
The Lost Legends of Humanity

Ezrae is a storyteller in ancient Egypt. A member of The Circle; a group who are collectors of stories, legends, and myths; many of which have to do with the history of the Israelites, God, and their many traditions and histories. Welcome to: “The Lost Legends of Humanity”

Cassian_James · Eastern
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Gathering Supplies to Heal the Mind: “Moon-Chime Lily, Aloe Bulb, and Valerian Root.”

Miriam handed Caleb a scrap of parchment, upon which she had written the herbs she needed. She hugged Caleb and kissed his forehead, before saying, "That's what I need. That will help me make a tincture that will help to heal Ezrae's mind… Please be careful, okay?"

Caleb smiled at her and nodded his head, before taking a look at the list she gave him. He read it under his breath and it was like the gears in his head began to turn. "Moon-Chime Lily Nectar… Aloe Bulb Gel, and Valerian Root Powder… Hm… Interesting. Ok."

He started shuffling through his cloak, and pulling things out of different pockets. After a minute or so of searching, he pulled out a small satchel that jingled slightly, when he moved it.

Opening the satchel, Caleb pulled out a few small glass jars, each one with a different label. He took 2 of them and gave them to Miriam. One of them had a thick, greenish, viscous liquid, and was labeled as "Ahalim," and the other was a reddish-brown powder, which was labeled "V. Root."

He smiled and said, "Luckily, Yahweh basically started preparing me for this day, 30 years ago, when he endowed me with an interest and a talent in herbology. But that's a story for another time…

Luckily I had 2 out of 3 of the ingredients you need, but I am out of Moon-Chime Lily, and… we have a slight problem. Moon chime Lily only blooms for 3 days a month, starting on the day before the full moon, and ending the day after.

The full moon isn't for two more weeks, and the nectar you need is only produced during its bloom."

Miriam looked nervous and worried, responding with, "If we wait until then, it's possible that Ezrae will be too far gone, too broken… He may not be able to return to us."

Aaron, who was listening to everything along with Moses, cleared his throat and stood up. "Well… It's not entirely impossible.

If we could emulate the light and conditions during those days, we might be able to trick the Lily into blooming for us… Maybe we could use your blessings, Brother?"

Moses shook his head, saying "No, I don't think so. Not MY blessings, anyway. But if Ezrae was here, he could do it with his… maybe…" Moses walked over to Ezrae's staff, and gently picked it up. It felt warm, which was a good thing.


"Caleb. Do you know where to get the Moon-Chime Lily?"

Caleb nodded in response, before Moses continued.

"Perfect. Please go and fetch it. I have an idea, but in order for it to work, I will need to converse with Lord Yahweh… So, for now, I will take my leave, and isolate myself in prayer and meditation.

Miriam, please stay with Ezrae and tend to him until I return. Aaron, I need you to go out into the camps, and relay Caleb's warning of battle to all of the Israelites. Have the men begin to prepare themselves for battle, pray to Yahweh, and say goodbye to their families.

We're not all going to come home from this. But the Nation of Israel will live on, as long as our faith in the Father remains strong."

Miriam, Caleb, and Aaron all nodded, snapping into action. Miriam dipped another rag in water and rung it out, putting it on Ezrae's forehead and talking to him sweetly.

Aaron left the Tent, and began gathering the Israelite men, to prepare for the oncoming battle. Caleb walked out after Aaron, but not before stopping and putting a rough-hewn hand on Moses' shoulder, smiling, and said, "We have nothing to worry about, we have Yahweh behind us."

Moses nodded and smiled back, replying with "That is the absolute truth. I'm glad to see you haven't forgotten that after all of these years." Moses took Ezrae's staff with him, and headed out into the desert, in the opposite direction that Caleb was going.

He would need isolation to train, learn, and speak with Yahweh; In order to save Ezrae, and defend the Israelites.

If you wanna see the version of this story that isn’t on webnovel, and is just on my Google Docs, to can usually watch me edit and write live!


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