
The Lost Tales of Sinners

Short stories of a young man discovering about his dormant lust. No story had any kind of connection with the other.

Fethmelle · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
215 Chs

How to Tame a Wild Animal (1/2)

The closing time was always the most peaceful time of the day for Ruby Von Stocks. As a bar manager, she had many duties to fulfill and many objectives to fulfill in order to be successful. Fortunately, she was very adept at managing it and therefore made many people happy, which in turn made them spend more money there, which in turn made them more money in addition to the missions.

The opening was easy, but there was the added pressure of time hanging overhead. They had a lot to do before opening the doors at 8:57 am. Running the bar during business hours was always hectic and stressful, especially since many of the members took care of undiagnosed drinking problems and also the food prepared for those who wanted something along with their drinks.

With opening pressure on schedule and opening hours, closing provided a calm and comforting aspect of the work that contributed to Ruby's love of cleanliness. Nothing was more therapeutic for her than seeing her reflection in a shiny, freshly washed mug. It was just her and the vast, shadowy guild that took care of her little piece of heaven until she finished cleaning it ...

Or at least as it was a few weeks ago before she asked for help from a very anxious rabbit.

Ruby normally stayed alone until a few weeks ago, when the guild's repair fund dried up. Remember how the bar made a lot of money? Well, he made so much money that a small percentage each week was assigned to an account labeled "Destruction Reparations", which was basically the money the guild had to pay whenever some of its most rowdy members took their jobs a little too far. . Most of the time, it was mostly Team Azazel or just Azazel specifically with its extremely destructive tendencies.

The account recently reached the large number known as 0 and the guild (Stella) was not very satisfied with the poor wine-haired Star Demon, as more money had to be moved to that account. In order to prevent him from causing further problems for the time being, as well as returning some of the money he caused to be lost, the guild (again Stella) put him on mandatory service at the bar for the time being. This was perfect for them, as Ruby got some help, Karina could take a break from turning to her wooden sculptures, while keeping Azazel under control.

Many thought that the young, long-lasting model would last only a week with the young hooligan before losing all the patients and asking him to pay the debt elsewhere. However, they seemed to have underestimated the white-haired Demon, as they seem to get along very well together. Pessimists are convinced that Ruby is just building a cleverly designed facade, while others believe that the partnership is mutually beneficial to any of them. Nobody can say that nobody saw the two interacting anywhere other than the bar, especially not behind closed doors ...

Click! Click!

The locks on the main doors were now closed and entry was now almost impossible. The latches were engaged, and the only way out was the back door that many didn't even know existed in the first place.

Chairs were placed on clean tables with the floor swept and then scrubbed. The booths were cleaned and the barstools. The main lights hanging over the great hall were turned off and only a few lights over the bar were still on. The closing time was almost ready, except for a few things that could be completed in just a few minutes.

"Ruby!" Azazel shouted as he ran down the hall towards the bar. He was the one who made sure the locks were closed: his final closing duty. "I already finished!" He exclaimed excitedly, eager to show that he had completed his tasks that she herself gave him. With a shrill stop, he reached the bar and almost jumped on it, but refrained from doing so, instead of choosing to lean on it.

The white-haired beauty looked up from the glass mug she was examining and looked at her watch. "Really? It's only 11:21 PM!" She asked, clearly teasing him while he was so excited by her excitement. Of course, his nervousness and the way he jumped like an anxious child were super cute in her opinion. "Someone was busy with a little bee today!" Ruby laughed.

"I was! I was a very busy bee!" Azazel shouted, very excited to be receiving positive feedback for the first time in his life.

Ruby reached over the bar and started fiddling with its spiked burgundy locks. "Who's a good boy? Are you my good boy?" She asked, smiling when his eyes immediately shot down, looking at the dress, where her creamy breasts dangled unrestrained.

In fact, Azazel was too eager to take advantage of his position and drink in sight. In her dark black dress with white ruffles accentuating the neckline, Ruby's softness almost bounced off outdoors for him to see. Azazel knew very well how fun it was to have his soft, supple body outdoors.

"I am! I am your good boy!" Azazel replied excitedly. "I'm done already! Can I get my gift now?" He asked.

Seeing this as a golden opportunity, Ruby made an unconvinced expression and let her eyes drift from his pleading look. "Hmm ... I don't know Azazel, I'm not really feeling tonight. Maybe tomorrow?" The impressive woman asked, placing her small hands on her broad, rounded hips. To further illustrate the illusion of contemplation, she began tapping her tiny foot, which caused ripples throughout her soft body, making her semi-exposed breasts sway like gelatin, for her visual enjoyment.

Azazel did not seem very satisfied with the concept of waiting for delight. "~ Ruby ~" He whimpered like a disappointed child. "You promised!" Azazel shouted.

Ruby could barely hide the Cheshire Cat's smile that she wanted so badly. Having the boy in her palm was exciting, almost orgasmic. She wondered how Layla and Stella couldn't control it when it was so easy!

"Ah, all right, I think I can gather some energy ..." The white-haired demon told him when she started walking to the other side of the bar where he was. Azazel was quick to meet her almost as soon as she emerged from the other side.

Jumping on his heels, once again, Azazel was almost vibrating with emotion. "Yes!" He exclaimed, raising his fists in the air.

Once around the bar, Ruby moved to the first stool. "That should do the trick ..." She said as she leaned over a little to start up her long black dress. Now her breasts were shaking too much when she pulled up, preparing Azazel for delight.

Her long milky white legs were exposed when the dress was lifted. They looked as fragile as porcelain, but many knew very well how powerful it was. His slender calves and knees gave way to thick, fleshy thighs. Now Azazel definitely knew how powerful his thighs were, especially when they were wrapped around his head.

Finally, Azazel's treatment was revealed to him. Ruby's exposed, wet flower, which was seated, was nestled in a soft mound, right before her belly. Her untouched vagina looked as appetizing as ever for him and her dizziness only increased when he wanted to dive immediately. He was aching to feel his damp, warm velvet walls wrap around him and squeeze him for everything he was worth.

When he did grab his flexible thighs and bury his face in his wet fragment, Ruby crushed his chances by turning around and showing him his big, round ass. For Seraphim, that thing was at its peak. Like her huge bust, every small contraction of her muscles made her tremble and tremble, showing that there was too much meat to beat, grab and worship.

Ruby was a model who possessed the physical gifts of a fertility goddess, as worthy of a woman apart from a guild known for its infinity of beautiful women. However, she resided in the upper echelon of talented women, as her gifts surpassed many others. Azazel was truly a lucky man to be able to contemplate his magnificent splendor.

Seeing his unbridled desire for her to grow almost out of control, Ruby jumped up to make her booty swing for him. "Well, are you just going to sit there?" She questioned him when she started to move to the bar stool, leaning against the bar and pushing her big ass towards him. "Or are you going to get your treatment?"

In a millisecond, Azazel was behind her, almost glued to the back with his pelvis rubbing against her ass and his hands tucked into her dress to feel her soft breasts and squeeze them to his heart. His chin was pressed to her shoulder and his breath tickled her. All the excitement that he had no way out of before was now being channeled into this very moment.

"Silly Azazel ~" Ruby laughed, snuggling her head against his while her fingers tied the dress in a knot, so that she no longer had to hold it. With her hand now free, she tugged on the top of Azazel's dress to tug at her large breasts and caress them freely.

Despite all the teasing she did, Ruby would admit that she herself was excited. The way his bulge pressed against his female mount did not help to alleviate his need, and he was so concerned about feeling it after spending all the time looking away.

"How are you supposed to fuck me if your dick isn't out?" She asked in a deep, husky whisper. Her hips started to move against his body, combining the grind with some of it.

Azazel seemed to agree with her, but he did not speak. Instead, he chose to release her now soft breasts and let them fall so that he could do what she suggested. Ruby groaned when his heavy G-cups were dropped, but immediately forgave him when he heard his cotton shorts fall to the floor and his fat helmet pressing against his cheek.

Biting her full lower lip, Ruby looked at him over her shoulder and saw him caress his fully erect member. No matter how many times she has seen his huge dick, she still feels a little bit in pure shock at the size of it. His masculinity and raging teenage hormones culminated in a long, fat obelisk of male flesh that seemed to pulse with the energy of a god. It was a huge, dark stick of a stick that almost collapsed under its own immense weight. If Ruby were asked how manly he was, she would show them her bag of balls as an indicator of how much testosterone was pumping through her veins.

Certainly, the representation of how manly and untamed he was was also the reason for his metaphorical prison to domestication. Therefore, his penis was the source of his good position. With that damn monster hanging between his legs, Ruby put him on a leash. If she could keep her fat cock happy, she could invade your home.

Azazel leaned down a little, still caressing his granite erection with great anticipation. Ruby did the honor of putting her fingers on her fleshy ass and parting her cheeks, revealing to him her wet snag and tight asshole. Azazel immediately brought her velvety cunt into it, however, Ruby grabbed her fuck tube and stopped it.

"No, no, no." Ruby smiled, rubbing the swollen tip against its pink slit, coating it in her arousal. However, when Azazel's hips instinctively tried to push and push, his hidden strength stopped him. "Let's do this here tonight ~" She positioned his penis at her back door.

Azazel frowned. "But Ruby! I want to fuck your pussy!" The young man protested, feeling his balls bounce and throb, ready to spill his seed on the woman. Her instinctive need to mate was growing too much, but Ruby was on her way to procreate.

"Now Azazel, who makes the rules here?" Ruby asked with a smile on her face. "I do, and I say you're going to stick that big fat cock right in my ass!" She ordered.

He did as he was told and took the reins so she could lean on the counter. With one hand holding that fat butt pad and the other positioning his penis, Azazel pressed the leaking tip into his elastic O-ring and received the entrance through the surprisingly smooth hole almost immediately.

"Oooooh ~" Ruby grunted lasciviously, stretching her ass further to help push his cock inside her. It was so good to have her huge girlish penis inside her poor anus, that she could barely contain her joy! "That's it, slide that son of a bitch into that tight asshole." She encouraged.

Ruby's oiled asshole stretched everywhere to accommodate his size, something that no normal woman could accomplish. But with a body like hers, it was clear that Ruby Von Stocks was built to carry fat cocks like his.

The Star Demon gritted his teeth as he sank deeper and deeper into her forbidden hole. She was extremely tight around him; her elastic ring pressed against his penis and rubbed his shaft as he pressed. His knees tried to bend, so he leaned against her for support. Their bodies have already started to accumulate sweat.

"R-Ruby!" Azazel called her name when he was reaching full insertion, his balls hanging down to sit against her ass. The juices from her vagina poured onto the stool and a few drops fell on her bag.

The beautiful waitress smiled sinfully when she leaned against him and let her right hand reach out and hold the back of his head. "Fuck me, Azazel! Fuck me!" Ruby told him, leaving no room to deny his request.

Azazel placed both hands on his large, fertile hips and started to work. From the time they spent together, Azazel knew that Ruby liked short and fast moves more. Quickly, every fucking thing made her brain squirt every time.

Slap! Slap! Slap!

The sound of their wet flesh hitting each other began to reverberate throughout the empty hall, no one but themselves could enjoy the lustful sound and fully appreciate the symphony of the flesh. Their voices, their screams joined the slap, both making the most of their privacy to express their appreciation for each other.

His big, heavy cock was making a mess of his ass. He was fucking much better than fingers or any vibrator. Ruby had her own high-powered vibrator in the form of Azazel Astaroth, who could lick, finger, fuck and worship her body any way she wanted.

His hands left her voluptuous hips in favor of grabbing her bouncy, shaking breasts that bounced with the rough fuck. His darker fingers gripped the snow-white flesh and sank deep into the flesh, making it balloon from his hands as a joke. Ruby simply loved the difficult treatment and made a point of rewarding him for it later, probably in the form of a well-oiled titfuck.

Her left hand was placed on top of his as he eagerly felt the female sphere, holding his hand to encourage more severe treatment. Azazel was too eager to understand the hint and her fingers sank further into his dull, malleable flesh.

Once again, Azazel rested his head on her shoulder, this time teasing the hot meat with the sharp teeth. He pinched his skin just enough to leave a mark, but it didn't pierce. His body responded in kind to the treatment, grabbing it around his plundering penis, squeezing the big monster in all directions as he entered it.

"T-that's it! F-fuck it, A-Azazel!" Ruby smiled as she shouted for him to continue. His curvaceous and bouncing body trembled all over his body. "I want to feel your fat balls hit my pussy!" The model ordered.

Azazel mumbled his short response with the skin between his teeth as he continued to nibble tenderly. Ruby's elastic and lubricated anus made it easier to fuck with intense sucking. Her body shared the desire to feel him in the deepest parts of her. Like her mind, her body wanted to be fucked so deeply that she would feel him inside her for weeks!

She tilted her head back and began to kiss him briefly but passionately on his forehead. "That's my Boy!" Ruby told him between kisses, showing motherly affection for him, because she knew he responded better.

The Star Demon released his now marked flesh and began to return his hurried kiss, finding his lips halfway to a sloppy, lust-fueled kissing session, with both slimy tongues coming out to touch.

Her pussy squirted even more on the stool, soaking it and the swinging balls in its silver flush. The wet slap on their irregular bodies grew louder as more liquid was added to the mixture. The young man's nose flashed when the scent of his copulation wafted through the air, obscuring both senses in the passionate mist.

"Ah!" Ruby gasped, moving away from her mouth and tongue when her right hand plunged into the body and began to quickly rub her erect clitoris. "Oh shit!" The woman moaned when more stimuli shot through her body and made her see stars. Her form took over and her asshole became so restrictive against his flesh that he was afraid it would suffocate her.

Ruby's entire being seemed to come into play when she vigorously started throwing herself back into her own body, matching his impulse. His sweat-soaked hair started to fall around him when the knot above his head came undone. All the things he was doing to her body: biting, groping, fucking, everything didn't seem to inhibit her performance when she gave in to the sensation with renewed energy.

"Fuck me harder, you bastard !!" Ruby screamed, wanting to be completely destroyed by his huge staff of meat.

Azazel did as he was told and his body sped up. His hips almost became a blur as quickly as he was starting to move. In order to better please you and her, Azazel released his fat breasts and embraced hers instead. In this new position, he had complete control to fuck her as hard as he could.

Her poor abused anus was stretched even more around his cock. Ruby screamed when he pierced his asshole with an unseen that night. He was finally fucking her with all his pent-up energy! Her slippery interior became even more greased with the leaking precum and let it go at breakneck speed.

"Ooooh fuuuuck!" Ruby exclaimed when her important breasts bounced wildly and hit each other. His eyes were rolling on the back of his head and drool flew openly from his mouth. It was a primitive and animalistic scene for anyone to witness.

She could feel it pulsing inside her. The intensity and heat that built up inside him were also dead toasts for the impending climax for which he was working. Ruby's overloaded mind was teetering on the edge of happy madness as she anticipated her orgasm. The girl from the bar was going to receive a beautiful treat today.

"FFF-Fuuuck!" The busty demon cursed. Oh, how she couldn't wait to get a hot cream filling.

"Rrrr!" Azazel grunted, becoming more and more disturbed by his push. He was also ready to pack Ruby with enough sperm to let it drip for hours. The thought of the illustrious Ruby Von Stocks walking with a semen-filled ass was the most attractive image he had ever built in his brain.

His testicles were swelling and throbbing in his sac when he squeezed. The huge penis itself was almost doubling its normal circumference. He became so fat that he had more trouble trying to tuck it into his already tense ring.

Azazel pulled her closer, pressing his sculpted chest against her thin arms. The Star Demon wanted to be as close to her as humanly possible as he filled her. Ruby also reflected this when her head touched his.

A third orgasm coursed through her and Ruby convulsed intensely against him, trembling when she squirted harder than before. Its wine-colored petals were now swollen and raw from rubbing the soaked stool for so long. They would need to throw the stool away.

His final orgasm gave way to Azazel's first. Her asshole squeezed his and milked him properly for everything that was worth it when a heavy load erupted from his swollen end of the cock when he stopped. Strings and strings of his hot semen shot out of his slit and began to flood his body. Ruby felt her insides begin to fill and she cried out in pleasure when he entered her.

The hard, violent throb felt like the biggest vibrator in the world was lodged in his ass. "God of the ninth hell!" Azazel gasped when he felt his heavy balls unload all of their content on her. All of her essence escaped her body and forced her way into Ruby's, taking her to the edge. He was forced to go even deeper inside her, as his penis was too surrounding to escape its edge.

"Shit ..." Ruby moaned as she felt his penis die and his panting body lean against hers for support. "Wow ..." She said with admiration. She didn't know what she was doing to annoy him like that, as opposed to previous nights, but she would find out and repeat it over and over until she couldn't walk anymore.

The little woman released his arms and pushed against the counter, causing him to stumble backwards. He didn't get very far, as his cock was still inside and almost stuck. Ruby laughed wickedly as she took her thick sausage and pulled it out of herself. With his cock unrolling his ravaged ass, the contents of his ass spilled over the stool. Forget about throwing the stool away, they would have to burn.

"You came so much ~" Ruby laughed as she leaned over the bar, introducing Azazel with a view of her big ass, reddened by the fucking and leaking cum. It was a sign of a job well done.

(~ X ~)

The next day

The guild was agitated again when members gathered in its corridors. Everyone was talking to each other or looking at the job board for an easy income. One thing they all had in common was the desire to have a cold drink and a hot meal, something that the bar was very happy to offer.

"Azazel!" Ruby called to her left, where the Star Demon was finishing a drink for a short man with a long beard, who swallowed it the second Azazel walked away. "The food from table 07 is ready!" She told him.

Azazel nodded and retrieved the food from the window. However, before he could go too far, the short old man known as Malino and another known as Waba called him.

"Hey! Where are you going, beautiful?" The blue-haired man joked, whistling as he pretended to check Azazel. "My drink is empty again!" He told the Star Demon.

Waba joined the friend in the provocation. "Yes! And I could use some chips with that shake!" The old man smiled as he slapped Azazel on the back.

Ruby laughed when the young man was getting what she found most days. "Take this food, Azazel! It will be cold if you stand around flirting with your customers!" The model joked.

Many would think that Azazel would lose him with all the hoax going on, but he remained calm and calm while doing his job. The professionalism he learned in making it proved to be as great as the money he earned back for the guild. With that effort, Azazel paid off his debt and learned not to get in too much trouble.

Everyone was impressed by him, but no more than a certain scarlet-haired knight, the Warrior Queen herself, Stella. The unbeatable warrior rose from his stand and ventured to the bar while Azazel walked away, eager to talk to Ruby about the progress he had made with Azazel. However, when she approached, many spread out from the bar, as they were afraid of being scolded. They knew that they did nothing wrong, but they knew that the knight never needed a valid reason to flex his authority over them.

The white-haired cat saw her customers run away, some of them not paying their bills. Still, she turned to Stella and smiled, however. "Good morning Stella, how's your day going?" Ruby asked politely.

Stella sat on a stool. "Okay, thanks for asking." She responded before jumping straight to the topic she wanted to discuss. "Although, not as well as Azazel is." The redhead mentioned it.

Ruby put her hands together in front of her abundant chest. "He's doing great, isn't he? Life at the bar might just be better for him." The white-haired demon laughed when she imagined Azazel spending the rest of her life behind the bar, although a slight blush started to warm her cheeks as she imagined spending the rest of her life with Azazel by her side. Ruby never imagined that she would find comfort with Azazel, but she was happy for that.

"With the way he's behaving, I could imagine." Stella agreed. "However, there is work on the board and it looks like I will need the whole team again. I talked to the Master about him, and he said you were responsible for Azazel's 'parole'." Stella ended with a small laugh at her joke, although she called it "probation", it was an appropriate term.

"Ah, I see ..." The white-haired beauty held her delicate chin, thinking. However, it seems that Ruby thought less than Stella would actually like. "... Yes, I don't think I can borrow it now. He's very valuable to me - I mean, to the guild." She finished.

Stella was taken back for denial. Although she should have thought Ruby was joking when she started laughing a little. "This is funny Ruby but come on. Azazel is calm now and under control, but how much is he needed here? How good is he here?" Stella stated.

Ruby released her chin, preferring to rub her arms as if a cold breeze were blowing. Her body started to rock back and forth, and her legs rubbed together under the dress. Beauty sensually bit her lip when a low, provocative laugh escaped her lips and her blush started to intensify. And if Stella didn't know better, she would claim that two small dots started to rise on Ruby's breasts, as if her nipples were erect.

The knight was getting a little uncomfortable when Ruby's mood changed quickly. She didn't know what was going on in her friend, but she could tell that the woman was experiencing strong emotions of the carnal nature, if her books were something to gain experience.

"Trust me, Stella ..." Ruby leaned very close to the rider over the bar, her heavy breasts landing on the bar as she did. "Azazel is very good at what he does ~" The bartender almost groaned in a whisper.

Stella leaned back and away from the hot, troubled woman, her face changing when she exhibited interrogative features. "R-Ruby, what are you saying?" Stella asked, not wanting to believe what she was thinking about them. It would be scandalous at the very least if it were true, but it would make Stella look like a huge pervert if she said her thoughts and was wrong.

Ruby pulled away when she pointed in the distance. Stella followed, pointing, and was led to look at Azazel as he placed food on a table in front of some magicians.

"Look at him, Stella. He's not a boy anymore, he's a man. A man with a lot of pent-up energy and furious hormones." Ruby said to the knight. "Violence used to be an answer or a way out, but I taught him a more ... fun way was to get rid of all that excess energy."

"I dont understand." The mighty Stella was mistaken for Ruby hitting around the bush. The knight was desperate to know exactly what was going on between her and Azazel.

The waitress said nothing as the two watched Azazel return to them. He kept up a fast pace, but it sure wouldn't bother anyone. It was like he was gliding in the air without impacting anything around him.

"Hey, Stella." Azazel greeted his longtime friend while he was apparently gravitating to Ruby. However, he didn't stop until he was almost at the top of beauty, pressing his body into hers, but they both seemed much more comfortable glued to each other than separated.

Alarms went off in Stella's head. Now she was sure of herself. The signs were very clear. The way Ruby talked about him, the way Azazel behaved around Ruby, the way they looked at each other ... everything was clear ... as clear as the sun trapped in the sky.

"A-Are you ... "Stella didn't finish her piece when Ruby vigorously nodded her head." H-How? When? Where? Because? Like? Who? "The knight fired question after question, not understanding how it happened. The two most unlikely people getting together, looked almost like a fairy tale.

"Azazel". Ruby looked away from Stella in favor of her partner. "Why don't you get Stella a cake? The special batch we made specifically for Stella." The white-haired lady suggested, licking her lips as she mentioned that particular cake.

Azazel nodded his head. "Y-Yes, ma'am." The young man replied before leaving the woman and entering the kitchen.

Taking a final look at her lover, Ruby looked back at the bewildered knight. "It's really that simple, Stella. When two people work so closely, they are attracted to each other. Fortunately for me, it also proved to be a great way to keep you in check."

Stella's face heated up, taking on a red color that was giving her hair color looks white. She shook her head from side to side to make sure no one else was too close for them to overhear the conversation. "Ruby ... are you saying that you and Azazel-"

"Sex?" Ruby finished Stella's question for her. She just laughed in response and that told Stella everything she needed to know to confirm. "Yes Stella, we fuck until we pass out from tiredness."

Ruby's lewd and rude statement almost made Stella's head pop when the steam rolled on sheets. The handsome knight could hardly believe that Ruby would be so bold on this subject. "Ruby! Keep your voice down!" Stella scolded.

The woman behind the bar smiled. "So this is why you are blushing so much? Are you afraid that people will hear us and then you will be ashamed?" She asked. However, before Stella could answer the question, Ruby bowed again. "Or is the thought of Azazel destroying my pussy and my ass getting you aroused?" Ruby asked in a low whisper.

Stella started to stutter and stumble, stumbling over his words so awkwardly. "W-what? N-never! Never-never!" The redhead exclaimed.

Ruby placed her white jade finger on Stella's soft, full lips. Stella was effectively quiet and seemed quite submissive to Ruby's dominant action. "Or maybe you're wondering why you never thought about it. We all know that you read a lot of books full of +18 content, Stella, and the situation would be more ideal for you." Ruby started to explain.

"You keep Azazel under control and satisfy all your needs. Azazel is one of the few guys who will approach you, not to mention that you guys have known each other for a long time. You two had a deeper bond than mine and his. Before that happen ". The waitress ran her finger from the soft pillows to her soft, feminine chin. "Maybe in your head you always have it in mind in case Lancellotti never works and since Lancellotti seems to want nothing more to do with you than when he is in the same city as you, you realize that Azazel has and will always be there so you're not ashamed, no, you're questioning why you let it slide through your fingers like that. "

To say that Stella was stunned would be an understatement. Ruby effectively read the thoughts Stella didn't know she was having until they were put in the spotlight. Maybe Ruby was right and Stella always saw Azazel as "Second Option" until very recently. Perhaps the reason Stella was one of the people who led Azazel to be suspended in the guild was because he remained in one place, as opposed to Lancellotti. And seeing how civilized Azazel could be when he was given proper direction in his life, along with a genuine way out, Stella considered him a big problem.

Not to mention the more ... physical attributes that Azazel exhibited were also quite attractive. Stella would be blind to not see that Azazel was quite handsome. The lack of proper clothing also contributed in part to her finding him in many of her most private sexual fantasies. And, judging by the way Ruby acted when the problem was raised, Stella was probably thinking about something.

However, when Stella started to realize that Ruby was right about her, the fact that now Azazel was out of her reach started to sink and she dropped her shoulders.

"You're right, Ruby ..." Stella said in a defeated tone as she looked at the woman. "I missed my chance. I let him linger for a long time and you acted on that opportunity because of my decision. I-II ..." She was interrupted for what felt like the hundredth time when Ruby rubbed her finger over hers. lips in a very stimulating way ...

"No, Stella, it's not too late." Ruby told her.

Stella looked confused and opened her mouth to question. "Bmmt ymm smmd-" Stella kept trying to speak, but Ruby kept her finger stiff.

"I know what I said, but I'm telling you this: I'm going to rent Azazel for you." Ruby revealed it before delving into this. "You give me some money and I will let you catch Azazel as a boyfriend for a few hours. That way, you can also have him, in addition to helping to get rid of your debt." She concluded as she removed her finger from the woman's lips.

The redhead didn't know what to think. "What! No! This is ... this is weird! It would be like you and me sharing the same boyfriend." Stella claimed.

"Correction, Azazel is my boyfriend." The enlightened white-haired demon. "You will take him for a while to do whatever you want. Maybe have dinner with him, take a walk in the park, or you can let him fuck you for a few hours. It doesn't matter to me."

Stella felt like her head was on a roller coaster. What was Ruby doing? "Why are you trying to rent it to me?" Stella questioned.

Ruby shrugged. "For several reasons, in fact. On the one hand, you're like my best friend Stella. It's hard to see him chasing a guy for so long when you didn't notice the rough diamond near you all the time. Second, Azazel earned some money, but still has a way to go before going back to what it was. And finally, I think it would be kind of exciting ... "Ruby stated.

Stella looked at her hands as they held the table. The choice was evident to Ruby, but she had to let Stella accept it. It wouldn't be easy, especially since something like this had never been done before.

"No need to have a commitment Stella. Just have fun with him and return him after a good night of wild sex. Or let him treat you like a princess; I trained him for that too." Ruby kept trying to facilitate Stella.

"Y-aren't you going to tell anyone?" Stella asked.

"No." Ruby replied.

There was a pregnant silence that hung over their heads. Stella was thinking about it. She had the money and certainly had the needs, but she was still scared. Afraid that, once she has a taste, she wants only the whole drink. However, she knew she had to try it first. There was nothing to lose.

"Can you send him to my house at 11 pm? I'll sneak him." Stella whispered softly.

Ruby smiled when she held out her hand for Stella to shake. "You'll have to close the bar earlier tonight, but that can be fixed. I'll show up later to get paid." The white-haired beauty said the moment Azazel returned from the kitchen with the cake in her hand.

Azazel placed the thick slice of cake in front of Stella. "Here you are, Stella." Azazel told her before going back to Ruby's side.

Stella looked at the cake and her features tense when she saw what her meal was. It was certainly a cake, but it was wrapped in a new whitish glaze that looked too liquid to be the classic icing ... She looked at Ruby, who simply stretched out her finger, whipped a dose of that mysterious icing and sucked it in the mouth. ..

"Yummy ~" Ruby excited, moaning as it slid down her throat.

Stella took the fork and stabbed it in the cake, picking up a large piece that almost fell off the fork. "For the forbidden romance." Stella toasted before putting the cake in her mouth.

(~ X ~)

Complex Hills

The night was getting colder and colder. Stella could practically feel it in her bones when a strong wind blew over the hill. His efforts to lean against the dormitory's cold brick wall proved to be ineffective in protecting it from gusts of wind.

She looked at a pocket watch that she put back in her hand. It read "22:52:09". The knight knew that she was probably very anxious or perhaps hopeful, but could anyone really blame her? After all the praise Ruby gave about Azazel's performance and Stella's feelings now revealed, Stella couldn't help but tiptoe.

The red-haired beauty thought about putting on her armor and maybe also some pants, but then she was worried that Azazel wouldn't find her attractive. Was the white blouse and blue skirt she always wore a staple of her character? Why change that? Furthermore, if Stella was being honest, the thin white fabric displayed her huge shelf much better than the Ruby dress shown to her.

"Where's that idiot at? Ruby could at least train him to get there early!" Stella thought to herself, looking at the white disk and the thin black hand that marked it. Maybe Mephisto could show her ... oh, wait, Mephisto is gone ... poor Mephisto.

Seeing that not even a minute had passed since the cold breeze blew and another was coming again, Stella rose from her limp posture. "There's no point in hypothermia waiting for Azazel." She said in her mind as she made the door.

Surprisingly, when Stella started to retreat in the heat of Complex Hills, she started capturing thin echoes of steps along the cobblestone path. She started to turn and look at the base of the moonlit hill, where her guest emerged from the dark of night

The beautiful and powerful Stella Blacksteel, the Heir to the Blade of Despair, the very creation of the Goddess of War, beheld her lover at night and her heart began to pound in her chest as her fantasy was about to come true. The young, reckless man she never thought would find her in such circumstances was standing before her and walking over to her.

When he approached her, Stella felt a chill in her belly. This was really happening. Stella was about to become a woman tonight.

"Hi, Stella." Azazel greeted her, as always, lately. Their cool, casual demeanor seemed to Stella a little strange, considering what they were about to do.

Stella approached him and, in a low voice, began to speak. "Azazel, did Ruby tell you all the details?" She asked, although she knew that if Ruby didn't, Azazel wouldn't be in front of her. Of course, there was always the possibility of Ruby telling Azazel to show up at Complex Hills. Whatever the case, Stella did not know, as she did not yet fully understand their relationship. Boyfriends? Colorful friendship? Master and servant?

He nodded in confirmation. "Yes, she told me." Now he approached her, much closer than Stella would have liked when he invaded her personal space. The two guild members were now looking at each other with their lips just inches away from the meeting. "She told me what I have to do."

The rider had to suppress a squeak when Azazel's natural musk began to fill his nose. She never noticed it before, but he smelled of Corrupted Jade Wood, a perfume in which Stella found comfort, as it reminded her of a forest untouched by the corruption of men, bringing its warmth into the cold night.

Stella reached out and grabbed his hand and started to lead him inside. However, his hand reversed the grip and it was he who held her hand while pulling her back to him. Stella was taken aback and her instincts went into action, making a fist to fly across her face. However, in complete shock to Stella, Azazel easily grabbed his fist and now held both hands.

"H-hey!" Stella screamed in protest when the situation was quickly taken over, something she didn't like at all. "Let me go!"

Azazel did not seem disturbed that she was fighting. "Dude, Ruby was right, you are submissive." Azazel said nonchalantly, making Stella cringe.

"H-Hey ..." Stella said, this time with much less fervor when the blush on her face started to deepen. "T-this is not true ..."

Naturally, Azazel did not believe a word of that insincere statement and just interrupted it, choosing to release his hands and in a bold move that no man on the whole continent would ever do, reached his slim waist and practically threw it over his shoulder!

Stella was absolutely stunned. First he treated her blows like they were made of paper and no, would he be so bold as to treat her like a sack of potatoes? Stella couldn't believe this man's balls! She was the powerful Heir to the Blade of Despair! No man should dare to embrace her like that! Or at least that was what she kept trying to tell herself, but with each passing second she couldn't help but relieve the heat that her muscular body exuded. On that cold night, Azazel would be his heater, both for his body and for his soul.

Before Stella could gather her thoughts, again, to try to escape this degrading grip, Azazel started to enter.

"D-don't you think I should show you the way to my room first, you asshole?" Stella insulted him, slapping him on the back.

Azazel quickly shut her up with a firm slap on the ass! "Mhm, nice ass Stella. I can feel it." Azazel praised as he continued walking. "Don't worry, your room smells like metal and its own girlish essence." He added quickly.

Stella started to beat his hands more, purely out of shame this time. His thick, powerful legs kicked uselessly into the air. No matter what Stella tried, she just couldn't escape her addiction like it was a squeeze.


Azazel's stroke hand tapped his pasty ass once more. "Stop squirming, Stella!" Azazel scolded when he approached her room. They were just a few feet away now.

"Untie me, Azazel! Ruby said I was in control of you tonight!" The redhead stammered, never ceasing her attempts to escape. She felt him stop right outside her door at the end of the hall.

He replied with a low laugh. "Is that what she told you?" He asked and Stella could practically see the smile on his face when he told her. She heard a rattle when he hit the door handle.

"At least, let me unlock the-" There was a loud hiss and the smell of burning metal filled the air before your door was opened! "Azazel! Now you have to pay for it!"

"Have you shut up yet?" Azazel asked as he entered and looked around her room.

Stella was speechless when Azazel spoke to her with all the calm in the world. What happened to the days when he was just a coward and a crying baby in front of her. How could Ruby bring about so much change in him in such a short time?

The young man who carried it looked around the room. It was dark, except for a few well-placed candles in the room that provided a dim light. The room was medium sized, full of armor, weapons, shields, swords, axes and spears, a far cry from the desperate black man that almost enveloped Ruby's room, but Azazel could adjust.

When he came in and kicked the door behind him, he turned to walk towards her room. He knew it was the bedroom directly in the living room, as it smelled less of metal and more of strawberries.

"Great, we're in my room now. So put me on the floor and I can kick your ass!" Stella shouted.

Azazel kicked the bedroom door to reveal his bedroom, which was nothing more than a rather large bed that looked like it was made of the skull of a dragon that he recognized very well, a mirror in the shape of a cross and a bedside table in liquid form . Most importantly, however, it was a large bed that occupied almost the entire room, it was much larger than the size of Ruby's small single bed. With no effort, Azazel grabbed Stella once more and tossed her onto the bed.

Stella grunted when her back came into contact with the soft mattress and she jumped for a few seconds, her body didn't stop rocking for much longer. When she opened her eyes and prepared to jump to the man who was manipulating her so hard, she saw him walk to the bedside table, where he prepared a more romantic surprise when he imagined that this night would be very different.

"Muspelheim Mead?" Azazel asked as he inspected the bottle he took out of his personal space along with two glasses next to it. He held the big bottle to his head. "Well, that will do." He said as he unrolled and tossed the cap in the corner before bringing the bottle to his lips.

Stella saw how Azazel started drinking the Muspelheim Mead bottle, and by the looks of it, he was at least over three hundred years old. She wanted to share it with him on the sofa in front of the fireplace ... and here he was drowning in it before hitting the nightstand again with a good part of it now on his stomach.

"How could Ruby be attracted to you?" Stella questioned bitterly as he burped. "You look like a pig. Old Azazel would have a bit of decency!"

Azazel snapped his knuckles and rolled his neck. "Let's clarify something Stella, I don't know what Ruby said to you, but I know what she said to me." Azazel said as he grabbed her legs and dragged her towards him, turning her around so she looked at him while her legs dangled from the side of the bed.

"W-what-was that?" Stella stammered when he hovered threateningly over her. Having to look at him made her feel even more inferior, especially since her previous attacks had been almost ineffective for him.

Azazel's hands remained on her soft, fleshy thighs and rubbed them almost sensually, a stark contrast to her previous roughness. "Ruby told me that you are a real bitch these days and that you need to be put in your place." He revealed by rolling his eyes.

Stella's eyes widened. "W-what? T-that's not true!" She said weakly, getting hot when his hands covered more of her soft flesh, grazing under her skirt.

"I agree with her." Azazel said, completely ignoring Stella's denial. "You've been a real headache lately. Leaving me trapped in the guild and unable to wreak havoc wherever I go, you know?" He said, looking at her with a face that only showed how involved he was in the situation.

The knight put his hands on his wrists and grabbed them, trying to keep him from wandering, as he grew closer and closer to the apex of his fat thighs. "Ah!" She gasped when her thin, callused fingers tickled her sensitive skin.

"It wasn't that bad, if I'm being honest. Without you, Ruby and I would never have been together and I certainly would never have come this close to you, my perverted knight ~." Azazel said as he squeezed her thighs sharply, making her squirm.

"I am not your perverted knight!" Stella protested as she squirmed on the bed.

Azazel became more daring when he moved to the bed, placing his knee between her legs and moving his hands over her body. Fortunately, for Stella, his hands came out of her skirt and up the shirt. Although, Stella felt hot and needy in her unmarried pain when his hands parted and she felt a little disappointed, but she was not willing to tell him that.

Her greedy little fingers pressed against his shapely hourglass figure and her hands trembled in his. Her breathing quickened and she started to sweat cold, as he moved closer and closer to the two oscillating masses in his chest that he had been looking at since he released her.

"Oh, really? Aren't you my perverted knight?" Azazel asked when his hands suddenly stopped, just below the heavy flesh.

Stella was unable to control her rapid breathing and her senses also seemed heightened. Her hot, moist breath sent beautiful sensations down her neck and spine and she couldn't take her eyes off his sensual gaze. Her nipples, while trapped under her white blouse, pressed as hard as they could, reporting their location.

"No ... II'm not ..." She tried to look confident, she really did, but she couldn't control herself. This Azazel was so different. He was calm, he was mean, he was emotionally removed, he was ... so fucking hot ... so fucking sexy. He made her vagina vibrate and her panties soak.

Stella should have been the one to train and monopolize it for herself. Stupid Ruby didn't know what she was doing, wasting the precious time she could have had with Azazel renting it. The model would have to be stupid like a bag of bricks to avoid having him on top of her twenty-four hours a day.

However, Stella had to fight. She had to resist. The powerful never depreciates herself by submitting to a man! She was better than that and she was better than him. Somehow, somehow, Stella would turn the tide and dominate him.

Azazel clicked his tongue in disappointment. "Too bad, I think a bad girl has to learn her lesson." Azazel smiled when he removed his knee between her legs. In doing so, Stella tried to retaliate and take control once again, but her hands were caught by him and he forced them over her head. "Very easy." He laughed as he worked to deliver it.

The knight fought hard not to roll. There was no way for her to "learn her lesson," or whatever he had planned. She had to regain control of that! This was his great knight! That was when the proud and powerful Stella meant

And Stella was on her back with her face in the duvet on her bed.

"Error, girl." Azazel smiled as he looked at the knight's back. While keeping his left hand holding hers above his head, his right hand traced the length of his spine up to his tailbone. He bit his lip as he looked at her explosive hips and watched the blue skirt move with the swing of Stella's big ass. With a flick of his wrist, the pesky piece was torn off his back and Stella's fat booty was on display for him to admire.

"W-Woah-Wow ..." For the first time that night, Azazel was almost speechless as he looked at a deity's ripe peach. Perfectly spherical, perfectly beautiful, perfectly flexible ... Azazel was running out of words to describe him. For a strong warrior with a body supposed to be as hard as stone, Stella appeared to be as smooth as silk. Legends claim that the powerful Stella Blacksteel was carved out of stone, but Azazel believed this to be false. Stella Blacksteel appeared to have been made purely from her dreams.

Her big, pale ass jerked and rolled when the woman tried to move and roll away, but his knee on her back kept her in place so he could fully contemplate her splendor for a little while longer. Those huge porcelain meat cushions occupied a large part of his back and thighs, not to mention the two globes pressed together to form a delicious crack. If it weren't for the black fish tail above her cheeks that enveloped her wide hips, Azazel wouldn't have known she was wearing underwear.

After a minute or more of simply enjoying the breathtaking view of Stella's huge ass, Azazel finally spoke. "Damn it Stella, now I know where all those cakes are going ... for your cake!" He smiled when his right hand rubbed the smooth skin of his booty. However, he was just warming up what was to come ...


Azazel put his right hand on her fat ass and watched it rock and roll in response to the impact. Now he could completely admire the way he moved than before. Now he could see that glorious thing bounce off.

"Mmmhmmmrmm ... mmhrm!" Stella's muffled voice tried to escape the sheets. However, there was one vital factor that Azazel noticed: his body didn't seem to be trying to escape the grip. In fact, your ass got up a little ...


His hand hit her ass again, giving her a little more vigor and making the girl scream in her blanket when he beat her up. Azazel was smiling from ear to ear now when he started beating the woman who was responsible for making his life a living "hell" daily.

Stella's big, fat ass rocked erratically, bouncing before her eyes. Stella screamed a little more, but again fell on deaf ears when her booty was pressed further into the air.

Slap! Slap! Slap!

Azazel tripled the number of tapas, each as quick and severe as the last. The more his huge ass swayed, the more Azazel was fascinated by her.

Her cheeks took on a pink hue and the smell of her sweet arousal wafted through his nose. In his pants, his erection was growing. The blood was pumping in his penis and his testicles began to stir a thick load of semen with the intention of releasing it in the redhead.

"Such a bad girl, so bad." Azazel started to tease when he slapped his bouncy ass quickly. "Going up for your punishment? Only the lowest scum would appreciate that!"

"Mmmmm!" Stella's head shook and she tried to answer, but failed.

Slap! Slap! Slap! Slap! Slap!

Every jump, every movement of his ass made his cock throb in his pants. Their moans and moans were music to their ears. The way she gave in to his loving abuse made chills run down her spine. Azazel was getting anxious and needed to end his hunger. He needed to stick his dick in something!

The Star Demon stopped his spanking and rubbed his reddened ass. "Did Stella learn her lesson?" He asked her.

"Ymmmh!" It was all Stella could get out of her mouth when she was pushed against the now wet piece of comforter in which her face was buried.

It goes without saying that this answer did not satisfy Azazel at all. He released her hands with his left hand and took a handful of her scarlet locks. "I did not hear you." Azazel told her.

Stella inhaled the fresh air like water in the desert. "Yes! I said yes! I learned my lesson!" Stella answered between breaths. Her face was on fire and her whole body looked the same, she needed to lose her clothes or suffocate!

"Good." Azazel released the head from his hands and took the knee from her legs. He watched her body stretch and stretch to make blood flow through her being after being held down for what felt like ages.

The woman put her hands on the bed and started to get up when her ears caught the sound of clothes hitting the floor gently. She looked over her shoulder at her lover and saw how shirtless he was now.

His pupils concentrated on the rigid sculpture of his muscles and the appearance of his skin against those protruding mounds. Stella's mouth watered and she was attracted to the body in a carnal and sensual way for the first time. Attention was drawn to his hands as they passed over the shorts and she quickly maneuvered in front of him, kneeling on the bed, while he was directly in front of her.

To say that the tent set up in front of her was small would be an understatement. It would be like saying that Stella was strong. Stella was an absolute monster in combat and Azazel's stick was definitely a monster in its own right.

His eyes met her looking at him and he looking at her. His hands reached out to hers and guided them to take their place where his was. His little fingers trembled as they dug behind his waist and his skin brushed his pelvis.

His blush intensified so much that Azazel wasn't sure where his face ended and hair started, and his hair started. Seeing a way to relieve the tension, Azazel took his right hand and ran it through his hair. Her body responded to his touch with chills and she gave in. His face tilted and her face followed suit, until her lips were just inches apart.

"Watch out, Stella, I don't want to hurt you ..." Azazel breathed, tickling her lips. When Stella started to close her eyes and pursing her pillow-shaped lips, Azazel's hand moved to the top of her head. "... He's really a little too big." Azazel commented slyly as he pushed his head down and forced her to look at his tent.

Stella opened her eyes and found the tent pulsing and she got even wetter when he denied her a lover's kiss. His masochistic side was being revealed with every cruel action he did.

With shaking hands, Stella started pulling on her shorts. As she slid down his trimmed and toned pelvis, Stella gasped when she saw the overweight base of his member. It was dark, veined and smeared with sweat on his pants. The thick, heavy scent of his musk attacked his nose, but Stella could only inhale, for it was the first time he smelled like a real man.

"Haah ~" Stella took a deep breath as she pulled on the shorts even more, revealing more of her oily, manly penis. The many veins along its swollen length looked like grooves designed specifically for your own erotic pleasure. But more and more his penis kept coming out, never seeming to end. Her pelvis ended and, behind the thick circumference, Stella could see her wrinkled bag that seemed to be at full capacity with those big, agitated testicles waiting to spill. When she let out another long, delicate breath on his sensitive pillar, she watched in wonder as they squeezed a little.

Finally, the long road was coming to an end. With a final tug, Azazel's fast, fat penis came out of his prison and slapped Stella on the chin, leaving a fat heap of pearly white precum as he returned to the permanent formation on his pelvis. "Ow ..." Stella rubbed her chin when that meat club hit her well.

However, when she looked at that meat obelisk looking directly at her with its stewed slit ready to give her more precum, Stella forgot all about the blow and grabbed the python at the base of the stern. "Oh my God ... it's huge!" Stella commented on seeing her hand, which was used to holding sword handles, could barely contain its obscene circumference.

"A-they are all this I am -bounlow!" Stella was silenced when Azazel pressed her head down further. His lips pressed against the bulbous helmet, but they didn't open easily. She kept her mouth shut when her instincts started to say that there was no way the beast could fit in her mouth. However, Azazel's firm grip would not allow her to move away.

"Open wide ~" Azazel said teasingly, pressing harder. His cock throbbed when the wet, pillowy surface of his lips kissed his cock and his balls gave him a good dose of precum as a reward.

His resistance began to break when the salty, gelatinous substance entered his mouth and coated his palate. Stella's mouth went numb when she tasted the foreign substance and, during her brief moment of weakness, Azazel capitalized when she pushed her fat helmet into its hot hole. Her eyes widened when he kept trying to shove his entire penis into her hole.

Stella's lips were stretched around the fat, fleshy pillar and her tongue was crushed against the back of her mouth. His instincts were right, Azazel was too big! Even he was aware of this fact, when expressing his discomfort earlier.

His hips quivered when he tried to shove more of his monstrous length into her mouth, but he did not move. He could already feel its tip stopped at the entrance to his unwavering esophagus. Azazel was not used to resistance, since Ruby could penetrate him so well.

"This is going to be complicated ..." Azazel grunted, clearly unhappy with his lack of skill. But he couldn't really blame her, and he knew it, he was also a virgin at one point.

After a few minutes of trying to get his penis into her and failing, which resulted in her swollen and unsatisfied balls and her crying with the rough treatment, Azazel reluctantly raised her head. His cock swayed in the open once more, throbbing as the spit and droplet cascaded down its length and dripped onto the bed.

Stella was panting for air, because now she had nothing blocking her throat. Their lungs breathed in as much air as they could contain before releasing it just to repeat the process. She leaned back on her legs and sat her thin back on the bed, looking up at the ceiling while her wet eyes looked expressionless.

As she breathed air on her vessel, Azazel noticed something. Or rather, he noticed something big and wavering. All this time he had neglected those two massive masses of meat on her chest, a real crime that he would admit. If your booty was big and wobbly, your breasts should be on an entirely different level.

He reached out and grabbed her bent legs and pulled them around her body, causing her to fall into a normal position on the bed with her legs dangling from the side while she sat across from him. Azazel pushed his hips forward and let his wet cock hit his covered mounds and dirty his shirt.

Stella must have understood what he was saying and done to undo her top. "I thought you would like to see my breasts. You are insatiable." Stella told him, but not out of disgust, but affection. She was falling perfectly into her submissive role.

His fingers clumsily unbuttoned the top button of the blouse and the fabric parted faster than Speedcast could run. More pressure was exerted on the second button, which was now in charge of hiding the entirety of its milky chest that was trying to escape the gap now present. Then the rider started to move the second button. Her huge mouth-watering breasts saw her opportunity for freedom as her nimble digits worked to slide the bottom through the hole and ...

Snap! Snap! Snap!

"There is!" Stella gasped when the next three buttons on her blouse were torn and her luscious breasts opened in front of Azazel, whose eyes widened in amazement and lust. Her small, pink, soft nipples were inverted, which surprised him a lot. She looked at the lover at the face of the night and couldn't let another word escape before he was on top of her in bed with him sitting on top of her chest while his cock tapped in place in the valley formed between her breasts. Those round, ripe F cups of hers turned pink when the heat floated over them.

Azazel placed both hands on the bed and looked at her shocked face. "I'm going to fuck your tits." He snarled severely.

"Okay!" Stella screamed with trembling hands, grabbed her heavy breasts and slapped them around her obscene circumference. Her heart sped up as she felt his burning heat completely warm her chest. Still, despite how huge her breasts were, they couldn't hide the length of it. They may be able to cover their thick circumference, but they could never hope to cover their length.

The redhead looked at her nose and saw the fleshy one-eyed monster producing a wad of semen that spattered on the back of her neck. He throbbed powerfully as he experienced the divine softness of his virgin shelf. It is a bold and vehement aesthetic that contrasted with the gentle and delicate hills of the chest.

Azazel would have no second thoughts about this. He had felt breasts around his penis before and would take this opportunity. "Fuck ..." He cursed as he moved his core, starting to push back and forth on the silky sleeve provided by his huge stops. "So soft ..." He groaned.

Stella's face was so hot. Sweat started to drain from her pores when she saw his twisted facial expressions as he fucked her breasts. His pride and symbol of femininity used to please him in his sick and twisted desires ... her pussy was soaking her panties! Her fingers dug deeper into the flesh of her breasts and she squeezed harder, adding even more friction to the smooth passage. He groaned in response and more precum leaked from its tip, lubricating the meat tunnel even more.

"Y-Yesss! Fu-fuck my big tits! Dirty them with your huge c-cock!" Stella tried her hand at the dirty conversation. It certainly did the trick, as Azazel gave a particularly wild boost to her breasts, which caused the bulky twins to hit their hips.

Stella bit her lip and closed her eyes, concentrating on the sensation of having his penis dominate her breasts. She should have done this before. She could have kept Azazel in control all those moments, if she had just shown off her big, greasy breasts and let him try. So maybe he would let her take a break from putting his fat cock down her throat.

She started to wonder if Ruby could successfully make a deep throat in this penis-shaped demon, so that thought turned Stella even more. Seeing the beauty of white hair swallowing a fat cock like a prostitute would push Stella to the limit like nothing else. Those cute little lips of hers kissing her big, swollen balls as they pumped liters of sperm into her stomach ... Stella's pussy gushed when she came, imagining Ruby or even herself receiving this gift. Stella started desperately craving his hot semen. Just how would it be? How thick would it be? What would it taste like? He would certainly have enough on those big balls to brush her face, right?

Azazel exhaled deeply as he continued to drive his cock in and out of her cleavage. Her plump, bubbly breasts were incredible. The sensation of Stella's untouched noise was unmatched by anything he had ever felt before. Maybe it was the knowledge that he was the first man who fucked her huge tits that made him even sweeter? The woman who was responsible for much "torment" in his life, currently below him massaging his cock while contaminating her, Azazel almost blew his load with it.

His bag rocked. He was ready to blow his load across the rider below him. She was doing an incredible job, making him feel like he was fucking heaven itself ... Now it was time to reward her.

"I'm coming!" He growled fiercely, feeling the hot sensation boiling from his balls and exploding from his cock. Azazel pushed his cock all the way up the sleeve of her breasts and expelled his hot seed. Strings and strings of pearly white goo shot over her swan neck and glazed and the swelling of her breasts in her sperm. Stella finally had the thick icing on her that was just like the icing on her cake this morning ...

"Uhhh ..." Stella gasped as she felt the thick syrup on her neck and chest. She felt completely excited. Interestingly, she moved her right hand up and into the puddle of semen to collect a sample for tasting. In front of her eyes, Stella put her courage right in her mouth and moaned when the hot liquid ran down her throat. "Yuuummy ~"

Azazel's cock twitched in her chest when she did this. Despite unloading semen from a jug at the woman, he was still hard and wanting more action. He stepped back and grabbed her thick blue skirt and tore it straight from her hips.

"Ah!" Stella gasped as she watched the blue clothes being tossed in the corner. She shivered when she saw his lust grow more when his nose inhaled the unblocked scent of her arousal, as he continued to shove cum into her mouth through his fingers.

Azazel on top of her removed her fists on either side of her head and pawed at the sweaty breasts that still wrapped around his penis. His possessive fingers plunge deeper into her padded flesh more aggressively than hers, making her skin soft pink while being handled.

"I love you!" Azazel snarled, shaking them in his hands and started to have sex with them again. Her accumulated semen rippled in her cleavage faster than she could devour him. He acted as a lubricant for a slimy fetish that produced high-pitched and overwhelming sounds on the walls of his room. The man continued to taste her sticky breasts for a few more seconds before finally deciding it was time for the main course.

He stood up and slid down her body until he rested between fleshy thighs. Looking at Stella flushed and helpless with nothing but her torn top and black panties, Azazel felt like she was really in control of her life for the first time in her life.

"Do you want to know anything, Stella?" Azazel asked softly as he admired the lustful, erotic body that was open to him and him alone.

Stella was surprised that he was no longer deflowering her chastity, but she nodded nonetheless. "What?" She asked so quietly.

Azazel placed his hands on the smooth skin of his powerful thighs and rubbed them. "When I told Ruby about my passion for you for years and as I always hated that you went after Lancellotti, I felt like I was finally free with her. I felt I could tell her anything." Azazel spoke.

The redhead's blush intensified a thousand times when she heard him confess an old passion for her. "Azazel, why didn't you tell me something? We could talk, we could have-" Azazel raised his hand to silence her.

"I'm not done." He said defiantly. "I was saying that I felt free with her. When you suspended me, I thought my life was over. I thought my fun days in the world were over. But working with Ruby made me realize something: I was never free. I was always under someone's control. You, the guild, or even that damn Council of the Seven Demon Emperors of the Frozen Sun. "

Stella nodded to illustrate that she was paying attention to him. She could see that it was a subject he had been thinking about for a long time. With Ruby, it wasn't just that she had him in control, it was that he was beginning to understand something bigger than himself and was trying to process it his way.

Azazel looked at his soft stomach, a stomach totally unfit for a knight of his caliber. She should have been shredded, but here she had a lot of soft, pasty female fat that looked comfortable enough to rest his head on.

"When I was with Ruby, I thought I was free. But now, now I understand. I traded one collar for another. It was fun to play with her as a pet, but now I realize that I'm finally in control of something." Azazel's fingers tightened on his thick thighs and his chest swelled. "With you, right here in this bed, I'm in charge of myself."

The knight bit his lip sensuously as he looked into his burning eyes. The same eyes that burned brightly whenever he was about to overpower his enemy. The eyes she hadn't seen in a long time were now turning when he finally realized his real enemy: his own prison. Stella knew better than anyone what it was to finally find her determination to break her chains. Her heart was beating a million times a minute.

"Azazel ..." Stella called softly. "Take control of me! Show me how you burn brilliantly for that! Make me feel your passion!" She told him.

Azazel folded his hands under her knees and pushed them up until her body doubled over and those knees pressed against her shoulders with her ass in the air. "With pleasure!" He proclaimed while letting his hands hold his knees in place as he returned to the body.

Her pubic mound was still hidden from view, with the soaked black patch that hid her needy vagina. Azazel pinched and pulled him away to reveal her virgin pussy. He was clean-shaven, but most importantly, he was wet and ready to take a fat cock like his to the base. He took the whole body and positioned his knees just below hers and Stella instinctively moved her hands to the back of the neck. Looking at her, Azazel rubbed the hard helmet over his sticky lips, ready to step into it and perform a mating press like textbooks.

"Ruby would kill me if she saw me about to fuck you without a condom ..." Azazel hissed as she pressed her sensitive tip into its hot, melted folds and immediately felt it envelop her invading member. "... But I really don't care!" Azazel declared with a voice full of desire and future expectations.

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