
The Lost Tales of Sinners

Short stories of a young man discovering about his dormant lust. No story had any kind of connection with the other.

Fethmelle · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
215 Chs

Sex Costumes (2)

Short but dirty

Nero Tent

In a Nero Bluedrynth's cabin, or more specifically in his bathroom, the shower was running with hot water in the jet. Inside the steaming shower were two occupants who took great pleasure in each other's bodies.

They decided to take a nice long shower after having to move Stella's things to her cabin after Shimura found out about her little feat involving her order of cake with her face covered with her boyfriend's seed. He didn't like it. Not even a little. So he did the right thing and suspended Stella from the guild for exactly two weeks, while Nero escaped with impunity for some reason. But because she was suspended from Lion's Heart, it also meant that her bunting privileges in Fairy Hills were taken away as well.

So Stella had no choice but to force Nero to let her stay. Of course, he would have let her stay, regardless of whether she forced him or not. But while he let her stay, he was going to establish some basic rules before she started taking up space and eating all his food.

One of your orders was about to be fulfilled now.

Nero turned off the water and opened the shower curtain with a very anxious smile on his face.

"Alright Stella! Time for the first part of your payment!" He applauded when he got out of the shower, not even bothering to dry himself.

Stella blushed deeply, but still maintained the facade that she was not satisfied with what she was about to do. "You idiot. I already let you come inside me, why should I let you do that?" She bit her lip.

Nero looked at her over his shoulder as he searched his closet to find a very specific item that he had to hide. "Because it's the next twist!" He said.

Stella just snorted when she got out of the shower, her legs and knees dangling with pleasure and arousal, some of her seed rolled down the inside of her thigh as she did this. While he kept looking for the bottle, Stella just leaned over the bathroom counter, pressing her huge breasts on the cold, hard surface with her round butt raised and resting in the air.

"Found it!" He finally said, after coming out from under his closet, in his hand was a bottle of lubricant.

With an even deeper blush, Stella screamed and rubbed her knees in preparation. First she was suspended from the guild and now she had to suffer anal with Nero's huge cock? Today was not her day.

Nero whistled as he squirted the smooth lubricant on his erect member before slowly spreading along its length. Stella bit her swollen lower lip even harder.

' Damn it! Look at that! It looks so menacing! So angry! So ... erotic! 'She thought with a frown. How his poor, tight passage could handle it!

And finally, the moment she feared came, Nero decided that his dick was evenly lubricated and ready for penetration. Then he made a move to stand behind his voluptuous and willing girlfriend and placed both hands on the soft cheeks of her ass, pressing his long fingers on the firm pads of meat.

"Oh, I'm so ready for this!" He exclaimed as he parted his cheeks to look at his slit dripping with semen and the wrinkled back door.

"Just ... please hurry up so we can get this over with?" She asked politely.

In response, he slapped her ass hard. "Of course I can, baby!" Nero said.

But before Stella could respond, Nero once again parted his cheeks to reveal his small, tight second entry. He squirmed erotically as he felt the heat emanating from Nero's penis as his engorged tip rested against him.

To tease her a little, Nero slowly pressed the tip into the tight entrance to her ass. But to their surprise, his cock almost easily slid into her bottom with little resistance. They both thought that Nero did an incredible job in choosing the lubricant.

"Holy shit ..." Nero drooled while the head of his penis was wrapped tightly and had insane pressure from all sides. He almost went limp on Stella with the feeling of being on Stella's tight ass.

Stella, on the other hand, was very surprised at how good she felt with her second pass to be teased and teased. "W-wow ..." She sighed, taking a lock of her scarlet hair and placing it behind her ear. And then the thought entered his mind. Nero was already leaning heavily on her and by the feel of his penis - which was pulsing rapidly - he was experiencing pleasure ten times.

She could win this.

With a sly smile, Stella looked over her shoulder. "What's the matter Nero ~" She shook her ass. "Too much for you?"

Before he could start thinking of an arrogant replica, Stella pushed hard against the counter to fully sheathe her boyfriend's cock in her tight back door.

Nero's reaction included a shout and he fell completely on Stella's curved back.

Stella didn't give him time to react as she continued to rock back and forth over him with the tenacity of a girl who was fucking her high school crush.

The bathroom was full of moans and howls of pleasure from Nero and teasing from Stella. Good thing no one was within a mile of the hut, otherwise they would hear two wild animals mating.

"Huh? Is my tight little ass too much for you, big boy?" Stella smiled, pausing on impulse to forcibly manipulate her muscles to contract further around his thick shaft.

"A-Ah! St-Stella! Calm down!" Nero groaned, begging her to be merciful.

In an effort to try to gain some advantage in this unexpectedly awful game, Nero grabbed two handfuls of Stella's bouncing ass. He was previously hitting his pelvis, but now that he was trapped in his greedy hands, he was able to stand up correctly. Now the only thing that was hitting was her hanging bag crashing into her creamy pussy.

With this fast rhythm, the sweat of their bodies, their moans and screams of pleasure, and the tightness and absolute heat of Stella's ass huddled together and reached Nero's resistance with a weight and a load that he could not bear.

"Stella ..." He groaned, placing his face on her lower back.

Stella continued to thrust against him, her breasts swaying back and forth and slamming against each other. "Go ahead. I can feel your dick crying. Go ahead and blow your load." She said with a small smile.

Nero didn't want to. For some strange reason, he felt he was accepting his defeat. But what should he do?

"Damn ... I'm coming ..." He groaned.

Just a few more thrusts at Stella and her hanging bag, which was beating against her dripping femininity, tightened and within minutes his penis started spewing its hot seed into its small hole. Stella rested her ample ass against her lower half and smiled with victory.

"Ah ~" she sang. "The sweet feeling of victory ..."

With Nero's limp body draped over her, his flabby cock slid out, Stella nonchalantly shoved him. "Nice game Nero. Now we're even." Stella spoke as she took a towel to wrap her still wet body.

"Next time, do your anal research before you try." The redhead said. Of course she won by surprise, but she still thought it would be a fair victory.

"S-Stella ..." Nero groaned.

She thought they were the same, but she didn't know that she just started a war ...


Cake Sin

Nero Tent

Stella Kovidsh lay on Nero's bed with a winning smile on her face, after all, she defeated Nero at her own game. This was really a cause for celebration! But she celebrated in her own way, she made Nero run back to the guild to get her a victory cake, and he did it without question.

That was 3 hours ago and, frankly, she was starting to get a little upset that it was taking so long. He's just buying her a cake!

With a sigh, Stella lifted her bottom half of the bed and looked at the mirror adjacent to it, a little surprised by its disheveled appearance. Her hair was an absolute mess and she had given up on a shirt, so her pale, milky melons just shook, free of her usual restraint and the only piece of clothing she wore was sweatpants. She took another shower after putting Nero in her place, hoping that Nero was there waiting for her with a cake. But he was not.

'Why the hell is he taking so long! - The busty redhead was furious. 'We're losing daylight! He could be back here and we could be re-enacting one of my fantasies! 'Stella stopped herself from completely destroying a wall with punches.

But when she was about to get out of bed, put on a coat and go down to the guild to drag her ass back, regardless of the punishment, suddenly there was the sound of a door opening and closing.

"Finally!" Stella screamed as she threw her legs over the side of the bed and stood up, ready to give him a piece of her mind. "Why did you take so long?" She asked as she entered the living room.

But when she finally caught a glimpse of her boyfriend, she saw that he still had to turn around until she entered. Then, when she approached him, he slowly turned to look at her over his shoulder. She felt Chios run down her spine when she saw the malicious smile he wore.

"Sup." He smiled when he finally turned. And sure enough, he was holding a big box in his hands that probably contained her cake. But why was he acting funny. She caught her eyes darting to her bare breasts, but for some reason, this time she covered them, as she was not comfortable with him looking at her so ... so hungry ...

"What's wrong with you? Why are you looking at me like that." Stella asked in her usual monotone voice that she had strong authority over her. The redhead felt that she should maintain her command facade for her own protection, but inside she was shaking and shaking.

"Oh nothing!" He smiled, completely breaking the frightening aura he had. "I got your cake!" Nero said as he passed her and placed it on the table.

Stella was completely taken over by her complete transition from scary to cheerful. Something was going on and she was going to get to the bottom of it ...

"So what is-" Nero interrupted his girlfriend by going into scary mode again.

"But I found something interesting ..." He started when he reached into his vest and pulled out a folded piece of paper carefully. "Remember when Rebecca stole your book? Well, she managed to rip a page and, well, take a look ..." Nero smiled greedily as he handed him the paper.

Stella shyly removed her hand from her chest to pick up the unfolded piece of paper. She bit her lip as she read the title and her eyes widened.

"Cake joke ..." She read aloud. Nero laughed as he took off his vest, preparing for what was to come.

Stella's hands shook, just as she came to power she was immediately pulled out from under her. On this page he listed all the details of what should be done with the cake of his choice. The whole piece of paper was just a long list of erotic and naughty ways for Nero to have sex with her on that wrapping cake. And they were all very different, but they had one thing in common, each ordered her to serve Nero.

The redhead swallowed hard as she looked at Nero, who was smiling from ear to ear.

"I'll give you five minutes to prepare." He hissed with a wink.

Five minutes later

Stella sat on her knees on the floor, right in front of Nero as he sat in the so-called "sex chair", and he looked at her with a sly smile, happy that the tide had turned in his favor once again. But the two now wore sweatpants, only Nero's had a big tent in his, but it was covered by the box he was holding.

"So Stella," Nero rested his chin on his palm in joy. "Are you prepared?" he asked he stuck his hand in the box. Apparently, he bought more than one cake when he started placing several on the next table, each as appetizing as the first. In total, Nero bought 3 strawberry cheesecakes, it would certainly be enough.

"Yes ..." Stella said, though hesitantly. She had once again accepted something that was beyond her control, so she might as well handle it.

Throwing the box behind him, Nero started to reach into his pants to fish for his erection. "So, if you don't mind, I'll start things." The pink-haired young man said as he grabbed the hem of his sweatpants and pulled them down so that his rock-hard spine could pop out of the fabric cage. He was ominously in front of Stella, apparently throbbing with anticipation. Stella pursed her trembling lips when she saw that the smallest piece of pre-enjoyment started to leak from its tip.

Nero smirked when he reached for one of the cakes and quickly dug a finger into the icing to test it. He pulled his finger back and waved tantalizingly in front of Stella. "Lick." he commanded.

But Stella did more than lick. She locked her mouth on her finger and swirled her tongue around the sugar-covered fingertip.

"Oh, you are so ready." Nero smiled as he felt Stella praise his finger with his tongue and even suck on his finger. "Very ready." he said as he removed his finger from his mouth. "It's time to start."

Now Nero hovered a few more fingers on the cake before digging, pushing his fingers deep into the spongy desert. Stella watched in excitement when he pulled his fingers free, surrounded by the cake. Now that he had a good amount of cake, he brought his hand back and grabbed his shaft, wrapping it in cake.

Stella's eyes widened when she saw him combine two of his favorite things: cake and his dick.

"Well, Stella," the young man said as he evenly distributed the sweet substance along its length. "With the." he pointed his stick at his mouth.

"Y-Yes." she stammered, but it was excited. Opening her mouth to form an "O", Stella leaned forward and began to serve it with her mouth, bathing her taste buds in the sweetness of the cake, but in the fleshy taste of her stick.

Nero groaned in ecstasy. Of course it was good to rub your dick on the cake, but it was even better when your girlfriend was sucking.

Why would normally Stella start her blowjobs at a slow pace, having such a tasty treat in her manhood really made her take the day off and start sucking at phenomenal speed. Her hair whipped back and forth with the sporadic movement of her head. His lips clung firmly to his shaft and his tongue ran under his pipe.

"This is great Stella ..." Nero groaned, placing his hand on his head in appreciation. His fingers dug deep into the multiple layers of his thick scarlet hair that looked like silk. She was using a new shampoo, he noticed that it didn't have its usual strawberry scent.

"Come on, baby ..." she sucked even harder when he called her that. "... don't stop. Keep sucking my cock." He pleaded.

Stella maintained her care for some time, but soon the thick layer of cake that Nero applied was beginning to disappear inside her. With one last suction, she pulled the mouth of his cock, panting heavily when a single strand of saliva connected her lips to the swollen head. She had a strong blush and heavy pants, but was still able to communicate with him.

"More ..." she breathed heavily, only now realizing how damp the groin area of ​​the sweatpants she wore had become. "... cake ... please?" She begged.

Nero was a little reluctant to get her off his dick, but he smiled when he had the opportunity to change it now. "Oh? Are you ready for me?" he joked this time, when he reached out to get more cake, he grabbed the cardboard bottom of the one he had already dug and placed it on his thighs.

"This time, use your giant breasts, Stella." he licked his lips in pleasure as his pupils roamed every inch of Stella's pale globes. Both were so heavy and round that he couldn't wait to feel them hardened in the cake around his penis.

It only took a millisecond for Stella to agree wholeheartedly. She raised her hands to her breasts and dug her fingers into the firm melons and lifted them over the cake in her lap. Nero watched, excitedly, as Stella's breasts crushed the cake and flattened it completely, the delicious treat either splashing on her lap and floor, or building on her cleavage. Either way, Stella rubbed every inch of her huge jars of cake.

"Oh yes, I'm ready!" Nero smiled, as he could not be patient as he pointed his dick at the knockers now covered in Stella's cake.

Stella, too excited to mirror her sly smile, threw the cardboard away and immediately pressed Nero's rigid erection into the valley of her breasts. "I bet this is good, huh?" She looked at him. "Your big, hard cock in my spongy cleavage? That's what you wanted, right? My breasts and your cake-covered cock?" Stella bit her lip.

"Shimura, you can be so fucking sexy, Stella." Nero praised his care. His titjobs were good, but that was out of this world. Her firm, round breasts looked so good around his penis and the sticky substance in the cake and icing almost sent him over the edge.

Stella's huge breasts made wet slapping sounds as she used her twins to vigorously stroke his cock. The sounds only made Nero warmer and Stella more humid.

While Nero was reveling in the pleasure that Stella made him feel, he knew he would end up climaxing sooner or later. But he felt that Stella deserved some pleasure from his excellent performance too. And he knew exactly how to pay back in full.

Nero grabbed his girl's shoulders and stopped her. "Wait a minute ..." he smiled as he looked her in the eye. "I have an idea."

The young man nudged Stella to slide back, which she did, before getting up. "Now you sit on the chair with your butt facing me," he said in a commanding tone with no room to argue.

Stella did it without question, happily sitting on top of the leather chair while Nero got on his knees behind her. She had no idea what he was doing until she felt him rip his pants to reveal his supple ass and aroused sex. She rocked her hips in delight as she realized her goal, leaning back in the chair so that her cake-covered breasts crushed against the cold leather back.

After feeling her breath warm on her own heated apex, she felt the smooth glide of Nero's hands applying another layer of cake to her dripping piece. 'Shimura,' she blushed, 'how much more erotic is this going to get !? 'She wondered.

Stella's entire body shuddered and shuddered when she felt her long, thin finger plunge deeply into her femininity, testing the playground before he could make the most of it. She had to suppress a cry of joy at the sensation. But just as quickly as that wonderful sensation of her exploring fingers came, she soon felt him remove his finger from her grip before replacing it with the tip of his penis.

"Are you ready, Stella?" Nero asked as he leaned forward and pressed his chest against his smooth, sculpted back.

Stella looked over her shoulder and gently kissed her on the lips. "I'm so ready for you, I want you to fuck me. Fuck me hard." She begged.

"With pleasure," Nero leaned back and smiled as he gently slid the tip inward. "With pleasure." Once the tip was fully submerged in its wet folds, Nero savored the soft moans that his girl was releasing. She tried to hold on to them, but that only encouraged him to try harder.

Quickly, he sheathed her with a powerful thrust, throwing her into the chair even more than she already was. Like a jackhammer, Nero started to push quickly in his tight grip, sending waves through his body and causing chills to spine. Even she had to admit that in the last few sessions, Nero was becoming more daring and confident in his abilities.

Her left hand was placed firmly on her hip, but her right reached for the second cake that was being used and grabbed a piece of cake before quickly delivering it to her right breast, which was swinging back and forth like a ball of rope. He rubbed the cake on the soft skin of her right breast before eagerly digging his fingers into the firm flesh. Of course Stella liked it better.

With his hard cock constantly being pushed into her and her lover eagerly placing his hands all over her body, Stella couldn't help the long moan that came out of her lips when she felt her walls clamp around her throbbing stick. It looks like he was nearing the end of the first round, sure he wasn't there yet, which meant he was waiting for her to climax first.

"You are a gentleman, wanting your lady to come first, even while rubbing that sweet cake all over my body, you still treat me with respect." Stella watched. "But your dick is wanting to come, so I'm going to let you come, so whenever you want, just let it out inside me," she purred.

"If you keep talking like that," Nero groaned, "I will have no choice but to come." His fingers stopped kneading her breast like dough, but instead started to pull on her erect nipple as if he were trying to milk her.

Yes, he was really playing to win. He knew his weaknesses perfectly and was willing to use each one to his advantage.

"Give it up, Stella," Nero pulled on the nipple more tightly, even licking his neck and shoulder now, "you won't win."

But it seems that Stella would not lose either. "Not until you spend your load on my pussy, I won't give up." She used her muscles to tighten control over his cock and rubbed her generous ass against his pelvis. She looked back over her shoulder to give him a challenging look. "I will never submit."

Nero also gave her that look. "We'll see about that." he said as he started to pick up the pace.

Some hours later

Nero smiled as he lay on the kitchen chair, completely naked with his happy, soft cock lying on his thigh. The whole day was spent exactly as we wanted it to be, him fucking his super hot girlfriend.

But speaking of the little stick of dynamite, Stella was on a counter in her kitchen with a cookbook in one hand and a leaf of lettuce in the other. "I need to improve my cooking skills," she said sulkily, "I need something healthy after all that cake!"

- Yes, - Nero smiled. - I can't believe we use all the cakes. And Stella even ate one of them! ' He laughed in his head. Of course they completely ruined her rug and other pieces of furniture (not to mention the brand of cake left over from Stella's big boobs against every piece of glass and mirror around the house), but it was worth it, better sex with food from Everytime!

Sipping a glass of water, Nero noticed how Stella still had a small cake stain on her neck, 'I don't think it's over yet ...' He smiled.


Stella's Back Baby

House of Nero, Wednesday 11:09

"Slowly ... slowly ..." Stella advised in a low, growling voice. This was one of the most delicate lessons she was teaching Nero and there was absolutely no room for failure.

A single drop of sweat rolled down Nero's temple as he tried his best to complete the daunting task before him. Stella trusted him enough to complete this task, so he was sure that he would complete it! Well ... he mostly didn't want her to yell at him for screwing up ...

With exact and precise precision, Nero ended his task with a long, exasperated sigh of relief.

He successfully shaved a single strip off Stella's leg.

"Well done!" Stella is hard as the shine of her nails softens and she pats him on the head. "I'm still going to make you a suitable man!" The redhead praised her boyfriend.

Nero smiled at her proudly. "Really? Does that mean I can continue?" He asked hopefully, wanting to continue his work and shave the rest of his lover's long, smooth leg.

Stella thought for a minute before shaking her head. "Not really, while you did well, I want to hurry this up, so that we can hurry up and fulfill our reservations." She lied to him. As long as they weren't in danger of risking their reservation, she didn't want Nero to stray when he moved on to her cunt.

Stella knew the limits of Nero's self-control and letting him trim in that area was a one-way ticket for him to eat at dinner.

She saw his slightly dejected face, then took her chin and gave him the smile that she had exclusively for him. "Why don't you go ahead and start heating the bath and I'll go with you in a second?" Stella suggested.

Nero nodded and moved away from his stool. "Okay, at least I know I can do this right." He smiled as he moved to the bathtub. Since she moved in, his bathroom was so clean that he could shower!

Sinking in the tub of warm water, Nero began the process of radiating heat to the point of making the bath water boil. He saw his lover finish his job at a lightning-fast pace.

The redhead had completely wiped her long legs off any stubble, but chose to keep a triangle of neatly trimmed hair combed over her pussy, something that Nero appreciated very much.

"Dude, you're super good at this!" Nero commented on his experience in dressing up.

Stella nodded as she put on her razor and shaving cream. "Well, I've been taking care of myself for a few years, so of course I would have mastered that already." Stella said. "Maybe you should try to get dressed ..." The knight smiled.

Nero looked at his own pelvis and guessed that she was talking about her own hair over her bundle. "Eh, I kind of like it." He told her.

The woman was now in front of the bath before entering it. "Get away." She ordered before settling between her legs. Lying down, Stella felt his chest hard against her shoulders and his cock pressed against her lower back. "You can have a bush, but keep it down. I don't want it to interfere with the room." Stella said.

"So, I don't have to shave, but can I cut it back?" He asked what she nodded to.

"Yes, I won't deny that I find it kind of attractive when you show off your manhood." She confessed, blushing slightly as she counted. "I'm in a good mood when I see you take your pants off ..."

Nero moved his arms out of the water and wrapped them around his body, settling in to hold his abdomen just below his heavy breasts. "Heh, I kind of like it when you get your hair out of the way of your right eye."

Stella looked at him questioningly. "What does that have to do with anything?" She asked.

"It's just that we both have something strange that we like about each other." Nero told her.

"Oh." Stella agreed. "This is where you were going with this. But I'm not going to deny that this is true. We are kind of weird, aren't we?" She asked.

Nero nodded his head. "Yes, we are weird." The young man with the pink hair smiled before he felt Titania move in his hands, as if trying to get away from him. "Is something wrong, Stella?" He asked.

"Nero." Stella moaned in a nervous voice. "Can you do anything about your ... friend? He's poking me in the back and is starting to get a little uncomfortable." The woman asked politely.

Nero blinked twice before he realized what she was talking about. "Oh sorry!" Nero apologized before grabbing his member and forcing him to sit pleasantly in the slit of his glorious ass and against his newly groomed pussy. "It's been a while since we last had sex, hasn't it?" He asked.

Stella, who was now completely red from the fact that his hard cock was pressed against her grip, nodded. "Y-Yes, it was." She stuttered a little more than she expected.

If it had been almost a year ago, the two would not have even blinked because they were so close, but now that they have spent so much time without sex, they need to desensitize themselves again.

"With the war and your brother ..." 'I even met my mother and let her escape alive ...' Stella leaned further on him to support herself, tilting her head so that her ear was against her chest to allow hear your heartbeat. It was true, they were stuck in the conflict and the strategists never put them together in the same field.

Nero's brother Belpregor started the war, but he was also the one who ended it when he saw how prosperous Nero's life had been. Shimura was also a big reason for the end of the war, but that was a story for another time.

While Nero dealt with his brother, Stella dealt with his mother. After struggling with the woman who gave birth to her and abandoned her, she let her broken mother crawl away, leaving the woman to pieces. Of course, Irene's possible survival never left Stella's mind and the redhead hoped that the woman would simply leave her and her guild alone.

Stella put her hands over his. "We never had time to be intimate. I can't tell you how much I missed you during those cold, lonely nights in the camps. I missed your warmth, your voice, the way you hold me ..."

"I missed your breasts." Nero stated bluntly.

Stella was about to slap him for such a rude and unnecessary comment, but Nero stopped her when he grabbed her heavy breasts, squeezing them hard enough to make his fingers sink into the tender flesh and the breast flesh expand. ahead.

"Kyaa! N-Nero!" Stella screamed, her nipples hardening instantly with the rough treatment. To make matters worse for her, Nero began to imitate a farmer's milking technique.

Her monumental 32F breasts inflated salaciously in front of her, turning into the reading of Nero's abuse of tightness. Her vagina was heating up at an alarming rate as well. If Nero is not careful, she could end up having sex with him right there!

"So, as the whole fight is over and Master Shimura has reinstated his temporary suspension from the guild, we have a lot of time on our hands." Nero whispered in his ear. "What's next in the book?"

Stella moaned and screamed in her grip, shifting from side to side to ease the uncomfortable feeling of that hard piece of meat that threatened to split her in two. "And-if I can remember correctly ... I think it's voyeurism."

Nero released her breasts suddenly. "There is?" He asked. "What the hell does voyoyorism mean?"

Stella thanked her boyfriend for his lack of knowledge for that moment of respite from his aggression on her breasts. "It's pronounced voyeurism. It's pleasure to watch someone having sex or to have someone watching you have sex."

Nero's face lit up with realization. "Oh! Does that mean I can watch you have sex with someone else?" Nero asked silly.

Stella was taken back by her explosion. She really expected Nero to be the jealous type or, at least, to want to have sex with her while someone watched. "Y-do you want to watch me having sex with someone else?" She blushed.

"Yes! I think it would be super hot!" Nero told her.

"O-Ok ..." Stella shook her head slowly. "So, who do you suggest? Freddie? Philips? Gabriel?" She started to list the names of possible partners.

Suddenly, Nero interrupted her and prevented her from continuing her list. "Woah woah woah, if I'm going to watch you have sex with someone other than me, I want you to be a girl! I don't want to see you being fucked by another guy!" Nero protested like a healthy man.

"O-Oh ... yes ... you're right." Stella blushed, mentally berating herself for thinking Nero would be so open that he let another man stick his dick in her. She could always be content with a girl with a brace. "So, which girl?"

Before Nero could respond, his keen senses caught the sound of light steps on the way home.

"She is really coming here now." Nero said that Stella raised an eyebrow in question. She doubted that fate would make them have sex right after the conversation about it ...

"I think we can forget about those dinner reservations then ..." Stella puffed out her cheeks in disappointment.

Love Hut by Nero and Stella, Wednesday 11:15 am

"Who is he?" Stella asked, making a move to get out of the shower with her boyfriend, but was interrupted when he held her by the arms.

Nero did not look at her, but in the direction in which the dirt path to his home led to civilization. "It's Roxy. I think she's coming to check on us." He explained.

"Roxy? Oh, I have to get dressed! I can't let her see us like this!" Stella jumped out of the tub and ran to her towel on the counter.

Nero was quick to follow after her, but instead of running to get ready, Nero stopped her by grabbing her from behind and holding her in his arms. "No! This is perfect!"

Stella struggled to get out of reach, but her own excitement was wearing thin. Something about being naked and wet with Nero's erection being forcibly pushed against his skin was his own kryptonite. "What do you mean?!"

"What I mean is, I want to see you have sex with Roxy." Nero revealed with a wicked smile on his face.

The red-haired knight in front of him looked horrified at the idea he suggested. "What?!" She asked with a face of pure disgust. "Roxy is a little girl, Nero! I know I shouldn't have encouraged this behavior from you, but it's going too far!" Stella almost shouted at him.

Nero did not lose his smile and held her tighter. "Oh, come on Stella, we both know that she's well over his age, at least a few decades. It's not that bad! Besides, doesn't she join you and the other girls in the baths?"

Stella's lips trembled. "This is completely different! B-Besides, she may be over 90, but she still looks like a little girl! I never managed to corrupt an innocent girl like Roxy!"

"But this is the Stella thing." Nero whispered hoarsely in his ear. "Imagine: you are her big sister. You must be the one to teach our sweet and charming Roxy about sex! And what better way to teach her than to dominate her in bed!" Nero's cock got even harder when he imagined Roxy's small form completely overshadowed by Stella's more mature, muscular and voluptuous form.

Stella felt his erection throb and throb against her lower back and she could tell that he really wanted to see her seduce Roxy. To be completely honest, Stella was not entirely against the idea of ​​having hot, sweaty lesbian sex with Roxy. Furthermore, the aim of your book was to try new things that would put you out of your comfort zone.

"Damn it ..." Stella cursed. "I just can't say no to you ... well. I will do that."

Nero smiled triumphantly. "Great! I knew you would change! So, this is what I planned ..."

"Nero-san? Stella-san?" Roxy Lance asked as she slowly opened the door. She had been knocking for a few minutes, but no one answered and she knew they were at home. With her senses heightened, she could hear the faint sound of her breathing.

She was never eavesdropping, but she had been worried about them for quite some time, since none of them had been around the base camp for long after the war. It had been a few days since anyone had seen them and she just had to make sure they were okay.

"Nero-san? S-Stella-san? Is anyone there?" Roxy shouted again. However, unlike previous times, she received an answer this time.

A door opened and Roxy's body immediately turned to look at the newcomer in the room, her body standing at attention.

"Ah, hello Roxy." Stella greeted as she entered the room, her body glistening with water and the only clothing she wore was her thin white robe that was too stretched from her huge bust stretching the fabric to the limit, the robe was having such a hard job trying to contain the breasts that the bottom reached only to cover a few inches of his thick thighs.

Roxy, although not stranger to how attractive Stella could be, still blushed when she saw her mentor in such a revealing outfit.

"E-Stella-san! There you are!" The blue-haired girl bowed her head in respect. "I'm sorry I came in, but I was worried and ..."

Stella cut her off from speaking with a wave of the hand. "Relax Roxy, it's okay. I understand." The taller woman smiled politely, still walking towards Roxy and making the little girl step back in response to Stella's advances.

"Thank you ..." Roxy swallowed, and her blush only intensified when Stella approached.

As an Amazonian goddess, Stella was almost twice as tall as Roxy in terms of size, with one of her breasts easily eclipsing Roxy's head. Stella was the height of beauty and sexuality, while Roxy was the epitome of youth and innocence.

Crossing her arms under her heavy knockers, Stella looked at Roxy with a hungry smile. "So, Roxy, I can't help but notice that you've certainly matured since we met you." Stella started to speak in a lower, more seductive voice.

The little woman began to steam her face in response to the supplement. "O-thanks, Stella-san." Roxy squeaked, now hitting a wall. "B-but I don't think I've grown that much ..." Roxy stated, internally comparing the size of Stella's monstrous melons with her own flowering breast. Of course, there was no comparison.

Stella continued to approach and invade Roxy's personal space. A few more inches and she would be pushing Roxy's pretty face into her cleavage. This was a surprisingly pleasant experience. Usually, when she tried to seduce Nero like that, he would fight back. But Roxy was much easier prey.

"Tell me something, Roxy." Stella smiled softly as she placed both hands on the blue haired girl's arms. "Have you ever been ... intimate ... with someone before?" The redhead asked.

"Intimate? With someone else? What do you mean, Stella-san?" Roxy asked with a confused and innocent face.

Stella held her delicate chin. "Being intimate with someone is something girls like us need from Roxy. You've seen Nero and me being intimate, right? When we're both very close, hold hands and even kiss."

"W-me? K-kiss someone?" Roxy asked with wide eyes. "I never kissed anyone!"

"Well then, let's change that, shall we?" Stella asked in a low, mature voice as she slowly started to lean in for a kiss with her sweet Roxy.

Roxy, being the innocent and green girl she was, did not know how to respond to such an action, of a girl no less! In the chance that she ever imagined kissing someone, it was always with Ner ... one of the guild boys ... However, Roxy knew that no man in the guild would ever see her in that light, especially when there were girls like Stella walking by there.

For Roxy, Stella was a gentle and beautiful warrior. She was someone that Roxy tried to imitate in every way. Then, when her beautiful and sexy model, who was half naked after getting out of the shower, tried to kiss her, Roxy couldn't help responding in kind.

When their lips touched, it sent sparks through their bodies. For Stella, it was an exotic experience to kiss a member of the same gender and to kiss someone so inexperienced that she didn't try to force her tongue into hell like Nero normally did. As for Roxy, the sensation of two full, wet lips on hers was a totally new sensation for her, and she liked that very much.

It started with a sweet and simple kiss, but for Stella it was kind of boring. She needed to step up her game and get the train moving, even if it meant causing Roxy some discomfort. The much more mature woman began to gently probe her tongue into Roxy's mouth and explore the girl's oral cavity as her hands roamed down to her beautiful ass. Being so small, Stella didn't have much to grab, but she worked with her limited resources.

Roxy squeaked in her mentor's mouth when she felt a second tongue in her mouth and foreign hands grabbing and massaging her bottom. But, like the kiss, Roxy liked the strange new feeling that Stella was giving her.

Unfortunately for Roxy, just when she was just beginning to nudge Stella's tongue, Stella reluctantly moved away from Roxy's mouth with a single strand of saliva connecting her lips. Roxy still had a stunned, blank expression on her face, but she still responded when Stella laughed and squeezed her ass.

"So, Roxy, how was it?" Stella asked. "How was your first kiss?"

Roxy broke the string of saliva and sucked it into her mouth. "P-phenomenal." She breathed heavily with a dark flush on her sweet face. "But ee Ner-" She was silenced when Stella put a finger over her mouth.

"Shh. Don't worry about him right now. Let's worry about us." Stella said to Roxy with a purr in her voice. "He's gone now, so we have a lot of time to be more intimate with each other."

"How can we get any closer, Stella-san?" Roxy asked with happy ignorance.

Stella took her hands off Roxy's ass and led them to the robe. "This is really simple, Roxy." Stella said as she started teasing Roxy with more of her delicious, creamy breasts, pushing them together and threatening to tear them up to reveal all of her glory. "But first, you have to promise me something."

"A-anything Stella-san." Roxy told her.

Stella lowered her head again, but when Roxy tried to start another kiss, she stopped her. "Promise me that you will start referring to me as 'Stella-nee' from now on." She blushed with wicked joy when Roxy nodded.

"O-course, S-Stella-nee." Roxy replied, now unable to look away from Stella's huge knockers as they threatened to escape her fabric prison.

"Well, my sweet little sister, now you can do something else for me." Stella smiled. Finally, much to Roxy's own delight, she pulled the hem of her robe and let her breasts spring out in all their glory. "I need you to show these girls how much you love them. Show big sister Stella that you love her big, fat boobs." Stella instructed.

Roxy could feel her mouth water and her pussy flood her panties with excitement. Big, huge breasts like these were something Roxy had always wanted. However, Mother Nature simply did not intend to grant her the same blessings that she gave Stella and a handful of other girls at Lion's Heart.

"O-Ok, Stella-nee. I'm going to suck your breasts!" Roxy told her older sister as she held out her small hands and held one of Stella's huge, pasty jars. It looked like a heavy bag of sand in his small hands. The meat mass filled and swayed in her hands and Roxy couldn't stop licking her lips when she saw Stella's erect nipple. The pink rose bud rose up from her breast and was just asking to be sucked by Roxy.

Stella put her hand behind Roxy's little head and started to stroke the girl's long blue curls, making it easier for her to get rid of her. Fortunately for Stella, Roxy started to breastfeed like a newborn. The blue-haired young girl squirted saliva on her lips before planting her mouth firmly on Stella's right nipple.

The redhead blushed deeply and cried out in shock and pleasure. Roxy was surprisingly rough when sucking. It was as if the poor girl was really trying to milk her! The combination of her wet lips, violent sucking, and the way her small hands massaged her round breast made Stella weaken on her knees. Nero was never like that! He at least waited until the real fuck before treating his breasts the way Roxy did!

"W-that's it!" Stella's breathing was heavy and difficult, she could barely stand still! Roxy's sucking made her pussy gush! "Keep sucking my chest like this! It's so fucking good!" For the first time, Stella let her language fly around Roxy.

Aside from the sudden urge to curse like a sailor, Stella couldn't decide between biting her lip or leaving her mouth open and her tongue attacking her dry lips. Drops of sweat and water ran down his temples and down the bridge of his nose. His eyebrows almost came together to create a high peak. In short, Stella had a very scandalous expression on her face. It was really a euphoric feeling to have a legal age loli suck on your chest.

"N-now the other ..." Stella gasped, trying to force Roxy's mouth forcibly to her other untouched nipple. "Don't neglect your big sister's breasts like that."

Roxy met the older woman's demands. It was a quick and rapid change that made Stella pull back when her battered, hot, swollen nipple was now outdoors again with the addition of a nice layer of saliva courtesy of Roxy.

'Nero, you are an underrated genius!' Stella thought in her head. A little drool dripped down the side of her mouth as she tried to imagine the image that Nero was seeing. If she were in his place, she would be masturbating furiously with this hot sight of Roxy sucking on her giant breasts.

Stella bit her lip. She didn't know if she wanted to stick her fingers in her own wet pussy or Roxy's.

"Fuck…" Stella hissed.

Stella's guess was not far off. Nero was actually sitting in the closet, watching them with great interest. His cock jutted out, completely rigid and his hand was vaguely running up and down. It was good to masturbate, but the sight of his sexy, curvy girlfriend treating little Roxy, the loli, with a tasty treat, a treat he spent many nights welcoming himself to.

However, one thing he realized was how hot and uncomfortable Stella was becoming. As much as it hurt his pride, he had to admit that Stella was getting more excited about Roxy sucking his udders than when he did. Maybe it was the combination of being watched and having a loli doing it that made her so hot. Anyway, he made a note to compare the notes of sucking on breasts with Roxy at a later date.

"Ugh ... fuck ..." He groaned, still peeking from the bathroom.

Stella's breasts were now properly adored. Roxy was doing an excellent job switching from left to right at a steady pace and ensured that her older sister received the best pleasure. As evidence of Roxy's zealous actions, Stella's pale knockers exhibited a strong flush of their own with small hickeys around her nipples. They were completely sucked.

"Okay Roxy ..." Stella reached for Roxy's upright ass and pulled her up into his arms. "It's time to move on to the next step." The redhead told her when she started walking to the bedroom. Stella looked at Nero through the broken door and nodded at him, signaling him to follow her as soon as she entered.

Roxy's arms and legs wrapped around Stella like a sloth in a tree. "W-what's the next step, Stella-nee?" Roxy stammered, feeling Titania's titanic breasts pressed firmly to her small chest.

Stella kicked the bedroom door open. "I'll tell you ..." Stella replied as she tossed the little loli onto the bed before climbing on herself. She didn't stop there, once she was in bed, she pulled Roxy to her and spread her long, sexy legs so that Roxy had a complete view of her wet and messy pussy. "You're going to eat your big sister's cunt."

Roxy's eyes widened and her mouth opened in an unperturbed look. His eyes scanned the fully developed fragment of Stella. Everything from the cut piece of red hair to the way her wet lips parted to show her the juicy pink interior, Roxy found it absolutely perfect. Compared to hers, Roxy thought Stella's pussy was the most beautiful thing on the planet, because unlike her simple slit, Stella's was much more revealing and mature.

Stella smiled at Roxy's answer. No words and just a surprised facial expression. Just as Nero reacted to seeing him for the first time. Slowly, she reached out and grabbed Roxy by the hair and guided him to her waiting pussy.

"Come on, Roxy, don't keep your big sister waiting. Eat me." Stella smiled lovingly as she pushed Roxy's sweet, innocent face against her pussy, spreading the lips of her pussy soaked with excitement against Roxy's mouth.

Roxy's eyes were almost closed when she inhaled Stella's sweet, natural musk. The blue-haired girl blew a long, hot sigh into Stella's cunt and made Stella moan when the hot air blew over her pot of honey.

"Stella-nee's cunt ..." Roxy sighed as she lusted after her. "So, this is the pussy that takes Nero-nii's dick?"

Stella and Nero, who was sneaking into the room, were shocked that Roxy was so vulgar and openly commented on it. This excited Nero a lot and gave Stella an idea.

"Y-Yes. It is." Stella replied with a smile. "This cunt is always filled with your older brother's cock. It's so good when he fucks me." Stella confessed to the little girl.

Roxy closed her eyes and let her tongue come out of her mouth as she dragged it through Stella's swollen crack. Roxy's mouth exploded with flavor when Stella's taste washed over her taste buds. It was like a banquet that Roxy never knew she was longing for. It was too delicious to be considered cool.

Stella made a soft, almost inaudible moan. Finally, her pussy was getting as much attention as her breasts. Now that Stella had her prey right where she wanted it, she was going to catch it.

The blue-haired girl felt Stella shift her legs and move them to her small back before her thick, fleshy thighs were wrapped tightly around her head. Her pussy spurted out when Stella literally tried to crush her head between her juicy thighs.

Now Roxy had no choice but to eat her older sister's delicious cunt. With her nose pressed against Stella's clitoris and pelvis, Roxy stuck out her tongue deeply to explore every millimeter she could reach. To attract more Roxy, Stella let out sweet moans and even more sweet nectar for her to lick.

The intoxicating juice that Roxy felt dripping into her mouth was better than the sweetest liqueur that Rebecca passed on her way. His tongue licked and licked the wet, slippery lips that welcomed her into Stella's pussy.

Stella's thighs gripped her head tighter, threatening to pop Roxy's little head like a balloon. The sexy redhead bit her bottom lip and touched her pelvis to Roxy's face.

"Mmmnrgh! Roxy!" Stella screamed, using her hands to caress her hot and needy breasts. His whole body was red with hot blood and his arousal soared. Her back arched and she fixed her eyes on her beloved boyfriend. "O-thank you! Thank you so much!" She thanked him out loud.

Stella knew that Roxy probably thought she was thanking him for the oral pleasure, but Stella was really thanking her boyfriend for this great opportunity. It was really a win-win situation! Stella started having fun with little Roxy and Nero had to watch.

She could feel an orgasm rising and flowing through her body. Nero could fuck her to oblivion, leaving her a writhing mess of sperm and sweat, but Roxy could bring her to a soft orgasm that she could totally taste. Perhaps someday in the future, she could let Nero experience the soft pleasures that Roxy was so good at giving people.

Nero locked eyes with the love of his life and smiled. God, he loved her very much. He would have to tease her later, however, for someone who was so against putting little Roxy in the equation, she sure is enjoying it.

He watched as her body trembled and tightened when an orgasm ran through her. It wouldn't be long before he joined her in the land of climax.

Oh, how he wanted to call her and have helped her to completion, but he couldn't ruin his cover yet. He just had to take it a little longer and then he could reveal himself to Roxy. Nero just hoped that when he could introduce himself, he could switch roles with one of them.

Stella used her left hand to grab and squeeze her left breast. Roxy had now put her arms around the lower half of her body and was apparently attached to her hips now. It was very adorable to see this little girl become so attached to her throughout the events. But with the loli's tongue deep in her vagina, writhing and loving it, Stella still felt something was missing.

"Mmmm ..." Stella looked at her boyfriend again, but with longing eyes. His pupils lusted after his fat, swollen cock that had not yet exploded any of his accumulated semen. His long, slimy tongue ran over his wet lips. She would have to see to it personally that he drained his balls directly.

Roxy was enjoying her meal quietly when she felt Stella's hands grab her shoulders and those thick thighs she had become accustomed to breaking off her neck. She was allowed to go free, but personally Roxy didn't want her. She preferred to spend the rest of her life trapped in Stella's beautiful legs.

Opening her bleary eyes, Roxy looked at the object of her affection and smiled warmly and lovingly. "Stella-nee." Roxy whispered softly. "I love you ~"

Stella smiled and patted her on the head. "Oh, look, Nero, my beautiful little sister loves me." The redhead told him, looking over her shoulder.

Roxy's half-closed eyes opened. "W-what?" She asked in a shaky voice. Was Nero here? Would he be angry to see that she was liking his girlfriend? "N-Nero-san! I can explain!" She shouted, looking around the room to find him.

When Roxy found him, sitting directly behind Stella, she was surprised to find him without shorts and his long, hard, drooling member in her hand. Roxy was speechless. Not only was Nero not angry with her, he was enjoying it too! In addition, Roxy started to blush when looking at her monstrous member. He would probably split her in half ... but the mere idea of ​​Nero burying his fat cock in her small pussy made her heart pound and her panties get even more moist.

Stella pushed Roxy away from her. "Now it's time for the finals, my dear little sister, it's time for you to watch me and your big brother having sex." Stella told her as she rolled out of bed.

Nero made eye contact with Roxy and filled the little girl with shame when she learned that her idol had seen her get involved in pseudo-incest, lesbian sex. She felt like the lowest scum on Earth ... but she would be lying if she said it didn't drive her crazy with lust. Maybe, just maybe, Stella would let her and Nero engage in some sexual activity if she asked politely?

Stella slowly made her way out of bed and onto the floor in front of Nero. The red-haired knight put his hands on Nero's knees and stood up so she could give him a proper kiss.

The loli on the bed blushed when she saw two of the people she respected most in the guild share a hot, passionate kiss with lots of lip and French snap. She had never seen Freddie and Juliette show such a burning desire for each other, perhaps it was because their sex life was not so adventurous? Or was it because Stella and Nero were younger?

While Roxy pondered why the older couple didn't seem to have that special touch in the relationship that Nero and Stella had, the couple in question separated from their lustful kiss with a thread of saliva connecting their throbbing lips.

Stella slid into her lap and put her arms around her neck. "You were such a good boy, Nero!" Stella praised him before kissing him again. "I barely heard you!"

Nero did not stop looking at her with those lustful eyes. "I'm glad I can fuck you now." He answered sharply, placing his head on her sweat-covered breasts for comfort.

Stella turned her head to face Roxy. "Take note, Roxy, I'm about to show you how to ride a stick." Titânia told her as she bent down to point Nero's throbbing erection at her wet pussy. "And if you pay attention, you'll be able to see it! Fuck it!" Stella was interrupted when she sank into his living penis and felt it fill her vagina. "Oh, that's good! But, as I was saying, you'll be able to see Nero's balls spinning in a good, thick load as I ride him."

Roxy's face now looked like a tomato. Leave it to Stella to be openly open about sexual things with her. But, in fact, she was right, Roxy was examining every inch of her idol's erect member. It was big and more than enough to scare Roxy. It surprised loli that Stella could handle such a large object by diving deeply into her vagina. Roxy felt how tight Stella's cunt was with her tongue, and her tongue was nowhere near as thick as Nero's hard cock.

Together, Stella and Nero completely destroyed Roxy's innocence.

Stella lowered her head again, but when Roxy tried to start another kiss, she stopped her. "Promise me that you will start referring to me as 'Stella-nee' from now on." She blushed with wicked joy when Roxy nodded.

"O-course, E-Stella-nee." Roxy replied, now unable to look away from Stella's huge scouts as they threatened to escape her fabric prison.

(~ X ~)

Miles away Millia looked at the doctor with tears in her eyes. "Give it to me, doctor, what's wrong with her?" The catwoman asked as she looked at Sakura Kovidsh lying motionless on the makeshift hospital bed.

The doctor looked at his clipboard and groaned. "Hmm, it seems that the poor girl suffered a great deal of suffering. Not physical suffering, but it was mental suffering." The older man nodded.

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