
The Lost Tales of Sinners

Short stories of a young man discovering about his dormant lust. No story had any kind of connection with the other.

Fethmelle · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
215 Chs

Sex and Education

Summary: Following Astra's complaints about a 'lack of boundaries' with Regdar, Kath decides to rehabilitate and re-educate him. Unfortunately, the old 'fear and pain' method doesn't seem to work anymore, so it changes things and tries a completely different method. This proves to be very effective and both get far more results than they originally expected.

It was a very peaceful and quiet morning at Dragon's Tear. Kath was sitting at her usual table, enjoying her favorite treat as she normally did. She was in a state of pure happiness. Unfortunately, all good things had to end eventually. Her ecstatic state was interrupted by her busty blonde guildmate. "I need your help, Kath." Astra asked. Kath was irritated with no surprise that her peace was interrupted.

She turned to her blonde friend, before seeing the distressed look on her face. This caught the knight's attention. "What's the matter, Astra?" Kath questioned. It seemed that something was weighing on the mind of the spiritual magician. As the friend she was, Kath was more than willing to offer her help.

Astra spoke, but Kath was no longer listening to her. His attention was focused on the last fight that had just broken out. To no one's surprise, the two instigators were Regdar and Gerald. The redhead didn't know why the two were fighting, but she was sure it was something stupid or stingy.

Astra continued to speak, unaware of Kath's changing interest. She only stopped talking when Regdar came running towards her and landed on top of the unsuspecting blonde. "Yo Astral." Regdar greeted, completely unaware of his friend's discomfort. However, he was not unaware of the wonderfully soft feeling in his hands, so he did not hesitate to squeeze the source of the softness ... "Did they get bigger again?" He asked himself.

"Look, Kath, this is what I'm talking about!" Astra screamed when a huge blush covered her face. Kath examined the situation, it was nothing she had not seen before. Regdar was on top of the blonde, grabbing and squeezing her full breasts. "Don't just stand there, do something." She begged, turning a darker shade of red.

The Queen of the Fairies put her hand on her chin. "What exactly is the problem here?" Kath asked. Regdar shrugged and Astra freaked out even more. Not wanting to be in one of the blonde Astral Punch's signatures, Regdar got rid of the blonde by leaving. Astra pouted at the redhead. "Oh, I see, you are tired of fights, thanks for bringing this concern to me, I will make sure to deal with them." The knight said.

"No! That's not the problem, it's the lack of limits, and I swear he's doing it on purpose right now just to piss me off even more!" Astra corrected. She wasn't sure why she didn't expect such an indifferent reaction. This was the same person who constantly offered to bathe with Regdar and often wore minimal clothing for battle. Astra gave a distraught snort, making the redhead feel a sharp twinge of guilt.

"Sorry to miss our conversation, but please tell me your problem and I will do everything in my power to resolve it." Kath proclaimed. Astra could practically feel the conviction coming from the woman. Now knowing that she could count on her scarlet-haired companion, she began to explain her situation to Kath. The redhead visibly struggled to understand her friend's situation at first, due to her appreciation for skinship, but as the blonde continued, she ended up understanding. "I see, I'll make sure he gets the message loud and clear." The Queen of the Fairies said before snapping her knuckles.

"No, it never works ... You can't try another, less violent approach." Astra rejected it. She knew firsthand that attacking and yelling at Slayer was really a waste of time and it would only irritate and frustrate the redhead.

"Why don't you teach him how when you two were kids, it worked really well before." Karina joined the conversation. She had been watching the blonde's ordeal since she started a few weeks ago. The ex-S-class magician was slightly offended that Astra had not come to her for advice, but she was happy to help in any way.

"You know, it sounds like a great idea, would you mind, Kath?" Astra asked, giving the knight puppy eyes. Kath didn't really need much convincing, she was thinking about teaching Slayer about the opposite sex for a long time, and that was the perfect excuse.

"Of course I do, but I need to do some reading ... I'm not exactly an expert on that sort of thing." Kath admitted blushing before getting up. Astra gave Karina a confused look.

"Something tells me that we may not be on the same page." Astra deduced. The blonde was not wrong, there was a very real possibility that Kath had misunderstood the situation. However, this may not be a bad thing, as Regdar learning something about women was much better than remaining so ignorant.

"Don't worry, Astra, I'm sure things will work out very well." The white-haired bartender reassured himself. Astra found some comfort in the woman's words and just hoped for the best.

~ Later that week ~

It was another brilliant day at Dragon's Tear. Karina was serving the guild members, Anne was drinking, Mamba was eating fish and Regdar and Gerald were fighting. Kath finally returned to the guild after taking a few days to prepare. She saw her target and marched towards him with a strong aura of authority and purpose around her.

Not being as stupid as most suspected, Regdar stopped fighting his rival and faced the redhead. He winced when he saw the stern look on Kath's face. She wanted something and it looked like nothing would stop her from achieving it. "Hello, Kath ... what do you want?" Regdar asked.

"Come with me, we need to do something very important." Kath ordered. Not knowing whether he should be terrified or excited, Regdar just nodded to the woman. He can be going for an exciting job or he can be punished for anything. In his state of panic, he did not notice the slight flush on Kath's face. "Good choice, we have a lot of work to do." She said, worrying him even more.

~ East Forest ~

Regdar now sat in an isolated clearing, which could be described as an open-air classroom. This all resembles a lot when Kath taught him during childhood, but not everything was the same. Although the blackboard and the big stacks of books came back, things were very different. The knight now had his own table, he had a large table and chair, but the biggest difference was his teacher.

Kath had given up wearing her regular set of armor and chose to dress for the role. She was wearing a white button-up blouse, which had the first buttons missing. This gave Regdar an unobstructed view of her cleavage, he was even treated with a small glimpse of the black and red lacy bra restricting his ample assets. She also wore a tight black miniskirt, which with a pair of red heels, made her big heart-shaped ass look even better. The long, seductive legs of the scarlet-haired woman were covered in black pantyhose. She kept her hair in a low bun with a cascading fringe on either side and framing her face. The woman's look was completed with a pair of thin-framed glasses that gave her a much more mature appearance.

Even someone as strong as Regdar struggled to keep his eyes off the woman. "Now, are you ready to start our lesson?" Kath asked, sitting cross-legged at her desk. The woman did not speak in her usual harsh and authoritative tone. Instead, she spoke in a lower, more inviting tone, Regdar quite liked it. 'I thought all of this was a bit much, but it seems to be working, those books that Karina gave me seem to be effective.' She told herself before leaving the table.

She walked over to the board, swinging her hips more than usual and making her big, firm ass look even better. 'Damn, that feeling is back.' Regdar thought when an uncontrollable desire began to grow. He wasn't sure where he had come from, but it became a recurring problem for the teenager. This made it infinitely more difficult for him to concentrate whenever he took on a mission with the redhead. 'Just focus on Regdar, at least you'll have something to think about later.' He told himself. He shook his head, allowing himself to concentrate and ask a very important question. "What am I doing here, have you taught me to read and write, isn't that enough?"

Kath simply smiled before pulling out a piece of chalk and writing on the board. "I am going to teach you about the feelings you have been having lately, they seem to not only affect you, but also your relationship with your guildmates." Kath explained. Wanting to solve his problem, he became more attentive.

"If you think you can help, I am willing to listen to Kath." Regdar replied, making a smile appear on the woman's face.

"Well, but before we really start, you're just going to refer to me as one of the following: Mrs. Harrison, Kath-sensei or Harrison-sensei. I personally prefer the second one." Kath stated. She hoped it would work well, from what she had read, the way the teacher was treated was very important for the student's education.

"I think I'm calling you Kath-sensei, then." Regdar replied. Happy with Slayer's obedience, she started the lesson. To embitter Regdar's concentration, Kath's skirt started to rise slightly when she returned to the board. That was too bad, since the skirt was already tiny, to begin with, so he caught a glimpse of her tightly packed ass. - Is she doing this on purpose? He wondered, trying unsuccessfully to look away.

Fortunately, Kath finally felt the light draft and adjusted her skirt. 'Maybe this skirt was a little short ... No, that's what the books say to do.' Kath reminded herself. Her face quickly changed to the shadow of her hair when she remembered what she would eventually have to do according to the books. However, she was Katherine Harrison and she never took her word back and she had been very prepared to take it back now. She prepared her nerves and began to prepare herself mentally.

~ Later ~

It had been a long time since the two started class. Unsurprisingly, the two wizards were quite excited and uncomfortable as the class continued. Regdar was unable to stop looking at the woman for several reasons. One was that every time she wrote something on the board, he would see her amazing ass and every time she told him to write something, her cleavage would be in sight. Honestly, he hasn't been able to learn much.

Kath wasn't much better, Regdar's gaze was having a very strong effect on her. - It looks like he will jump and destroy me ... Dear Sakura, why didn't he do that yet ... Damn it, Kath, concentrate, it's time for the last step. Kath told herself as she leaned over and handed Regdar a piece of paper. This gave Regdar a perfect view of her breasts, making her look even more intense. "Please write the names of the first five guild mates that come to mind." She instructed.

Regdar started to write, but again he was distracted to see Kath sitting cross-legged at the table once again. Even though it has become a common sight, it has not lost its effect, especially when she changed her crossed leg, showing off her panties every now and then. - She must be doing this on purpose. Regdar thought. The short answer was yes, the scarlet-haired seductress was doing everything but undressing and smothering it in her breasts to get it. After a few seconds, Kath started to approach him, so he quickly wrote his last name.

The red-haired teacher picked up the paper before sitting down at Regdar's desk. "Move the chair back a little." Kath instructed. Still helpless under captivity by the redhead, Regdar did as he was told. Regdar was treated with an almost unobstructed view of his friend's panties for a few seconds. The beauty had to calm down when she saw the look of desire and desire on the rosy face. 'There he is again, did he always look at me like that?' She wondered before crossing her legs again. Curious to see the total effect she was having on the hormonal teenager, she looked down and noticed the very large bulge. "Oh my." The rider gasped. When the woman said that, a strange but lovely smell invaded Slayer's nose.

"What's wrong, Kath-sensei?" Regdar asked. Kath just looked at him with big curious eyes and ignored the question. The more the older woman looked at him, the stronger the inviting smell, which made more blood run south. The rider watched as his childhood friend struggled to avoid reaching the entire mast. "Don't you have something to teach me, Kath-sensei?" He asked, pulling the sword wizard out of his state. At the expense of his sanity, he didn't stop the smell, he just got strong.

"Sorry about that, our next lesson will be on fantasies and sexual relief." Ezra said after readjusting his glasses. This was the most important lesson in Kath's mind, so she was going to pull all the stops. When she looked at the paper, she took off her heels. As she read, she was surprised that the fire wizard had actually written five girls, there were some that she expected, there were also some that really surprised her, but the last one made her a little bit embarrassed. Realizing that she still had a very important role to play, she regained her composure. "Now, do you know why I made you write those names?" She questioned as she ran her poorly covered leg over Regdar's thigh.

"Hummm ... No, I don't know why you made me do this." Regdar replied with a stutter. The desire was back and even stronger. Kath could see and feel it, and her foot moved closer to her student's member. Slayer tried to move.

"Stay seated, our class is not over yet." Kath ordered, calming Regdar a little. In an effort to calm him down more, she leaned forward, once again giving him a good view of her bust. This proved to be effective, as she was now able to get much closer. "Now, have you ever fantasized about any of these girls when you ... gave yourself pleasure?" She asked, her low, sensual tone making a comeback.

Regdar's face burst into a huge blush. "Of course not!" Regdar denied it while shaking his head vigorously.

"Seriously?" Kath questioned as her foot brushed the bulge in Regdar's pants. The woman started rubbing the area, causing the teenager's cock to swell even more and generate even more heat. She was surprised that his pants had not torn by size or burned. "I feel like you're lying to me Regdar, this thing here tells me a completely different story." She continued before adding her other foot to the equation. Instead of using it to entertain his hardened cock, she used it to pull his pants down, allowing him sweet freedom. "Ww-wow." The beauty stuttered.

Regdar's blush deepened when he saw the wide-eyed look. Despite her act, it was still the first time that Kath had seen a man's erection, and she needed a few moments to process the size. 'It's even bigger than in the pants, it's so thick and long that the books didn't warn me about it.' Kath thought as she tried to calm herself. Fortunately for her, Regdar did not notice her current state due to her own embarrassment. She used that advantage and calmed down. She pressed the man's giant cock against her stomach and slowly began to rub the soft sole of her foot against it. "Now Regdar, are you ready to tell me the truth, or are you going to keep lying to me?"

"I'm not lying ..." Regdar stated before a small growl escaped his mouth. Kath just smiled and continued to rub her manhood with her foot. Regdar never expected anything like this to be this good. The soft nylon combined with the feel of his even softer feet was slowly driving him crazy.

"So you're going to be like this? At least tell me, how do you feel?" Kath asked, pushing a little harder and focusing on the sensitive tip of the man's cock. She was used to feeling power over the slightly younger man, but that kind of power was different. This power excited her, more than she would ever admit, but this excitement helped her get into the character even more. "Come on Regdar, tell your Sensei that you like to feel her feet on that stick of yours." She played with a lick of her lips.

Not wanting Kath to win, Regdar did his best to resist the pleasure of building. "No, no ... it looks good." Regdar lied. Kath was not a fool and saw that her terrible lie was going well and was a little more enthusiastic.

"Don't give me this Regdar ... You know, I can make this even better." Kath stated when her toes started dancing around the man's tip and moistening her pantyhose with Slayer pre-semen. Regdar clenched his teeth at this statement. He was already struggling with the woman's current efforts, and the fact that she was holding on was almost too much. "Just tell me Regdar, are your sensei's feet okay?"

"No, it does-" The proud Slayer started.

"Uh uh, without lying, I thought we were through this already." The rider interrupted by increasing the speed of his feet a little more. To the redhead's delight, Regdar let out a small groan, which she found especially cute since she was doing her best to keep a strong look on her face. "This is a shame, not only are you extremely sexually frustrated, but you have developed a bad habit of lying." She said, continuing to run her foot along her teammate's throbbing stick.

She finally broke her very tough target and he finally decided to confess. Seeing this, she asked again. "Now Regdar, tell me, are my feet okay?" Kath asked, feeling more powerful than ever. The fire wizard found no reason to lie.

"Y-yes, it feels good Kath-sensei." Regdar finally admitted. Deciding to reward the man honestly, she sandwiched his cock between the soft soles of his feet, rubbing up and down at a slow but steady pace. As she expected, the teenager let out a groan, which further reinforced her pride. She decided to use Regdar's newfound honesty to her advantage.

"So is it better than when you use your hands?" Kath questioned, without breaking contact with the teenager's clouded lust eyes. The answer was obvious, but she wanted to hear the man say that.

"Yes, it is much better." Regdar admitted, without a second's hesitation. While this was crushing his pride, it was worth it just so that he could enjoy more of the woman's incredible touch.

"To continue our lesson, I will need you to close your eyes." Kath instructed. Not in a position to say no, he shook his head and closed his eyes. Kath slightly increased the speed of her feet as a reward for her quick obedience. She looked at the list and chose one of the names. "Tell me what would you do with Astra's body?" She asked, managing to mask her own embarrassment.

"I want to play with those breasts, they are so big and bouncy." Regdar admitted shamelessly. Although she was his trusted friend and teammate, he couldn't deny that she suffered a lot. So he didn't really care about the recent incidents, as it allowed him more contact with them. For him, they were happy accidents, very happy accidents. "They are also super soft." He continued.

"I bet you want to lock her up and slide that huge dick of yours between them, don't you?" Kath asked, wanting to hear more. Regdar continued, he talked about what he would do with the blonde. The knight was honestly a little jealous when he heard the unspeakable things he wanted to do to his friend. However, this jealousy was overcome by his arousal, which was rapidly getting out of hand. She wanted Regdar to confess more about her sexual fantasies and chose another name from the list. "What about Anne? Tell me how Anne drives you crazy?"

"She's always walking around with that bikini top on, it's like she's teasing me with it, you don't understand how many times that thing almost came out." Regdar started, his cock getting harder at the thought of the drunk's shirt falling and her breasts coming out for the world to see. Her imagination did not stop there, imagining the cute and embarrassed expression that would appear when she tried to cover herself.

"You are a mischievous boy, Regdar. You just want to burn him and get a big handful, right?" Kath suggested, moving her feet even faster. She was a little surprised to find out about this side of her friend, but now that she had seen it, she wanted to bring it up. She moved on to the next girl, which she was shocked to see on the list. "What about Juliette, my perverted student?"

"Her ass must be the biggest in the guild, and she always looks amazing in swimsuits." Regdar grunted, struggling not to blow his load on the spot. The bluenette was a little more attractive due to how unreachable the water wizard was. But if he ever had to do what he wanted with his immaculate body, he would never be able to look her in the eye again. "Shit, I'm going to come soon." He announced.

Unfortunately for Regdar, Kath was not ready for him yet. There were still two names and one was very important to her. Beauty then realized how vigorous her feet were moving and she slowed down, allowing Regdar to calm down enough to prevent a climax. Deciding on her to make progress, Kath discarded the list. She prepared to speak again, maintaining a much smoother pace. "Open your eyes, the last girl really piqued my interest."

Regdar quickly remembered who he wrote last, and he would have been very red if he hadn't just admitted that he wanted to have sex with several of his guildmates in the last few minutes. Slayer took advantage of every bit of bravery he had so he could continue. "Yes, that's what I think most." Regdar confessed, making a strong, healthy flush appear on Kath's face. She started moving her feet faster once more.

"Seriously now, what kind of things do you want to do with her?" Kath asked, her calm facade quickly separating. Although she accepted the fact that her childhood friend had a very lustful side to him, she was struggling with the fact that most of her lust was directed at her.

Sensing the chance to turn the tables on the woman, he decided to use it. "The point is, I don't think she would let me do half the things I want to do." Regdar said, gaining even more attention from the woman.

"Hmmm, she may be more willing than you think." Kath encouraged. Regdar took another breath of the strong, attractive scent when she said it, which almost left him in a frenzy. "In fact, I will do my best to help you when you come for me." The proposed beauty, applying a little more pressure and speed. Regdar let out another groan as his climax began to approach once again. Kath brought her skill to a whole new level and it was only a matter of moments before her partner's penis looked like it was ready to explode.

"Ah Kath!" Regdar grunted seconds before his release. The redhead smiled when Regdar's hot sticky seed shot out and covered her pantyhose. Despite being surprised at how much there was, she remained very calm. Well, that was until some of it splashed in your face. Regdar did not notice the surprised look on Kath's face, as he was still too busy cumming harder than ever in his life. "That was great." He said when his climax finally slowed.

Now that he was finished, he noticed the mess he had in his 'teacher'. The redhead's tights were the most affected, they were covered in the teenager's sperm in several places. However, Regdar didn't focus on leggings for long when he saw the white substance splashed on Kath's face. The Slayer member immediately returned to attention when he saw his seed on his instructor's face. Seeing the reaction, she decided to do something a little bold. She took the seed with two fingers before putting it in her mouth and sucking on her sticky fingers. "Mmmm." Kath moaned, enjoying the new taste. She started wiping the rest of her face, much to the teenager's excitement.

"It's even hotter than I thought it would be." Regdar admitted. This was no surprise to Kath at this point. She thought it was safe to assume that one of Slayer's greatest fantasies was dominating her, and covering her with sperm was a good sign of her dominance. "We can continue, right Kath-sensei?"

"Of course we can ... Conclude that your lust is out of control, and I'm the only one who can calm you down." Kath claimed. Regdar's face instantly changed from satisfied to anguished when he heard that. Regdar may know what he wanted, but he was still very credulous. Kath felt a little guilty for lying to the fire wizard, but she wanted to avoid creating another pervert. "Get up, I will do something very special for you." She offered.

Curious to know what new pleasure awaited him, Regdar stood up, while the redhead stripped off her stained pantyhose. This revealed his long toned legs, giving the man with pink hair a good look at his lacy panties and also letting him smell her intoxicating even more. "So, what are you going to do, Kath?" Regdar asked. The re-sarcastic mage simply smiled before getting on her knees in front of the teenager.

Kath didn't expect to go that far, but she was happy to have prepared, even though what she practiced seemed very inappropriate at the time. The woman felt her already soaked virginity become even more so when she inhaled the strong musk from the teenager. She instinctively rubbed her thighs in a fruitless attempt to contain her arousal. Instead, she tried to distract herself by looking at her partner, which only had an adverse effect on her self-control, as she could practically feel the lust radiating from her dark, warm eyes. "This is much more difficult than I thought it would be, however, I still have a responsibility." Kath told herself. The woman began to mentally prepare herself again, but Regdar became impatient.

"That whole look is making me nervous, Kath-sensei. "Regdar complained. That would normally have bothered the woman, but in this case, it encouraged her. Just to provoke the pinkness, she gave the teenager a quick kiss. It was a sensation peculiar and pleasant for Regdar, but was quickly overshadowed when Kath wrapped her delicious lips around the bulbous head of his thick, throbbing penis.

She didn't stop there, when he felt the woman's strong, well-trained arm wrap around the furious member and start pushing it. Although the redhead was clumsy due to his overwhelming size, the sensation of her tongue swirling around his tip was mind-blowing. "Fuck it! This is even better than your feet, you are amazing." The pink-haired teenager groaned.

Fed by the praise, Kath began to swing up and down, allowing the teenager's member to touch the back of his mouth and his hands to move even faster with a strengthened grip. 'What an addictive taste and that smell is driving me crazy ... I can't believe I haven't tried this before.' Kath thought, loving her more and more for this new experience. The beauty had struggled with her own lust during class with Regdar, and finally got the best of her. One of her hands had slid under her panties and she was enjoying a very familiar pleasure. This was good for both of them, as their moans sent pleasant vibrations along his penis. 'The books said I should go deeper, but he seems to be loving it by now.'

Kath couldn't be more correct, Regdar was loving her first blowjob, mainly because it was in Titania's own hands and mouth. Just the thought would have driven him crazy, so the fact that it was really happening was a dream come true. Even though she was inexperienced, the woman filled the gap with sheer diligence. Since she started, there hasn't been a second when the sound of a sloppy ice cream hasn't been echoing through the forest. However, the woman still had some ways to blow the man's head, among other things.

"You are so naughty, Kath-sensei, aren't you?" Regdar groaned when he realized where his second had disappeared. While he could smell the sweet smell permeating her lower regions, he could only imagine how wet she was. "Only dirty teachers start to suck their students." when something new began to stir within him, his desire for sexual relief became as quickly an afterthought as the need for dominance.

Not knowing the change she was making within Regdar, she increased her eroticism and forced the teenager's thick cock into her throat even more, while still maintaining a sexy look. To her dismay, she was only able to swallow half before she started to choke. The woman compensated by moving her hands even faster and sucking even harder. 'How do you like that dragon boy ... You better give more of your tasty sperm.' Kath thought, intensifying the erotic look. The face was told to Regdar exactly what she would do to him.

This look made the fire wizard do more than she intended. Her heart sped up, her breathing became more irregular, and her natural need for dominance intensified. The need was too much for the teenager and a lascivious smile appeared on his face before an equally sinful idea came to him. Kath continued to work hard and unassuming. "Hey, Kathy ... open up." Regdar warned before grabbing the sides of the beauty's head and shoving its entire length into his teacher's throat.

Kath's eyes widened at the sudden intruder and if it weren't for her preparation, she would have started to choke and choke on the man's thick piece. Not seeing much discomfort on the big Titania's face, Regdar began to slide out of his hot, tight throat, making it much easier to breathe. An expression of relief appeared on his face when he walked away, but it disappeared as soon as it appeared due to the teenager holding him back. Kath's mouth and throat accommodated Slayer's harsh treatment, which only encouraged the teenager to go harder. 'Oh, so you want to play hard Regdar.' Kath thought, managing to regain her composure.

"I won't lose to you this time, Kath." Regdar thought before he started to move his hips in conjunction with the movement of Kath's head. He tightened his grip on his hair so he could force himself even deeper. Not only did it work to break the woman's composure, but it was also amazing for him. He loved the dominance he felt over the busty knight. It was truly liberating after being your personal punching bag for so many years.

The beauty tried to oppose the fire wizard, but he proved to be much stronger than she was in his mist fueled by lust. At first, she wasn't sure how it felt to be under the teenager's grip, but the more they got like that, the more she started to like it. You could say that she started to like it a little too much. She was so used to being the dominator in whatever she did, having the teenager turn the tables on her and show her strength. - Where the hell did that come from ... Not that I care. Kath thought. The teenager can see the woman's expression softening and becoming much more submissive to him.

"You are enjoying this, aren't you, my naughty Sensei?" Regdar joked, getting even more violent with his thrusts. As he expected, more and more the woman's rough exterior melted and was replaced by an expression of almost helpless desire. Thoughts entered Slayer's mind, thoughts of him doing indescribably obscene things to the red-haired knight, sometimes right here in the forest, where only he could hear his sweet moans and screams, and sometimes right in the middle of the guild, allowing everyone to see his victory over the Queen of the Fairies. More thoughts like these cloud Regdar's normally carefree mind as he approached what would be a very large and confused orgasm.

Every instinct told him to drop his load right down his throat, but he suppressed it so he could see one of the best views of the day once again. So when he was about to empty the contents of his balls at the bottom of the woman's throat, he pulled his entire length before letting it out all over his face and cleavage unsuspecting. Although initially taken by surprise, she quickly adapted and accepted Slayer's charge, even after receiving such a rude treatment from the teenager. Kath whimpered when her pretty face and ample features were coated with the teenager's seed.

"Dear Sakura, this one was bigger than the last one, you are such a mischievous boy, coming over me and messing with my hair." Kath joked as she started to clean herself slowly. Once again, Regdar found himself more difficult than ever. This was a vision he never thought he would see, but he was so happy to have seen it. While the woman looked a little rude, with her glasses a little out of place and her bun getting a lot looser, almost to the point of being undone. Regdar still wanted more from the woman, and it was obvious that she was more than happy to continue to judge by how happy she was cleaning up. "It looks like it's time to continue our lesson." She said before giving another kiss on the head of the teenager's cock before getting up.

The woman perched back at her desk, before persuading him to approach her after instructing him to bring his chair. Regdar did as he was told and was presented with another reward as soon as he sat down. Kath started to unbutton her blouse before discarding it completely, but she didn't finish and took off her skirt. Kath was now only in her matching black lace bra and panties. He wasn't sure where he wanted to look anymore, his thick thighs that were now open, or the huge pair of twins who were begging to be released. "Wow." Regdar choked. He had seen it a few times, in fact, he had seen her naked before. Maybe it was because she was doing it just for him or it could have been her look. The teenager didn't care, all that mattered was the woman sitting and ready for him.

"Thank you, Regdar, but remember, it's Kath-sensei." Kath corrected before spreading her legs wider. The fire wizard loved to smell another addictive smell. "Let's move on to the final part of this lesson, but before that, I'm going to need you to take the rest of those clothes off me ... use whatever method you want and when you do, feel free to do what you want ... Just have fun, Regdar, "she said, ready for whatever Regdar had in store for her. Taking the woman's word in mind, he stood up and burned her bra before finally putting his hands on her breasts.

They were much firmer than Astra's, maintaining their shape while he played with them, but still managed to stay soft. Her full breasts were fast becoming the horny teen's favorite toys and Kath didn't really care. After caring and playing with the young man for so long, she was getting very agitated and, thanks to his sudden decision to take charge, she had not been able to finish her off. Fortunately, Regdar's hands were a perfect supplement and a strong feeling was forming at its core. All she could hope for was that her femininity was getting more attention. "Your breasts are fucking amazing!" Regdar declared as he watched the S-class magician's brain slowly turn to mush in his hands.

The need for domination slowly began to approach him again. The redhead was happy to give him a new way to satisfy that lust, mainly because she was going to get something big out of it. "My cunt ... please play with it too." Kath pleaded through her moans. Regdar didn't hesitate for a second, and he burned his teacher's panties before his fingers plunged deep into his hungry attention. To the woman's surprise, Slayer was natural and she was squirming with pleasure in seconds. His curiosity was his greatest asset, as it encouraged him to explore further. "This is good Regdar ~ Continue." The knight groaned.

The teenager worked hard and was worth it. He could hardly believe it, with his own hands, he was able to break through the hard exterior of the Queen of the Fairies. She was now nothing more than a mumbling and moaning mess at this point. Although she managed to keep her glasses on, her hair returned to its natural state of fluidity, albeit a little wilder. "Ah ~ I will ... I will enjoy Regdar ... Your naughty Sensei will come like a bitch in heat." Kath screamed, using the appearance of brain power she had. She was happy and cursed that Regdar had become such an apprentice so quickly, since he had discovered each of his weaknesses, all of which he exploited without mercy.

With a few more quick movements, he pushed the woman over the edge, allowing him to hear more of the harmonious screams he learned to love. He also got an unknown liquid from it. It had been pouring out of the woman for some time, but he still had no idea what it was. Curious, he tasted it and found himself loving the taste. "You taste like strawberry." Regdar admitted before he started to go down the woman's body, hoping to get more of her essence.

But to his surprise, Kath stopped him before he could. "This is not part of today's class, we have something much more important to take care of ... We can do this lesson later." Kath said to her student, making him a little irritated. She was also irritated by losing more attention, but she had a plan that she intended to follow as much as possible. "Stay there and let me be ready." The beauty instructed, even though she had no authority in her voice. Despite this, he got what she wanted. Wasting no time, she bent over the table and presented her big, flabby ass and shiny, tight pussy to Slayer, whose cock throbbed with excitement. "It may be my first time, but I don't want you to start treating me like I'm made of glass ..."

Regdar did not take the last comment well and his instincts took over once again. Regdar stuck his entire length in the redhead with a quick movement and like a lock on a key, it was a perfect fit. As it was the first time, she felt some discomfort, but the abundance of her slippery essence made it all easier for her. Regdar started to leave the woman, letting him see his cock covered with a layer of Katheryne Harrison's strawberry essence. Despite loving the evidence of his achievement, he loved the newly discovered pleasure much more and he pushed it back to her. He started at a steady pace so that he could properly adjust to the new pleasure. "Fuck, this is good." Regdar grunted when his hands found their way to the recently deflated Titania's wide hips.

A groan escaped the now submissive woman when she felt the strong pair of hands gripping her sides. The red-haired teenager could feel her ass ripple with each of Regdar's strong movements. The sensation of having her virginity intact violated with such force and for something as big as Regdar was pushing her against the wall. Even the feel of her nipples and clit rubbing against the hardwood table. All these sensations were, making her more and more susceptible to the submissive side that she desperately kept hidden. "Continue Regdar! Fuck me! Fuck me harder!" Kath screamed. She meant what she said before. If his guildmate wanted control, he would have to prove that he deserved it.

Happy to assert more control over the adorable redhead, he put more power in his movements, forcing her even more against the table. Seeing how much the woman had enjoyed the treatment he was giving her, a brilliant idea came to mind. He raised his hand before slapping his ass hard. Kath let out a cry, which was a mixture of pain and pleasure, but the latter was still the dominant feeling for the woman. "I think it means your ass is mine." Regdar joked, admiring the bright red handprint he had left.

Regdar continued to move within the beauty, loving every second of it. Due to the strength of Slayer's movements, Kath had to hold on to the table with all her strength, it was an honest mystery as she didn't break it. However, neither of them worried about it, both wondered why they hadn't done it before. Their bodies were very compatible and their personalities seemed to mix very well. "Yes, right there." Kath groaned when she felt the teenager's manhood nudge her sweet spot. Wanting even more, she started to move her reddish ass back in time with the man's movements, only to Regdar move with even more speed and strength.

There was no doubt that he felt better with the woman participating, but he couldn't risk her turning the table against him. Kath tried to answer, but all that came out of her mouth were murmurs and incoherent moans the second she felt Regdar's warm touch with her pearl. "This looks much better than the books say it would be." The crimson-haired beauty thought, with her soft expression writhing in a lust when she came again.

Regdar was a little tense when he felt a sudden increase in pressure, but continued nonetheless. His relentless movements added with his increased sensitivity triggered another orgasm for the class S magician, with this one reaching even harder than the previous one. "Fuck!" Regdar groaned as he felt his cock being squeezed by everything that was worth it. Nothing could really compare to the feeling, and he came even stronger than before. Due to their shared state of happiness, none of them realized the seriousness of what had just happened.

In fact, none of them really cared, Regdar was very delighted with the magnificent feeling of the Queen's virginity twisting him, while Kath simply loved the feel of her student's essence flooding her uterus. After he calmed down, he lost his strength and leaned over the panting woman. "That was incredible Kath-sensei." Regdar snorted, his cock still tucked inside Kath.

"Just Kath now, today's class is over." Kath corrected with irregular breaths before taking off her glasses. She looked back and saw the expression on Regdar's face. She had seen it many times before, it was the same type of guy he made when he wanted to fight her. "However, just because our class is over, it doesn't mean we have to stop."

"Seriously?" Regdar asked clearly excited about the prospect of going another round with Kath.

"Of course, we need to see if you understand everything you learned in our final lesson." Kath said before moving on her back, even with the wizard's stick stuck in it. The pink would lose sight of the redhead's massive round ass, but luckily, it was replaced by a look at her big, firm breasts. "Don't worry, just because we're not in class for long, doesn't mean that nothing has changed ... I'm still all yours." The beauty remembered. She let out a groan of pleasure when she felt her mate's cock swell inside her once again.

~ A few weeks later ~

"Why are you so sullen, Astra?" Karina asked the upset blonde, who was currently bent over the bar. The spiritual magician was having a difficult few weeks, not only several times that Regdar would be thrown up on her breasts, she was also struggling to get money for the rent. She explained this to the white-haired woman, who was still happy cleaning mugs. "Well, at least Kath is trying to help you."

"No, that's part of the problem, every time she helps, those two disappear for hours and come back too tired to go to work." Astra corrected. Instead of the compassionate look she normally gave her guildmates when they were concerned, she giggled. "What is so funny?"

"It's great to see those two getting along so well, it's really cute if you ask me." Karina admitted. The spiritual magician felt as if something was wrong here. Normally, the ex-Dragon's Tear demon would be the first to offer help, but she seemed somewhat perplexed by the matter. Astra went to question the bartender, but was interrupted when Regdar was thrown at him, courtesy of a certain ice wizard, making the two of them crash into the nearest wall. Like all other times, Regdar found himself nestled in the breasts of the beautiful blonde. The fire user hasn't been able to stay there for long since Kath caught him by the collar. 'Oh, Kath looks so jealous, how cute!'

"Come on Regdar, it looks like you haven't learned your lesson yet." Kath ordered, looking more demanding than usual. Like all other times, he followed her out, acting irritated, as he used to do a few weeks before. Astra sat there and watched them both leave the guild. She felt bad for her friend, but that was only because she didn't know the new nature of their relationship. The blonde looked at the bartender and realized that she was talking to Gerald. This was not very surprising for the spiritual magician, Karina was nice to everyone, but what was surprising was the fact that she handed a bag with a large sum of money to the ice magician.

"I'm actually starting to feel a little sick, it's been three weeks now and she's still forcing him to take those classes." Gerald confessed, accepting the money. Karina gave him a strong, frightening look when she heard the hesitation in the man's voice.

"Don't tell me you are going to give up, we have a deal, you will see Regdar suffering and I get what I want." Karina replied, maintaining a sickly sweet voice.

"Ooo what exactly do you want?" Question Gerald. Karina just laughed and told the man to leave. - I think that's why they said don't make a deal with the devil. He thought before he left, even more afraid of the woman than before.

~ Out ~

"Come on Regdar, hurry up, people will be suspicious if you don't move fast enough." Kath told the man, the urgency clear in her voice. It took much longer for any type of incident to occur in the guild. It pissed her off, as it meant she would have to be without her favorite lover longer. "Furthermore, as your teacher and girlfriend, it is my responsibility that your lust is maintained and removed, and it must be very bad, since we haven't done that since yesterday." She added before giving the man a quick kiss on the cheek.

Regdar pinched his ears a few seconds after the kiss. Her lover asked what was wrong. "I think I just heard a very high-pitched scream and a camera went off." Regdar replied while still holding his ears. He wasn't sure who it was, but they looked very happy. "Forget it, let's go, Kath-sensei." The teenager played before disappearing into the forest once again.

(~ X ~)

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