
The Lost Legends of Humanity

Ezrae is a storyteller in ancient Egypt. A member of The Circle; a group who are collectors of stories, legends, and myths; many of which have to do with the history of the Israelites, God, and their many traditions and histories. Welcome to: “The Lost Legends of Humanity”

Cassian_James · Eastern
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73 Chs

The Staff-Bearer: “The First Encounter”

Ezrae's body collapsed onto the plateau, as these final words from Metatron echoed in his head:

"Welcome, Staff-Bearer. History is yours. Make sure you serve it well, like those who came before you."

Shelomith rushed over to him and held him tight to her, saying frantically, "Ezrae, Oh my God. Are you okay? That was terrifying. It looked like you were struck by lightning.

What just happened?! That was not normal. Your staff… it floated. And you floated! And… WHAT?"

In response, Ezrae chuckled weakly, and said, "I'm sorry. I'm too tired to explain right now… Can we sleep? Just for a little while? Everything hurts."

Shelomith nodded, and began to stroke Ezrae's hair until it slowly lulled him to sleep. After a couple of hours had passed, Ezrae woke up, and found himself with his head lying in Shelomith's lap; with her sleeping soundly, on her back, on the plateau.

He carefully, and as quietly as he could manage, snuck away from her while she slept. He grabbed his staff, and set off into the city, heading back to the tent he was staying in temporarily.

He cut through back alleys and even traveled from roof to roof for a while, trying to mull over the day's happenings, his future, and his feelings.

When he arrived and went inside, he was surprised to see Moses sitting there. Moses looked up with a smile… but something was a little off. He seemed… strange. His movements felt slightly jerky, and there was a strange acrid smell in the tent, but Ezrae couldn't quite figure out what it was.

"Hello there, Ezrae. Where have you been? I've been waiting for you for a couple hours now. How are you holding up?"

Ezrae nodded, and responded with "I'm doing okay, pops. Shelomith and I went to The Plateau to talk, and I had a very strange experience…"

Ezrae pulled up a chair and sat across from Moses, as he began recounting the tales of the night to him. The entire time he was telling his story, he kept feeling a pull to his staff, and a feeling of unease. That acrid smell still hung in the air, and almost seemed to emanate from Moses.

He listened intently to everything Ezrae had to say, his strange smile never wavering, and nodding along where appropriate. "So… You met with an Angel of the Lord, and were granted blessings… But you're not a prophet. You're not receiving commands from Yahweh, but you are empowered by him…"

It looked like Moses was thinking, as he stroked his beard and for the first time since Ezrae had entered the tent, his facial expression changed… And it wasn't a very positive change.

Moses' features twisted slightly and his eyes changed color to a much more demonic appearance. His sclera turned black, his Iris turned red, and his pupil turned white. His bottom jaw began tearing away and separating from his body, as his voice changed, sounding deeper and distorted, and echoed through the tent.

"You are no prophet, but that could change one day, Ezrae of Tribe Judah. In addition, that staff holds far too much information about this world… Our Lord Lucifer has declared your death a necessity."

Moses's body began to shift, break, and reassemble itself. His bones ripped through his body at awkward and unnatural angles.

His head spun around 360 degrees, and his teeth & nails sharpened and elongated. Whatever this creature was… it wasn't Moses.

Ezrae, sweating and terrified, tried to back away from this thing, and tripped, hitting the ground. He felt his lip bust, and the taste of blood filled his mouth. He was flooded, and frozen with terror; he began to pray, and make peace with what was going to happen.

Suddenly Aaron burst into the tent, carrying a strange scroll that Ezrae had never seen before. However, he had seen the symbols on it. They were the same symbols that were on the cloak of the Angel, Metatron.

Speaking in a language that Ezrae didn't recognize, Aaron was chanting something, and it was affecting this creature. The creature was screaming and covering its ears, as Moses came in behind Aaron.

"By the name of God…" Ezrae mumbled, as he watched what was happening.

Moses lifted his staff, chanting with Aaron, as the creature continued to writhe in pain, and begged for them to stop. That thing spoke in a deep dark and evil language, and just hearing it sent chills down Ezrae's spine.

Finally, Moses slammed his staff against the ground and said, commandingly, "BEGONE, DEMON! YOU ARE NOT WELCOME IN THE NATION OF ISRAEL!"

As if recoiling from these words, the creature melted away into smoke and disappeared into the ground, leaving behind flaming cracks.

Aaron hit the ground on one knee, looking completely exhausted, and Moses immediately walked over to Ezrae; checking him out, and seeing if he was injured in any way.

The vigor and power that was so prevalent in both of their faces just a few seconds ago, was drained; and replaced with exhaustion and worry.

Ezrae just looked at Moses, terrified and confused, before he said "What… just… happened…"

If you wanna see the version of this story that has the illustrations and makes it easier to imagine what you’re seeing, please visit the Google doc!!!


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