
The Lost Princess of Winterspring

Elani never really cared about the world around her. All she knows is that she has a family who loves her and she was contented with that kind of life. Not until she was brought out into the world of magic and she realized that everything that has been told to her was a lie. Heartbroken by the thought of it, she continues to walk her path and along the way, she met a lot of new friends that helped her comprehend what was really happening around her. Join Elani as she unravels the secrets that have been concealed all her life for her safety.

imlily · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
27 Chs


It's been four hours since they started their walk to Malaya's den. Elani was asking his father, useless and trifle questions but after that, the walk was silent. Elani hadn't spoken of what she dreamt last night.

The dream soon became becloud to her and some details, she cannot remember. The face of the woman who saved her from the darkness became blurry in her memory. Even though she wanted to, her efforts are to no avail. All she remembers is what the woman told her: Because I will be here with you forever. It was running through her head even if she wanted to shake it off.

"Your face says you're perplexed." Raphael became anxious when Elani had stopped asking questions and became quiet. She looks like she was frazzled. She jounced the nightmare and looked at her father in a jiffy.

"What are you thinking?" He asked.

"I'm . . . just scared to be alone." She murmured looking down at her shoes. She hates prevaricating. It feels like you're making them look like a fool. It was a huge lie but she is really scared.

Both Raphael and Olivia have said that Malaya's very strict and harsh with her students however, that wasn't what she was thinking of right now. It was the darkness. It was the first time Elani encountered a nightmare like this. She tightens the grip on her father's hand.

Raphael had felt the uneasiness of his daughter. He was thinking of a way to ease his daughter's anxiousness. He knew Elani was lying but he doesn't want to push the child. He knew how hard to tell a lie to someone just to make that someone not worry.

He looked around to find something that will avert his daughter's mind and he is certain that Elani had not known yet about the secret of Laerosans.

"Do you see stray animals, dear Elani?" He stopped walking and glanced at Elani. They also need rest for they were walking for almost five hours. Elani sat down beside her father.

Her shoulder-length brown hair flew in front of her face and she tugged it. Raphael was watching Elani. He was sure that Elani got her dark brown hair from her father-definitely from Duke Montenour. Elani has an indigo-colored pupil—a sign that she has royal blood.

He became disquietude. He has to hide Elani's pupils but how? I'll think about it later. He focused on Elani's face-that she got from Ryleia. Her small pointy nose was pale and her thin lips were pink reddish and a small blush was always present on her cheeks.

"Oh, I didn't notice it, father. What are Laerosans?"

Raphael looked at the skies. It was peaceful and calm when there's no war. When all the people just wanted peace but that will be absurd. Other nimphians wanted power and revenge.

"The legend says that in the Vally, there is a hidden kingdom called Laeros. Some nimphians are sensitive-they are the royal blood. And some are insensitive. The royal blood is the ones that governed the whole country hence to make the country at peace and balance." Raphael had punched the tree trunk.

The trunk soon shrugs and let a rain of fruits. Raphael had held the shoulders of Elani and shielded her from the falling fruits with his magic. Elani had picked fruit and bite it.

"What's the significance of the stray animals to Laeros? Oh, chewy." She commented on the yellow fruit she's eating.

"The kingdom of Laeros is governed by the stray animals. They're-" Elani was stupefied by what her father had said and cut Raphael with a loud laugh. How can those stray animals be in one place? That's preposterous! They're in chaos if so. They'll just eat each other

Raphael coughed to excuse Elani from laughing. As when she was done, he continued,

"Laerosans are a group of mythical animals. Though they are animals, they prefer calling themselves Laerosans. The difference, however, is immense. Laerosans can talk, walk with just two legs and the birds can't fly. It's to be balanced. Birds should be fair with other ground animals. They also have a corresponding size."

"What is the size, father?" She asked and tilted her head.

"Double your size or sometimes, triple." Elani gasped.

"Can we get to see them?"

"Are we royals?" Raphael looked deep into Elani's dark blue eyes. When will be the right time to tell her? He asked himself.

"N-no." She looked down again, disappointed.

"That's your answer," Raphael had stood up and helped Elani to stand. At least he averted the thought that ran earlier to Elani's mind.

"But soon, you will see them." Raphael continued to walk.

Elani was flabbergasted. I will get to see them? However, as much as she wanted to ask, she saw a bungalow on the top of the tree far away from them. That must be it. She thought her hands were sweating. Her emotions are flooded-she doesn't know what to feel. She was more overwhelmed.

For two traveling days, they're almost to their destination but she doesn't want to let Raphael's hand go.

The treehouse is a large bungalow. It is far away from the ground. It is mostly made of redwoods and the roof consists of ropes and leaves. Elani became bewildered. How will they even go up there?

"We will not," said Raphael. It is quite pellucid on Elani's face. "She builds that treehouse so that no one will disturb her there. We will call her from there." Raphael pointed to the tree below the treehouse.

As soon as they were at the bottom of the treehouse, the heartbeat of Elani started to rage. It is the first time they're going to be separated. Raphael looked up and blew a whistle which sounded like a bird's singing. He repeated it thrice.

Soon, the door above opened revealing a woman in the red suit. She looked down and surprised to see who visited her. She grinned and jumped down. Elani's eyes widened. It is far atop but she jumped. Malaya's house is like a four-story building!

She landed on the ground like she was honoring a king in front of her. She was wearing black boots. Her pants are in dark red with two black stripes on each side. Her armor is also dark red. She was wearing a one-piece suit. Her pauldrons are not long enough but Elani wondered if the woman gets bothered by it. Her black hair was cut short as a man has.