
The Lost Princess of Winterspring

Elani never really cared about the world around her. All she knows is that she has a family who loves her and she was contented with that kind of life. Not until she was brought out into the world of magic and she realized that everything that has been told to her was a lie. Heartbroken by the thought of it, she continues to walk her path and along the way, she met a lot of new friends that helped her comprehend what was really happening around her. Join Elani as she unravels the secrets that have been concealed all her life for her safety.

imlily · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
27 Chs


She looked up-her pretty green eyes sparkled when it landed on Raphael. Elani went behind him. She stood up and gave a wide grin to both of them.

"What do we have here?" She spoke. Her voice is a little sweet and rather rough. She tilted her head on her side and placed her hand on her waist. "Ahh . . . what does the divine knight have to do with me now?" She smirked.

"I was going to ask if you could teach my child some basics."

"Child?" She looked behind Raphael and saw a small child shivering in intense horror. Malaya chortled and throws dead glares at Elani. "I never heard you had a child." She looked again to Raphael.

"I did not announce it for it doesn't need to be announced." Malaya rolled her eyes. "Elani, don't be rude and introduce yourself to your new teacher." He glanced at Elani and pushed her to face the Woman.

"H-hello ma'am, I-I'm Elani Cathleen," She said and shut her eyes. She was too scared to stare at Malaya's eyes.

"I don't bite young Elani, although, I break bones." She sheepishly said with an evil grin.

"Malaya," Raphael warned her.

"What?" She chortled and still hitting daggers on Elani. "It's been a long time since I stopped teaching a twerp."

"She's not a twerp and doesn't insult her again."

"What's up, Raphael?"

"She's not used to insults."

"Then, I will make her." Raphael groaned in defeat. He knew Malaya is too adamant for her own good. All he has to do is have faith in his colleague. She knew she can teach Elani all of the basics. Elani should just have to endure all the pain because if she will not feel any pain, she will not learn from it otherwise.

Malaya held Elani's hand. The child began to cry. She doesn't want to be separated from her family even though it will just take her a few weeks. Raphael had reprimanded her for crying but he does not blame anyone.

She's young and loved of course no one wants to be separated. Raphael too doesn't want Elani to go but this is her destiny. They should sacrifice.

"Say your goodbyes to your father, Elani." She said while looking at the child.

"Father, do I have to?"

"Yes. You have to. I have to go now, Malaya. Please take care of my child." Raphael turned around not waiting for his daughter's response. He thought it will just hurt Elani more if he stayed there for long.

"Don't worry dear Raphael, I will," Malaya said smiling.

Malaya walked through the inner forest carrying Elani on her shoulder. The child doesn't want to go so she has to carry her and tie her hands and feet. She had put a handkerchief on Elani's mouth to prevent her from crying. She's so annoying. She said to herself.

Raphael told her that he will be back in two weeks to fetch Elani. Her basics should start now. Two weeks is such a short span of time to teach the basics but Raphael has faith in her so she should do her best.

Elani has no choice but to shut her mouth. She looked up and stares at the leaves of the trees. There's just a little sunlight that enters through the shadows of their leaves. It's so beautiful and peaceful.

The walk seems endless-the trees soon lessen and lessen. Elani began to reckon. She thought they're going into the deep forest. It should have many trees. She looked around and settled her eyes on plain land. Malaya had stopped walking and she threw Elani to the ground. She untied the knots on the hands and feet of the young. She saw that Elani was curious as she should be.

The sun is up in the sky and clouds are slowly moving. The large plain land is very clean from any weeds of sorts and tall grass. At the end of the plain grass lays a large dark cave. The silence is very disturbing. Elani had thought. What would they be doing in a plain field anyway?

"All of your training will be held here but of course aside from meditation." Malaya is standing beside Elani who's still sitting on the ground. She still perceived by the lovely land because it's her first time. She had thought that this might be a good place for training since it is away from any distractions. "Your first training will be stretching." She emphasized the word stretching with a grin.

"I do get a feeling that you don't want to do anything close to the word hard work," Malaya turned her back to her pupil as she continues with her warning. "So just a little heads up you little sheltered-ignorant child, the world doesn't revolve around you. If you don't want to improve your skills, everything that I will teach you will nonetheless, be pointless at this rate."

Elani dusted off her pants and stood up. She looked at Malaya who is now walking away from her. She hesitated to follow-no one told her to follow Malaya so she stays put to where she is.

"What do you have in mind at this very moment?" Malaya glanced over to the child.

"I am still confused though; I mean you are not wrong by saying I am sheltered and ignorant."

"Yeah, and it's not entirely your fault, how is that?" Malaya chuckled and put her hands to her mouth and was ready to scream.

"Leviathan!" Shouted Malaya. The ground grumbles heavily, Elani had to hug the tree trunk so she will not fall. She looked at where the shaking is from inside the cave she saw a large silhouette.

It's not a human. The monster's hand gripped the entrance of the cave to pull himself out. His hand was large and green with shades of yellow. Soon, his head was revealing. His left eye was injured—someone had cut it precisely. His fangs are quite long. He has no nose but gills. He was holding something like an axe.