
The Lost Sisters Case

Gracie Waters is a 16 year old girl who lives in an Enlgish speaking part of France. Her life is normal until she gets an invite to join the most secretive cooperation to have ever existed, too secret to tell you now but you can find out if you read on. During this mysterious action adventure Gracie finds new ways to live life even under threats to end her friends life from an unknown source. She and her partners in crime go to new lengths to discover a classic case of who dunnit in this twisting tale of uncertainty and unknowing.

F_J_E · Teen
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7 Chs


"And that's pretty much it, I hope you will become familiar with the boat because I am thinking of coming here more often. I already like the vibe of this place." He smiles at Gracie.

"Thank you so much for the tour. This is an amazing yacht. I'm surprised Florence isn't back yet. She doesn't normally miss this sort of stuff." Gracie looks behind her back.

Florence appears around the corner, pretending to be out of breath.

"I... am...so...sorry. I couldn't find the key to the clubroom, and then when I did find it, I dropped the key in the drain and then..." She pauses, pretending to breathe heavily.

"That's all fine. Don't worry about it all. Would you like a tour?" He smiles gleefully at Florence, glad to show of his yacht.

"Yes, that would be nice. Let's start on deck then."

All three of them walk through the hallway and up the stairs. They had just closed the door behind them when Florence said hastily.

"Oh, wait, Gracie, when I was coming down the hallway, someone came out of a room, by the looks of it, the gym. They asked for you so that they could get everything prepared for you if you needed to use the gym."

"Oh, ok, Josh, do you mind if I pop down then?" She turns to him.

"Um, yes, sure, I dont remember that being on the schedule, but I do always forget things, of you go then."

Gracie runs down the stairs, and Josh starts his tour for Florence.

Gracie makes her way to the gym, happy with herself because she remembers where it was.

She opens the door, walks in, and closes the door. She calls to see where this gym person is.

"Hello? It's Gracie here, about a gym routine thing?"

"That's my queue."

Before Gracie could turn around to see whose voice it was, someone grabbed her shoulders and tied her hands together. Gracie starts to scream, but not for long as a gag is tied around her mouth, and the cold metal of a gun is pressed to her temple. She still can't figure out who her captor is, but it's definitely a man. He swings the door open and shouts.

"It's all OK, I just made the poor girl jump."

He shut the door behind him and places Gracie on a chair. As he ties her onto it, she recognises him as Creepy guy and stares wide-eyed at him.

"Oh yes, I totally forgot to do an introduction. Your name is Gracie Waters, and my name is Tobias Longshore. Nice to formally meet you."

Somewhere on the boat, Florence and Josh heard the scream and the reassurance of the steward -Toby.

"That didn't sound like one of my stewards." He comes to a stand still.

"Oh, I'm sure it's fine. Gracie is easily scared." She lies.

"Maybe we should go back and check -"

Josh turns and starts to head for the gym.

"No, no, no, no, it's fine. I'm sure it's all good."

She takes him by the shoulders and steers him back to where they were.

"Let's carry on with this tour then." She is eager to finish the tour so she can sort out Gracie and Toby.

"Ok, if you are sure she is alright, we will carry on."

"Yes, let's."

They carry on with the tour.

Back in the gym, Gracie is questioning Toby.

"Why's the floor wet?" She can speak now because Toby is convinced she won't scream again with the thought of being shot. She looks like she might throw a weight at him if she could.

"I was in the sea before this." Toby says, pacing up and down the room occasionally looking out the door.

"Is that why the rope is wet?"


"What do you want with me?"

"Can't tell you that yet."

"Why not?"

"Waiting for someone."


" Your friend."

"My friend?"

"Yes, Florence."

"Is that why you keep looking out the door."


She takes a moment to click on the fact that he is waiting for Florence.


"Yes, keep your voice down."

"Fine, yes, but how long have you known her for."

"Like, about five years."

Gracie looks at him shocked.

"Does she know you are stalking me?"


Gracie sits in silence and keeps quiet. They are not in silence for long before Florence bursts onto the scene.

Toby pulls his gun out and points it at her before he realises it is her and puts it back.

"I am so sorry Toby, the tour from Josh took ages, but he is waiting now on deck, and it's getting dark, so let's make this quick."

She turns to her side, and Gracie sees a flash of metal from within her coat.

"You have a gun as well!" Gracie says to Florence.

"Yes, I do, and what we are about to say will explain it all. Gracie, I am going to untie you, but only if you promise not to leave this room until you have heard us out and not to repeat this to anyone."

"Ok, yes."

She rubs her wrists as Florence unties the rope.

"This may be a lot to take in so you can go home after this. I'll cover you, though. So, um, how do I put this-" she pauses and thinks.

Toby buts in and starts talking.

"We are part of the International Spy Crime Agency, and we want you on our team."