
The Lost Legends of Humanity

Ezrae is a storyteller in ancient Egypt. A member of The Circle; a group who are collectors of stories, legends, and myths; many of which have to do with the history of the Israelites, God, and their many traditions and histories. Welcome to: “The Lost Legends of Humanity”

Cassian_James · Eastern
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73 Chs

Aaron: “Loyalty, Strength, and Love for God.”

The restless murmurs of the Israelites swirled through the air, growing louder with each passing moment. The men had been gathered, but no one knew why. Finally, Aaron arrived at their meeting place after collecting the last of the men.

Dibri of the tribe of Dan, who was known for his outspoken nature, stepped forward; his face etched with anger and frustration. The beads of sweat on his brow mirrored the inner turmoil brewing within him. He looked at Aaron with fiery eyes and raised his voice,

"Aaron, this is too much! Day after day, we face new challenges. Now you've gathered all the men here… For what?! Have we not done enough in the past two months?! And now, our Prophet disappears while his brother gathers up like cattle."

Aaron met Dibri's gaze, his eyes reflecting understanding, strength, and kindness... He knew the weight of responsibility had begun to bore heavy on their shoulders.

The Israelites were no longer chained… no longer enslaved. But their minds were still trapped in a slave-like idealism. The knowledge that they are free, and have a world full of responsibility ahead of them, was a difficult burden to bear.

With a calm and measured tone, he addressed the concerns that rippled through the camp. "I know it feels unsettling, my fellow Israelites… If anyone on this earth can understand how you all feel right now, it's me." he began, his voice resonating with empathy.

"But let me assure you, Moses has not abandoned you, but has gone to the desert in isolation. He is searching for communion with Yahweh; seeking divine guidance for our battle against the Amalekites. His presence will be with us, regardless of whether or not it's in the flesh…"

Another Israelite stepped forward. He was a young, skinny, wiry fellow who had no hair and a long beard, named Tristan.

"Please excuse my rudeness, High Priest… But why have you gathered us here? Seeing as you have only gathered the men, I assume you require manual labor?"

Aaron cleared his throat to get serious, and responded, saying,

"Not exactly… Men, we have received warning that in just under 24 hours, we will be besieged by a tribe of natives to the Desert, known as the Amalekites. We've been able to piece together some information on them, but we don't know everything.

Gershom, Moses' young and fiery-spirited eldest son, couldn't contain his frustrations any longer. His voice cracked with emotion as he spoke, his eyes locking onto Aaron's. "But why isn't he here with us, guiding us in this crucial moment?" he pleaded, his tone laced with desperation.

Aaron placed a hand on Gershom's shoulder, his voice filled with reassurance. "Gershom, my nephew," he began, his tone steady and comforting.

"Your father, Moses, has entrusted me with the responsibility to lead and represent him in his absence. He is fully aware of our situation, and the impending battle. We carry his teachings and his faith within us… Keep your eyes on Yahweh."

The camp fell silent, the weight of Aaron's words sinking deep into the hearts of the Israelite men. Just as the last doubt began to dissipate, Joshua, a respected figure among the Israelites, stepped forward. His presence commanded attention, and his words carried a sense of authority.

"Aaron," Joshua spoke with conviction, his voice strong and resolute. "I hold no doubt in your authority as one of our high priests and elders... But I find myself questioning your prowess in battle."

Aaron smiled, recognizing Joshua's intentions. "Well, I suppose I could always show you." he responded, his voice carrying a sense of gratitude.

Joshua smiled back, saying, "That's exactly what I wanted to hear… How about we solidify our unity and strengthen our spirits, through a little bit of unarmed combat? No intention for death, just a friendly little fight; to remind these guys what we're fighting FOR."

The Israelite men formed a circle around the two men, creating a makeshift arena where Aaron and Joshua could settle their dispute. The anticipation in the air was palpable as the two men locked eyes, their determination evident.

The beating of drums set the rhythm, matching the pounding hearts of the onlookers. With measured moves and calculated strikes, Aaron and Joshua engaged in a prolonged wrestling match.

They displayed both skill and respect, their bodies intertwining and contorting as they tested their strength and agility. The sweat soaked their brows, mirroring the intensity of their struggle.

The fight unfolded, each move met with a countermove, showcasing their resilience, and unwavering determination. The cheers of the crowd intensified, urging them on as they grappled with every ounce of their strength.

Aaron, though tested, exhibited his agility and unwavering faith. With a final surge of energy, he executed a masterful maneuver, sweeping out the legs under Joshua, and bringing him to the ground. The crowd erupted in cheers, witnessing Aaron's triumph.

As Joshua rose, he extended a hand to Aaron, his face beaming with admiration and respect. "You are a true leader," he proclaimed, his voice filled with sincerity. Then, he turned to the crowd of men, to talk to them.

"Israelites! I hope that this reminded you we are not following soft men who will roll over at the first challenge. We are Men of God! Yahweh empowers us, protects us, and guides us. Don't forget who you are.

Aaron clasped Joshua's hand firmly, his gaze reflecting gratitude, respect, and excitement.

The Israelite men, their spirits reinvigorated by Aaron's victory and Joshua's words, stood as a united force; ready to defend their loved ones, and confront the next impending threat.

The camp transformed into a hive of activity as the Israelites prepared for battle. Armor was fitted, shields were polished, and swords were sharpened. The clanging of metal reverberated through the air, intermingling with prayers and words of sincerity.

Aaron took his place at the forefront, his authoritative presence commanding attention. He addressed the Israelite men, his voice ringing with conviction, "Brothers, today we stand united, bound by loyalty, strength, and love for God.

Let not doubt cloud our hearts, for our faith shall be our shield, and our righteousness our sword. When we wear the armor of God's Word, nothing can destroy us.

Together, we will defeat the Amalekites, and show that no one is stronger than our God!! ISRAEL IS CAPTIVE NO MORE!!!"

If you wanna see the version of this story that isn’t on webnovel, and is just on my Google Docs, to can usually watch me edit and write live!


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