunt. Kath's body shuddered and her pussy shuddered when she felt most of her lover's member enter her in one swift movement. "Ahh ... So good." Kath moaned, loving the hot pulsating object at its core. The sensation only improved when she felt her insides being flooded with a familiar thick seed. Regdar wished he could see the woman's face, he always loved seeing the obscene and inappropriate faces she would make when he came inside her.

"I'm glad you're happy, but I'm not even close to finishing." Regdar told the woman before he started to trust the squirming knight. Kath knew that the man hadn't finished with her, not even far. However, this is what she wanted, she would be disappointed if her lover told her less than everything he had. The redhead stepped back a little, signaling that she was ready for him. "Dating the most durable girl in the guild certainly has its advantages." He thought out loud, before slapping her on the ass again.

"And dating the sexiest Slayer has its advantages too." Kath replied, tightening her grip on the thick invader. Her lover grunted at this, but he continued, which only increased the feeling for the two teenagers. Still not having enough of his red-haired lover, he leaned over and gained access to her bouncing breasts of beauty. Without thinking twice, he grabbed the beauty's breast. Unlike before, he focused on the sensitive pink peaks of the maiden's breasts, pinching and adjusting them. "Ohhh, this is it." The beauty moaned, her face turning even redder.

"You think I'm not done yet, do you?" Regdar asked when one of his hands made its way to her core. Despite knowing what was going to happen, she was not yet prepared for the feeling, which became very clear when she let out another angelic cry. Kath was struggling to keep up with the fire wizard, whom Regdar enjoyed. To dominate a woman like Kath would be a power trip for any man, Regdar was no exception. The only thing that could make things better would be if he had an audience, watching his achievement from the knight. Unbeknownst to him, they had a very attentive audience!

His audience consisted only of a very excited white-haired woman, who turned out to be ex-Dragon's Tear demon, Karina Hawk. "What, what, it looks like someone doesn't know how to control her dragon ... But I wonder, how long have they been doing this?" Karina thought out loud. She had been watching for a long time and was very excited. She had her eyes on the fire wizard for a while, however, she now had a new obstacle to overcome. The control wizard didn't care much about it, as it would make her venture even more exciting. The woman wondered how. 'Now, let's see, how should I proceed to seduce and tame this turbulent dragon ... Hmmm, maybe I should get a sexy knight while I'm at it. "The demon thought as he licked his lips.

However, before she could properly formulate a plan, Regdar's well-trained nose picked up a new scent. "Hey Kath, I don't think we're alone." Regdar said, without slowing down. At first, the redhead looked concerned, but the feeling of concern disappeared and the excitement took its place. "What should we do about it?" He asked, giving his lover's breasts a quick but strong squeeze.

"Forget them ... Let them watch ... No matter what, please don't stop." Kath pleaded. Karina gave the redhead a silent thanks. The red-haired wizard finally reached his limit, and all that mattered was the man behind her. Her desire for man had become a necessity at this point. "Please, stop restraining yourself too, I want everything you have." She continued. Regdar had no desire to resist such a desperate voice, and he gave her exactly what she wanted.

He shifted his position so that his hips were placed firmly on his girlfriend's hips and he went crazy. Within seconds, the bathroom was filled with thunderous applause from Regdar's strong lower body hitting Kath's big, firm ass. Karina let out a breath when she saw the power behind the Slayers' impulse, but it was easily drowned out by Kath's moans. 'Oh man, it looks like he's trying to break it in two with that monster.' Karina thought as she started to play with her sensitive regions. Before she knew it, her own arousal was added to the already strong scent of Regdar and his red-haired lover.

This did not go unnoticed by Slayer. However, instead of exploring his curiosity, he was consumed by his lust, making him even more wild. Kath was taken aback by this, but that was what she loved. The woman's strength finally left her arms and she was now facedown with her butt up. She started to mumble something, but Regdar couldn't understand it, not that he cared anyway. All the teenager could think about was the smell invading his nose. It was different from normal, there was something new about it, there was a new smell added to the mix. 'It smells as good as Kath, I need it.' Regdar thought as his most primitive instincts took over.

These instincts allowed him to hear another woman's moans, despite the thunderous sounds of meat against meat. Regdar continued to beat his lover from behind, while also trying to locate the source of the sound and smell that overwhelm his senses. Kath was not aware of the fire wizard's change of interest, as he was working harder than ever. The two lovers continued for a long time, much to the delight of their observer.

'This is quite exciting ... No wonder these two are so secretive.' Karina thought as her fingers deepened in her wet virginity. She was surprised that the rider did not always hobble. The white-haired woman succumbed to lust and began to approach the couple, allowing her to look more closely. - She honestly thinks she can't keep this to herself. 'All I need to do is wait a while, there is no way Kath could last much longer ... And there is certainly no way Regdar can resist me.' She told herself.

The ex-demon was not wrong, the pleasurable attack on her pussy was becoming too much for Kath. The rider's upper body was pressed against the cold bathroom floor. This feeling of cold was a stark contrast to the growing heat she felt behind. The woman remained in the contrasting simulations until her lover grunted some magic words. "I'm going to come again, Kath." Regdar grunted. He started to slow down, but increasing his strength.

"Do it inside, my sexy dragon." Kath pleaded. Her lover took a few more powerful thrusts before finally exploding inside her again. To Karina's surprise and Kath's delight, the load was greater than the previous one. The woman let out a loud moan of satisfaction when her insides were stained with white and she came even harder than before. The two climaxed together, with the fire wizard calming down a little faster than his exhausted companion. Regdar was unable to remain calm for more than a few seconds, as the heady smell of sex was still heavy in the air. Kath felt Regdar's cock harden inside her pussy full of abused cum. She hoped that letting him go crazy would calm him down. Unfortunately, not only did it not work, but her lover seemed to be even more aggressive. "Give me a break, Regdar ...

Kath fulfilled her wish and Regdar came out of it. This left her very confused. Normally, the fire wizard never stopped when he went. She turned to see that her lover was moving toward the exit from the bathroom. Kath was even more confused. This had never happened before, and if she hadn't been in such pain, she would have questioned the woman. "Come on, Karina, I know you've been watching for quite some time." Regdar shouted, finally finding out whose smell it was. He may not have expected the white-haired woman, but his lower body was certainly happy about it.

Karina closed when she saw the look in Slayer's eyes. Karina felt like prey ready to be attacked by a strong, sexy predator. However, she did not like being prey, she was Karina, the demon of Dragon's Tear and she would remind the man in front of her of that. "What if I was watching ... Do you have a problem with me finding out about your little secret?" Karina scoffed, approaching the horny Slayer. Her breasts were pressed against the man's strong upper body and his masculinity was pressing against his stomach. She was going to have the man, and she wouldn't be subtle about it. "Regdar jr doesn't seem to have a problem with that. In fact, he seems very happy to see me ... Maybe even happier than when he's around Kath." She continued, grabbing the fire wizard.

A smile appeared on Karina's face when she saw the aggressive look in the fire wizard's eyes. His smile grew even brighter when he saw the aggression replaced by a look of embarrassment. Regdar came out of his fog of lust and realized that the woman holding his dick was not his girlfriend. "What are you doing, Karina? You know Kath is my girlfriend." Regdar told the white-haired woman. Karina did not listen, she chose to tighten her grip and stole a kiss from the man. The fire wizard tried to resist at first, but the control wizard was very aggressive. 'What happened to her? Kath is going to kill me! ' He thought, looking at the redhead, who was still too stunned to realize what was going on.

The white-haired beauty eventually broke away from the sexually charged kiss. Although he had left them both breathless, he did nothing to indicate his excitement. It just made her more excited. The same can be said about the dark-eyed man. He knew how wrong it was to be doing this to someone other than his girlfriend, but that very reason excited him. Despite this, the fire wizard gathered the little self-control he had. "Stop it, Karina, you are not going to rob me of Kath." Regdar said to the lascivious woman.

"Oh, Regdar, do you think I would have my first kiss if I didn't commit theft?" Karina questioned, making the fire wizard feel bad. Karina didn't want Regdar to feel bad for her, she wanted him to want and devastate her like she did with Kath. "Don't worry, I'm not here to rob you ... I want you both." She whispered. The woman instantly felt the teenager's member harden against her. Karina knew very few men who could resist her charms. But she doubted that there was a man alive who would miss the chance of a threesome involving two of the strongest and sexiest women at Dragon's Tear. Karina smiled when she saw the man's guard drop slightly. "Good boy Regdar ... Now, I'm going to show you that a sexy demon is much more suited to dealing with a dragon than a fragile knight ..."

Regdar did not stop the woman, he knew that Karina would eventually get what she wanted. He looked at his girlfriend, who was still resting and calming down from her climax. Her eyes were still clouded with lust and she couldn't tell what was going on. Regdar's gaze could only stay on his rider until he felt a pair of soft lips wrap around the head of his cock. He looked down and was greeted by the exciting sight of the woman's big blue eyes. Karina was very pleased with the reaction she got and kept going further until half the length of it was in her mouth. 'She is better than Kath was on her first attempt.' Regdar thought, feeling the woman's tongue swirl around his cock.

Karina also discovered that she was really enjoying herself. The man's cock was covered in a fine sheen of Regdar and Kath's combined essences. It was quite a taste for the light-haired woman, and certainly one she would never forget. The taste was doing a great job of arousing her, but what it was really doing was the smell. As she gently shook her head up and down, her core was getting hotter than ever and her virginity was dripping. She now desperately needed some relief and a powerful red flush appeared on her face. Karina knew she needed to work hard and fast or she would feel lost in the overwhelming feeling of lust. The woman tried harder and managed to put the entire length of the man in her mouth.

Regdar was surprised by the feat of beauty, his red-haired lover needed a few attempts to lower his entire length and right in front of him, there was a girl eagerly swallowing like a professional. 'It's bigger than the toys I used to play with, but he seems to be enjoying himself.' Karina thought as she pulled her head back, sucking on the man's penis as she did so. She also felt a strong pulse as she did this, awakening her in the process. The woman continued like this, accelerating as she walked.

Regdar let out a groan when the control mage found a good rhythm and began to suck with a real level of skill. Despite how incredible it looked, Regdar could tell that the white-haired woman would not be able to keep up with her pace. So he decided to give some advice. "Try to use your hands, doing this will prevent you from getting tired quickly." Regdar suggested, completely forgetting that the woman sucking on him was not his girlfriend. The woman followed the man's advice and started using her delicate hands to rub the man's thick shaft. She put her other hand to a much more selfish use and played with her needy vagina. "This is much better." He praised, while his hands started to run through the woman's hair. She would always do the same thing to her Knight, who always worked harder when doing this.

Fortunately it was a truly magical experience for the man. He just couldn't get enough of the way the transforming wizard's soft lips created a seal around his penis or the way the tight, wet throat massaged his penis, and he certainly couldn't get over how much the taboo excited him. However, all good things had to come and go and that was no exception. Regdar was approaching a climax, and it would be big, even bigger than its predictors. This pleased the demon a little and she began to slowly swallow the man's member. 'I told you Regdar Caldwell, I will suck you dry.' She thought.

The woman intended to prolong the man's orgasm as long as possible, but fate had other plans. Fate, in this case, came in the form of Katheryne Harrison, who forced the temptress to swallow her boyfriend's entire cock. Karina's eyes widened and she started to choke and Kath smiled. The demon's situation did not end when Regdar came moments later, releasing an abnormal amount of sperm into the woman's throat. "You better not let a single drop of MY boyfriend's cum go to waste, you whore!" Kath told the woman, still not allowing the white-haired woman to breathe. She was angry, but also excited, a truly deadly combination when it came to the redhead. Kath watched with a smile when she saw the look of discomfort on Karina's face as she was forced to swallow. Unfortunately.

"That was great." Regdar groaned when he finished his release. His eyes were closed and he really wasn't paying attention. He was quite confused when he saw that two women were kneeling in front of him. One of them had a satisfied look on his face and his cock was firmly placed in his mouth. The only problem was that the woman was not his girlfriend. He took a look and realized that his girlfriend was right there and didn't look happy. There was only one thing the fire wizard could say in this situation. "I'm sorry about that, Kath, I couldn't help myself." He apologized.

Instead of being defeated by the angry look he expected, Kath smiled. "Don't worry, I really can't blame you, you just got caught up in this bitch's trap." Kath said before turning to Karina. The white-haired woman was still trying to catch her breath, but Kath was not about to give the future male thief a chance. "And from what I've heard, she thinks it can lead to both of us, how about we prove she's wrong?" She suggested with a suggestive smile. The Regdar member was alert to the prospect of putting the naughty wizard in his place. Clearly in no mood to joke, Kath went straight to work, bringing the now recovered Karina for a kiss.

Regdar watched the two kiss, it was a very quick kiss, but it sure was hot. Kath was very clinging during the kiss. palpating the white-haired woman's ass and breasts during the brief kiss. When they separated, Karina decided to speak. "You kiss well, Kath, a little tight, but you still kiss well." Karina played with the hands of the beautiful redhead still roaming her body. The control wizard wanted to continue teasing the woman, but she couldn't say a word when she felt a pair of strong, warm hands grab her breasts from behind. She turned slowly and saw Regdar sitting behind her.

"They are not as big as your Kath, but they are as soft as clouds." Regdar said as he squeezed the woman's breasts. The redhead smiled when she saw the treatment he was giving to his ex-rival, it was similar to what he gave her, only a little more rudely. The best part was the reaction she was giving. Karina Hawk was found to be a masked masochist. Kath decided to keep that piece of information to herself and continued to play with the model's body.

Karina was delighted with the way things were going, she was going to get the Dragon and the Knight, and how things were going, it was going to be difficult. Regdar is focused on nibbling on her sensitive sensitive neck and caressing her even more sensitive breasts. Kath also kept herself busy, kissing the white-haired woman and gently massaging her pearl, as well as her needy virginity. "You're right, Regdar, she is very soft, especially those lips." Kath said as she separated from the kiss with the now breathless Karina.

No matter how good it felt to be among the couple, it was so exhausting, and she started to wonder how long she would last with them. 'This is the last time that I just improvise.' Karina thought as Kath's tongue dominated hers in his hot, lustful kiss. 'These two are too good, I wonder how long have they had each other for themselves?' She pondered, getting closer and closer to the climax. She could already tell by the feeling inside that it would overcome anything she had ever felt before. The pair continued to play with the woman, with Kath's nimble fingers reaching places that Karina didn't even know and Regdar making her feel things that she had only read.

"I don't think this little demon is going to last much longer." Regdar said as his hands joined Kath's. The white-haired woman had no chance against the two pairs of talented hands that attacked her virginity. The Knight stepped away from the kiss and saw Karina's face contort with pleasure when she came harder than ever.

"What an obscene expression and we're not even up to the good yet." Kath teased, feeling her fingers being covered by the demon's sweet essence. Regdar also felt the same sensation and wasted no time in tasting the woman's scented lavender juices. It wasn't as sweet as his girlfriend's, but the taste was still quite addictive.

Slayer did not hesitate to prove it to his lover. Although he could have easily stuck his fingers in his girlfriend's mouth and given the sweet essence that way, he decided to do something different. Regdar brought the brown-eyed girl for a kiss, where he gave her a pleasant surprise. "It tasted better than I thought it would, I think I need more to really see how it tastes." The redhead commented. The redhead went and bent down to get more of Karina's addictive essence, but she missed the target and remembered her boyfriend's stout member. "Oh my God, I'm sorry Regdar, I can't believe I forgot that." Kath apologized, focusing her attention on her lover. She now had a wicked smile on her face. The knight moved the white-haired woman to the side before she forced her man on his back. "Let me take over this time, I promise I will do it well."

Regdar did not stop the woman, she was very good at riding it and looked incredible when she did it. Kath stepped up on her man with a sexy smile on her face. The beauty positioned herself on Slayer's thick, throbbing cock. The Queen of the Fairies looked phenomenal, and her transformative intruder was quickly becoming secondary. "Don't tease me Kath, you know what happens when you do that." Regdar warned. As good as it seemed, the fire wizard would not hesitate to turn the tables on his lover if she played with him a lot.

"You shouldn't keep your boyfriend waiting, it's very impolite." Karina told the woman as she held the redhead's shoulders. Kath didn't really have much time to respond to Karina's comment while the mischievous demon used her weight to impale Kath on the man's dick. As she expected, Titania let out a loud, lewd cry as her pussy once again accommodated Regdar's manhood. Karina's own femininity moistened when she imagined her taking the redhead's place. However, the bartender did not stay behind Kath for long. She had her own needs and was not going to wait any longer. "I think it's time for you to pay me, Regdar." She said as she positioned herself on Regdar's face. To the demon magician's delight, the man immediately began to work.

Kath quickly followed suit and started moving the man's stick skill up and down. It didn't take a genius to find that Kath had a lot of practice. As Kath moaned at the sensation of jumping up and down from such a thick invader, Karina was also moaning. However, unlike the redhead, she was quiet and buried as deep as possible in the groin. The bartender thought Slayer's hands were great, but his language was on a completely different level. "You look surprised ... Ah ... did you expect the man I chose as my lover ... Oh ... to be less than the best?" Kath groaned.

"You're lucky ... I didn't get it first." Karina replied, her face turning red. Regdar's tongue was sending her to the wall, she couldn't think straight. Not only was she losing her mind, but her body was out of control. He would stutter, shake and shudder as the man worked his magic. As before, she doubted it would last long, she knew she would have to find a way to distract herself, even if it was just a little. Fortunately for her, that distraction was right in front of her, a busty redhead, who didn't even try to hide how much fun she was having.

She almost felt bad for interrupting her. The demon approached her former rival and instigated another lip kiss. Only this time she was in charge. It was a nice change of pace, especially after being dominated throughout the encounter, even if her dominance was only because Kath was so distracted. This did not go very well for Karina, who longed for more attention from the woman. She gave Kath's firm breasts a hard squeeze. This caught the attention of the woman, who still did not stop her well-trained hips.

"You're going to make Regdar jealous with all those kisses ... and believe me, you won't be able to deal with him when he gets really pissed." Kath warned her companion before letting out a loud shout. The lower half of Regdar became quite restless and he started to trust upward, finding Kath's movements and reaching deeper into his lover. The woman would have continued to let out more harmonious screams had it not been for Karina's lips to silence her again. - She may be more useful than I thought. She thought, returning the kiss.

The three went on like this for a while, none of them really knew how much time had passed since they were so fascinated by each other. The two beauties had worn out on Regdar's body, evident from their panting and the fact that both were covered in a thin layer of sweat. Karina was surprised that the redhead had managed to hold her by the gates for so long that she really had forgotten how many times Regdar's tongue made her come. She also didn't care, it was one of the best experiences she had in her young life and was only improved by the beautiful redhead, who looked like she was about to explode any second. Fortunately for her, her boyfriend was in the same boat and Kath knew it.

"I'm going to enjoy Regdar, make sure you give it to me." Kath moaned, increasing her speed as she approached the final stretch. She didn't want to contain herself anymore and neither did her boyfriend. Kath squeezed and with her remaining strength, she impaled herself on the man's dick. This sent the couple over the edge, which was made obvious by the lovely cry that Kath let out a groan when her uterus was flooded with her lover's seed.

Karina watched Kath's face become one of pure ecstasy, it was even more intense than what she had seen before and she found herself wanting to take the redhead's place even more. She watched as the couple enjoyed themselves, becoming even more jealous and excited in the process. When the two finally calmed down, Kath spoke. "Hmm, I think it's time to give Karina what she's been waiting for." Kath said before pushing the control wizard. Karina fell from Regdar's face and fell on her back, leaving her defenseless. Kath couldn't resist the temptation and launched herself at her fair-haired prey, even though she was much weaker at this point. Fortunately for her, Karina was not really in a state to fight the aggressive wizard.

Karina thought Kath was a little over the top before, but now that she had the bartender's body all to herself, she was on a whole new level. It was clear that there would not be an inch of her body that would not remain untouched by the overzealous woman's hands, tongue and mouth. The helpless magician decided to take the only action he could. "Regdar, help me ~" Karina pleaded while her guildmate continued to caress her sensitive and seductive body. The wizard demon was hopeful when he heard the man get up and approach them. She looked over Kath's shoulder and went from hopeful to excited when she saw the expression on the man's face. It was obvious that she would finally have her chance with Slayer. She was so happy about it that she didn't even try to resist Kath's advances.

"Give her Regdar already, she has been waiting so long ... Her pussy is soaked, I bet she can take it all." Kath instructed with a perverted smile as she played with the maiden's cunt. Regdar was happy that Kath pushed her possessive side away when she was in that kind of mood. Maybe he was lucky enough to convince her to let him play with another girl. However, Kath crushed those lustful hopes with what she said next. "Just remember, don't end up inside her, and don't even think that something like this is going to happen to another girl." She told the man. Even in her helpless position, the redhead still knew how to rule someone.

Regdar decided not to test the redhead and went to claim Karina Hawk's virginity, something that many men wish they could only dream of. "Don't worry too much about being kind, I've had my share of lonely nights." Karina confessed when she saw the man's dick pressing against her virginity. Hearing the woman, he started to slide into her. She was as tight as Kath the first time, but Karina was certainly not an easy fit for the fire wizard. However, it just made it better for both of them. Karina was happy to have been a little bit experimental on her lonely nights or the feeling that Regdar's member would have been too much for her. Fortunately, all she felt was pleasure and she let out a loud moan. "Oh ... right there!" She screamed.

Slayer loved the response he got from the new woman. The woman's warm, tight interior was incredible, she squeezed it in a way that Kath couldn't, and the young man found himself unable to stop moving. His movements were hard and sharp and reached deeply into the newly deflowered virginity of the demon. "It looks like you're really enjoying her ... tell me, how does she feel?" Kath asked in a low, seductive tone.

Whether Regdar wanted to admit it or not, the knight had all the power at the moment. This being the situation, he replied. "She is tight but soft at the same time, she is amazing." Regdar grunted with his thrusts. Although it made the red-haired maiden feel jealous, she quickly got rid of the sensation by caressing the helpless beauty beneath her. While internally it didn't make up for the fact that her boyfriend was currently sleeping with another woman right in front of her, it sure felt good to have that woman's full dominance. After a while, Regdar noticed how aggressive Kath's caresses had become. - Maybe I should give Karina a break. Regdar thought before slapping Katheryne Harrison's big, mature ass. As before, he didn't stop at just one, he continued until there was a handprint as shiny as the woman's hair.

It didn't take long for Regdar to find himself dominating the two strongest women in his guild. It was a great achievement in his mind, one he thought he would never achieve, considering his girlfriend's possessive nature. "More Regdar, go deeper." Karina begged. The fire wizard was more than happy to obey and he moved deeper into the woman, speeding up his pace as he did so. The added speed was a welcome surprise for the woman, who simply looked back and allowed Regdar to hear her moan even more. "Sorry, Kath, but I don't think I'll let you keep it just for you." The control wizard said to the woman above her. Kath went to protest against this until she felt another loud slap, which silenced her.

Karina smiled at this reaction and moved on to another brief kiss with Kath. 'Two girls is twice the fun.' Regdar's simple mind realized when he grabbed a handful of his lover's ass. Slayer's clouded lust mind could barely understand what he would do if another girl was thrown into the mix. Karina was receiving the man's lust and it drove her crazy. His screams grew louder and louder as the man ravaged his body with a growing ferocity that was only comparable to a wild animal.

The control wizard was unable to last more than a few minutes with the man at full strength. Although this was not surprising to Kath, she was surprised when she heard a loud growl escape from the rosy mouth. Her lover then tightened his grip before he sheathed himself inside the white-haired woman and it took just a look at Karina's expression for Kath to realize what he had done. "Ahhh ... mmmm, it's so hot and there's so much." Karina groaned. The new feeling was unexpected, but very welcome. Never in her life has she felt so connected to the fire wizard and she absolutely loved it. "It feels incredible ... Sorry, Kath." She apologized. It didn't really go well with the redhead due to the happy look on Karina's face.

"Regdar, I gave you a simple instruction-AHHH!" Kath cried out when she felt Regdar's manhood enter her with great force. The knight's eyes widened when she felt the back door being opened wide. Karina watched as her ex-rival lost all strength in her body. A devious plan came to mind when she realized that the S-class magician was about to fall. She stepped out from under the woman and sat right in front of the redhead, who fell in the groin. Kath tried to protest, but was stifled when the demon grabbed her scarlet curls and forced her inside. However, she wouldn't be a class S magician if she didn't know how to adapt and work. - Ah, so this is how she wants to play. The redhead thought as she started to lick the woman's full virginity.

"How does it taste, Kath? Your boyfriend's cum and my pussy mixed in a sexy cocktail." Karina teased with an enchanted look on her face. Kath responded in the only way she could and worked harder, plunging her tongue deeper into Mira's newly deflowered virginity. "This is a better way to use that tongue of yours, you sexy little knight." She praised with her face getting redder. Karina was surprised, she doubted she could please a woman too Kath, especially very horny, Slayer beating wildly on her ass. 'Oh, this is going to be a lot of fun.' The demon thought, finally fulfilling her wish to have the couple for her.

~ Later ~

"That was certainly fun." Karina sighed, pressing her head against the man's chest. The exhausted demon was currently resting in Regdar's arms. Karina had bitten off a lot more than she could chew with the pair, as they turned the game against her once again.

"I agree, we must certainly do it again." Kath said as she walked beside her boyfriend. After the three of them had had a good time, they cleaned up and were now going to the dressing room in their birthday suits. The tavern keeper was amazed that the magician wielded the sword, she had suffered a much stronger beating, but could still work as if almost nothing had happened. "I hope you are a little less greedy." She said to the woman with an annoyed look.

"Don't be jealous Kathy, you're still my number one girl." Regdar said to the knight. The redhead didn't need to be remembered, but she was very happy to hear that. However, the redhead was not completely satisfied and made Regdar aware of this. Karina puffed out her cheeks, as she felt a little irritated that she was not number one, but was silent. She didn't want to incite them, she wanted to see how Slayer would handle it. Regdar leaned over and whispered something in Kath's ear. It made her blush and smile.

"Make sure you keep that one private, we don't need anyone to know that." Kath told the man as her blush darkened even more. Karina now knew what she would do when her legs started to work again. "You better give it to me, the locker room is one thing, but I don't think I can escape with you in the changing room." She explained, much to the fire wizard's disappointment. While Kath could understand why he was like that, she decided to give a warning. "What would you do in a dressing room full of girls, anyway?" The knight questioned.

"I bet our greedy little dragon may want one to make a harem after tasting another woman's forbidden fruit." Karina joked. She quickly lost herself in Regdar's thoughts of winning over the women of Dragon's Tear. The couple realized that they had lost the woman expressed a very obscene idea. "We could keep him in Stars Hills and the girls could take turns with him ... Don't you think it would be fun?" She suggested. Regdar and Kath looked at her blankly.

"How the hell would I let that happen, HE IS MINE!" Kath screamed, killing Karina and Regdar's dream right there.

"Oh, well, at least I still have you two." Karina said before giving Regdar and Kath a kiss. The couple gladly accepted the maiden's kiss and both responded with passion.

"Oh my gods, you three are certainly so adorable!" Said the first master of the Dragon's Tear guild, making himself known to the three. They all froze in place and shock riddled their faces when they saw Sakura appearing in front of her with a smile on her face. "Don't worry, your little secret is safe with me, just keep it low next time." Sakura added with a wink.

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