
The Lost Sisters Case

Gracie Waters is a 16 year old girl who lives in an Enlgish speaking part of France. Her life is normal until she gets an invite to join the most secretive cooperation to have ever existed, too secret to tell you now but you can find out if you read on. During this mysterious action adventure Gracie finds new ways to live life even under threats to end her friends life from an unknown source. She and her partners in crime go to new lengths to discover a classic case of who dunnit in this twisting tale of uncertainty and unknowing.

F_J_E · Teen
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7 Chs


Both the girls shook hands with Joshua and followed him on deck.

"This boat is a beauty, my Father got it for me a few months ago, so this is the deck and over there -"

He says, pointing to a door with a circular window,

"Is the kitchen and just around the front -"

He pauses again to take the girls round to the front of the yacht.

"Is the pool and bar, I think after our little tour, we should cool off in the pool and have a nice chat before we start planning."

Both girls nod their heads in agreement. They both realise that this is the most expensive yacht they have seen and even someone as rich as Joshua could not afford it.

Josh starts to say that his dad got a mass sum of 1.5 million pounds from an unknown source when Florence's mind starts to wander.


A small whisper makes Florence turn around.


There it is again, only if she could locate it, but then she sees a head popping up from the side of the boat. Someone must be on the pier.

"Florence, it's me, Toby."

She sees that familiar brown curly hair and instantly recognises them.

Florence then does some small hand signals to him, which means she will be done in a minute, and he nods his head. Florence moves back to Gracie and Josh.

"I just have to grab some stuff from the clubroom. You guys head below deck, I will join you when you get back."

"Oh, OK, sure, we will see you in a minute then."

Josh waves her off, and she scampers down to the pier.

"Tobias, T-O-B-I-A-S"

Florence goes down to the end of the pier, only to find his black shirt hanging off the edge. She bends down to look in the water.


Florence jumps as Tobias pops his head out from the water beside the pier.

"I was beginning to think you weren't coming until YOU made ME jump by bending over and putting your ugly face down by the water,"

She laughs and says,

"Very kind of you Tobias, but I have news for you, so jump out the water, and I'll tell you."

"I was just getting used to it, surprisingly its actually quite refreshing."

She gives him a stern look.

"Ok, ok, fine, I will get out."

He pulls himself up out of the water and sits on the edge of the pier. Tobias had brown curly hair and blue eyes and was very tanned. Florence noticed he was more tanned than the last time she saw him.

"Ok, I'm listening."

He stood there with his hands on his hips.

"Never mind, I will tell you in a second, but how have you been? It has been like 3 months since I saw you. Like, I missed my best friend."

Florence liked messing with Tobias since they had only known each other for 6 months but had become unusually close.

"I have been great actually, visited a few countries, got a good tan, you know?"

"So Tobias, I was going to say -"

"I dont like that name anymore."

"Huh, what?"

"Just call me Toby. I prefer that now."

"Right, ok, sure."

She tested the name out like it was a new food.

"Tobyyyyyy, Toby, Toby, Toby. Haha, I like it, too."

"Anyways back to business."

"Yes, Gracie has gone down deck with Josh, and she told me the funniest thing ever. She keeps seeing you around, and she has given you a nickname."

"Oh great, let's hear it then."

"Creepy guy!"

Florence sniggers.

"Ok, fine, could have been worse, carry on."

"Ok, yes, soooooo, oh yeah, I dont think it is wise to go ahead with the plan - I haven't told her yet."

"What do you mean you haven't told her? She was supposed to know, like, a week ago!"

"I know, I'm sorry, I will tell her today. Let's just push this back a few weeks."

"We can't."

"What do you mean we can't? Why not?"

"Orders, things are escalating too quickly, and we need to get moving."

"Right, ok then, let's go. This will be more difficult, though."

"Well, we dont have much choice, so let's go."

"Just follow me, and it should go smoothly."

He starts to follow her, and then she turns around.

"You may need your shirt on."

"Nice shout."

Once he pulls his shirt on, they both walk onto Josh's boat, and the plan goes into action.

"So by now, Josh's tour should almost be over, and according to the scans you took yesterday -"

She takes out her phone and looks at a blueprint.

"Down there, so that's where we start."

She points over to a door, and they head towards it. She goes over to the door and opens it, ushers Toby through, and closes it softly. They come to a door with no window. Trusting the scans, she opens the door to reveal a treadmill, lots of mat roles, some dumbells, and an exercise bike.


She whispers.

Toby enters the room and sets up a chair from the corner into the middle of the room. He gets some rope and gafa tape from his pockets and hides behind a large matt role.

Florence closes the door slowly and heads towards Josh's distant voice.