
The Lost Tales of Sinners

Short stories of a young man discovering about his dormant lust. No story had any kind of connection with the other.

Fethmelle · Fantasy
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215 Chs

Medical Exam

Witch's Lair

Natasha was overlooked by many people. They just imagined that she was a cranky old woman who lived in the forest. Well, that was true, but that was just the cover of a simply huge book. It had depth and layers of character that many never had enough time to understand. This is probably due to your petty and reclusive nature, but that is beyond the point.

She is a clear and simple woman. It may be from a destroyed world, perhaps the last of its kind, but who was it not today? People need to understand that not everyone is bright, fun and cheerful all the time. Some people are born angry and Natasha is just a very, very, very angry woman.

The pink-haired woman was even more angry today than any other day, simply because of her current activity: helping Drakian once again.

Drakian had sought a very strange request for her. So strange, in fact, that she refused to consider him before he again convinced her to help. Natasha cursed her younger self for even staying with this place, in this guild full of troublemakers and naturally violent. Drakian was nothing but trouble, even today.

Looking at the cart that had been provided, Natasha scribbled some notes on a notepad. "37 semen samples collected, only 14 left."

Yes it's right. Drakian asked Natasha to collect semen samples from all men for the test. The old man was convinced that all the traumas that his guild members suffered in the past have finally reached them.

Natasha openly stated that Drakian was becoming senile, but he would not listen.

So now she was here, having to collect plastic cups for her old friend, because he was going crazy in old age. Natasha now had an interesting reason to hate humans.

Upon returning to the "exam room", which was just her living room, she opened the front door and let the next specimen in. There were still men out there walking in their gardens, but only one approached her.

"I'm tired of waiting for hell! Let's get this fucking thing over with!" Azazel Astaroth screamed, slamming his fist into his palm as he entered her house and closed the door behind him.

"Great, it had to be the half-demon." Natasha groaned inwardly as she received the young Star Demon in her humble home.

Pointing to the Ceram-wrapped sofa, she instructed him to sit down while picking up a cup. "Sit down and start. Point to the glass and I swear to any deity up there that if you can shoot a single drop anywhere else, I will do the same thing that your ancestors would do with your prisoners." Natasha threatened.

Azazel raised the cup and looked at it strangely. "Wait, what did you say?" He asked ignorantly.

Blushing a little, Natasha snarled at him. "Put your semen in the cup." She told him.

"What the hell is semen? Are you talking about those fish shaped like birds? Are they small enough to get into this cup?" Azazel continued to fire questions at a fast pace, too fast for Natasha to catch up.

This time, Natasha stopped him. "Wait a minute, don't you know what semen is?" She asked what earned a nod in response to him. "Do you really know how to masturbate? Have you ever masturbated?" She asked.

"Well, Stella says I'm good at responding, so I think you could say that I'm a debater." Azazel said proudly.

"Dear sir ..." Natasha murmured softly as she looked at the ignorant fool in front of her. "Of all the 19-year-olds in the world, I get the innocent and dumb ..."

Natasha knew what that meant: she would have to take this with her own hands.

"Damn ..." She cursed. But hey, if he was so ignorant, it probably won't be long. "Alright brat, take your pants off." The healer ordered.

"Huh? It's okay." Azazel did as he was told and started taking off his pants.

Natasha was surprised by the desire to take off her clothes. She had no idea that he was practically raised and educated by Stella, and therefore her sense of modesty has long since disappeared.

However, her surprise at his willingness to undress was quickly diminished by the surprise of the size of his member.

Very few things can surprise Natasha today, less can really make her blush. She was a bad and severe old woman who believed herself completely devoid of emotion in addition to boredom and hatred, but that was on the list of things that can do both.

"W-Well ..." Natasha blushed and coughed into her hand, simultaneously trying to calm her flushed face. "You certainly look very healthy to me." She said, trying not to let on how impressed she was with him.

Between Azazel's muscular thighs was a sleeping giant. A vicious python, for sure. Not even excited, Natasha calculated that he was somewhere between 20 and 30 cm in length. If she had to use today's modern terms that young people use, she would call him gifted. Hanging like a horse.

Azazel did not say a word and instead looked to her for further guidance. However, when he tried to look her in the eye, she avoided his looking away.

Coughing in her hand a little more, Natasha let her venture from her right hand to the stick and she started to feel around, for medical reasons, of course. Lifting the length, she inspected the crumpled, hairless bag that had accumulated on the sofa cushion. "Testicles; bulbous and heavy. Packaged with semen." She noticed it out loud.

The older woman couldn't help feeling nervous and uncomfortable. She was old compared to him, why was she getting all excited about this young, well-hung stud? His days of venturing into the pleasures of the flesh were long gone. Furthermore, Drakian had put her in charge of looking after her children! She shouldn't be having these indecent thoughts!

"N-now ..." Natasha inwardly cursed herself for falling into an ugly mess of stuttering and embarrassing expressions. "All you need to do is to stroke your penis until a white liquid comes out. That white liquid should go into this glass."

"Caress him?" Azazel asked. "Do you mean what are you doing now?"

".......There is?" Natasha gasped as she looked at herself to find that she was actually masturbating him. Very sensually too. Her fingers somehow found themselves wrapped around his chubby body and were slowly moving up and down its length with tenderness and care. "I ... I should stop." She told herself more than she told Azazel.

However, Azazel was quick to interpose. "No ... it's good. Very good, actually." He told her. To support his statement, his own anatomy was beginning to swell. Its length almost doubled and its circumference increased to almost three times its original circumference.

Natasha's face burned a deeper shade of red. This young stallion not only praised his ministrations, but his penis grew to an incredible size. Ugh, that young man would really be her death.

"Okay. I'm going to masturbate, but this is a unique thing, okay?" Natasha said with a stern expression, again trying to convince herself more than he did.

Azazel nodded and then put it back in content, letting the mature woman caress him to completion. It was good, incredibly. His soft, warm hand sliding over the even hotter flesh contributed to the perfect sensation.

Azazel could get used to it.

Natasha, on the other hand, didn't want to get used to it. She felt like she was sitting in a furnace that was taken to the maximum level of heat. Despite how hard she tried to convince herself otherwise, she was extremely excited. Her thick nipples tried to pierce the tunic, creating an uncomfortable sensation for her breasts, while her mature pussy dripped with increasing anticipation.

She had to remember that she shouldn't gain anything from it. This was strictly an unorthodox medical examination. For her to be so excited ... it would be unethical. Natasha must suppress her burning desires so that she doesn't make any more mistakes.

However, Natasha couldn't deny how exciting it was to defeat young Astaroth. His young, muscular body was in stark contrast to hers and she felt like it was some kind of taboo.

"Damn brat ..." Natasha cursed him before biting her lip with contempt, as if she hated doing it. It was for appearances, of course, because Natasha's interior was beginning to slide deeper and deeper into pleasant sensations. "Hurry up!" She told him, or more specifically, his dick.

In a surprising twist, Azazel's right arm spun to catch Natasha's and pulled her body closer to his. "Nngh, but I don't want this to end ..." He mumbled loudly, a little too loudly for Natasha's taste.

But Natasha was flattered. She still couldn't believe that such a good and capable man could find her attractive.

His cock arched back to his body in a perverse and severe curve that promised insane pleasure to any girl who was lucky enough to plant it inside them. As Natasha's fingers danced up and down her fat and vehement shaft, she couldn't help but wish she were a girl who was lucky enough to receive such a good gift.

Natasha felt her hot, heavy breaths on her neck when she was forced to lean against him for support. Being taller than he contributed to an awkward position, but they both found comfort in it. Especially since she could feel the screeching noise of her heart inside her chest.

Her eyes were equally intrigued with every inch of his male flesh. His penis was a little darker than the rest of his body and the skin looked rougher. The veins protruded proudly against his skin and gave an exotic and intriguing image, like rivers pushing red blood across his anatomy. To say it was difficult would be an understatement. Natasha swore that this powerful stick could crack granite. It would really be an interesting sensation to have his blunt head repeatedly hit her cervix ...

She shook her head again. She was lost in thought again.

"You're close?" She asked, hoping for a quick end to this before she lost herself completely.

Instead of the answer he expected, Azazel's hand slid to the bottom of his clothing and eagerly grabbed a handful, pulling it even closer to him. "Not yet." He replied, smelling a deep scent of his natural perfume.

Natasha's face matched the same shade of red as Stella's hair. She tried in vain to pull away, but his grip on her was too fierce. She just couldn't escape his clutches.

"You stubborn idiot!" Natasha snarled. "You let go of me or you better come too fast!" His voice was powerful and imposing, but Azazel was apparently unaffected by it.

Azazel's response had a tone that lacked fear or even acknowledgment of his threat. "Maybe you should try something else ..." He stopped, looking her in the eye.

Natasha's breathing stopped and she found no strength to respond immediately. She was taken by surprise too much for her blatant disobedience. It seems that his cock matched his relentless hunger for more pleasure.

His mind worked to find a solution that would satisfy him and keep it clean. It was obvious that all she was doing was keeping him hard, but not finishing the job. Her pussy was finally off limits, that was for sure. However, his mouth was not. Surely, she could stay within her limits as long as it was in her mouth, right?

"…Good." She finally answered. "I'm going to suck you, but you better promise to ejaculate, did you hear me ?!" The pink-haired doctor told him.

"Blow me?" Azazel turned his head in question. "What does that mean?" He asked.

Natasha looked away from him. "Let go of me and I will show you." She bargained.

At his request, Azazel removed his hand from his round, firm ass and let it separate from his side.

Unable to believe that he was actually doing this, Natasha dropped to her knees in front of him. Instinctively, Azazel's legs opened in command and she slid between them.

Now Natasha was watching the animal. It seemed much, much taller here than when she was beside him. Down here, he was able to rise over her menacingly. For the first time in a few decades, Natasha felt a twinge of fear rise in her, but it was quickly eliminated.

Natasha knew that she had to hurry and finish him off, otherwise they would end up doing something they would regret.

Wrapping both soft hands around his chubby erection, Natasha leaned forward and opened her mouth to accept him.

Azazel was taken by surprise. He had no idea that a mouth around the head of his cock could feel so good! It was great! Natasha's soft lips hugging his shaft while her tongue was pressed firmly under his tip was an indescribable sensation he most wanted!

Natasha was gently sucking his tip when she felt his rough fingers tangle in her silky locks before grabbing the sides of his head and starting to drag his head forward. It was at an irrational pace that Natasha could not defend herself, as she was dragged by force.

"Cuh!" She coughed and gagged when his meaty cock was pushed further into her mouth. His face went red and his hands met on his thighs to steady himself. But, unfortunately, she was no match for her brutal nature.

"More!" Azazel told her, feeling his head pressing against the back of his mouth. As with all obstacles, Azazel stepped back and prepared for re-entry.

The pink-haired woman tried to get used to the irregular rhythm of fucking her face, but she just couldn't keep up. He was very chaotic. She gasped, coughed, gagged and drooled over his cock and prepared to take him by the throat.

From top to bottom, Azazel kept his head shaking, hoping to achieve the sweet release that Natasha spoke to him. His penis was fine, but it felt like there was another feeling than what he should be chasing.

Streams of saliva ran down her length, accumulating her testicles and spilling over her thighs and the cushions on her couch. It was very sloppy and very refined, not that she could help it, considering he was being so dominant.

"Glurk! Glurk!" It was the obscene sound of his cock running in her sweet mouth. The lower half of her face looked totally soaked in a mixture of precum and saliva, but that only fed Azazel more.

Little by little, Azazel's penis pushed deeper into Natasha's throat and it made her shiver. It had been so long since anything this big had gotten this far, but Azazel was the one who awakened the sensation inside her.

"I think I'm feeling ... something ..." Azazel grunted. It looked strange, but incredibly good. As if he were about to dive off a steep cliff in a numbing sensation. He continued to pursue it, wanting to explore it and find out what it was.

Natasha's eyes watered. Not from pain, but from pure excitement and pleasure. It had been so long since she felt this way. Since she met pleasure. She knew she should fight to get away from it and get his semen out of the glass, but her body struggled with it to keep sucking. Inside, a part of her wanted Azazel to fill her esophagus with his thick, young sperm.

Her ponytail was deconstructed and her pink locks began to fall to frame her mature face. The pale pink lipstick she wore dripped down the sides of the stem to the bag, where the lipstick smeared the fleshy bag. Natasha's appearance was in stark contrast to what she was usually known for, and all this thanks to Azazel.

"Fuck ... your mouth is so amazing ..." Azazel stated, still using him as his personal guide to fucking. His balls seemed adequate to explode in his throat, and that was exactly what he was planning to do. The Star Demon intended to make full use of his sloppy and naughty doctor and relieve himself of the sperm she kept talking about.

She laughed around the fat shaft, but in her head, her statement was as clear as day. 'Come on, stud, show me what you have! Blow my stomach with your thick, warm seed! ' She wanted to yell at him.

So that's exactly what Azazel did.

With a deep cry, Azazel unloaded his first batch of fresh, thick sperm into Natasha's throat.

Natasha was ready as soon as the thick animal started to throb inside her throat and the balls pressed into her lips twitched. She knew it would be good, as it was the virgin lot of a Star Demon. The batch of stored semen that would be produced would only be compared to Asgard's most powerful mead. It was the lot that his balls started to produce since they fell in this world. And it was all for her.

"Glrg!" Natasha's eyes closed when she felt her hot load of cum running down her throat. It was thick and full of mana particles. Almost the same as porridge, although much tastier for her.

Azazel sat on the sofa, keeping his head in place as he went deep into his throat. The boy couldn't have realized that at the time, but he had the luxury of fucking a genuine professional's throat. Only a real woman could hold her breath for as long as she had and not choke when he came.

"T-take it all!" Azazel told her, his voice shaking with the sensation of losing what had always been part of him until now. It was the first time it had climaxed, and it was powerful to say the least. So powerful that his grip was starting to loosen.

This went on for a full minute. Azazel taking advantage of Natasha's veteran esophagus while she took him as a champion.

Unfortunately, all good things must end. When her abundant load began to ease, Natasha pulled away and took a deep breath, letting the fresh air fill her lungs again.

Opening her eyes to face the ceiling, she only managed to utter one word: "Fuck ..." She cursed.

Azazel had the same mindset. "Fuck ..." He repeated to her. His legs were wobbly and his sack a little numb, but his erection was yet to fall. "I want more!" Suddenly, he shouted, saying he was ready for the next exam.

Dragging a thumb across the bottom of her lip to collect semen, Natasha smiled. "Should I expect anything other than a member of the Demon Dragon Bloodline?" She raised an eyebrow before putting her thumb in her mouth and sucking on it.

Fuck the rules!

Fuck Drakian!

Natasha was going to have fun today!

Drakian practically handed her this big wooden stallion on a silver platter, why is it her fault that he seemed to find her attractive? Is there a problem with her reaping the rewards for her hard work? Is there a problem with her wanting to have fun with a young man, a few decades younger than her? Its kind and Semi-Immortal anyway.

She slowly stood up and raised the small glass. "I should probably scold you for not putting any of your semen in that cup, but I think you could endure the climax a few more times, am I right?" She asked, throwing the glass after her.

Azazel nodded anxiously. He was ready for the second round, whatever that was.

"Well, then ..." Natasha stopped talking as she unbuttoned the crimson-colored cloak and dropped it on the floor. Then there was the black tie, and now he was facing Azazel wearing only a green blouse and brown skirt.

Azazel observed its deceptive form. Without the cloak to cover her, Natasha was indeed a very curvy woman. With the title of woman of the guild of the Three Hearts of Yggdrasil, Natasha had nothing in sex appeal, despite her old age. His face contained some wrinkles and gray spots that could be seen in his vibrant hair, but that was the only sign of his old age. Round, full breasts pressed against her shirt and her nipples were strong enough to almost pierce the thick fabric.

His hand dropped and he began to stroke his cock in anticipation. He wanted her to undress now. He wanted to see what she was hiding behind her flat clothes.

Natasha smiled inwardly, proud to have managed to make a young man eager for her to undress. Not wanting to make him wait any longer, Natasha began to slowly unbutton her blouse. Little by little, its creamy and delicate flesh was revealed to Azazel. Her large breasts began to emerge from the widening opening and Azazel received a look as a reward for her patience.

Dragging her blouse in a corner of absolutely no importance, Natasha looked at the shocked boy. "Good?" She asked, raising an eyebrow.

Her breasts were big to say the least. Her blouse and cape did well to hide her insane curves, that was for sure. The creamy hills gave way due to their great weight and age, but they were desirable. In fact, Azazel dares to say that he liked the view of a mature woman's breasts, as opposed to the almost grotesquely large and cheerful breasts of the younger girls who appeared to be almost fake. No, the doctor before him had natural breasts.

"Perfect." Azazel told her, making her blush in response.

Shyly avoiding his gaze, Natasha started to open her skirt and let it fall to the floor as well. "How about now?" She asked, gesturing to her wet, mature pussy that dripped from her arousal.

His dark pink petals were wet in anticipation of his young, manly penis. It had been so long since his last cock that her pussy had been aching for something to involve. The small piece of pink curls above her drooling cunt was shaved in a distinct 'V' shape, almost as if it were an arrow pointing to a good time for anyone who was lucky enough to witness it.

"Even better." Azazel ended up licking her lips in a lascivious and sexy way that made Natasha smile slightly. "I think it's time to stop staring and start teaching me more." He said.

"I agree." Natasha nodded her head. Holding his hand, Natasha took him from his seat on the sofa to a more private section: her room.

Azazel did not have time to observe the environment in Natasha's room, when he was pushed onto her soft mattress, where she climbed on top of him after doing little work with his clothes.

Coming to meet his eyes, Natasha was now above him with her vagina finely waiting to impale herself on his powerful penis. "Are you ready to lose your virginity, brat?" She asked him.

He nodded without hesitation. "Yes I am." He replied, holding his hips. "But I'm in charge!" He stated before Azazel pulled her down, pushing his cock a few inches deep into her.

"Ah!" Natasha gasped, caught by surprise by his cock invading his fragment of excitement. On the first try, Azazel almost got in the middle of it! That was remarkably and incredibly incredible!

Of course, as in the blowjob, Azazel was not at all happy to let her sit and adjust. He would make her adjust as quickly as possible, pushing her into oblivion.

Up and down, Azazel violently rocked his hips against hers, each time he made his cock go a little deeper inside her. His old bed started to creak and moan when he quickly fucked her. However, his loud screams were much more vocal than his bed threatening to break under them.

"So soft!" Azazel smiled, feeling her mature pussy wrap around his cock and massaging it with affection, as if she were welcoming him to his true home. Of course, with the feel of Natasha's wet channel, he might as well stay in it for the rest of his life.

The older woman above him could not contain the moans that continually fell from his slippery lips. It has been so long since she feels like a woman. Even more so since someone hugged her as tightly as Azazel. His rough, insensitive fingers were relentless as they dug the skin of her full, round ass.

Her pussy was stretched to its limits. Azazel's powerful young cock forced him to accommodate his supreme size. Her experienced vagina continually discharged in its length, absorbing it in its loving juices.

"Ahh!" Natasha moaned, letting her head fall back when a powerful orgasm appeared all over her. It was the first time in decades that she had such a powerful climax.

Azazel felt his smooth grip tighten around his member and the flow of juices that squirted over his pelvis. "W-are you having fun?" He stuttered when Natasha started to ride him even more.

Leaning back to where she was sitting, Natasha teased him, turning her hips around and using his cock to shake her messy pussy. "I feel fantastic!" She told him before jumping again, this time holding her knockers and jumping and holding them tightly in her hands. "You are so big! I can feel you pressing against my cervix!"

Azazel guessed that the cervix must have been what he felt preventing the tip from going deeper. Smiling, he watched her big breasts jump in his hands. "I fucking love it!" He told her.

The crackles and crackles of his fleshy ass hitting his pelvis were music to their ears. Her soft skin rolled with the impact, while the taut, tanned flesh remained motionless. A voluptuous, mature and older woman, riding on her young bull, was a real sight.

She bit her lip when Azazel's young hips started to pierce her well in a series of quick strokes that made her soft curves sway erratically. Azazel was getting impatient, he wanted to feel the heavy burden on his balls being released inside her in a glorious spray of his thick, sticky semen.

There was only one place for your semen to go now. Cup be doomed. He was going to unload a nice thick batch inside Natasha and fill it to the brim. Azazel was determined to make it his personal deposit.

"I feel that feeling again ..." Azazel grunted as he fucked her. "More of that semen stuff is coming!" He told her.

The lower half of Natasha's face broke into a malicious smile. Is Azazel thick, boiling hot cum inside her stretched pussy? What could be better!

"Hurry, brat!" Natasha's normally monotonous voice exploded in a heated growl. "Hurry up and fill me with your thick sperm of yours! I want to feel it explode in my belly!"

Understanding the message, Azazel nodded and continued to fuck to the best of his ability. He wasn't going to relax, not when he was so close. Her orgasm was practically knocking on the door! Its large balls contracted and its shaft pulsed violently again, signaling the arrival of another charge.

Throwing her head back, Natasha let her voice echo across the room when she returned, this time feeling Azazel's swollen and throbbing head start to break through her belly.

"Damn!" She cursed loudly, abandoning her reserved nature in favor of instigating the boy. He deserved to know that he was doing a good job of fucking her as she deserved. Decades without a stick was probably the worst decision Natasha has ever made, but she was happy that Azazel's thick soldier was the first to enter in such a long time.

The spasm of her wet pussy around his cock was the final nail in Azazel's coffin. He couldn't have finished any faster. Finally, after 16 minutes and 54 seconds, he could release his hot seed. Only this time, it was inside Natasha's tight pussy.

"Ugh!" Her old spine arched as she felt the heat spread in her womb. It was the first time that a man had reached so deep into it and erupted like a volcano. With her eyes closed, she embraced the wonderful sensation of her young bull pumping liters of his thick sperm inside her. "Yes ..." She managed to croak, losing strength in her limbs and falling on her side.

Stunned by the woman's sudden failure to hold on, Azazel watched as she happily hit the mattress as her erupting penis fell against her chiseled abdomen with a shrill audible sound.

"Just incredible ..." Natasha hummed, her eyes growing heavy, but her sheer determination to watch Azazel's cock pump more slime into her own shape kept her awake.

Turning to her with a smile, Azazel stood up slightly. "Do you think this is funny?" He asked. Fortunately for him, his climax stopped quickly and he was no longer making a mess.

Natasha rolled onto her back. "Sort of. I've never seen a man give his own stomach a bukkake." The older doctor told him sincerely as she rested her eyes. However, she felt a change in the bed and then a very familiar head pressed on the side of the sticky chest.

"So how about I make a mess with you?" He asked, starting to stroke his own cock as he looked over her pale breasts.

She opened an eye. "Do you want more rounds with a witch like me?" She asked.

"No." It was Azazel's quick response. "I'm ready for more rounds with a hot, sexy and mature woman like you!"

Natasha let out a soft laugh. "Nice answer." The doctor answered.

Needless to say, these other guys would have to wait a long time for the exam ...

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