
The Lost Legends of Humanity

Ezrae is a storyteller in ancient Egypt. A member of The Circle; a group who are collectors of stories, legends, and myths; many of which have to do with the history of the Israelites, God, and their many traditions and histories. Welcome to: “The Lost Legends of Humanity”

Cassian_James · Eastern
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73 Chs

Caleb: “Overcoming Darkness with Unyielding Faith”

The arid desert wind whipped around Caleb, as he ventured north from Rephidim. For 35 years, he had traversed this barren land. He had lived the life of a nomad among foreign tribes, seeking a means to an end.

Somehow, through the years, his unwavering faith had remained strong, and steadfast, even amidst the darkest of trials. The tribes of this Desert worshiped many different gods, but none of them held Caleb's heart like Yahweh.

The memory of the Amalekites, a people immersed in darkness, resurfaced in Caleb's mind. Their worship of Baal, a false god, hadled them astray.

Their depravity knew no bounds, engaging in abhorrent rituals of human sacrifice, blood-soaked bathing, and cannibalistic practices to appease their false god. They even had the audacity to call Baal "Elohim," mocking the one true God.

In his travels, Caleb had encountered these wicked Amalekites, and sought refuge among them, to learn their ways. The air in their camp hung heavy with the weight of their malevolence.

But his faith had never faltered; it burned within him, a beacon of light amidst the encroaching darkness, and Yahweh kept him safe from danger.

As he absent mindedly walked, mulling over all of these things in his mind, Caleb found himself standing before the cave, its hidden sanctuary awaiting him. As he stepped into its depths, the air grew heavy with anticipation, the scent of damp earth mingling with the sweet smell of the slumbering Lillies.

Suddenly, from the shadows, a demonic creature materialized, its grotesque form looming over Caleb.

Inky black, slime-like ooze dripped from its body, which was encased in the stuff. Its eyes, void of life, and burning red like smoldering embers fixated on Caleb, hungering for his submission; while the stench of sulfur and rot clung to its presence.

It opened its mouth; revealing long, jagged, sharp teeth, as it's disgusting tentacle-like tongue flopped out, and a deep, guttural, evil voice came forth from the depths of its stomach.

"You dare to defy Baal, mortal?" The creature hissed, its voice laced with venomous intent. "Your soul belongs to him now, and you owe your very existence to the Amalekites. They found you, suffering, starving, and injured in the desert and saved your wretched soul. Submit, or suffer the consequences."

Caleb stood tall, his unwavering faith radiating from within. "I am not afraid, demon. I am a servant of the one true God, Yahweh," he declared, his voice resolute and unyielding.

"No darkness shall claim my soul, for I walk in the light of His divine presence. I've been told who Baal truly is, and you… you're just a pathetic messenger."

With lightning reflexes, the demonic creature lunged, claws slashing through the air. But Caleb, blessed with supernatural strength, met the attack head-on. They engaged in a fierce battle, a clash of wills and a fury of blows echoing through the desolate landscape.

Caleb, driven by his unyielding faith, fought with an inner fire that fueled his every movement. With each strike, he tore through the creature's grotesque form, its black ooze splattering against the arid ground, and hard walls of the cave; sizzling like acid.

The demon screamed in pain, not having realized the extent of Caleb's faith and strength. Caleb overpowered the demon, ripping it apart with his bare hands, as it melted away.

Breathing heavily, Caleb surveyed the aftermath of the battle, his wounds a testament to his tenacity. He had a deep puncture wound from the creature's claws, and it seemed to have that black ooze in it… and it hurt like nothing he had ever experienced before.

His gaze turned towards the unbloomed Moon-Chime Lilies, nestled safely in the back of the cave. They glowed softly, and almost eerily; their delicate petals untouched by the violence that had just unfolded. It was always awe-inspiring to witness the beauty of God's creation, when he had a moment to truly appreciate it.

He went about harvesting them, taking care not to get any blood or other matter on them. He slowly got up, and carried the precious Moon-Chime Lilies, symbols of healing and hope, back to the Israelite camp.

As he approached Miriam, his voice carried a mix of exhaustion and triumph. "Miriam," he called out, his voice echoing through the camp. "I have returned, bearing the Moon-Chime Lilies. But I need help… please, mend my wounds, for I have faced the darkness and emerged victorious."

Miriam, her eyes filled with admiration and relief, rushed to his side, taking in the sight of Caleb's torn and battered form… She spoke softly, and apprecistively, her voice a soothing balm. Caleb, you did amazing. You saved Ezrae's life.

Rest now, for your trials have been great, but if we don't get you fixed and cleaned up soon, I fear what may become of those wounds."

"They will save Ezrae's life, if Moses could get them to bloom…" he thought to himself, just as the world began to go dark around him, and he started to slip into unconsciousness, his mission completed.

As Caleb succumbed to weariness, he knew that his journey was far from over. The Moon-Chime Lilies, symbols of healing and restoration, would bring hope to those who needed it most… But he had a long, personal journey ahead of him.

If you wanna see the version of this story that isn’t on webnovel, and is just on my Google Docs, to can usually watch me edit and write live!


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