
The Lost Sisters Case

Gracie Waters is a 16 year old girl who lives in an Enlgish speaking part of France. Her life is normal until she gets an invite to join the most secretive cooperation to have ever existed, too secret to tell you now but you can find out if you read on. During this mysterious action adventure Gracie finds new ways to live life even under threats to end her friends life from an unknown source. She and her partners in crime go to new lengths to discover a classic case of who dunnit in this twisting tale of uncertainty and unknowing.

F_J_E · Teen
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7 Chs


"Why me?"

They were the first words to break th silence for the past two minutes.

"Thank God, I thought we may have permanently silenced you."

Toby wipes his forehead sarcastically.

"Let her have some time to process this all. You remember how long it took me right?"

"Oh yes, I couldn't forget, you wouldn't leave the house for a week." He smiles to himself.

"Gracie, do you remember when I had 'measles' about six months ago?"

She nods.

"Well, that was how long it took me to calm down. I did not have measles."

Gracie continues to ask.

"But why me?"

Toby rubs his forehead again and mentions.

"Gracie, about two years ago, you and Florence were victims of a crime."

Gracies mind starts racing. Yes, of course she remembers that. It was all over the news that two 14 year old girls were able to defend themselves from two theifs.

"Well, what you know is not the whole story."

"What do you mean?"

"When the theifs were on their way to go to your house little did anyone know that they were going to set off an explosive in your house. They were part of a secret cooperation that mined gases to make more explosives for wars and terrorist groups. We had been tracking them for 7 years, and when we finally found out that they were going to take your house down, we sent all our forces on their way."

He takes a deep breath and continues.

"However little did we know that two fourteen year old girls were having a sleepover, you and Florence. The theifs were ahead of our schedule, so they got there before our forces did. You two beat these guys up like they had just been drowned. We don't know how you did it."

"I guess we did teach them a lesson." Gracie giggles.

Florence laughs.

"We so taught them a lesson! I don't even know how we did it!"

"Well, yes, we saw great talent in both of you." He also laughs.

"That was when we had a joint decision as an international cooperation that we would recruit you when you were old enough, sixteen years old."

"Oh, so that why Florence was recruited way before me. Her birthday is much earlier than mine."

"Exactly." Toby crosses his arms now that the main point is over.

"Hang on, we still haven't been told. Why are Gracies parents still legally allowed to live on their road with dangerous gases looming underneath?"

"Yeh and the rest of my road?" Gracie mimicks Toby and folds her arms.

"Well, Gracie, do you remember that you were removed from your house with your parents to live with your grandparents as 'emotional support'?"


"When you were out we got our extraction team in, drilled a massive tube into the garden and extracted all the gases out for the whole road, there wasn't much of it so it only took a few hours."

"Well, at least I now know parents aren't slowly dying of gas poisoning."

They all laugh.

"Is everything alright down here?"

They all hear footsteps coming down the stairs.

"Huh, wait what, OH NO, Toby, hide behind the mat role. ARGHHH, we forgot about Josh!" Florence slaps her forehead and shoves Toby behind the mat role.

"Gentle, Flo!" Toby says after being poked by something metal behind the mat role.

"Did you just call me Flo? What have I said about that!?"

Toby disappears from sight, and Gracie removes the rope and chair, Florence manages to scatter some equipment over the floor just as the door swings open.

"Are you both alright? Florence, your face is really red. What happened?" Josh looks around and nods at Gracie, who automatically nods back.

Florence just stands there in silence, so Gracie talks.

"We were told we could try out the equipment, so we had a go."

She picks up a weight to give him the idea of what they are doing.

"Oh, ok. Are you ready to come up then?"

"Yes, of course, let us tidy up, and we will be with you." Florence starts to pick up weights from the floor.

Josh leaves the room with a sceptical look on his face.

"That. Was. Close." Florence wipes imaginary sweat from her face.

"Wow, yes, let's pick up your mess and go."

They both laugh and start picking up the dumbells. Just as they are about to leave the room, Florence whispers.

"Hey, Toby, we are leaving now so you can meet us in the clubroom if that's alright."

"Yeh, yeh, will leave in a second."



The girls leave the room and head up the stairs to Josh by the pool.

"Finally! Welcome back to fresh air!"

Josh hands them both cocktails, and they both just look at him.

"Don't worry, they are alcohol free."

He smiles, and the girls both take a sip.

"Everything took a bit longer than I though so you girls are welcome to go home now as I don't won't you traveling in the dark and I can request to have you girls for the rest of the month. If that's OK with you two."

"Thank you, that is very kind of you." Gracue put her glass down on the bar and shook hands with Josh, Florence follows behind her.

"It has been a pleasure, we will see you bright and early tomorrow."

Both girls walk over to the pier and walk down the ramp to the clubroom. They open the door to find Toby sitting on the sofa examining something whilst on the phone.

"Yes... I know...it also has a few illegal adjustments...yes I am well aware its a banned make." He looks up and sees the girls entering.

"Oh, hello girls, I'll call you back later." He ends the phone call and turns round to face them.

"What the problem, Toby." Florenc takes herself round the sofa and plonks herself onto it.

"Nothing, just communicating with the boss." He shoves something behind his back.

"That doesn't look like nothing." Gracie tries to reach in and grab it, but he slaps her hand away.

"Yeh, what's this all about? Don't try and hide things from us now. We are all on the same team." Florence crosses her arms. "Also, you called me Flo, so you owe me a favour."

Gracie rembered Florence, who hates being called Flo, and tmshe has this agreement with EVERYONE that if you call her Flo, you owe her a favour.

"Aw man, thought you forgot about that, right? Your wish is my command." He frowns deeply.

"Stop acting like a geenie, but I want to see what you are hiding."

"Fine, a deal is a deal, tell no-one about this, though."

From behind his back, he pulls out a 22 LR pistol, fully loaded, and slams it on the table.

updated this chapter on 3rd June 2024. dont miss the new details !!!

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