
The Lost Tales of Sinners

Short stories of a young man discovering about his dormant lust. No story had any kind of connection with the other.

Fethmelle · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
215 Chs

Sex Costumes (1)

Stella's room in Fairy Hills, Wednesday, 8:34 am

The woman, the legend and the most powerful woman who has ever traveled the face of the Earth, Stella "Scarlet" Kovidsh, opened her eyes to the grace of the bright rays of the morning sun.

* YAWN * The beautiful redhead sat and stretched to hear the wonderful sound of all her bones returning to the place after a restful night's sleep.

Chocolate brown eyes scanned the Fairy Hills apartment she called home with a sense of curiosity, something seemed different, subtly ... It was nothing that would immediately attract attention, but for her, he was practically looking at her, screaming for her. attention ... Stella looked around the room for several minutes before finally looking to the left and seeing what was wrong ...

Nero "Electric Flame" Bluedrynth - her boyfriend - was not there.

"Where did he go!?" Stella snarled when an angry tick ticked comically on her forehead.

The redhead clenched her fists tightly around the sheets. 'That bastard! I give him my first time, the only thing a girl could give to a boy she likes that would make him understand what I really feel for him, and he just runs away! I swear to Shimura that I see him I will wrap my hands around his throat, squeeze so hard that I will squeeze his neck until the end, I will cut his balls ...

Before she could finish her thought, Nero opened the bedroom door. "Good morning! You are awake!" Nero smiled boldly as he ran into the bedroom with only a thin pair of sweatpants and jumped on his bed. "Get up because I'm making waffles!"

Almost immediately, all of her anger dissipated when she saw his childlike joy in preparing breakfast. She put her hand on her rapidly beating heart and felt the blood rush to her cheeks. "Thank you very much dear." She smiled beautifully as she leaned over to hug him.

"Woah ... breasts ..." Nero blushed deeply as his thin white sheet slowly rolled out of its slanted shape to reveal the second largest rack in his entire guild.

"Hmm?" Stella raised an eyebrow before looking down to see where he was looking. "Oh ..." She sighed before a somewhat seductive thought occurred to her. "What's wrong Nero, don't you like it? Because I'm sure last night you were craving these big girls." She laughed femininely.

Nero just nodded as sweat poured from his body. "Well, you better take a shower, you smell like sex. And while you're cleaning, I'll make breakfast for us!" He told her before running to his private kitchen.

Stella again felt the pulse mark on her forehead. "That idiot ... it's like he's playing with my emotions!" She snarled. But she still got out of bed and started walking to the bathroom.

Normally the rooms in Fairy Hills didn't come with so many luxuries, but being the Sovereign of the entire dorm had its advantages, like its own bathroom and kitchen.

Quickly, Stella prepared a nice hot, relaxing bath and grabbed her towel before getting into the bath. The almost hot water was just what she needed to calm her aching bones and give her a chance to organize her thoughts. Normally, she wasn't so quiet, but the events of the past few weeks were still fresh in her mind.

Two weeks ago, not only did the Lion's Heart guild defeat Tartarus and was almost dissolved, Nero and Stella found themselves late at night walking over the rubble of the guildhall and sat down with mugs of beer and talked about their feelings. Nero admitted that now that Zion has finally found his much desired peace, he did not know what was left for him in this world. Stella was almost the same, she finally admitted to herself that Benjamin was simply not looking for romance and if she was being honest with herself, then she would have long ago discovered that all she felt for Benjamin was a childish passion, nothing more, nothing less.

But while they sat, drank and talked, they found themselves looking so closely into each other's eyes, they both knew they were suffering and they both knew there was something between them. Something that called them to be close to each other. She had no idea what it was, but it did bring up the topic of possibly starting a relationship with Dragonslayer. Nero, who must have been told exactly what kind of relationship she was talking about, agreed as soon as he heard the prospect of a family. Your kids would be super strong! They would be running around, creating red lightning and cutting things with blue swords, how epic! Stella blushed as she remembered exactly how many details Nero put in to describe his possible future family.

Then, the next day, she kindly broke the news to the guild and while some teased, everyone wished them luck in finding something that could really be beautiful. Of course, there were some girls who made fun of her about the most daring details of their relationship, but the powerful Titania immediately rejected them and simply said that they had not reached that point in their relationship. Not that she didn't want to - and oh man, she really wanted - but she wanted to take Nero into a life of love with a partner.

But after two weeks of dating, Requip Mage was unable to contain himself and demanded that Dragonslayer take her to bed, where she practically made him make love to her.

Her skills were amateurish at best, but since she was a virgin, she liked them very much. But of course she would be lying if she didn't admit that he showed a lot of potential, after all, his member was literally the biggest piece of meat she had ever seen! She crossed her legs when she saw him for the first time! Not to mention that he was so full of energy! Once he got into a position he liked, there was no stopping him! Stella could only grab her back and pant like a prostitute while he ravaged her.

The bath water started to heat up when Stella remembered the events of the night before. She lazily bent down and held his mound excited and winced when she felt the sting of her abused lips after he had been so rough.

But despite how full of energy and her quick thrusts, she couldn't help feeling a little deprived of a more powerful orgasm. She had read countless mischievous novels and could not help making comparisons. The male protagonist in his books was all confident and experienced, while Nero was rude, wild and a little too common.

Maybe, just maybe, she could get him to agree to get out of his comfort zone for her ...

She blushed deeply and couldn't help the malicious smile and the slight tingling of her abused virginity at the prospect of being enslaved ...

Not! She was going too far. She needs to calm down and let things go at a normal pace. Besides, he may not even like that kind of thing.

From that point on, Stella continued with her bath, humming pleasantly to herself as she washed her perfectly smooth skin, which was a beautiful dark shade. She was by no means tanned, just a little hotter than Juvia or Levy. Her soapy towel slid smoothly over her twin mounds that protruded from her chest like two bouncing melons, she gave her huge breasts an experimental squeeze and flinched a little. She was still sore from her rough treatment last night. She was very much like her aching, still aching femininity. Surprisingly, her shapely ass was untouched, so she could still sit comfortably on it, but inside she wished Nero had tried anal with her there too.

Then there were his long red locks. Her scarlet hair was even longer and more abundant due to Nero saying he liked her hair and wished she didn't cut it, so now he reached his lower back and some ends could tickle his tailbone. Of course it took longer to clean, but she felt proud when he commented on her approval of his hair each time he saw her.

Say what you want about Nero, but he could be so fucking romantic at times.

After ten minutes of washing, scrubbing and rinsing, the fairy queen pulled the lid off the tub and jumped out. She eagerly hugged the fluffy white towel against her body to keep warm and noticed how much hotter her boyfriend was. Soon she dried off and wore something more comfortable, like her white blouse and dark blue skirt, only this time giving up a bra, so her heavy jugs pressed firmly against the thin fabric and her soft nipples almost pushed her. She wanted to be just as desirable for Nero as he was for her and since he walked around with his abs appearing most of the time, she needed to step up her game!

"Oh Nero!" She called as she left the bathroom and headed for the kitchen. She was a little alarmed by the smell of burning, but she trusted that it was just a pan or some other kitchen utensil. Oh how wrong she was ...

"Done!" Nero smiled as he presented his lover with a plate of flaming waffles that were toasted, just as he liked them ...

Stella pinched the tip of her nose. "You idiot! You can't just burn breakfast! Other people have to eat too, do you know !?" She yelled at him.

"S-I'm sorry! This is how I usually eat! Toasted or burnt, as long as it has the essence of the fire, it's worth it." Nero weakly defended himself against an angry Stella.

"Huh ..." She sighed. "I'm sorry, I didn't want to burst ..." She apologized as she crossed her arms and closed her eyes. "Let's just clean this up and have breakfast at a diner or something." Stella said solemnly.

"I'll do it!" Nero said as he became a stoned cleaner around the kitchen, quickly cleaning everything in the room and making sure the entire area was spotless.


"So much syrup!" Nero smiled excitedly as he poured almost an entire bottle of breakfast syrup into his tall stack of pancakes.

Stella blushed when her vision focused on the thick, oily, sugary, shiny liquid that dripped down the side of her pancakes. Normally she wouldn't care about the simple cover, but with the sexual thoughts she had in the bath, she couldn't help but imagine the result if Nero turned the table now and in front of everyone tore his fabric harness off and covered it naked , generous- 'Woah woah woah woah! What happened to me !? I can't be thinking about those thoughts! We're in public, for Shimura's sake! ' Stella berated herself for failing to keep her dirty thoughts to a minimum. She was sitting there drooling at the thought of Nero rubbing hot syrup over her with his big, strong hands ...

"Ahh!" Stella moaned as she picked up her fork and started chopping her own plate of bacon and eggs before putting it all in her mouth.

On the other side of the booth, Nero looked taken aback when his girlfriend somehow took away his eating habits. "Umm Stella? Are you okay?" He asked in fear.

The beautiful redhead stopped eating halfway, so she looked at him when she was about to devour a strip of bacon. "I am fine." She said before slowly delivering the piece of meat to her mouth.

Nero crossed his arms and gave her a stern look. "Okay, but how are you really doing?" He pressed on what almost immediately caused his facade to collapse like a graham cracker.

"Nothing goes through you, does it?" She pouts.

"No, especially when I've known you for so long." He states naturally.

Stella lets out a deep breath before brushing a strand of ruby ​​red hair past her ear. "Huh ... how do I put this on?" She sighed as she shifted uncomfortably in her chair.

"Come on, Stella ..." Nero said and she saw the warmth and love fill her eyes as they practically begged her to tell what was on her mind. "... You can tell me anything, I swear."

"Uh ..." Stella blushed deeply. "Come with me." She said suddenly before dropping the payment on the table and dragging her boyfriend out of the booth and then out of the restaurant and into his room in Fairy Hills.

Fairy Hills

"Ow! Stella! Why did you drag me back here !?" Nero shouted angrily when Stella threw him unceremoniously on the cold, hard floor. He watched as his Titania walked towards a rustic chest near her window. It looked quite old and heavy, probably used to hold something she didn't want prying eyes to see, which made him think about what he was about to see.

'Maybe it's a sword ... or an ax ... Maybe a shield ...' He thought dismissively, but being Nero, his mind immediately jumped to another conclusion on the other side of the spectrum. 'What if it's a dragon !? Or a dragon egg !? ' His mouth began to water at the prospect of a fight with the man-eating scales.

"Nero ..." Stella shouted as she opened the old chest. "This has been a secret of mine for more than three years. I did it on a rainy day, but I didn't think I would need it. That was before I fell in love with you, so I'm sorry if it bothers you, I apologize for the way that is about to happen ... "She said in a monotone.

"Ok ..." The young man with pink hair scratched his head awkwardly, not knowing how to proceed with this.

"Nero Bluedrynth." She turned and held a book. A very big book. The book was hardcover, full of many pages, and the cover appeared to be disfigured by various water streaks. "This is my secret diary, a diary for my heart." The knight held the book in front of her, offering to pick it up.

Nero approached her and slowly took the offered book. Being curious about the two, he began to open the front page silently before a huge blush took over his face.

"SS-Stella! WW-What the hell is this !?" The pink-haired man stammered.

An affectionate smile appeared on his gentle features, followed by a blush. "This is my sex list. Each page has an act of love that I want to perform with you. I could never trust anyone else with this Nero, but I understand if you're not interested. Some of these things are quite risky and I don't want to put them in danger. " Stella said gently before taking the book back.

"Not!" Nero shouted as he took the book and held it to his chest. "No! If this is important to you Stella then for Shimura I will do it for you!" He shouted defiantly as he tightened his grip on the mischievous book.

Stella flushed with the protection of her interests, it just showed that even when she asked him to give up his body for her, he would agree with the same damn sexy smile from him. "O-Ok ... I really didn't expect you to agree with this, but that's okay! Let's do this!" She screamed happily.

When she went to hug him, he went out of reach. "But just one question." Nero interrupted his celebration.

"What is it, baby?" Stella tilted her head softly.

Nero's canines were on display when he let his confident, defiant smile spread across his face.

"What's the first one?"

(~ X ~)

Public Indecency

Lion's Heart Guildhall

"I can't believe we're about to do that!" Stella whispered as a steamy blush clouded most of her features.

"I know, right! This is going to be amazing! Just our little secret!" Nero replied while wrapping his arms around her shoulders, which was an easy task thanks to her giving up on her usual armor.

The couple was currently nestled at a table at the end of the guild hall, away from most of the guild's regular customers at this hour. The guild was very quiet at this hour, since most of the magicians had already left for work, so only the older members ... or the lazy ones who were relaxing in the almost deserted corridor.

With so many people absent, it was the perfect setting to experience Stella's first twist: sex in public!

Now Nero was surprisingly excited about this, she didn't know exactly why, but she could guess it was something along the lines of the sense of adventure and claim her claim on her where others would be within earshot ...

Stella would be disappointed if she found out the truth, which was just because he didn't have to work hard ...

"So ..." Nero looked at her with his hungry smile, "Should we start?" He asked as he unzipped his pants and slowly slid them down.

Stella bit her lip nervously as she let her own left hand slide into his lap. "Here ... leave me." She offered.

"So go ahead, do your job." Nero smiled as he crossed his arms behind his head and leaned back on the booth seat. He watched her hand play lazily with the belt area, clearly trying to attract the confidence to reach out and pull his fleshy beast.

He waited patiently for her to arrive, Stella liked it a lot, but he couldn't understand why she was so nervous? He heard tales of all the times that Stella forced her skin-ship beliefs on other people, so why was she shocking now?

But before he could whisper his question, she finally mustered up the courage and reached into his pants.

'Oh shit ... he's really ready to go!' Stella thought with a surprised expression on her face when her light fingers brushed the hard, throbbing stick in her pants that seemed to burn in anticipation.

Somewhat fueled by the knowledge that Nero was eagerly waiting for her move, she wasted no time in pulling her boyfriend's hard cock from the edge of his pants. His erection came on, desperate and ready for action and attention.

Stella swallowed in fear, after all who could blame her? She had only lost her virginity the night before and seeing the very tool that took her V card in a public place made her more afraid and anxious. Here she was looking at your swollen pole and she didn't know if she would be able to stifle a moan when she was finally inside her!

Timidly, Stella took the furious erection in her hands and slowly began to stroke it. She noticed how he shuddered and throbbed when she first touched him, she just took it as a compliment that her boyfriend was so turned on by her that his dick would even jump to get her attention.

"Oh ..." Nero moaned softly when Stella's hand became a little softer with his movements to keep him satisfied, but he didn't wave for a release from him, one that was sure to be a volcanic eruption of viscosity.

Stella smiled, gaining a little confidence in the way she could easily manipulate him like that. She even considered it a new way to keep you in line! He may be stupid, but his second head starts to think from now on.

"Huh? Do you like that ...?" She whispered seductively, low and almost like a purr. She even looked at him with a scandalous look to attack further in her public seduction.

"Oh yes, I love it ..." Nero replied, trying to subtly push his hips into his hand.

She watched with joy as he tried to promote his care. She could tell he was loving it, not just from the needy look on his face, but as a little bit of his pre-enjoyment started to pull on its tip so she knew how much he appreciated her hand.

'Hmm, maybe I could just lean over a little for just a quick taste ...' Stella thought greedily as she licked her lips and slowly started to tilt her head down so she could taste its salty taste. But unfortunately, someone else had other plans.

"Well, hello, you two lovebirds? What are you two doing back there?"

'Natasha ...' Stella thought bitterly as the snow-haired barmaid approached her booth. 'Always having to ruin my fun ...'

While Stella was pulling her hand away, Nero's bigger, rougher hand held hers in place, silently telling her to keep her incredible wank under the table. A quick exchange between her eyes was all it took for Nero to convince her to continue.

Finally Natasha reached them and stopped at the end of the table with a pen and notepad, illustrating the fact that she was here to take her orders ... which was strange, considering it was usually Kinana who did this ...

Natasha smiled brightly at both of them. "Well, what can I bring you both? Water? Tea? Alcohol?" His eyes then focused only on Stella's eyes. "Milk?" She added suggestively.

Stella and Nero blushed, couldn't she know what they were doing? She could?

Fortunately for Stella, Nero was able to keep a cool head and cover it up. "Ha ha how funny Natasha, asking if I want tea! But I'm sure I want my normal barbecue!" He said warmly. He bit his lip while Stella tightened his shaft, giving him experimental squeezes to test whether it would bring him pleasure.

Natasha chuckled. "Well, you got me, trying to make you have a healthier lifestyle!" She giggled. "Now, what can I do for you Stella?" She shifted her piercing gaze back to her former rival.

"Um… the usual." She said humbly, trying to concentrate on masturbating Nero while trying to show the least amount of excitement.

Natasha smiled before putting away her notebook and pen. "Well, I'll get them for you right away! Just make sure you don't get too bored to wait!" The white-haired Mercury woman said before turning to prepare the meal.

"* Phew * That was close ..." Nero hissed as he relaxed and focused his attention back on his sexy lover, who had also looked back at him. Their chocolate brown orbs piercing his onyx. Both thinking exactly the same thought.

"Let's do this before she comes back." They both whispered to each other before blushing in shame for reading each other so well.

"Okay, sit on my lap." Nero suggested as he slid his entire apartment against the back of the bench.

"Ok ... come on ... I'm getting into position ..." Stella spoke quietly, preparing for this task that would guarantee all the self-control that her years of struggle could give her.

Part of her didn't want to get up, embarrassed by the pool of excitement that probably welled up from her femininity while she stroked Nero. She knew she should have worn panties! How could she have thought it would be simple!

Gently rising, Stella dragged her feet slowly until her shapely ass was hovering over Nero's lap and her hard cock was comfortably situated between her thighs, where her rock-like cock could feel the pure heat emanating from the beautiful, soaked hunk from Stella. That was one of the things he loved about Stella, her exquisite pussy that was warm to the touch, capable of squeezing his cock and practically milking, and finally her abundance of juices. She was the complete package.

"Okay, baby, stick it in ..." Stella whispered and immediately felt the hard, swollen cock press her wet lips before her vagina gracefully accepted it and slowly she began to sink into her lap, impaling herself inch by inch in your fleshy stick.

"Oooooh ..." Nero groaned when the tight furnace that was Stella's pussy started to encircle his member and slowly contract it. He would never tire of that feeling.

He pressed his head into his girlfriend's thick scarlet locks and inhaled his fruity scent, enjoying the feeling of becoming one with his soul mate. But he didn't stop there, oh no, he wanted to feel as close to her as possible. His hands slowly came out from behind his head and found his way to Stella's wide, fertile hips.

"Slowly, don't rush." Nero whispered as he wanted to savor this moment.

"Huh ... e-easy for you ... to say ... you're not the only one ... taking 20 centimeters ... in your body." Stella replied while her breathing became difficult and her blush washed over her entire face. Her eyes roamed across the room, making sure that no one was noticing her taking Nero's cock out like that.

Finally, after a while, Stella's round, fleshy ass rested comfortably on her lap with his cock fully sheathed in her embrace.

"O-Ok ... I'm going to start moving now ..." Stella stammered.

"Yes, it looks like a plan." Nero laughed. He wasn't making fun of her, he just thought it was funny that she had to keep herself under control. Last night, she was wild and in love, not afraid to let her voice be heard and let the world know that she was riding Nero like a bull, but this was different, they could have serious problems for that.

Slowly, Stella stood up, biting her lip as she felt all of her pleasant points rubbed by her thick shaft. She stopped climbing when she felt only the tip remain before she dropped.

That was a big mistake, as you could hear a fleshy CLOP echo from Stella's generous ass against Nero's pelvis. Fortunately, no one seemed distracted by the noise and just went on with their lives.

Both Stella and Nero were frozen in shock when the sound echoed, but luckily no one was wiser, so they continued. From now on, Stella did not let herself fall on him, but rocked gently so that no sound could be heard.

"Oh Stella ..." Nero groaned as she rode him. The sensation around his cock was phenomenal, the wet sucking of Stella's cunt was keeping his cock in such a hard state that he couldn't help feeling a little pain.

"Fuck Nero ... your dick ... it's so big ..." Stella moaned as she rocked softly.

To excite her even more, Nero's hands traveled slowly from her hips, to the sides of her taught abdomen, and to her big bouncing shelf. When he felt his hands finally found their way to his huge jars, his fingers eagerly sank into the firm flesh and he felt them wobble in his hands.

"I love your big, wobbly breasts, Stella. They are so amazing." Nero groaned in his hair.

Hearing Nero say that, having his hands fully feel her breasts, and riding his cock in public was too simple for Stella. His level of excitement was soaring!

"Damn it, Nero * pant *, speak softly. I don't want to ... get caught!" She blushed.

"Oh shit, I'm coming ..." She whispered as she felt the knot in her stomach slowly unravel.

"Shit, I'm right behind you. Your pussy is squeezing me too hard!" He whispered as his fingers finally held her protruding nipples that protruded from his chest like small statues.

"So come with me, baby, fill me up. Paint my cunt white." Stella moaned as she unconsciously started to accelerate and let her movements become more frantic.

Soon, Stella came. She quickly raised her fist to her mouth and bit down hard to stifle the scream that would certainly have escaped her lips if she hadn't. And because she came, her already unbearably tight pussy immediately squeezed Nero's powerful rod and spasmed around the shaft and head.

"Fuck ..." Nero bit his lip before his balls tightened and soon he felt the newfound sensation of his white river running down his axis.

"Ohhh, it looks like a big problem ..." Stella smiled as she felt his cock expand inside her vagina.

Nero just bit his lip harder when his load finally exploded and his thick, white sperm began to flood Stella's femininity and climb into his tunnel before spilling into her uterus. It was only a few seconds before Stella felt bloated from being stuffed with Nero's cock that was rapidly ejaculating inside her, filling her to the brim with her salted seed.

"Damn ..." Nero took a breath as his load slowly died and he stopped shooting more. He lay down, letting Stella return with him. Both were covered in a slight sheen of sweat and greedily swallowed air in their lungs for having to drown out their respective orgasmic screams.

"I know what you mean ..." Stella smiled as she took his hand, rubbing it gently to show appreciation for what they just accomplished.

"I feel like I'm going to be stuffed for a whole week after that ..." Stella laughed as she tenderly rubbed her stomach through her shirt.

Nero laughed at his observation before wrapping his arms around her. "I love you very much." He said suddenly.

Stella smiled before slowly starting to get off him, this time making sure to place a ton of napkins where she would be sitting, otherwise they would have to clean up the spilled sperm that escaped her dripping pussy.

"Really? Are you going to tell me that after we just had sex at Guildhall?" Stella joked.

"Well, what can I say? I'm a romantic type of guy." Nero smiled.

Before they could continue their little verbal joust, Natasha came back from the kitchen. "Okay you two, here are your orders." She smiled as she placed their respective dishes on the table.

Stella and Nero licked their lips, having whetted the appetite for such a hot session. But as Nero started to devour his pulled pork and turkey, Stella realized something was wrong.

"Hey Natasha ..." Stella said a little confused.

"Yes, Stella?" She giggled.

"I think you were wrong, I wanted my cheesecake, but you brought me a plate full of sausage ..." The red-haired knight told her.

Natasha just winked at her while stroking Nero over the head. "Oh, really? Because, apparently, you were really hungry for sausage. Tee-hee." She laughed before jumping away. All the time laughing at your little joke.

'Silly Nero and Stella, thinking that they could do that maneuver without my noticing…' Natasha smiled deviously when she realized that no one was looking at her.



Lion's Heart Guildhall

"Heh ..." Nero gasped as he leaned against the back of his bench and rested his arm around Stella's shoulders. "Boy, I'm full!" He smiled as he used his free hand to pat his belly after eating.

"Me too ..." Stella smiled as she rubbed her fat thighs, she could still feel his hot seed inside her. The Requip user was so happy that they managed to take one of his twists without anything going wrong, if you didn't tell Natasha knowing this, but more importantly, she was happy that Nero had agreed in the first place.

Nero noticed his smug expression out of the corner of his eye and looked at her. "What's up with that smile? Are you ready for the second one?" His eyes burned with excitement and anticipation.

"I'm not smiling about it, but now that you've brought it up ... I think we should move on to the second one, right?" Stella thought aloud before Refitting the book in her hands. Soon Stella Kovidsh's prestigious twist book was in her lap and the two looked at each other, she opened it to the first page.

"Sex in public ..." She started.

"Done." Nero smirked as he used his left hand to squeeze his thick thigh provocatively.

Stella blushed when he touched a very sensitive part of her body. "Now on page two ... BDSM." She whispered with a smile and her eyes shone with joy and a touch of wicked desire.

Nero's eyes widened comically as he curled up a little in his chair. He knew what that meant: being tied to a bed by chains while Stella mounted him aggressively and whipped him simultaneously. Nero knew that Stella would be a cruel lover, just look at the stars in her eyes! But he would endure for her, after all, what made her happy made him happy.

But before anyone could express their opinion on the matter, a certain exuberant curvy crept up to its corner that smelled of a smell that she knew very well.

Rebecca tossed a lock of her wavy brown hair over her shoulder and smiled as she seductively crossed the floor of the guild, all eyes on her curvy figure. Rebecca was incredibly hot, definitely topping the list of Fiore's hottest girls, and she knew she did. Huge, full breasts that swayed and swayed on top of the red bikini with every step she took, a firm, round ass that filled her hands when tightened, not to mention her sexy tanned skin that made her mouth water. She made it a point to rock her wide hips and give some guys a hard blow from watching her fleshy ass sway in her tight brown pants.

"Well, hey hey hey ... Nero and Stella! What is it?" She smiled. If they hadn't seen the drunk blushing at her, many would question why Rebecca was so out of her mind today. But it was almost normal for her to get drunk at this hour and time of day.

Nero and Stella froze when the sexy brunette finally made her way over to them and climbed into the seat opposite them.

"So, you two, did something naughty that we should know about?" She purred seductively as she put her hands on the table and leaned forward, very close to both of them.

"Uhh ..." Nero couldn't understand what she had just asked, since his eyes were so focused on his huge tan. Don't get him wrong, he loves Stella's big, creamy melons, but something about Rebecca caught his eye. Maybe it was because he had no idea what they were like, considering she was the only girl in the guild he hadn't seen naked ...

Stella wanted to roll her eyes or drop him on the floor for how lasciviously he was looking at Rebecca's shelf. 'Why is he so impressed? Mine are 32F and hers 36E! Mine are so much better! ' She thought with jealousy before quickly throwing that kind of thought away. 'Oh, who am I kidding? I can't blame you because even I am looking at them! '

"Hello? Stella? Nero? Tell me something!" Rebecca snapped her fingers while the two didn't respond to her.

Stella, for example, blinked out of her confusion while her boyfriend was drooling and starting to get an erection. "Hi Rebecca." He greeted in silence.

Rebecca chuckled, which was very elegant for her. And Stella knew that Rebecca was only a lady when she wanted something, but what exactly does she want ...

"Good afternoon Rebecca, what is this unexpected visit? You usually relax there." Stella asked.

Rebecca looked surprised. "What's wrong with a friend wanting to have a fascinating conversation with two of her oldest friends? I just wanted to come here and be with you." She smiled as she got up from the table and leaned back.

"It's fine by me!" Nero smiled when he finally managed to come to his senses entirely on his own, without Stella's help giving his leg the death grip.

"I think it's okay, you just surprised me, that's all." Stella tried to cover up her suspicious attitude.

Rebecca just laughed at that. "You really need to learn to relax, Stella." The brunette Card Magic user said before that a dangerous smile spread over her full lips. "Especially when you're trying to fulfill all your secret fantasies ..." Rebecca said as she pulled the Book of Stella (hehehehe, that's the title!) From under the table and placed it on the table, but out of Stella's reach.

Stella was freaking out inside, but she didn't want to make a scene. "H-How did you get that !? I had him in my lap!" Stella whispered furiously.

"Simple." The brunette smiled. "I just distracted you and Nero long enough for me to slide my hand and confiscate this old book. Of course, that wouldn't be possible without these girls." Rebecca said as she looked at her tan melons with pride. She really was a sneaky sassy.

"Holy shit, you're good." Nero praised.

"Thanks." Rebecca smugly replied. "But back to the subject at hand, while you two were so amazed at my dazzling beauty, I managed to find a particularly interesting page that I had written to make a trio ... I think you know what I'm suggesting." She said as she put the book on the table and turned it over so that the two could see the page entirely dedicated to sex with three people. It had everything from positions, special music and mischievous toys that they could implement.

Stella crossed her arms with a stern and disapproving look. "I know what you want, but I don't know why you want it." She said.

Nero scratched his head. "What exactly does she want?" He whispered to Stella.

Rebecca and Stella ignored him. "Because it's been a while since I've had a little fun and I need to catch myself. Not to mention that I want to help a dear friend to fulfill her life's wishes." Rebecca said sweetly.

"You just want to fuck my boyfriend, don't you?" Stella joked.

"Yes, very beautiful." Rebecca shrugged. "He's sweet, but stupid, the way I like them."

Nero frowned and leaned closer to Stella. "Who are we talking about?" He asked with a very suspicious look on his face.

Once again he was ignored. "Are you really okay with having sex with me, another woman?" Stella continued to fire questions.

"I rock both ways." Rebecca said dryly.

Stella looked at her skeptically for a few more minutes before pulling Nero close to her, so close that they could feel the other's breath on his lips.

"Should we do this?" She asked him.

"Do what?" Nero asked.

Stella rolled her eyes before giving him a brief summary of what just happened between her and Rebecca. After she was finished, Nero's eyes shone with joy. Not because he could fuck Rebecca, but because he could postpone the inevitable night of brutal BDSM for a little while longer.

"I'm in." He whispered confidently.

"Well, I was hoping you would agree." Stella sighed as she felt an enormous weight lift off her shoulders.

"Same?" Nero looked at her in surprise. "Because?"

Stella grew a scarlet flush on her cheeks that could rival her hair. "Because I wanted to dip my fingers in that cheeky brunette for a while ..." She laughed wickedly.

"So I suppose you two are in?" Rebecca raised an eyebrow and her lips curved in a malicious smile. She was happy to have learned to read her lips, at times it was so useful.

Nero and Stella exchanged one last look before nodding. "Yes." They said simultaneously.

Rebecca smiled like a child in a candy store and put her hands together before getting up. "Okay then! Let's go to Nero's then!" The brunette card dealer laughed before grabbing both of them by the hands and taking them outside.

House of Nero, 13:43

Now we are accommodated in Nero's cozy little hut in the depths of the Magnolia forest. There they sat on the floor of their old hut after a sudden storm started and the land was shrouded in a dark and gloomy storm. So, what does Rebecca do? Turn this into something very romantic and throw some blankets on the floor in front of your crackling fireplace to create a warm and inviting atmosphere for them to fuck each other's brains out.

Rebecca and Stella were dressed and had their clothes drying in Nero's bathroom, so they were completely naked apart from the blankets they had spread over their shoulders so that only their cleavage was visible and their stomachs. Of course, this gave Nero a furious erection and because he was only in his underwear, he could see clearly.

"So ..." Stella started a little shyly and moved her arms. "How exactly should we start this?"

Rebecca smiled when she leaned over and held Stella's chin in her hand. "Shhh. Let me guide you." She said in a low, sensual voice that made Stella's core soak.

Gently, Rebecca removed her hand from the redhead's chin and slowly traced it to Stella's milky valley between her breasts. The brunette licked her lips and looked at Stella's huge creamy shelf with nothing but burning desire.

"You don't have to be shy, Stella ..." Rebecca murmured. "Now, let me see those big melons of yours." She smiled before using both hands to discard Stella's blanket and reveal Stella's huge knockers. Stella's breasts were really the size of melons, almost bigger than her own head! Not to mention that they had a beautiful glow with the fire lighting up the room, so those two big creamy orbs looked even more palatable, as did their erect pink nipples that stood out from their proud and tall mound.

"Oh, I'm getting all wet just looking at them!" Rebecca's eyes shone with lust as she slowly reached for those huge hills and felt how deliciously soft they were under her fingers.

"Ohhh ..." Stella moaned when a deep blush started to cover her cheeks.

"Wow Stella, you are so sensitive. I wonder how you will react when I really get into this." Rebecca smiled as she slowly started to press her fingers into the pasty flesh of her chest. "Hmm, as expected from the powerful Titania, very firm breasts." Card Mage observed.

The creamy flesh of Stella's breasts reacted as if she didn't want to change shape in Rebecca's hands and kept the same spherical shape. Rebecca found this kind of a fun challenge and tried to pressure them even harder, but they still didn't settle, but she managed to make Stella meow as an honry student.

So Rebecca tried to press them against her chest and Stella really appreciated that ...

"Ooooohhhh ..." She moaned as she closed her eyes. She was getting so wet! No less boob play! If Rebecca stayed that way, she would come in no time.

And Rebecca knew that very well.

"Hey, hey, hey. If you're going to come, you're going to come when I want to." Rebecca said in a commanding tone, clearly asserting her hold on Titania in the bedroom.

Rebecca then removed her own blanket to reveal her own stacked body. Now Nero and Stella knew what her upper body was like, but to see Rebecca's captivating melons in all their tanned glory, Nero's erection literally tore out of its tissue prison and the erect shaft swung from how excited he was. was. Rebecca's tanned melons were just as impressive as Stella's, but her tanned tone made them even more erotic with how dark her nipples were compared to the rest of her.

"Now we can start." Rebecca declared when she finally turned her gaze on Nero. "Nero, do you know how to eat pussy?" She asked without hesitating to be vulgar.

"Uhh ... no ... why?" He scratched his head.

Rebecca sighed heavily. "Oh Stella, what did you two do together?" She asked as she looked at her fairy companion.

"A blowjob and then a missionary?" Stella told the truth.

"Ugh, I have a lot to teach you both." Rebecca sighed. "Okay, let's skip the cunnilingus for now, but remember to teach you later, Nero. So here's what we're going to do ..." Rebecca stopped when she started to think about what exactly to do first.

"I got it!" The brunette snapped her fingers. "Ok Stella, give me your leg and Nero, you stay here." Rebecca instructed as she grabbed Stella's thin leg and maneuvered until the girls were sitting with their fat thighs rubbing against each other and their femininities were just inches away. What Rebecca had put them in was a sexual position for two women to be able to rub their hold against each other, or in layman's terms, the scissor position.

'Oh, this is just incredible ...' Nero winced as he watched Rebecca and Stella sitting in that position. "Okay, time to get in my seat." He smiled as he stood beside them, closer to Stella than to Rebecca. He had discarded his torn boxer, so now his erection swayed close to Stella's face like an impending skyscraper.

Stella looked at Rebecca, whose face was very close to her, since they were in fact, in a scissor position. "Not that I don't like how close we are, but why did you put us in this position?" The scarlet-haired woman asked.

Rebecca smiled when a mischievous blush crossed her features. "Why, you ask? Well, then, we can do that." Rebecca purred before sliding forward and slowly started to grind her wet pussy into Stella's pink core.

The effect was instantaneous on Stella. "Ohhh shit ..." She bit her plump bottom lip as sensations of pleasure coursed through her body.

"Mmm Stella, I'm starting to think that you're a big bitch, aren't I?" Rebecca's lips curved in a provocative, sarcastic smile as she slowly rubbed her arm against the redheads.

Stella's pussy got wetter with every comment and every move. "I am. I am a big bitch." Stella whispered, a little embarrassed that she had admitted.

Too bad for her, Rebecca heard her. "Huh? What was that about?" She teased before she caught a moan when Stella's hot core began to lubricate her thighs with just her arousal.

"Nero, be a sweetheart and stick your dick in her mouth. A little red here could use something to suck on." Rebecca told the man that she was starting to get a little impatient about not separating from the action.

Nero did not have to listen twice. "You understood!" He said before grabbing his cock and aiming it at Stella's mouth. "Open wide, baby!" He warned.

The famous Titania, famous user of Requip and the strongest woman of Lion's Heart, opened her mouth wide to see her boyfriend's fat cock. Now she not only took the tip and gently sucked, she pushed herself to her limits and continued until his head hit the entrance to her throat.

"Oh damn Stella ..." Nero moaned as his girlfriend's hot, wet mouth enveloped almost half of his cock from the start.

"Wow ... she's really going there." Rebecca stared at Stella's breath. Of course, he was very sloppy in terms of techniques, but she more than made up for the enthusiasm. Meanwhile, Stella's pussy continued to shake and release a wave of juices.

"Mmmhm mmmm hmmm!" Stella's hushed voice came as she drooled on her stick. In fact, it was a mess, because just after a few moments, several strands of saliva connected Stella's face to its axis.

Nero moaned loudly as he took two handfuls of his flowing scarlet curls and held them tightly. The first blowjob she gave him was not as wild and hot as this.

The two women continued to kiss with as much enthusiasm as possible, both reaching their respective climaxes, but it seems that all the waiting and lack of attention somehow made Nero more sensitive and now his orgasm was knocking on the door and ready to be released. But there was still something he wanted to do ...

"Sorry Stella!" He said as he quickly pulled out his shiny spit and slid closer to Rebecca. "Now you suck me!" He pleaded.

"Alright su-" She didn't have time to finish the sentence before he went ahead and pushed his cock into his mouth. Of course, although it surprised her a lot, she still knew how to think with her own feet.

- Well, if you want to break free so fast, I think I have something for you. Let's see how you like this trick ... 'The brunette smiled inwardly before using her right hand to hold her hanging bag and massage it gently before immediately shoving his cock so far into her mouth that she easily stuck it in her mouth.

"Oh shit!" Nero screamed when he immediately felt his balls tighten and a torrent of his cum went down his shaft and began to flood Rebecca's throat with his sticky white strings.

"Mmmmm!" Rebecca's moan of satisfaction massaged his cock as she eagerly took her orgasm and felt the thick, frothy liquid deposit in her stomach. She just wished she had a chance to at least taste it, but she was still satisfied.

Nero stood there on shaky legs, wondering how the hell Rebecca just made him come in no time. "W-how the hell did you do this?" He gasped when he pulled his dick out of Rebecca's mouth and she also let the air fill her lungs once again.

"Easy." Rebecca smiled. "Trade secret."

"This is not fair! Tell me, dammit!" He roared, but was then distracted when he felt the brunette grab his semi-flabby cock.

"Shh, you need to please Stella and me next. So, I suggest bringing this little soldier back in the next five minutes." She said.

It was then that Stella once again made herself known. "I think I can find a way ..." She stopped before starting to whisper in Rebecca's ear before they both developed smiles of pure evil.

"Oh, you are mischievous." Rebecca said before shaking her head to signal that the plan was now in action.

"What is happening?" Nero asked before being suddenly approached by the pair. "Woah- hey! Watch out!" He fought them before he was finally overpowered and Rebecca was now hovering over him with her big breasts hanging over his face.

"Now Nero, I am about to teach you something very important." Rebecca said as if she were talking to a child.

"Yes, something very, very important." Stella agreed as she spread her legs and held his semi-hard cock.

"And this is ..." He stopped before Rebecca silenced him and gently tilted his head back.

The curvy brunette just smiled as she swung one leg over the side of his face so that he was presented with a complete view of Rebecca's big round ass and juicy pussy. Sure, the two girls expected him to freak out, but of course they had a different reaction ...

"Wow, Rebecca, your ass is huge!" Nero said before reaching for his thighs and curiously grabbing two handfuls of the brown, supple flesh.

Rebecca's sweat fell. "Thanks..."

Stella, for example, was a little upset that he didn't choose to recognize anything about her that he liked. 'Don't worry Nero, your revenge will come soon ...' She smiled before slowly starting to try to pump his cock back to the full mast, which was quite simple, as he was getting excited by the sight of the booty. Rebecca.

"Ok Nero, what you're going to want to do is take your tongue and lick my pussy like you would with an ice cream cone." Rebecca instructed.

Nero lightly brought out his tongue and pulled it along Rebecca's flowery lips. "Such that?" He asked stupidly with his tongue out.

"A little more difficult." She blushed.

Nero, having no medium between light and soft, used every muscle on his tongue to brush against her wet pussy, it was so strong that he even felt himself entering those swollen lips.

"Ohhh this is perfect!" Rebecca moaned when she placed her hands on his broad chest. "Now, we can start!" She said when she finally sat on his face, choking him between her fleshy cheeks.

And Nero went straight to work, licking its dripping fragment with reckless abandon.

Now back with Stella, she was now facing Nero's fully erect cock that protruded from his body like an erect pillar. "Now Nero, I'm going to sit on your dick." She warned him before placing the saddle on his chest and resting his generous ass on his pelvis so that his hard cock would now rest against his soft, supple cheeks.

Gently Stella stood up and gently grabbed her staff so she could guide him to his shaky rapture that drooled in anticipation of the fuck to come.

"Uhh!" Stella screamed as she impaled herself on Nero's cock.

Nero moaned in Rebecca's pussy when he felt Stella's hot, tight pussy envelop his cock. Normally he couldn't feel the heat of things, but something about a woman's cunt made him realize how pleasant the heat can be. It was like a hot spring for your dick!

"Fuck Nero, you are really getting good at this!" Rebecca praised as she dug her nails into his chest. "But now I'm going to raise a little bit!" She warned him before slowly starting to rub her face, rubbing the lips of her pussy on her lips.

Nero managed to follow Rebecca's movements, but was really focused on Stella's movements. The redhead was bouncing wildly up and down on his cock, her hair whipping all over the place and random words coming out of her mouth on autopilot. He dug his fingers into his hips to try to keep up with his thrusts!

"Uhh! Oh yes! As simple as that! Oh fuck ..." Stella moaned as she grabbed her own breasts and pulled hard on her erect nipples.

Rebecca was facing Stella, so she had a complete view of the redhead's erotic vision riding her boyfriend's big dick. Needless to say, she was also extremely excited, so she did the only thing she had in mind.

"Come here Stella ..." Rebecca smiled seductively as she grabbed the redhead's shoulders and pulled her into a hot, burning kiss. Rebecca was so close to coming that it was crazy. Not only was Nero eating her, he was also massaging her supple ass, and Stella's tongue was now in her mouth.

Stella was pretty much the same, the heated grip of Nero's hands on her hips, along with his cock plunging in and out of her soaked pussy, it was just insane. In addition, Rebecca's hands once again made their way to her breasts and were having a field day playing with her firm fun bags.

"I'm coming!" The two busty fairies screamed as their respective pussies began to squirt their silvery scent on Nero.

Nero felt Rebecca's pussy tighten around his tongue and his hot juices began to splash into his mouth. As he would tell her later, she tasted delicious. He grabbed both of her fleshy cheeks and pressed his mouth even more into her mound to lick her tasty essence.

Then he felt Stella's orgasm. Now that was definitely something. Her already tight pussy curled around her staff and started to pulse before covering it with her juices. She covered his penis and his bottom half in his juices. Oh, how he wished he could taste them.

Of course, having two women orgasm while riding him had a huge effect on him. Such an effect that he was in fact about to have his own orgasm.

He started hitting Stella, desperate to reach his climax. Rebecca knew and promptly got off him so that he could do everything.

'I owe you a Rebecca! 'Nero smirked as he grabbed the stupid fucking Stella and hugged her tightly to his chest, her huge breasts pressing against his hard pecs.

"Uhhhh ..." Stella moaned as the drool escaped her lips. He was fucking her so hard that she couldn't even work. Glad they were on the floor and not in bed, otherwise, it would have already broken.

"Got. To. Cum." He sang as his hips became a blur and Stella's body swayed and shuddered with the rough beats.

Finally, Nero was reaching a climax. "Ahh!" He groaned as he pushed his hips up on Stella and dunked the balls inside her before his bag contracted and he started shooting his seed at his lover, filling her to the absolute maximum and then a little. Her hot seed began to trickle out of Stella's abused lips and down her already wet pelvis.

However, the two were not allowed to enjoy their happiness, as Rebecca decided to show how excited she was for some dick. She pulled the still staggering Stella down on the floor, spread her legs so that her dripping sperm was open for her, and then pushed her big ass into Nero's face.

"Nero, put your fucking cock on me, now." She ordered before starting to eat Stella.

"Umm ... ok." Nero shrugged as he climbed and mounted the busty brunette.

Some hours later

"Oh my Shimura ..." Nero moaned loudly as he fell to the floor, his aching bones crying with relief when he could finally get some rest. Kneeling at her feet were Rebecca and Stella, the two plump fairies were absolutely soaked in their seed. It was in her hair, pussies (well, not Rebecca, since Stella didn't want to take any chances), mouths, on their faces, on their asses and on their breasts. They were absolutely hardened in them.

The dizzy redhead was the next to speak. "I think ... I'm going to ... lie down ..." Stella said before planting herself on the soft blankets and immediately falling asleep next to her boyfriend. Unconsciously, the two felt each other's presence and snuggled next to each other to console themselves.

Rebecca just laughed as she stood up and licked her fingers to clean. "Oh boy ... I haven't been fucked up since I was a little girl." She laughed as she took out her bag and took out a pack of cigarettes. Normally she didn't smoke, but after one of the best sex she has ever had, she has to smoke.

"Thanks, Nero and Stella. Thanks for the best fuck of my life. Next time, we're going to do anal, though." She laughed before venturing out to take a shower and then return to her dorm.


Oral Overdose

Nero's House, 11:48 am

Here we are greeted with the peculiar vision of Nero Bluedrynth sitting in a very comfortable chair that has been moved to the center of his living room for some strange reason. But what was even more annoying was the fact that Stella was sitting on her knees in front of him wearing only his Armor of Seduction. One of your favorites.

"Okay, Stella, let's see what the book has to say ..." Nero said as he looked at the cover of the book before turning to a random page, to make sure he stayed away from the BDSM section for obvious reasons. "Ah, here it is ..." He smiled when he saw the article.

"Extreme Oral? That must have been a long time ago because I barely remember writing this." Stella said as she peered at the book to see the page it was on.

"Well, it's in the book. It says you have to do 'him' - being me, or at least I hope - come in five minutes using just your mouth." Nero explained.

"All I have to do is suck your dick until you come? It shouldn't be that hard!" Stella smiled confidently.

"I don't know, Stella, I'm feeling really exhausted from last night with Rebecca." Nero joked. "And it says here that if you don't make me come in five minutes, you'll have to suck my cock next week as a punishment. And considering that we have a lot of twists to overcome ... you might want to make me come as soon as possible. . "Nero smiled.

Stella merely combined her smile with a fierce smile when she reached out and put a stopwatch in her palm. "Here we go, I'm setting it up for five minutes." She said before giving it to him.

"On my brand." Nero said and Stella put her hand on the hem of his pants.

"Get ready." He continued.

"Go!" He said as he started the timer.

Stella wasted no time in lowering his pants to reveal his flabby cock. 'He really wasn't kidding when he said he was completely exhausted ... but still, even when it's not tough it's still pretty impressive when it comes to thickness. 'She commented in her head, disregarding how big he was when he wasn't even erect.

Nero noticed his hesitation and smiled. "What's wrong Stella? Stay cool?" He scoffed.

She didn't even bother to dignify that remark with an answer, she just lowered her head and tried to stick the tip of the stick in her mouth.

The one who was receiving things felt a shiver run down his spine as he felt Stella's hot tongue trail around its tip, trying to get an angle so that it would settle in his mouth. It seems that luck was on her side, or she was so sexy, that his penis slowly began to harden and rise, which she made the most of and watched him rise.

Soon Nero was in full swing and Stella was looking at his powerful poll with perverted fascination. 'So tall ... so thick ...' She admired it before realizing it was actually on the timer. 'I have to do this fast! I'm going to make him blow and feel my mouth with his thick seed. 'She thought with ardent determination.

Quickly, she released her tongue to give a few light strokes around the swollen head and ran her tongue around it like a popsicle. Stella was pushing her skill more and more, learning exactly what she needed to know in order to perform a perfect blowjob.

"Nero." She spelled each letter of her first name on its pink tip, sending more chills down her spine as her hot, wet tongue passed over her now rigid shaft.

Of course, licking Nero's meat also gave Stella a chance to taste her boyfriend and all she said was that it tasted like meat, which was really funny considering he ate a lot of meat and it was his meat that she was actually licking.

Soon Stella was bored with just licking it and knew that although she could make him super hard with her skillful tongue, in the end it wouldn't take him to explode his load. So she did what needed to be done and went ahead and closed the swollen head of his cock inside her hot mouth.

"Ooohhh." Nero moaned when Stella's hot mouth surrounded every inch of his mushroom tip.

'You like this huh, let's get ready for this then! - She smiled mischievously as she ran her tongue around the head of his penis and soaped it with her sticky saliva.

Slowly, Stella's head pushed further down into its thick pulp and she began to suck every millimeter that was granted to her as she continued to lower her head. But, unfortunately, her mouth could only go so far, since Nero was very well endowed and she only reached about half of her staff before her lips started to tighten.

Nero smiled when he saw that she seemed to have reached her limits. "Come on Stella, the clock is ticking." He remained smug, very satisfied.

Stella just looked at him from his place, but it didn't look too threatening, since his cock was in her mouth and she was still sucking.

"I'll tell you something, if you can't make me come, you can still have orgasms." He said what made her look at him curiously. "You will just have to enter the guild and order a cake with my sperm spread all over your face!" Nero laughed giddily.

Stella's eyes widened. 'What!? This bastard really wants me to humiliate myself like that !? - She wondered, but was even more shocked when her panties got even more wet. The prospect of public humiliation excited her!

But that didn't mean she wanted to do that, she still had to be the leader!

She pulled her head back until only the tip remained before again lowering her head to about half the length, but this time it was much faster. She repeated this process over and over again, each time faster and more sloppy. To the point where Stella's head was bobbing up and down on his thick cock with waves of saliva rolling down his shaft, as well as dripping down his pants and pelvis. The room was filled with her heavy breaths and many sips of Stella and other noises that had been sucking on a stick.

"Oh Stella, baby, you are such a mess." Nero groaned as he tilted his head back, but letting his hand roam over his head and running his fingers through his scarlet hair. "My cock is absolutely bathed in your saliva and your hot mouth keeps attacking my head." The pink-haired man groaned.

"Keep it up, don't stop." He ordered when the hand slowly started to get strong and helped her shake her head. This, along with her growing enthusiasm, as well as the saliva running down her penis, made it easier for Stella to keep taking more and more of it in her mouth.

'Mmm ... so tasty ...' She thought with a strong blush on her cheeks. Her breasts were getting so hot and her pussy was totally soaking her panties with excitement. Since she couldn't use her hands to give him pleasure, she used them to give her pleasure. She eagerly grabbed a handful of her right breast with her left hand and her right began to work on her needy vagina, rolling her fingers over it and massaging it in every possible direction.

Numerous GLUCKS filled the room as Stella's head bobbed from its tip, all the way to its base. She was so good at this now! Nero could hardly believe he was still his girlfriend, who was a virgin a few days earlier. Now she was a sucking master!

"Oh Stella ..." He sighed. "I'm so close to coming." He announced, his hand still holding tightly to her hair and eagerly helping her to shake her head up and down.

While his thick shaft was rubbing against his lips, digging deep into his tight throat, Stella continued to attack the underside of his thick, venous shaft with his tongue to attract more pleasure.

Out of the corner of her eye, Stella saw that the timer was approaching the one-minute mark and knew that she had to finish things. But as all qualified masters do, Stella was smug (heh ...) and thought she had enough time to try and try some things.

She quickly pulled the head off his cock, taking a few seconds to let the fresh air fill her lungs once again, before plunging her head under his shaft to find his heavy semen factories. Stella was a little nervous about the natural musk, but continued to serve the pair of balls she had worked so hard the night before.

"Ohhh fuck ..." Nero's eyes widened when he felt Stella put one of his orbs in her hot, moist mouth. How the hell did she know that balls were one of the most sensitive parts.

Stella swirled the orb around her mouth for a little while before switching to her twin. She did this for a while, spinning the balls before she actually managed to maneuver them and fit the two balls into her mouth. Now his dick was really hard.

"Damn it Stella, you're so good." He praised.

And this was his downfall.

Stella pulled away from her bag and looked at him smugly. "Well, it seems, dear Nero, all it would take is a simple lick for you to burst your thick load across my beautiful face." She recognized it when she saw Nero's cock so hard, rigid, desperate for attention that it was even twitching. Not to mention the tremendous heat that emanated from him.


"But you didn't think I was skilled enough to do that. But look at you, so desperate and hard. You are even sweating in your chair." She smiled.


Nero bit his lip. "Please, Stella, finish me off soon! I'm so hard and I just want to blow my load!" He whimpered, he even grabbed his penis and slowly started to massage, but it still wasn't enough, because Stella's skills had made his own hands obsolete.


Stella just smiled and shrugged.

"Please, Stella! Let me come!" He pleaded.


"Okay, I think I should show a little mercy." She blinked as she lowered her head towards his penis and gave him a good lick that would surely drive him crazy.

And so it was, that time seemed to decrease for her. The stopwatch - which she had completely forgotten about - buzzed quickly in the armrest.

The timer is over.

She couldn't believe it.

But she couldn't stay in disbelief for long, like a white geyser, Nero's seed popped out of his penis head like a hose and he threw his thick warm white strings all over his face. He held his shaft with both hands, furiously masturbating as he looked at his hot girlfriend and released the load he didn't even know he had.

There she was, Stella Kovidsh, taking a sperm shower just before she paraded around the city like a prostitute with her boyfriend's sperm all over her face.


Lion's Heart Guild, 12h09

"Natasha, I'm here to take my order." Stella said politely.

"Oh Stella, I didn't expect you to be here anytime soon!" Natasha laughed as she continued to clear the counter with her back to Stella, completely unaware of the poor girl's situation. Slowly, the white-haired demon of Lion's Heart turned with the cake to go in his hands. "A strawberry cheesecake coming straight into a u-" Natasha paused when she saw her best friend's face.

"Don't ask Natasha. Please, for Shimura's sake, don't ask." Stella said with a serious face, while Nero's sperm continued to slowly roll down his face and neck and chin.

How was she going to recover from that?


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