
The Lord of the Rings: Conquest of the Other World

This is a truly true thing that happened to me,Strange questions, strange answers, supernatural phenomena all happen around us

YiRenLife · Fantasy
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104 Chs

Trifolium lucidum

Wan CAI King laughed, his face showed a very proud look, just like a child. Yi Xiaochuan see this secretly laugh. Wan Material proudly said:

"Count you asked the right person, the world can know this matter is really few people, and I happen to be one of them..."

Let me ask you first, what is the most important thing a martial artist needs?"

Yi Xiaochuan said:

"That is naturally to make their kung fu become higher and more powerful."

Wancai King nodded:

"Good! Martial arts practitioners desire for kung Fu more than anything else, which is not since the beginning of martial arts hard practice, this is because, first of all, there are many fun in the process of martial arts, let people enjoy it; Second, practicing martial arts will inevitably have the time to compete with others, the higher the kung fu, the greater the natural chance of survival, of course, we must work hard to practice kung Fu...

Only rely on their own practice to progress is extremely slow, but this is normal, because martial arts is against the rules of nature, more than a thousand times more difficult than ordinary things, nature is difficult to achieve quickly, because of this, there are very few masters in martial arts... Think about it, if everyone became a great master, wouldn't the world be a mess?"

Yi Xiaochuan said:"Good."

The king said:

"But how amazing nature is, all things in the world are interrelated, even if it is a magical thing, nature can breed it, it will also be able to breed its Nemesis..."

For example, in the remote tropical rain forest, where most of the branches and leaves are poisonous, and all the animals in the forest will be poisoned to death, but the clay under these trees is exactly the antidote to this toxicity.

Therefore, some wise and experienced animals, every time they finish eating leaves, will eat some clay, in order to save their lives."

Yi Xiaochuan said:"This is a very rare thing."

Wanchai King also said:

"Similarly, there are martial arts in the world, there must be things that limit it, such as the rules of nature, and there must be things that can help it, such as clover leaf, of course, there are other plants that can also help kung fu, such as ginseng and so on, let's not say much."

"Martial arts is divided into internal work and external work, the external work is the external movement, the internal work is a very magical and very mysterious force hidden in the body, along the trajectory of human blood, once the force with the acceleration of their own blood running in the body, so that people can display incredible ability...

The distant Western Empire is a very magical magical world, in fact, magic is also internal work, but two civilizations for the same thing just different names.

"Martial arts people eat clover leaf, it has absorbed for thousands of years of heaven and earth essence Yuan refining, can improve the ability of decades to hundreds of years, mainly depending on the growth year of clover leaf and the personal qualifications of martial arts people...

If you think about it, who wouldn't want to reach a very high level of martial arts after practicing kung fu for a few decades for no reason?

Even if ordinary people eat it, they can live a long life and never get sick. So it is! It's no surprise that the best fought over it."

Yi Ogawa Do:"I see."

Wancai Wang continued:"Even in the legend, someone ate Sanye Zhi, flew up in the day, and became immortal and Buddha, the magic of this thing can be seen from this."

But this thing is very rare, hundreds of years to appear in the world once, every time the appearance, also in the rivers and lakes set off all over the sky, this time is of course no exception... It is also that this thing is too rare, few people know how to really take it, so that the master beat the head to the blood for this useless thing, funny ah funny.

"Every time it grows in the uninhabited mountains and islands, it has only one leaf when it sprouts, one more when it grows to 1,000 years, one more when it grows to 10,000 years, and one more when it grows to 10,000 years. The one you took has three leaves, at least 10,000 years, at most 99,999 years, because by 100,000 years, there will be four leaves, and then one more leaf every 100,000 years...By the way, could he talk when you first saw him?"

"It can't speak by itself, but when I speak, it imitates me,"

Yi said. King of all Materials:

"This is it, it will never exceed 50,000 years, because there is no self-awareness, but it has grown a pronunciation organization, learning to speak you, I believe it is only meaningless imitation, but it has to grow up to 50,000 years, then it can really speak human language, if on 100,000 years, not only one more leaf, but also drill out of the land, become a small man or pony, and run around the mountain to play... In fact, this clover is also against the natural rules of growth, so young many disasters.

But if it really grows to 100,000 years, it will be protected by heaven and earth, and anyone who dares to harm it will be sent by heaven... However, at this time, this object is often good at the magic of moving through the earth, can run underground at the speed of thousands of miles in a moment, and ordinary people want to catch it, but also extremely difficult."

Ten thousand wood king this word is half not said, that Trilobia actually has grown to ninety-nine thousand nine hundred and ninety years, less than a few years will be able to one hundred thousand years, with him to grow a ginseng, earlier reached one hundred thousand years, has become a small man full of mountains to play, later also help Trilobia to seize the branch part, the result not only did not become, but steal chicken not reverse a rice.

Trilobia can speak after 50,000 years, but this branch was unfortunately broken when the two beasts fought, and was picked up by Yi Xiaochuan, because its consciousness is in the root, so the pole can not talk with Yi Xiaochuan, just meaningless imitation, this section is also expected by the king of all materials.

After this conversation, Yi Xiaochuan had a preliminary understanding of Mitsuaki. For the next three days, he was busy carrying sacks of grain to the ship. He never bothered to do anything about it until the afternoon of the third day, when the sailing ship

"Breaking the Waves" slowly sailed out of the harbor and down the river to the endless sea at the end.

The sun was setting, the surroundings were warm, and Yi Xiaochuan leaned against the side of the ship, bathed in the dusk sunlight, blowing the breeze, looking at the scenery on the shore that was different from the Earth, and was filled with emotions. The journey of thousands of miles was finally about to begin.

His right hand played with the trifodium, for a long time, thinking that he had no intention to come to this world, initially thought that this thing was his own life, but did not expect it to be of no use, on the contrary, he nearly died more than once, want to keep it as a memorial, it is also very frightening, thinking about it, think that this thing is extremely ominous to stay around, cruel heart, With a sharp throw of the right hand. The three leaves in the air drew an arc, far fly out, ding dong, fell in the river, splashing a few flowers, in the sun shine like a few pearls.

Since then, for half a month, Yi Xiaochuan mostly spent in the cabin, and sometimes when he arrived at the dock along the river bank, he went to visit with the ashore purchasing staff, but also enjoyed a lot of exotic customs, tasted a lot of different flavors of food, and the mysterious face of the world was slowly lifting the veil and presented in front of him.

This morning, the sun is still under the sea level, but all the people on the ship have got up early, Yi Xiaochuan and the first mate Du Ming, the second mate Li Er, the sailor Guo Xiaoyan, Guo Yan and others in the bow of the giant crossbow shot a huge extremely do not know what fish.

After the bolt is shot out, there is a long cable attached to the back, if the target is hit, turn the ship's reel, the long cable will be wound around it, the bolt can be slowly recovered, and the shot will be pulled onto the boat, and the end is a sharp tool for fishing at sea.

This crew, in addition to Yi Xiaochuan, is already an old hand in the sea, and is familiar with these maritime activities, but after the first mate Du Ming's arrow is shot out, the big fish swims back and forth in the water for a while, and no longer moves, at the moment, the people roll the rope and steer the rudder, and the fish is pulled up in a moment, only to see that there is about the size of a person, and the scales are colorful and gorgeous.

Long dorsal fin, tail fin like a blade, full of sharp fangs, mouth at both ends of the two long whiskers, looks like a dragon, looks very specific, and the general fish is very different.

The crossbow had struck it in the stomach, pierced it, and by this time it had been dead for a long time, and when it was pulled into the boat it was bleeding in a large, cruel way.