
The Lost Tales of Sinners

Short stories of a young man discovering about his dormant lust. No story had any kind of connection with the other.

Fethmelle · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
215 Chs

Family Meeting (1)

World of the living

Chojiro was not in a good mood.

He can shout when he wants to release his anger or even sometimes attack a person who was just asking for it. However, when he was having to witness such unnecessary and irritating violence, his blood boiled.

There he sat on his couch with his two sisters, Hana and Hotaro, while looking at the living room floor for the "touching" family reunion.

Shubaku, their father, was currently trapped in a slimy armbar by a woman with only one arm, while her brother held the older man's legs. The doctor struggled and struggled, trying to escape the restrictive grip, but the one-armed woman just stood her ground.

"Apologize, Uncle Shubaku!" Kiari Shiba snarled as she choked her uncle, holding him close to his huge chest that could have swallowed his whole head and drowned him in the vast sea of ​​breasts.

Fortunately for Chojiro and his sisters, the woman was dressed in the clothes of her world, as opposed to the scandalous red cloak she wore at the Devil Society. For the sake of their sisters, they didn't need to catch a glimpse of Kiari's big shelf popping out. Kisuke was clever when designing his protons and dressed the soulless body in a thick black sweater that would certainly imprison all of its huge milky glory. Although she was wearing a white skirt, they could not see what was underneath because of her position, which Chojiro appreciated very much, for the sake of her sisters, of course.

Instead of seeing the trembling and swaying globes of delicious meat from the breast, the most scandalous view of Kiari's body came from his powerful, fleshy thighs that resided on either side of Shubaku as she sat on his back.

"N-NEVER!" Shubaku grunted, refusing to submit. In fact, he probably wanted to apologize to his niece for "abandoning" the family, but his challenging desire to not give in was too great. He would rather look like a completely selfish idiot than submit to a strangulation! "I ... AM ... ONE ... MAN! I WILL ... LAST!" Shubaku tried to feed his own ego and give himself a second breath to try to break free.

Younger Yanagi quickly withdrew from her chair on the sofa and knelt beside her father. "Dad, please give up! Your face is turning purple!" Hana pleaded.

His plea fell on deaf ears as Shubaku continued to fight.

"This is ridiculous, uncle! She won't stop until you're sorry!" Gango said. The only man Shiba left also felt abandoned by his uncle, but that didn't mean he was willing to choke him just to get a simple apology! He was just doing what his older sister said not to be strangled. "My God! If you don't want to do this for yourself, do it for your children!"

Chojiro shook his head. "It won't make you give up." The Devil told his once-bitter rival. He knew better than anyone that his father was extremely durable, almost on the edge of masochism. If something was going to stop him from passing out in his own home for his own family, it would have to be Chojiro interfering.

Fortunately for Shubaku's health, Chojiro was getting more and more agitated with each passing second. Who exactly did these souls think they were? Enter your house and put your father in an armbar like they own the place! Worse, they were making their sisters worried!

The orange-haired teenager clenched his teeth, clenched his fists and stood up. With Kiari busy focusing on her father, Chojiro hovered over her with murderous intentions. "Get off him, Kiari, or I will do you." He said, throwing daggers at her.

For a brief moment, Kiari was taken aback by his boldness and her hold on Shubaku loosened, relieving the supposed middle-aged man of his heavy burden.

"Finally!" Shubaku smiled. "My determination saved me! Now is the time for my spectacular reversal when I- OW!"

Kiari hit her head with her only hand before getting up to meet Chojiro's burning gaze. Despite being a few inches shorter, she being 5'6 with him just a few inches away from a full 6 at 5'11, he was still incredibly intimidated. Her aura screamed predatory and it looked like a tasty meal.

"What did you just say?" Kiari questioned, approaching and invading his personal space. Soon he felt two heavy, titanic orbits pressing against his chest and his head shooting, looking anywhere but below him. He wouldn't dare look down and see that it was really her stout breasts that were probing him.

He tried to form a rebuttal phrase in his head, but his thoughts were confused. His face was heating up, as well as turning red. "I-I-said-" He stammered, even more ashamed than before. In front of everyone in the room, he was losing his cool.

Kiari smirked and turned her head to the side, bringing her right ear to his mouth. "What was that, boy? I couldn't hear you." She leaned even closer, pressing her giant knockers further into the young man's body. "Look me in the eye when I speak to you."

Chojiro's lips twitched and her head worked slowly to do what she said. He remembered years ago, when they first met, she said, "If he didn't like the way she ran her home, he could go." Now would be a great time for him to throw it back at her, all he had to do was look down and say it to her like a man.

'I just have to look down ... that's all I have to do. 'Chojiro remembered in his head. 'I'm going to look her in the eye and say that she ... oh fuck ...'

When Chojiro was stretching his head down, his vision went a little further south than intended and he was not looking at the melons dressed in Kiari's sweater protruding under the thick fabric. Despite the thick top, her breasts looked as delicious and juicy as ever.

"I ... I am ..." His mouth was not working. His brain was on the verge of overheating and his face was showing it. The bright red flush spread from his neck to the top of his head.

With blurred vision and a strong desire not to pass out from the loss of blood, Chojiro managed to somehow pull his eyes to at least see her face, even if he was losing his mind. And to his utter disbelief and agonizing agony, Kiari was looking at him with the fiercest of smiles.

Her diabolical features were distorted with sick joy and fascination as she watched the poor fool embarrass himself in front of this audience. "It seems that the poor boy is not as macho as he thinks. 'Kiari thought to herself.

Despite all the great feats Kiari heard he accomplished, even he could fall for a woman's charm. To knock down the great Chojiro Yanagi, all it took was a loud bang and you would make him stagger like an idiot and not even notice the bulge that was pressing on his leg.

Kiari opened her mouth and displayed her Cheshire smile, a smile that made her spin tingle in the worst way. Her lips moved to utter a sentence, and when the tension in the room peaked, it was interrupted by the sound of a tea pot whistling in the kitchen.

Hana immediately jumped out of the chair and ran to the kitchen. "Tea is ready, guys!" She screamed, immediately dissipating the thick air in the room. Like a snap of the fingers, everyone was ready to relax with the mention of tea.

Gango soon got up and even helped his uncle to get up after Kiari walked away, interrupting the competition of facing the teenager for a while.

"Are you okay, uncle?" Gango asked his long-lost and lost relative, even patting him on the back to make sure their relationship was not beyond repair.

The older man nodded. "Yes, I'm fine. I'm just not used to this kind of challenge! I usually clean the floor with Chojiro!" He ended the statement with a loud laugh. "Now, how about we sit down for some tea and discuss where to go from here?" He suggested.

"Anything is better than watching a wrestling match on the ground." Hotaro said, his attitude somewhere between Chojiro's agitation and Hana's concern.

Shubaku laughed again and put his hands on his nephew and daughter. "Ah, Hotaro, you are so right. What kind of hostess would I be if I disabled my own family?" He joked.

Gango gave him a sideways look. "But uncle, Kiari had you-"

"Say Gango, what is your favorite tea? Mine is mint!" Shubaku quickly changed the subject as they continued towards the table.

However, while the majority of the Yanagi-Shiba family moved to the other room, Kiari and Chojiro remained, motionless as stones. His dispositions were completely opposite, Chojiro was embarrassed and confused while Kiari was entertained and confident.

"What's the matter, boy? Did you lose all that bravado because of me?" Kiari teased with a sarcastic smile.

Chojiro took a few steps back. "N-No! I'm just catching my breath!" The Devil exclaimed, shouting a complete and utter lie that they both knew.

Kiari put his arm under the broad bust and pushed them up. "Did that take your breath away? I think so, because you can't stop looking at them." She noticed.

His head turned in the opposite direction and his fists closed even more. "II'm not looking at your breasts, damn it!" He told her.

Laughing to herself, Kiari started to move away to the other room to join her newfound family. "Come on then, boyfriend, you don't want them to think you're here trying to cheat, do you?" She asked.

The young man clenched his teeth and muttered curses at her, but he followed her anyway. When he went through the door, he saw that Hana, Hotaro, his father and Gango were all sitting at the table with two empty chairs waiting to be occupied. Fortunately for him, the two seats were at opposite ends of the table and Kiari sat away from the other empty seat.

With a sigh, he fell into his chair and thanked Hana for tea before retiring to his own thoughts. He watched his family, but his words did not reach his ears. They could be talking about him, but he didn't know that. He simply drank his tea and watched.

Having Gango and Kiari at home was the worst situation imaginable. He was fed up with them during his first invasion of the Devil Society and even having Gango working in the World of the Living as a convenient store attendant was putting pressure on him, not even mentioning how Gango was there to help in the final fight against Wababachi. But now it looked like he was going to be stuck in his own house with them for a few more minutes it looked like hell.

Maybe he could throw himself at Ikumi's feet and ask for more hours of work? Or maybe he could get some extra work at the candy store? Hell, he would even train with Hanata about it.

Gango was at least tolerable at times. They didn't fight anymore and were able to have a decent conversation for a while before Gango said something stupid, but the problem was his sister. Kiari was as tall as Gango, but even more commanding and dominant. This made Chojiro's blood boil with how much control she wanted over any situation. She just hoped that he would fall at her feet and be at her disposal.

Chojiro rarely said that about someone who wasn't a complete scum or someone who didn't try to hurt his friends or family, but he found Kiari completely intolerable. His mere presence made him uneasy. Being in the same room as her was torture to the highest degree.

"Chojiro!" Hotaro slapped his arm. "Watch!"

Chojiro's head came up and he managed to get out of his own head a little bit to hear it get his attention. "There is?"

"Listen, dormant nuts, we've decided on housing arrangements." Gango told him.

"What?" Chojiro questioned. "Accommodation arrangements?"

Shiba's man nodded. "Yes, me and the sister will be with you for a few days, probably three."

Chojiro looked at his sisters and father. "What? Why are they staying?"

"Because they are your family now and will be treated as such." Shubaku replied. "I have a lot of time to make up for it and I want to start trying to make up for it now. I missed them so much and now that we have got together, I want them to know how much they mean to me." Your father explained.

Chojiro crossed his arms, obviously unhappy with the information. "Okay, let's get them a hotel or something. They don't have to stay here." He replied.

Shubaku then crossed his arms. "Nonsense. They are a family and we have a lot of space here. Gango is going to sleep here on the couch while Kiari stays with his room."

"So, where am I going to sleep?" Chojiro asked, wondering what the hell was going on and why was Kiari taking his bed?

Her father was about to explain, but Kiari was faster. "In fact, you're going to sleep on the floor next to your bed." She revealed.

The teenager almost fell off his chair with this revelation. "WHAT?!" He screamed at the top of his lungs.

"You heard her, you two are going to share a room." Shubaku said.

Chojiro clapped his hands on the table top. "But she is a girl!" How original, Chojiro. "Boys and girls don't share rooms! Worse yet, we don't get along!"

Kiari spoke. "Yes, but this girl only has one arm. It's not that easy to do things, if you don't believe me, you can try it for yourself."

"So why doesn't Gango sleep with you?" Chojiro questioned.

"Hey! Don't look at me, I'm on vacation!" He replied before taking a sip of tea.

Shubaku started to laugh. "Chojiro, the best way to get used to someone is to live with them. If you and Kiari just spend time together, I'm sure the two of you will be closer." He told his son.

However, inside Shubaku's head he was telling a totally different story. 'If I can get Kiari to focus all her anger and rage on Chojiro, she will be tired and susceptible to my final counterattack, which will once again give him dominion over this family!' He thought to himself, desperately trying to keep his manic smile to himself.

Chojiro wanted to stick his head on the table. "You can only be kidding me ..."

Kiari watched the poor boy wallow in his bad luck and smiled. "I'm sure we will get very close, Uncle Shubaku, very close." Kiari said, facing the young man across the table.

"This is stupid ... so stupid!" Chojiro grunted as he walked across his bedroom floor. From time to time, he would look out the window or look at his watch to see how much time was passing. It was pitch black outside, except for the street lights illuminating the alley.

It was almost time for bed and Chojiro usually liked to take a quick shower before going to bed. His family sometimes ridiculed him for it, but he saw it as a way to save time in the morning so he could get some more sleep. However, he could not participate in his evening ritual while his sweet and sweet cousin Kiari occupied the bathroom at the end of the hall.

She was messing up his schedule and Chojiro was sure that she was aware of the fact, so it was taking almost forty minutes! What was she doing there? Cutting her hair herself?

"Stupid." Chojiro exhaled heavily. "Stupid, stupid, stupid."

Perhaps there was another word that he could use as "stupid", it was becoming very obsolete. There had to be a stronger word that could be used to define this terrible situation.

Chojiro continued to complain, but slowed down. It made no sense to leave a groove on the floor. Instead of pacing back and forth, he chose to sit on the bed. He could have sat in his chair, but he knew that this would be a rare opportunity to sit on the bed, since in the following days, it would be Kiari's.

"Kiari ..." Chojiro spat out her name.

What gave her the right to enter your home and claim participation in everything? This was not his home at the Devil Society, this was his home in the World of the Living. To make matters worse, she comes here shaking her huge breasts, transmitting them to the room and making fun of him for looking!

Kiari must be the worst guest in history!

His nostrils flared when he exhaled deeply again, letting his shoulders drop. The next few days were going to be hell and he didn't know if he could do it or not.

"This is stressing me ..." Chojiro spoke quietly to himself. "Damn cousins ​​..." He murmured, leaning back and resting his body.

His body was heavy and resisting control. I wanted to rest for a few minutes. Chojiro did not want this at first, but the idea was slowly approaching him. What would be so bad about closing your eyes for a few seconds? Surely Kiari would still be going to the bathroom if he rested his eyes for a short break?

Chojiro did just that and closed his eyes, enjoying the momentary peace before the source of his dread returned. "Just for a minute, then I'm going to get up." He told himself. "Just for a minute."

As his mind wandered slowly, his body felt heavier and heavier. It was a completely serene sensation, not unlike sitting in Kisuke's magical hot spring. Perhaps because it was the great amount of stress that came at the time? Because Chojiro would definitely choose to face Kenoshi again instead of hosting Kiari, that was for sure.

With his body at rest, Chojiro's breathing began to stabilize and he was immersed in the feeling of ecstasy and before he knew it, he started to doze off.

~ A few minutes later ~

Chojiro's eyes struggled to open. They were incredibly heavy and fought against their will. They wanted to remain closed and accept the gift of sleep. However, Chojiro struggled to wake up. He didn't want to sleep, especially when his body looked strange.

Groggy, Chojiro moved his arms back and propped himself on his elbows as he blinked away the tiredness.

"You know ..." That harsh, feared voice called out to him in his stupor. His tone was arrogant, but he had a hint of some strange aspect that Chojiro didn't understand. "When I met you, I thought you were an arrogant idiot swinging a large piece of metal to make up for your size, but I'm happy to admit that you were so, so wrong!"

When Chojiro's vision began to clear, he distinguished the curvy shape of his cousin that was beside his bed, curved. He realized that she was just wrapped in a fluffy white towel to hide her modesty. Of course, with Kiari bent over, that meant Chojiro came across those gigantic milkers pressed against his chest, but for some reason, his arm was moving. It was only when Chojiro followed his arm that he made a connection with his strange statement and the strange sensation in his lower half.

Kiari's hand tugged on his rigid pillar of manhood, caressing it with a slow, rough rhythm that produced a great deal of pleasurable friction. From the hairy base on his pelvis and all the way to the engorged, purple helmet at the top, Kiari pushed his cousin, all the while enjoying his remarkable size.

Then, it finally clicked on Chojiro's mind. "Ah!" He gasped in surprise when he realized what was going on. At some point, when he dozed off, Kiari came in and gave herself a free show! "K-Kiari! What the fuck are you doing, you bitch ?! Release my cock!" He demanded of her.

Kiari just smiled and shook his head. "No, it won't happen squirt. I haven't seen such a big dick in years! I'll make the most of it!" She told him, her smile never leaving her face as she continued to pull on his long erection.

The blood that didn't flow to Chojiro's sting, which quickly swelled up, went to his face, spreading it red to illustrate his embarrassment. His embarrassment only made him angrier, which in turn made him more likely to do something stupid. He sat on his elbows and shot his cousin a fierce look, who continued to masturbate.

"W-well, if you can see mine, then I can see yours!" Chojiro stated as he held out his right hand to rip off the towel, revealing Kiari's soft, supple body to his eyes.

For a full minute, Chojiro was very captivated by the stunning beauty of the voluptuous body of matriarch Shiba. His form was overflowing with sex appeal and had a raw aura of sexuality that could not compare to the pornography he has experienced so far.

His top was the same. That stupid head of hers on those slender stupid shoulders with her stupid messy hair pointing in all directions. Chojiro couldn't stand his stupid face as she looked at him while taking his time, enjoying his body. But when his eyes dropped, his opinion of her wavered slightly.

As he had imagined, her breasts were huge, far beyond those of any normal girl in her school. In fact, Chojiro was absolutely sure that Kiari's huge shelf was a rarity, even at the Devil Society! Only Rangiku Morita could rival her, but it would still be a close contest. Those huge, pale globes of flesh hung from his chest and covered most of his torso, almost to his navel. There was a natural division that formed, the two equally large and heavy breasts struggling against each other for space. In the middle of each almost infinite space of milky skin, there were large dark pink areolas with thick nipples an inch long reaching the air, hard as diamonds.

Traveling by her shape, Chojiro could see that she had a slim waist, molding a perfect hourglass that rolled on very wide and explosive hips. His stomach was toned, but not overly sculpted or neglected. He doubted she would work, by no means was a woman as lazy as she was used to working for anything, not when she had three stupid males around to do her job for her. The only reason she didn't have a plump stomach was because the cruel deity that made her concentrate all the fat on her breasts just to make his life hell.

Between his broad hips, there was a pelvis that was kept clean until it was closer to the most sacred place of the female body. Kiari maintained a well-kept, black bush. It was wild, like his hair, but not too crazy to obstruct the view of his full, pink lips that shone in the bedroom light. In the forest of those black curls there was a slippery crack that was soaked, waiting to receive attention. His lips were swollen and twitched from time to time.

Chojiro felt his mouth go dry. Maybe he bit more than he could chew when he removed his only cover? He didn't mean that she was too much, but her body was oppressive to a mere virgin like him.

Kiari caught his stunned relatives with his nakedness and couldn't resist the opportunity to provoke. "Look at you! How pathetic! You can't even stand the sight of a hot girl like me standing in front of you!" The fire rocket laughed.

"C-shut up!" Chojiro stammered. "I-I'm just deciding what to do with you!" He replied.

She raised an eyebrow at that, her hand slowing in her caress. "Oh, really? Do you think you know how to deal with a woman like me? Do you know what to do with this body of mine?" Kiari questioned.

Chojiro sat a little more, becoming more confident in her posture as she lessened her care. "Yes ... I know exactly what to do with you." The young man said as he used his right hand to reach out once more and feel her left breast, immediately feeling its enormous weight in his hand.

As he touched her breast, his cock jumped into Kiari's hand, making her laugh as she resumed a steady rhythm. "You better, boy. It takes a real man to tame me. You have the horse's cock, but you need the horsepower." The woman spoke, confident in her resilient and rebellious nature.

Instead of responding directly to his statement, Chojiro slapped the fat orb severely and watched it swing, swing and jump. The way it rolled across his chest made his balls burn and his cock throb.

"I'm going to fuck you until you submit. You want to stay in this house, you're going to have to learn your place." Chojiro told her.

Upon hearing the challenge, Kiari squeezed his cock tighter. "It won't be easy, boy. You will probably be the one who will end up being fucked, so I'm going to make you MY bitch."

Chojiro slapped his chest again, this time even harder. This yielded a soft murmur from Kiari, who was beginning to show a slight flush as his body was touched. "Enough talk ..." Chojiro ordered as he slowly stood up, looking into her eyes now.

The tension in the room was dense and the temperature seemed to rise a thousand degrees. The two opponents came face to face in the middle of the battlefield with Kiari's hand on his now dripping stick that dripped to the ground, and Chojiro's hand digging into the flesh of his chest.

Who would take the first step?

Who would be the first to cross the line?

Chojiro Yanagi looked at Kiari Shiba.

Kiari Shiba looked at Chojiro Yanagi.

The seconds felt like hours. Each breath was long and exaggerated.

Everything was piling up until it finally exploded! Chojiro's neck stretched forward and he crushed his lips against his cousin's, pressing his mouth to hers! Kiari was quick to respond to the kiss, giving up on caressing her and using her only arm to wrap her neck and pull him tighter.

The two poured all their frustration and pent-up passion into the sloppy, messy kiss. Their bodies collided as fervently as their lips, Chojiro's cock rubbed against her bare belly and because of its length, its tip slid against the bottom of her crushed breasts and teased them both.

Chojiro's callused hands moved to control her better, bringing her closer to his arms. His left hand wrapped around the mess of black curls on his head, while his right bent down to grab a handful of his big, fat ass and squeeze to his heart's content. He filled his hand and swayed with every little movement they made.

Kiari seemed to appreciate his attempt to grope as her tongue slid out of his mouth to occupy his. She struggled with her slimy, inexperienced appendix that made a laughable attempt to counteract hers. Just with that lip kiss, Kiari learned that he had a lot to teach this runt.

With one arm, she pulled him back in front of him and positioned himself on his chest, pushing him away and making him stumble back. Fortunately for Chojiro, he managed to fall backwards in his chair that was facing their direction. He looked at her, still throwing daggers, watched as she dropped to her knees in front of him.

"You kiss very badly, did you know that?" Kiari said smarmily, grabbing his throbbing cock and once again pulling him up to stimulate him. "Fortunately, this fat monster right here must make up for it!" The brazen woman commented, squeezing harder when she called his cock by that name.

Chojiro did not like Kiari much to mock his inexperience. "And I imagine you have a lot of experience? A lot, maybe?" He scoffed.

The woman let out a low growl when he hinted that she was a loose woman. "You'll be happy, I know how to use my mouth when I suck this dick. But don't get too excited, I'm just greasing you up when I'm done with you."

To emphasize his words, Kiari tapped her thick, fleshy lips with the slippery tip. Chojiro shivered each time his sensitive head collided with the smooth surface of his lips, almost as if something was running up and down on his nervous system.

She smiled when she slapped herself with his cock, feeling her pre-damp cling to her perfect skin and mess up her face with damp patches. When she finally stopped playing with the slaps on her own face, Kiari stretched her head down to his large, swollen balls.

Without even a word of warning, Kiari let his sticky tongue slide across his soft lips and attack his pulsating testicles. Its rugged appendage traced the veins and hair of the diaper, playing with the balls that hid behind the wrinkled bag.

The Devil in the chair moved uncontrollably. His body responded to Kiari's touch without his permission, restricting how much his tongue bathing his balls with saliva really pleased him.

He looked at her face and for a split second, saw her smile confidently before putting his left nut in her hot mouth.

"Uh!" Chojiro gasped as if someone had taken his breath away from his lungs. His lone testicle surrounded by his mouth full of steam and saliva almost made him burst right there. His legs kicked and he lifted his hips, almost tearing Kiari's bag off.

Kiari had fun with the virgin's responsive body and used her incredibly strong left arm to keep him sitting, all the while smothering his mouth against the bottom of his penis to take the other testicle where his twin was being held. With both balls in his mouth, Kiari swirled his tongue in all directions, attacking his sensitive sockets until he screamed.

"A-Ah! K-Kiari!" Chojiro screamed, feeling helpless, but insanely good as she sucked on his nuts. For someone as impetuous and rude as she was, having her suck her balls so hard made Chojiro very grateful that she was the way she was. He now learned that being a bitch could be useful.

His long, rigid penis rubbed against his face, staining his fat and sweat against his once perfect features. Drops of cloudy pre-gum began to trickle down the bow and down your nose. As his pulse quickened and the heat increased, Kiari realized that his amusement was taking him too far.

As Chojiro swayed closer and closer to the edge of orgasm, Kiari pulled his head back and let his balls fall back into his chair, strands of saliva still connected from his lips to the orbs beaten like strings.

"You're so fucking easy, kid." Kiari nudged, licking her lips to taste the ball of sweat and fat. "Just a few more licks and I would blow your load on my hair and back."

Chojiro's face heated up and his blush intensified. "C-shut up! I'll show you that I can fuck your damn brains!" He spat, the veins along his neck bulging.

Kiari dismissed him, patting his leg as if she believed he was smoking. "Oh yes? What are you going to do? Do me- phew!" Kiari was interrupted when Chojiro reached out with both hands to take her head and push it down on his lap, tapping his cock into her hot hole.

"Ah!" Chojiro's mouth opened in a surprise influx of sensations running through his body when he first felt the involvement of a woman's mouth on his penis. The first seven centimeters managed to reach his mouth, leaving the other six to face the now high temperature of the room, while hot drops of saliva trickled down his pelvis. Once again, his hips started to move on their own, trying to shove more of his cock into Kiari's already full mouth.

The black-haired rocket was easily overwhelmed when his instincts took over. Kiari's eyes were wide and watering as he tried to fuck his face. His blunt helmet crashed against the entrance to his throat. However, she still wasn't going to give him access to his throat, especially when he was being a fucking amateur.

Despite the tightness he had on her head and the strong humps he was making on her face, Chojiro was unable to press any longer on her head. However, the hot and humid sensation surrounding his penis, the lustful gurgling sounds in the room and the fact that it was his own cousin that he was ashamed of, all made Chojiro suffer severely in terms of resistance. Kiari had already burdened him with his provocations, now his own excitement was his undoing.

His wet, bouncing bag tightened and his cock swelled and throbbed in his mouth. For the first time in his life, Chojiro felt a tight knot in his stomach and began to twist and twist, getting tighter and tighter until he reached the edge. Then, like a flashflood, Chojiro launched a torrent of semen accumulated in Kiari's mouth.

The woman's eyes widened when thick, sticky strings began to invade her mouth. Its metallic taste seeped into her taste buds and alerted her that he planned to drown her in penis and semen. Kiari, now running for the will to survive, gave Chojiro a final push away from her and managed to get his mouth off his cock.

She gasped for breath quickly, spreading her sperm on her face and breasts, and felt the rest of her load spew on her body, painting it white. Chojiro's spasming body and erratic shots made it all too easy for Kiari to be completely soaked in his virgin cargo, making it a very erotic place.

But like all good things, Chojiro's first climax did not last forever and his firing strings became pathetic dribbling in his slit. His strength left him, and he fell back on the chair as he returned to reality.

"Huh ... oh fuck ... that was amazing!" Chojiro gasped, sweat gathering all over his body as he rested. With a look, he saw that Kiari had managed to recover in time to see him exhausted and started to clean himself of his seed.

Putting his heavy load on his fingers, Kiari inspected it with great intrigue. "Damn quick shot ..." She swore, clearly disappointed by his lack of resistance. "If you can't even last two minutes in my mouth, how do you expect to resist my cunt?" The woman questioned, her lips curving into a smile as she started to get up.

Chojiro watched Kiari start to climb on him, forcing the soft chair to lean back and roll under the pressure. "S-get out!" He cried out, his numb limbs struggling to push her away. As she climbed, her sensitive member rubbed against his plump thigh and made him moan with pleasure. His moan was very loud, but no one could hear him when his face was crushed into his vast cleavage and he was forced to inhale its intoxicating scent.

Kiari felt his wet member slide against her skin and cover it with the rest of the sperm. "This is another thing about bursting too early, it leaves you open to attack!" The gorgeous matriarch exclaimed as she placed her big booty on her lap, sandwiching her vulnerable among her thick rump meat cushions.

The oily, lubricated penis contracted in the neckline of Kiari's bubbly ass and felt the thick lips of her vagina at its base. Kiari left Chojiro no time to taste the sensation of his thick flesh almost enveloping his member when she started to rotate her hips, practically shaking her ass on his penis to fry his nerves and leave him speechless.

"Don't come!" Kiari teased arrogantly, moving her hips and rubbing her ass on his rod. "Come again and you will completely lose that S grade cunt! You don't want that, do you? You don't want to miss your chance to fuck my cunt at all!"

In a last-ditch effort to gain some position on this defeated brutal cock, Chojiro managed to slide his hands to kick her delicious ass while she jumped. His fingers sank into the flexible flesh and he held it to save his life.

Kiari felt her hands grab her ass and she smiled. She pressed his head further against her breasts and slowed her movements. It was a little tricky to do with one arm, but Kiari managed to steady himself on his lap well enough that he could use his hand to grab his male obelisk and rub it against his soaked lips.

They both shuddered when the tip of it slid along the small length of its soaked flower. His lips have already clung to the tip of the mushroom and his slit dripped more pre-seed on it. Both parties wanted so badly to take this forward, to join their bodies in a sinful embrace. Two cousins ​​about to get involved in the hottest, most sloppy fuck party the city of Karakura has ever seen.

Devil's hands pressed on her big ass, trying to force her down, but she didn't obey. "Just do it!" He groaned between her breasts, begging her to let him into her wet cave. The soft skin of her vagina, the warm fluids that dripped over him, the pubic hair that tickled him, it was all too much.

Kiari felt it. It was time for the provocation to end. All the games and grudges that were born tonight would come to an end. Now they would fuck and let their actions convey their true feelings.

Taking a deep breath, Kiari began to sink into his stern erection and let her penetrate into her, spreading her vagina widely. "Ooooh!" Kiari moaned as she was slowly filled by a huge fat cock.

Chojiro's reaction was the same, moaning in the hot valley where his face was choked. She felt her erotic body press deeper into his and massage her shape with its bouncy softness. His penis was slowly consumed by the overwhelmingly constricting addiction. Her vagina was far superior to any other addiction or texture that has touched your penis so far. Her skin, mouth and ass paled in comparison.

As much as Chojiro hated to admit it, his cousin was not lying. Her cunt was extremely worth the torment and torture he endured.

"Mmmmh ..." Chojiro's muffled voice reverberated against her pasty breasts. His guttural growl sent shivers down Kiari's spine. Her body was warm and her movements were slow, but in fact she went down almost to Chojiro's obese base in a matter of seconds. Her arousal reached the ceiling and her vagina could not contain its vibration.

She bit her lip hard as the lips of her vagina tickled the hairs on her pelvis and she was stretched to maximum capacity when her pelvises finally met. "Ohhhh fuckkkk ..." She moaned.

The boy beneath her pushed her hips sporadically, trying to push every inch he could into his hot melted depths. To help him push, his hands pressed her fleshy ass to force her to obey.

Kiari's mouth released another moan as he used his body. This pleased her very much, but she knew it was time to show who the boss was. With phenomenal experience, Kiari began to rotate and rotate his hips, making his fat cock experience the caress of her full pussy.

"Mmmm, your dick feels so good in my pussy!" Kiari said in a low, husky voice. Her hips worked on his lap, pleasing both of them with the fluidity of her movements. To make matters worse, she started jumping slightly, massaging her length in quick jumps.

Chojiro dropped his head back when the slick, slimy friction took him out. His dick never felt harder and his balls never got hotter. Oh God, he wanted to come right now. Not even a full minute in Kiari's pussy and he wanted to explode.

His body was so thick and hot! She was more robust than many girls he knew. Saya, Tatsuki and Astra all came to mind. While they were strong in their own ways, Saya being much stronger than the other two, her body was not as curvy or full. But Kiari ... her body was incredibly soft and his hands had so many flexible curves to hold on to.

And her pussy, oh God her pussy ... the soft silk that rubbed and soothed his hard cock kept him reeling in ecstasy. Is that what he was missing all this time? Was pussy always that good? Or did your cousin happen to have the best slot to plug in the world?

Its huge bouncing rack coveted his face and kept him surrounded by a tomb of brisket. The oxygen was low and he was forced to inhale his natural scent, but damn, it made him feel good.

"Oh shit ..." The Shinigami groaned as sensations of heat coursed through him, emanating from his penis that was being hit by a member of his family.

Kiari continued to bite her bottom lip, rolling and rocking her hips as she plunged his big cock. Her cousin was so talented in terms of size, much bigger than any dick she had ever tried.

She dug her nails into his shoulder and tasted the thick 'Thwap! Whenever his fleshy ass collided with his muscular thighs, signaling that his body went down as far as he could and his pelvis kissed. Her wet sack that was covered in saliva and her own arousal tickled her bottom and let her know how close to losing him he was.

She looked at him and licked her lips. "Feeling good, cousin? Feeling like a big man now that you're experiencing an adult woman's cunt?" She asked him as she straddled his fat cock. "I can feel you throbbing inside me, you love my rapture, don't you?"

Chojiro's response was a low, guttural growl and he could do little more than that. She was right, her pussy was leaving him speechless. His virgin nerves were hit and he was unable to resist the wave. Her pussy spurted around his circumference and her vibrant walls had an orgasm around him.

Kiari came in waves, splashing his sweet juices against his lap, covering him and his chair in his hot domain. The fact that she could come so hard and look totally unfazed made Chojiro realize how great the distance was between them. Her centuries of experience have survived his.

However, Kiari was staying with him for at least a weekend, in his room ... too long for him to catch up with her. He could spend all the time he wanted to fuck her sweet, sweet pussy in a sloppy mess. The two could just lock themselves up here and resolve their differences by fucking each other's brains out until they dribbled.

Just thinking about the fact that he could spend the weekend filling his cousin, oh, how it made him dizzy with joy. His balls were already full of cum and couldn't handle the thought. Her tight vagina was milking him and urging him to release his load inside her hot womb. He did well to last that long, but he couldn't fuck anymore.

Kiari did not know that fact. She was enjoying herself, making her cousin hiss and moan as she rode him. "Mmmh! Your big dick is such a good toy for me, I will enjoy fucking you in the next- hey! Hey! What are you doing ?!" Kiari's head jerked as she felt his cock throb harder and harder, building up heat until it finally popped inside her, throwing its deposit straight into her vagina.

She tried to leave, but his greedy hands dug into her pasty flesh and held it, coming with the intensity of a bomb. She struggled, but his grip was too strong, his head buried even more in her chest and moved from side to side, navigating her plump breasts.

"You fucking idiot!" Kiari snarled as he felt that his crack was flooded. There was simply too much semen being produced for her vagina to contain it and it forced its way out of her lips, out into thick rivers and covering their bodies. "Quick shot fucking ..."

Ah yes, Kiari was learning the sad reality of taking a boy's virginity: they don't last long the first time. She was seething with anger, but nothing she could do would ruin this moment for him. He had her in his clutches and was ecstatic, even as his orgasm was slowly escaping and his load dying.

When he loosened his grip and he fell back in the chair, Kiari felt a strange sensation and his eyes slowly widened as he realized what was happening. "Are you being soft with me, you brat? Are you kidding me?" She questioned when she felt his cock, now limp, slip from his velvet vise.

"Damn ..." Chojiro cackled when his strength left him and his eyes started to get heavy. He completely ignored his cousin who was trying to scold him for his subpar performance.

Kiari got off the poor boy and glared at him. She put her hand on her messy muff and parted her lips, looking at the white coating that started dripping from her and falling to the floor. "Useless virgin ..." She mumbled, watching him slowly fall asleep.

Although evil and sometimes malicious, Kiari still had a heart and decided to help him a little. With her only arm, she wrapped it around his waist and hoisted him off the chair just to throw him on the bed.

When he started to turn off the light and turn around again, he saw that Chojiro was already slipping onto the sheets, still out of it. She was quick to join him and pressed her voluptuous body against his more muscular one.

It was hot in his bed, really hot. Kiari noted how soft the beds were in the Living World and noted that she may need one. While she tried to drown her frustration in meaningless thoughts, Kiari couldn't ignore how upset she was.

Chojiro really got the best deal. To be able to fuck her extremely hot body and get two orgasms from him while she only had one after doing most of the work? Bullshit!

She rolled over onto her back and rested her arm behind her head, looking up at the ceiling.

"I'm about to put this boy in hell ..." Kiari groaned, not feeling tired at all.


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